Website Phases: 1. Define Web Objectives (week 1)

  • Uploaded by: percybhai031
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  • June 2020
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Download & View Website Phases: 1. Define Web Objectives (week 1) as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 857
  • Pages: 14
Website Phases 1.




Define Web Objectives (week 1) –


Target market

Layout approach



Obtain Client Assets (week 1) –


Domain Transfer

Existing collateral

Professional photos

Present Layout Options (week 2) –

Select layout

Agree on navigation

Select stock Photos

Decide on enhanced features (week 2) –


Video interviews



Develop Site and Content (weeks 2-3)

6. 7.

Review Beta Site (week 4) Launch Site (week 4 or convert to time and material changes)


(needed for SEO and Content)

1. D e te rm in e co rre ct ke yw o rd s 1. O b ta in a list o f ke y w o rd s a n d p h ra se s fro m clie n t 2. Pe rfo rm G o o g le a n a lysis to d e te rm in e ra tin g a n d o th e r p o te n tia l ke y w o rd s a n d p h ra se s. 3. D e cid e o n n e w ke yw o rd p o ssib ilitie s b y sim p le ju d g m e n t o r cu sto m e r in p u t 2. B a sic S e a rch ( S E O ) 1. U R L - ( A ) 2. M e ta – ( A ) 3. Title – ( A ) 4. H e a d e rs – ( K ) 5. B o ld – ( K ) 6. B o d y – ( K ) 7. C o n te n t – ( K ) p lu s p a id co n te n t w ritin g ( A ) llpages , ( K ) ey allpages 3. Pa id S e a rch ( S E M ) 1. Lo w e re d p rice ta rg e t sp e cific p la n 2. La n d in g Pa g e

What do you want your website to do? Communicate my brand. Appeal to my target market. Exist because every business needs a website. Differentiate my business from my

competitors. Explain a complicated or new product. Directly drive revenue to my business. Imagery (vacation, golf, family, ????)



What do you want your website to do?



Who is your target market? Unique qualifications Age group Income level Gender Marital status Interests What does your product achieve for them?pain point(s) does your product What resolve?

1. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 3.

Who is your target market? Unique qualifications Age group Income level Gender Marital status Interests What does your product achieve for them?pain point(s) does your product What resolve?

1. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 3.

S a m p le S ite s

h ttp :// w w w . kim b e rlysa lo n . co m

Like s:

D islike s:

W ire fra m e s 1. B lu e – sp e cific lo ca tio n s 2. G re e n – le ft u p to d e sig n e r

C lie n t S u p p lie d Ph o to H om e

W ire fra m e s 1. B lu e – sp e cific lo ca tio n s 2. G re e n – le ft u p to d e sig n e r

N eed C SS O n ly Gallery

1.Classification Change to multiselect. 1.Item Type Display Type: (List View or Picture View) 1.Sub-type (not defined fro Angie, still be supported like Haberdashery )

Gallery Before and After Specialty Styles Clients Eyewear Riserva Maui Jim

A fte r Pictu re ( Item )

---------C o lo r B e a u ty $ 2 6 5 $ 2 2 5

Picture (Item) Name service, Price on this page or not?

After Picture (Item)

Picture (Item)

Wireframes 1.Blue – specific locations 2.Green – left up to designer

Need CSS Only Gallery

Picture (Item)

Color Beauty Package…. $225 Color Treatment ….. Normally $190 Cut……………………….. Normally $45

Style…………………….. $20


Book Package If “service” then book, else Order

Order Now

Wireframes 1.Blue – specific locations 2.Green – left up to designer

Need CMS for Content Bio

Picture (Item)

Bio Content

Wireframes 1.Blue – specific locations 2.Green – left up to designer

sd Services Rework this……


Select a Service

Search Calendar

Choose a Time


Wireframes 1.Blue – specific locations 2.Green – left up to designer

Need CMS for Content Map CMS Content Block OC Address and Phone


Email Me Driving Direction

Text Me Address

Completion Checklist N a vig a tio n w o rkin g a n d te ste d S ta n d a rd S E O co m p le te d

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