Web Team Meeting August 2009-2

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  • Words: 1,413
  • Pages: 27
AABC Web Team

Three Types of Church Sites Brochure Limited amount of content Static – almost never changes Primarily for potential visitors

Directory Additional content includes calendar of events, listing of various ministries, staff, and missionaries. Static except calendar

Magazine Additional content includes articles, media (audio and video) resources for community and for congregation. Dynamic – frequent changes draw repeat visitors. Functions as a communications hub for congregation Presents a contemporary and information rich image of the character of the church

Visitors will now visit a church website before ever coming in the doors 78.6% of the time.

Interesting Sites for Inspiration


Embeded Video >>

Vision for the site

1. Visually Attractive – great first impression for visitors 2. Easy to use – logical navigation, focused on user 3. Dynamic – up to date, fresh content added frequently 4. Primary Audience & Purposes • Church Seekers • wanting to know more about us to determine if we can meet their needs

• Attenders • Communications hub for information, schedules, event registration, directory etc. • Easy access to resources needed for ministry

Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

SECTION HOME: Graphic of church building •Contact Information •Staff Profiles (Pastor’s Bio, Elders, Deacons) •Doctrinal Statement •Constitution •Five Year Plan •Church History •Becoming a Member of AABC (This section is primarily a 1 time setup – no ongoing content)


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

SECTON HOME: Welcome from the Pastor (embedded video?) •What We Believe (summary of doctrine) •Directions & Map (embedded Google map) •Service Schedule •What to expect (style of worship & music - embedded video?) •Nursery & Junior Church (link to section pages) (This section is primarily a 1 time setup – no ongoing content)


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

SECTION HOME: General Graphic •How can I Be Saved? •Biblical Answers to Life’s Questions •Bible Study Helps •Daily Devotionals •Links to On-line Spiritual Resources •On-line Bible (embedded application) (This section is primarily a 1 time setup – no ongoing content)


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

SECTION HOME: Graphic Banner for current sermon series (small version of banner also appears on home page as link to here) •Listen / View This Week’s Sermon •Live broadcast of Sunday Worship service (10:30 AM) •Subscribe to AABC Podcasts on iTunes •Sermon Archives (searchable by keyword, reference) •Listen to Adult Bible Fellowship Lessons (link to ABF page) •Document & File Library (download documents, sermon outlines, weekly bulletins, church directory etc)


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

Section Home: Video Intro with Graphic banners for sections •Adult Fellowship Blog •Adult Bible Fellowship Classes •Mixed Class (Handouts & Audio Recording of Lessons) •Ladies Class (Handouts & Audio Recording of Lessons) •Chosen Vessels Women's Ministry •About Chosen Vessels •Events •Women’s Resources •Men’s Ministry & Prayer Groups •(same as women's) •Neighborhood Home Groups •About NHG (Overview with photos of each group) •Resources for Home Groups


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

Section Home: Graphic Banner for upcoming events •Teen Blog (articles by teens about teen events with photos/videos) •Word of Life Teens •About Word of Life (Intro video, + leaders, WOL schedule) •DIA Groups •Contests •Photo Albums •WOL Resources •Praise Band •About Praise Band (Intro video) •Download Praise Band Music (MP3 & iTunes Podcast) •No Strings Attached Puppet Team •About our Puppet Team (intro video, schedule, leaders,etc) •Puppet Resources (scripts, practice audio tracts download) •Outreach – Teen Mission Opportunities (link to missions trips)


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

Section Home: Graphic Banner for section links below •Children’s Ministry Blog •Olympian Club for kids •About Olympians (Leaders, Club Schedule (intro video? ) •Photo Albums •Challenger (age 6-8) (awards, levels, verse audio files etc) •Conqueror (age 8-10) (awards, levels, verse audio files etc) •Champion (age 10-12) (awards, levels, verse audio files etc) •Sunday School Classes •About Our Sunday School (class listing, teacher contacts) •What We Teach Curriculum Outlines •Resources for Teachers •Nursery Program •About our Nursery (Welcome, committee contacts, policies, what to expect) •Nursery Workers Training •Staffing Calendar •Junior Church •About our Junior Church Program •Junior Church Curriculum Resources & Music •Staffing Calendar


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving







Reaching Out

Section Home: Graphic Banner for upcoming events •Missions Blog (missionary news, links to prayer letters, upcoming events) •Missions Committee •Community Outreach •Annual Almond Days Parade •Christmas Coffee House •Missions Trips •Philadelphia Outreach •New York City Outreach •Camp Evangel Outreach •Missionary Profiles •New York State •United States •Overseas


Site Structure About Us | Visitors | Spiritual Help | Media Center | Giving & Serving






•On-line Giving Contributions •Send an e-invitation (attend, download sermon etc) •Caring Network (prayer & visitation tracking) •Servant’s Heart Program •About Servant’s Heart (description, coordinators contact) •Ministry Opportunity Listing •Resources •Library •About our library •Featured Books •On-line Card Catalog? •Technology Committee •About the Tech Committee (description, members etc) •Phone Tree •AV Media Production •Computer Network •Web Design Team •Tech Meeting Minutes •Building Committee •About the Building Committee •Building Project Updates


Reaching Out


What's a Content Management System? A software application that allows non-technical users to make changes to an existing website with little or no training, simply by using an internet browser to add or edit information in an on-line template. The CMS then automatically generates and delivers the content to the Web site visitor when each page is viewed.

NEXT PAGE >> Example of Wordpress Blog Editing Page.

Web Site Team Organization Technology Committee Site Administrator Gary Acker

Site Editor

Graphic Design & Home Page

Greg Palmer

Linda Prinzi

About Us, & Visitor

Sections Editor Ashley Palmer

Calendar Coordinat or

Technical Support

Media Section Editor

Adult Section Editor

Teen Section Editor

Contributor s:

Contributors: ABF:

AV Uploads


Contributors : WOL:

Gary Acker

•AV Media Team Documents:

•Ashley Prince

Men’s Home Groups:

Praise Band:

Children Section Editor

Missions Section Editor

Service Section Editor

Contributors Olympian:


Contributor s Library:

Sunday School: Nursery


•Jennifer Acker

Ashley Palmer

Jr Church

Mission Committee:

Community: Mission Trips: Missionaries:

Servant Heart: Tech Committee:

• Bldg Committee:

Web Site Team Organization Technology •Site Admin Committee

Overall site implementation, templates, backend CMS. Site• Administrator Gary Acker

•Graphic Design & Home Page (Publisher) • Overall design & layout, create graphic assets Site Calendar Technical Content Support (Publisher) Coordinat Support Editors Greg uploading Palmer Assist with technical issues using CMS, media AshleyorPalmer Linda•Prinzi

Graphic & •Design Technical Home Page

•Calendar Coordinator (Publisher)

• Maintains Google calendars that feed into site

•About SiteUs, Editor (Publisher)

Media Section Section Sectioncompleted Section Sections changes neededSection to complySection with site standards. Move Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor articles and Gary Ackerpages to LIVE status. Adult Teen Childrenand Missions & Visitor • Another set of eyes to review draft articles pages and Service make

Ashley Palmer

•Section Editors • Responsible for maintaining section, research other church sites for ideas, keeping content up-to-date, posting blog articles, gathering information from contributors, entering content into CMS. Contributors







What are Web Site Standards ? •Alignment of Text •Font sizes, styles, color scheme •Photo quality (resolution) and cropping guidelines • Resized proportionally

•Photo caption guidelines •Checked for spelling, grammar, sentence structure •Church Phone number, address and email link at the bottom of every page. Web site is the first impression visitors may have of our church. We want it to be of excellent quality.

Next Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Research other church sites for ideas / inspiration Gather Information related to your area(s) Find or arrange for contributors Begin writing Training for Content Management System 1. SET A DATE ___________

6. Begin Posting & Editing Process

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