Web Data Management (2180713) Question Bank 1. Explain Web Data Management with XML 2. Discuss XPath and XQuery With example 3. What is Semi Structured data? XML document is a semi structured modelJustify with suitable example. 4. What is XML Typing? Why it is essential in web data management 5. Explain XLink and XPointer with example 6. Compare DTD and XSD. 7. Explain XSL in detail. 8. What is Ontology? Explain Ontology-based mediators 9. Describe Failure management in distributed system 10.Explain following terms: 11.1.Graph Bisimulation 2.OWL 12.Explain Web crawling process in details. 13.Explain Web graph mining and hot topics in web search 14.Discuss FLOWER expression with example 15. How data can be exchanged between application using Xml 16.GTUStudents.xml is given, write Xpath for following: a) Select all the name of all students. b) Select the name of the first student node. c)Select all the name nodes with a CPI higher than 8. 18.Different between ranked trees and unranked trees 19.GTUStudents.xml is given, write FLOWER for following: a) Select all the name of all students where branch is COMPUTER. b) Select all the name nodes with a CPI higher than 7. c) Select all the city nodes. 20.Explain XML Data Model with example. 21. What is XPath Axes? Describe following Axes in brief. 1) Axes 2) Sibling 3) descendant 4) parent 5) attribute 6) self 7) preceding 22. Explain Advanced features of XQuery with example. 23. How to Evaluate Bottom-Up and Top-Down Tree Automata with example 24.Explain XML evaluation techniques
25.Explain automate on ranked trees in details 26.Explain Fragmentation of XML document in detail. 27.Describe RDF, RDFS in Brief. 28.Explain web crawling process in details 29.Explain DL-LITE Ontologies in details 30.How to use Peer-to-peer data management systems in WDM. 31.Explain Recovery techniques of a Distributed system 32.Explain Web graph mining and hot topics in web search 33.Write sort note on required properties of a distributed system