Ways To Earn Passive Income

  • April 2020
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The seed of your success in wealth Warning: The following document describes the ways of making passive income monthly. If you are not interested or a lazy person in making money, stops reading this. It will just waste your time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------I have put in a lot of time and effort in this document to share with you how to make passive income. I really hope after reading this document, your life will never be the same as before. What is passive income and what is active income? It is simple, if you stop working for your employer, your income cease. You will not be paid for your past performance by your employer. You will not be paid if you fall sick for months. Your company will simply just replace your position with someone else. When you die, will your employer continue to pay your family? Definitely it’s not. That is active income. You have to get up early every morning even though you do not want to. You have to do whatever you are asked to do by your boss even though you do not want to do. That is the life that you will be staying forever if you are working for other people. Passive income is opposite of active income. If you stop working, income will still continue to come in. Even if you fall sick and laying on the hospital bed or if you are going for long vacation, your passive income will still continue to grow. Sounds great, isn’t it? The big question is how to make the passive income? There are a few ways of making passive income. I have listed down a few ways. –

Network Marketing

Internet Marketing

Securities Trading

Real Estate (property agent)

Insurance broker (financial advisor)

And so on....

In the aspect of making passive income, you may want to start it as full time job or part time job. It is all depend on you. What I suggest is, you should start doing as part time while you are working as your full time job. You can do your part time at night time and weekends. That is how I started and everybody else. Every business started out like a small one and then grows. When your secondary income, that is your passive income from your part time business, takes over your primary income, you will know what to do at that point of time. Remember, your part time job is also a business. It is not just a part time job. It is the business for you. You own the business. It is yours. So you have to treat it like your own business and follow the basic simple rules of conducting business. Some people tried to do passive income in many ways but they failed. Why? It is because they treat this part time business as the part time job. There is a huge difference between job and business. Business requires you to do research, require your time and effort to put in. Sometimes you will have to take out of your own personal time and put into your business. You may have to sleep less. You may have to spend less time with your family, friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend. At the beginning stage of your business, you must work hard and smart. There is not business on earth that requires little amount of time and effort and give you back huge return. Every business requires time to breakeven.

In this document, I will be talking about networking marketing which also known as multi level marketing (MLM) or sometimes known as direct marketing. Why I want to start with this one? There are many positive reasons. But let me cover on negative reasons first. As the name describes, you may probably know roughly what this marketing is about. But if you are new to this marketing, you can find out through Google. I will not be talking details about basic theory. I will be focusing on why you should choose this path as your passive income business. I am sure you know how to use Google. If you Google about it, you will find a lot of bad things as well as a lot of good things talking about MLM. You will find people talking over the internet all sorts of things, like on webpage or video sharing websites. Or you may have already heard from your friends, relatives or other resources telling you that MLM is the scam or fraud. Most of the time, when people are approached for MLM, first thing they come into mind is that MLM is the scam. Let me explain why people think that way. There are many reasons but if you categorise the reasons, there are only two basically. (1) Based on past experience Frankly speaking, I was once one of the people who do not believe in MLM business. I was approached by many MLM companies and most of them tried to sell the products that never exits. Some tried to recruit me without telling me the details of the business nature, what products the company is producing and so on. Sometimes, they just want to show you how much they earn each month and how much I can earn without explaining how to earn. They only want you to recruit under you as their down-line so that they can make more money. They entirely forget what the basic principles of doing business are and they are just trying to recruit more people. When they recruit people, the first thing they will do is showing you how much he or she made and how much you can earn money in so much little time with so much little effort. They made all sorts of promises and promote their products that never exits or the quality that never able to make to the shelves. Most of the people who are approached by those kinds of MLM people will surely think MLM is the scam. I know because I was one of them. But there is one time I was approached by one MLM company and their presentation changed my entire aspect of MLM business. Everything I thought about MLM scam is totally changed and starting to think more as the business that can make huge passive income every month. I will talk about the positive aspects on the later part. Now, some of the people had passed this stage. Let’s say some people took this as the business opportunity. So they joined the MLM companies and then what happened? They failed to make money. That leads to the second point. (2) Losers Yes. They are losers. They failed to make money amount that they are promised by their up-lines. They failed to sell the products. They failed to recruit more down-lines. So their income did not increase much or did not get any income at all for many months. Finally, what happened? They quit. They are quitters. And they start to blame their up-lines. They called their up-lines liars. They called their products fake. They blame their down-lines. They blame the company. They blame everybody and everything except THEMSELVES. I saw a lot of postings including videos on famous websites. (You can search by yourself if you want. But I suggest you finish reading this first before you search and you will realise why.) Those who failed to make money, those who are quitters; they post online and try to “explain” that MLM is a scam. I even found on the web selling books on “why you should not join MLM” and “great lies about MLM” and so on. I cannot imagine what kind of people buy those books. It is just a waste of your credit card balance. If you take a step back and think carefully about what they are saying, and ask this: why should you listen to people who are losers? There are negative people out there who always think negative things on everything. They would give so many

reasons why they think MLM is a scam based on their experience or ideas without facts. And yet there are millions of people out there making a huge passive income every month! Most of the losers and drop outs from MLM have the wrong conception about the nature of the business. Most of them joined MLM because they are recruited in the wrong concepts. Most of them thought that they joined MLM but they actually joined Pyramid scheme. There are huge differences between that two which will be covered in later part. Here are a few words usually used in failed recruitment by up-lines: “work from home”,” low cost and low risk”,” no experience required”, “low initial start up cost” and so on. Well, some of the facts are correct in certain ways but they are never explained in details. So most of the people just jumped into MLM without knowing exactly what they are doing. One thing for sure, if you work from home, you will NEVER make money in MLM. Why? It is simple. This is network marketing. You must go out and meet people. You cannot just sit at home and call whoever you know and start introducing the products or the business that they never seen or heard before. Ask yourself first. Will you buy a product that you never seen before? Will you jump into the business that you do not know exactly what is going on with that? The same goes for customers. The most important thing about MLM is the product. Not money. Of course money is important in material sense for everybody. But if you are selling the product that is low quality or the products that people do not want to buy or the products that people do not need to buy, do you think you can make money? So you must choose the company that is selling high quality products that people want to use. The best products are the things that people using every day in their home. Choose wisely. You must love to meet people. You must love talking to people and do demonstration about the products. If you are a shy person, MLM may not for you. You should learn basic presentation skills so that you will be able to present well in front of your potential customers or your down-lines. You must also know well enough on your products that you are selling. If your customer asks something and you cannot answer straight away, you should ask your up-lines and get back to your customer with correct answer as soon as possible. That will keep the good relationship for the long run. Networking is another main factor. Once you join in, you must keep in touch with your up-lines so that they can share with you about the new products or more detailed information on the existing products that you might not know or you might have missed out. Once you have down-lines, you must follow up with them through meetings or outing events. You must pass down information and guide them on how to make the sales, how to make the PROPER recruitment. If you do not know how to guide them, ask your up-line. If your direct up-line does not know, ask up-line of your upline. I am sure you will find one up-line who is very helpful. Why? It is because you are working hard to make money for yourself as well as for them. If you cannot find any helpful up-line, your MLM company is something wrong. So I suggest you better come out before it collapses. Some MLM companies did collapse before due to their poor management or the products. As I mentioned, some are selling low quality products. So no one could make the sale and most of the up-lines and down-lines dropped out before you and finally you are left alone. Because they had probably realised earlier than you that the company is collapsing. That is why you must always keep in touch with up-lines as well as down-lines once you get inside the particular network. You should do research before you join the particular company and check the company background whether they are stable, which products are they producing and quality standard of the products. As all the business requires initial start up cost, this MLM also require for you to put in some amount of money to join the network. They called it membership fees which usually cost a few tens of dollars only. Some companies do offer refunding of membership fees if you decide to quit their network. Those are usually very big and stable companies.

Some losers of MLM business complain that they worked for many months or a few years but they do not earn a lot. Those are the people with the wrong concepts. This is business. Every business requires time to break even. As I mentioned, there is no business on earth that does not require time and money and give you high return in very short period of time. If you know one, let me know. You must focus on what you are doing. You must know how much you want to make every month from MLM and work on that. Remember, there are people out there making a few thousands dollar every month. They are the living proof. If they can do it, why can’t you. Having said that those points, you might be wondering this MLM vs Pyramid Scheme. Some people think that they are the same. Actually, they are not. Let me elaborate on this.

MLM vs Pyrami d Schem e? Multil eve l or " network" m ar keting is a lawful and legitimate business method that uses a network of independent business owners to sell consumer products supplied by an established company. Business owners merchandise products to consumers, not in fixed retail stores, but through person-to-person relationships between business owner and customer. Business owners can also build and manage their own sales-force by recruiting, motivating, supplying and training others to sell those products. Compensation then includes a percentage of the sales of the business owner's entire sales group as well as earnings from their own sales to retail customers. Pyrami d sch eme s are illegal scams in which participants invest a large amount of money in exchange for the promise of receiving profits by recruiting additional participants to make a similar investment. Pyramid promoters sometimes try to make their schemes resemble multilevel marketing methods by introducing a product line. However, little or no effort is made to actually market the products to consumers. Instead, compensation is paid for recruiting. Direct Sel ling Off er s salea ble pro ducts .

Oppo rtunity fo r income is base d so le ly on the sal e of pro ducts. Minimal start-up fe es

costs and ze

ro- exit

Viab le long-ter m bu sine ss oppo rtunities High consum er prot ec tion st anda rds such as ord er or contract c ancellation rights a nd consum er satisfac tion guarante es.

Pyrami d Schem es Do es not of fe r comme rcially viabl e prod ucts fo r sal e. Incom e c an b e ea rne d bas ed on the amo unt of pe opl e r ecr uited , re gar dle ss of wheth er those pe opl e se ll a pr od uct. Oft en re qui re s high entry f ees a nd obligate s participant to stock lar ge amo unts of p rod ucts. Scams tha t u sually disapp ear wi thin a few months No enf orcea bl e satisfaction guarante es or c ancel lation rights

Now you know the differences and you realise why people think MLM is a scam. The following part will be talking about the MLM company that I have chosen for my business and I am going to reveal the truth about this company, why I have chosen this company and why you should too. You can close this now and do whatever you want to do or continue reading and discover the seed of your success in wealth. You will probably have to spend around 20 minutes more of your time and what if after that moment, it could change your life forever...........

Amway Cooperation It was founded in 1959 and is a global leader in direct selling, with over three million Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in over 80 countries and territories around the world. No other direct selling company can compare with Amway longevity, stability, and global reach. For more than 45 years, Amway Corporation has enabled people to have a business of their own. Originally known for direct selling of our household cleaning products, such as SA8 Laundry Detergent and L.O.C. Liquid Organic Concentrate, the business opportunity is now supported by an excellent portfolio of hundreds of high-quality products and brands that can only be purchased through the IBOs, that means only through direct distributors. People join this business for a variety of reasons. Some become IBOs simply to be able to purchase products for their own personal use at a reduced cost. Others join in order to direct sell the products to others, earning a profit on each sale and additional financial benefits based on their sales volume. Business builders not only sell products; they also sponsor others to join the business. They are compensated for their own sales and as well as the sales of those they sponsor, receiving incentive bonuses that increase as their own sales force increases. All IBOs have the identical opportunity to grow a successful business. Each business owner is compensated in direct proportion to his or her efforts. The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan is based on retail sales to consumers, not empty "get rich quick" promises demanding that you hand over large sums of money. In fact, only a small fee is required to become an Amway business owner and that cost is refundable should you decide to leave the business for any reason. In 1979, the US Federal Trade Commission ruled that Amway is a legitimate business opportunity. Amway does not require its Business Owners to buy inventories of stock, and does not impose a minimum order value. While business owners can earn bonuses from sales made by people they recruit into the business, Amway does not pay bonuses for the mere act of sponsoring another person.

I joined Amway mainly because of the products that they are producing. Amway products are very useful in every aspect of daily life. You can check out about their product quality at their website. http://www.amway.com/

Bu sine ss of your own Amway’s concept is consistent and simple. It gives millions of people around the world to be able to start business of their own. You can even offer everyone a chance to have a business of their own by recruiting them to join the network. The membership fee is S$69 and it is refundable if you decided to quit the network. Amway does not give money for headcount hunting but they only pay base on you and your group sales. If you do not make the sales for the particular month, you will not get any commission. You will not be penalised in any way because you cannot sale. Once you join, the business start up kit will be provided in which you can find all the information about the products. They are detailed and well written so that you spread about the products among your friends and family. There are sometimes you will be required to go for group meeting where you will learn how to demonstrate the products. They are actually very interesting and can have a lot fun doing demo. I know because I did have fun. Family b usin ess This business is the only one which your entire family can work together as the family business. Your mother, father or your wife and kids can join in and work as the team. Your family become the company of your own and work from there. This is the only business that you can spend time together with your family and also working to earn money at the same time! Inh eritance & transfe rability This is my most favourite part of joining Amway. You cannot pass your job to your spouse or your children when you die. Who are they going to feed your family when you die? Life insurance company? I do not think so. Your family may be able to claim at most 100k and after that what will happen to them? The insurance company will not continue to pay or your employer. Well, Amway does. Once you become the distributor, you can transfer your distributorship to other people. If you pass away, you distributorship will continue to exit. It can be transferred to your wife, husband, or children. And those whoever left will still be getting commission every month as usual. In fact, your network is still growing and the income is still growing too. Where on earth has this kind of business? If you want to know more about the distributors’ benefits or interested to join. You can just drop me an email. It’s yo ur decisi on What have you been waiting for? What is the thing that is holding you back? Are you afraid of setting up business of your own? Is it because you are afraid to meet people? Is it because your friends or aunty are laughing at you because you sell soap? Is your friend or aunty or your in-laws going to feed your family when you pass away? You do not have so many things to lose by trying but you have so many things to gain by trying. Is that the doubt holding you back? “Doubt” makes you see the night but “faith” makes you see the day. “Doubt” questions who will believe. “Faith” answers I will.........

Thank you for reading Gabriel [email protected] http://thebettertomorrows.blogspot.com

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