Wave 2 Rave Co. Ltd
What is it? Why it is suitable for Hong Kong? Why it is a better choice? Weather/Climate factors
Situations that it can be used in How it works? Financial Concerns
Achieves Hong Kong needs Advantages Disadvantages How to improve it?
What is it? The energy of ocean surface waves and the
capture of that energy to do useful work A form of renewable energy It is not as same as tidal power and ocean currents It depend on the wave height, wave speed, wave length, and water density
Why it is suitable for Hong Kong? It can Produce a lot of energy Use in many locations Hong Kong with large coastlines and strong prevailing winds which can produce 5% or more electricity Excess capacity could also be used to produce hydrogen
Why it is a better choice?
Weather/Climate factors
Situations that it can be used in
How it works? The air in here will be rushing in and out
When the air rush in and out, it made the generator operate to produce energy
Financial Concerns
Achieves Hong Kong needs
Advantages The energy is free Not expensive to operate and maintain Can produce a great deal of energy On-shore or near-shore plants could be
designed as part of harbor walls or waterbreaks creating a place for new colonization
Disadvantages Unstable Site requirement Noise problem Aesthetic concern Not easy to operate the electric generators Special design makes the material cost being
higher Lake of competitiveness
How to improve it?