Water Supply Tariff_go

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  • Words: 1,457
  • Pages: 8
ABSTRACT Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board – Maintenance of Combined Water Supply Scheme – Changes in water tariff for private beneficiaries and Government Institutions – Orders – Issued. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Municipal Administration and Water Supply(WS4) Department G.O.(Ms)No.338

Dated 18.10.2004 Read also: 1.G.O.(Ms)nO.136, MA & WS dated 31.10.2002. 2. From the M.D., TWAD Board lr.No.2112/AEU/ O&M/2003 dated 25.12.2003. 

ORDER: The recommendations of Tariff Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Special Secretary, Finance Department for revision of the Water Tariff Structure for Water Supply Schemes of Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board were accepted in the Cabinet meeting held on 19.9.2002 and accordingly, orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.136, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department dated 3.10.2002, revising water tariff as detailed below: Name of the beneficiaries liters

Water Tariff per 1000 Before Revision


Revision Rs. Rs. 1. Corporation / Municipality/ Urban Town Panchayat 4.50 2. Rural Town Panchayat / Village Panchayat 3.00 3. Industrieds and other beneficiaries 15.00

3.50 2.25 10.50

The Board is presently adopting a water tariff at Rs.15/-KL to Rs.30/-KL depending upon the nature of beneficiaries under the head “Industries and other beneficiares”.

2. Due to above escalation of water tariff

various institutions have requested the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board to reduce the water tariff. 3. Further Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board in his letter 2nd read above has proposed that for all private

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industries and institutions and commercial organisations the Board may be permitted to revise the tariff to Rs.30/-Per KL. Uniformly, from Rs.15/-per KL. This revision will affect 97 beneficiaries who are presently paying Rs.25/KL and 42 beneficiaries who are presently paying Rs.15/KL. The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board has indicated that these beneficiaries are agreeable to pay the revised rate of Rs.30/-KL. 4. After careful examination of the facts and circumstances of the proposal of Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board and in partial modification of the orders in the G.O.first read above, the Government direct as follows: (i) In respect of the Central Cattle Breeding Parm, (CCBP) the tariff be reduced from Rs.15/- tp Rs.6/-per KL. (ii) In respect of Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur (Vandalur Zoo), the tariff be revised from Rs.15/- to Rs.10/-per KL. (iii) In respect of Private Industries/Institution, Business and Commercial Organization, Private Schools, Colleges, Hospitals etc. who have not remitted proportionate cost of CWSS to Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, the tariff be uniformly revised from Rs.15/- to Rs.30/-per KL. (iv) In respect of Tamil Nadu Housing Board Colonies the existing tariff be continued until these colonies are taken over by the local bodies. 5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.No.68399/MAWS/04-1, dated 18.10.2004. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) Sd/-C.K.Gariyali. Secretary to Government. //true copy//


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Copy of Letter From To Thiru Hemant Kumar Sinha, I.A.S., i) The Municipal Commissioners Commissioner of Municipal All the Municipalities Administration ii) The Corporation Commissioner, Chepauk, Chennai-5 All Municipal Corporations. Roc.No.53494//2003/WS2,dt: 29.5.2004 Sir/ Madam, Sub:

Water Supply - Municipalities- Water Supply tariff-FixationModal Calculations- Furnished- Instructions IssuedRegarding.

----------All the Municipal Commissioners are advised that the O & M of water supply systems in each of the ULB has to be made self reliant so as to provide Water Supply to the public without any interruptions and problems. Routine and preventive maintenance of the systems are therefore important.

Provision of funds for

maintenance of Water Supply Scheme inadequate quantum is the need in each of the Urban Local Bodies and this factor has often been neglected in the Budget estimates of the Urban Local Bodies. It is also to be borne in mind that the water supply tariff is subject to be revised every three years, so as to meet the upward increase of production costs, Current Consumption Charges and establishement charges including operation and maintenance charges. A model calculation is herewith enclosed for working out the production cost of water and water tariff every year. All Municipal Commissioner's / Corporation Commissioners are advised that the model calculations may be worked out every year before presentation of the municipal budget and the council appraised suitably in this regard. Encl:Model Calculations Sd/K.Ismath Batcha for Commissioner of Municipal Administration Copy to: All Regional Director of Municipal Administration for information and necessary action. Copy to: Superintending Engineer's table. Copy to: Commissioner of Municipal Administration's Table. //forwarded by order// Superintendent.

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(Rupees in lakhs)

A. Current Consumption Charges. i)

Bi monthly Current Consumption Charges for Head works motors,Booster motors, including motors in treatment units etc. =

ii) Current Consumption Charges for Power Pumps


iii) Current Consumption Charges for lighting pertaining to water supply = -------------Total / 2 months

(A) --------------

Current Consumption Charges per Annum (Ax6)

= ----------------

B. Cost of Chemicals / Annum i)

Alum used per year



Cost of Alum per annum x Rate / Tonne

(iii) iv)

Chlorine / Bleaching powder used per year = Cost of Chlorine / Bleaching powder / Annum x Rate / Tonne = Total

MT = MT ----------------------(B)


----------------------C. O & M Charges for water supply system / Annum 1 HEAD Works: a

2 a)

Motor and pumpset maintenance (i) Establishment Charges (ii) Maintenance works including building maintenance Booster station Motor and pumpset maintenance (i) Establishment Charges (ii) Maintenance works including building maintenance

= =

= =

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Treatment Plants


Maintenance of Treatment Plants (i) (ii)


Establishment Charges Maintenance works including building maintenance

8. (i)

9. i) ii) 10. i)

Annual Maintenance cost of establishment Leaks, bursts in the pumping main and maintenance of valves etc.

= =

Service Reserviors (i) (ii)



Pumping Main (i) (ii)



Replacement Pumpsets after 15 years: Replacement cost of motor and pumpset units after the life of 15 years. ie cost / one year



Establishment Charges = Maintenance works including maintenance of Over Head Tanks & Valves. =

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (i) Establishment Charges. (ii) Leaks, bursts etc. (iii) Other maintenance charges including maintenance of valves, meters, fire hydrants etc. Vehicles Provision for purchase of new vehicles such as lorry, jeep etc ie cost / year A & M of vehicles Annual maintenance charges for the Vehicles Cost of fuel for the running vehicles including water lorries. Generators Provision for the purchase of new generator for replacement every 15 years

= = =


= = =

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11. i) iii) 12. i) 13 i) ii)

cost / year A & M of generators-existing Annual Maintenance of generators Cost of fuel for generator Chlorination Plants Cost of chlorination plant for replacement every 5 years cost / year SMALL power pumps in the town Maintenance of powerpumps

= = =

= =

Replacement of powerpump cost / 15 years

= ----------------------


= -----------------------

14 i) 15

Hand Pumps Maintenance of Hand Pumps = Scionerage/ Royalty Charges to P.W.D. for tapping water from river source. Rate Rs. /1000m3 x Quantity of water tapped per Annum = 16 Annuity to Water Supply Improvement Scheme (As per the aggrement of ULB with the financial institution). = D. Total O&M Charges / Annum i) Establishment/ Annum = ii)

Other maintenance Expenditure (1+2+3+5+6+7+9+11+13+14+15+16)

= ---------------------


Sinking fund replacement of pumpsets & purchase of vehicles (4+8+10+12) Total Expenditure on maitenance


(C) -----------------------

E. Upgradation works planned for the year (i) Head works ii) Pumping Main iii) Service Reserviors iv) Extension of mains in the 'D' system v) Purchaseof spare motors for power pump and spares for hand pumps

= = = = = ------------------



D) -------------------

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F. Total cost of O & M expenditure including sinking fund and upgradation expenditure A + B + (C) + D



G. Cost of Production of water Total cost of expenditure Total quantity of water supplied Cost of production / mld Cost of production / 1000 litres

= (E) = ------- mld. = =

H. RECEIPTS FROM WATER SUPPLY PER ANNUM i) Component of Water Tax received from property Tax per annum ii)

Anticipated Receipts through Water Charges thro' HSC Per Annum =No.of Hsc x Monthly tariff x 12


= ------------------------

Total anticipated Receipts of Water Charges thro'HSC/Annum


(F) ------------------------


No. of HSCs (Existing) Anticipated no. of HSCs during the year Total No.of HSCs likely at the end of the year

= = ----------------------= ------------------------

Water Charges to be fixed per month

= E - F ----------------------------Total No.of Hscs. X 12 = Rs.

/ month

/Sd/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Commissioner of Municipal


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