All the chemical reactions inside the cell take place in water
The water in the cell makes about 46% of your body mass
The water outside the cells (body fluids) is about 23%
A water molecule is made of 2 atoms of hydrogen & 1 atom of oxygen. Its structure has a slight positive charge near the hydrogen and a slight negative charge near the oxygen Molecules that have slightly charged ends are called Polar molecules
Like a magnet, the ends of a polar molecule attract opposite charges & repel charges that are the same.
Because water is polar it dissolves a lot of substances.
But lipids do NOT dissolve in water
A special type of lipid is found in the cell membrane. These special lipid molecules have two parts: A water-loving head 2 water-hating tails. The head of the lipid is polar while the tail is nonpolar
Why is it important that cell membranes contain lipids Cell membranes function as boundaries. They separate the inside of the cell from the outside. The water-hating tails repel the water while the head clings to water. See figure p 45
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