Wasme Booklet 2008

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World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (A Global Organisation for SMEs)

From the Desk of Secretary General:

Dear Friends, The World Association for Small & Medium Enterprises (WASME), founded in 1980 at New Delhi, India has emerged within 28 years as the largest professionally managed global non-governmental organization with Members and Associates in developed as well as developing countries worldwide serving micro, small and medium enterprises. It is managed by a competent professional staff supplemented by pool of experts specialised in information Services, Human Resources Development, Economic Research, Marketing, Finance, Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship Development, Banking and other related subjects. Since then, WASME meets its objectives through its activities and programmes. Strategies, services, approaches and projects are designed to especially benefit the neediest pockets of our SMEs. Management, Finance, Innovation, Technology Transfer, IT & Communication, Trainings, Research & Studies, etc. and issues that affect them are at the core of WASMEs programs. If you are new to WASME I do hope that this brief portal which portrays a clear picture of the multi-dimensional activities of the WASME will give you an introduction to our organizations and our work over the past years and interest you in getting involved and supporting our cause. If you are currently a member, friend, partner, beneficiary or supporter of our work we invite you to review our activities during the past years and to learn more about what we have been able to accomplish through the enthusiasm and support we have received from corporate, institutions, organizations and individuals like yourself. I hope that through the following pages we can demonstrate both what we have achieved and the importance of continuing our work. I also invite you to share with us any observations or suggestions that you might have. At WASME, we have seen that strong collective action can make things possible. That, if people are aware and united, anything is possible. It is with this conviction that we continue the journey towards ensuring the magic of possibilities for all around the world. We have a long road ahead of us – but we know that the powerful momentum we will be to gain with your support will enable us to achieve everything we have set out to and more. With faith and goodwill.

A. C. Jose Former MP (Lok Sabha)

From the Desk of Executive Director: Dear Readers, The years gone by have been the years of learning’s and achievements. It saw us consolidating our past and putting into place a new management team whose endeavor it is to give a new dynamism to our organization.

The time has now come to plan a road map for the future. To this end, strategic directions for World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME) have been prepared with a firm plan for the next coming years.

It feels good to look back and see the happy faces of the members and SME communities who benefited from our policies and programmes.

However, we are also mindful of the responsibilities of not only taking our programmes to more and more needy pockets/sectors of SMEs but also to start new ones keeping in mind the emerging realities of emotional turbulence accompanying technology, marketing, human resource and financial insecurities. I am confident that with dedicated professional staff and the whole-hearted support of our advisors, representatives, members, donors and sponsors we will be able to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

We are committed to work for the cause and care of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises communities with renewed dedication; we look forward to the support of one and all to fulfill our mission so as to bring a smile on every disadvantaged face.

With best regards

Sunil D. Sharma

World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME), founded in 1980 in New Delhi, India has emerged within 28 years as the largest professionally managed global non-governmental organization with Members and Associates around the world serving micro, small and medium enterprises. WASME is managed by competent staff supported by professionals in Information Services, Economic Research, Marketing, Technology Transfer and other specialized subjects. The four pillars of WASME growth strategies are Peace, Development, Democracy and Security. WASME strongly believes that no peaceful development of society is possible without democracy. Since India is the largest democracy in world and have large number of micro and small enterprises, the headquarters of WASME are located in India. WASME   

Networks with focal points around the globe Is served by Permanent Representatives at Bangkok, Brussels, Geneva, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Vienna, and Washington DC. Commands membership of national governments, small business authorities, chambers of commerce and industry, small business associations, banks and development financial institutions, training and research institutes, consultancy organizations and technology providers. WASME has been able to contribute significantly both at policy and operational levels. It has been instrumental in bringing about major policy changes in both developing and developed countries in relation to small and medium business and secured greater understanding and cooperation amongst promotional and financial institutions and the representative associations of small and medium enterprises in WASME member countries. It has greatly influenced favourable conclusions and recommendations of various agencies in the United Nations System. WASME organizes an international SME Conference annually. The most recent conferences were held in: Seoul, Korea, 26-30 April, 2006 - 17th International Conferences on SMEs – “Hand in Hand for Small Business” Bucharest, Romania, 15-18 May 2005 - 16th International Conferences on SMEs – “To prepare SMEs for Knowledge-based economy” Abuja, Nigeria, 19-22 July 2004 - 15th International Conferences on SMEs - "Promoting SMEs for Global Competitiveness" Tel-Aviv, Israel, 15-18 September 2003 - 14th International Conference on SMEs - "Opportunities for SMEs in a globalised world: Innovative policies and programmes" Gibraltar, 7-10 April 2002 - 13th International conference on SMEs - "The main focus was on developing global strategies to assist SMEs" Antalya, Turkey, 23-25 April 2001 - 12th International Conferences on SMEs - "New Economic Approaches for Developing SMEs and Encouraging Entrepreneurship Worldwide"

Our Objectives: Consistent with its objective of fostering and co-ordinating international co-operation and networking for promotion of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), its other activities include:      

Advocacy for SMEs. Undertaking research, studies and consultancy assignments. Promoting rural micro-enterprises by counseling,. Motivating and conducting specific skill development programmes through its Small Business Development Centre (RSBDC) Organizing annual international conferences on SMEs in different parts of the world on a rotational basis – 14 such annual conferences besides 2 world conferences have been organized so far. Facilitating enterprise-to-enterprise cooperation through technology transfer, trade and investment Conferment of Legion of Honour and Special Honour Awards to those organizations and individuals who have contributed in a significant manner to the development and growth of SME sector

Our Vision: The vision behind establishment of WASME in 1980 was to build a world private community of small business, their supporting and financial institutions as a non-governmental organisation, not influenced by any government (s) views which acted as a converging point for all national, regional and international organisations. It was also intended to develop an effective relationship between WASME and various agencies in UN system and to promote enterprise-to-enterprise cooperation. Objectives With the above vision, following objectives were set:       

Articulating concerns and interests of SMEs at various UN and international fora. Developing relationship between SMEs in developed and developing countries by encouraging enterprise-toenterprise cooperation. Networking with related/similar organisations. Enlarging collaboration with UN agencies and international organisations. Capacity building of SMEs through managerial and skill development programmes. Disseminating information on and about international developments in SME sector. Carrying out research and studies on topical issues confronting SMEs.

Our Mission: Establish itself as the premier international organization advocating the interests of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at relevant international fora, before all national, regional and international bodies and with leading media that shape public opinion. Perform as a strategic resource for SMEs and the organizations that represent them world-wide, with focus on those in developing and less developed economies. Facilitate access of SMEs to know-how and best practices, through training, technology transfer and other business development services that will enable SMEs to develop their techno-economic capability, modernise their management skills, support proper use of the intellectual property system, improve their information system and knowledge of e-business. Foster international cooperation, encourage SMEs’ linkages among SMEs and Governments, institutions, initiate formation of business alliances; and create mechanisms to facilitate cost-effective international networking and international trade opportunities for SMEs to enable them to reap the benefits of globalization. Provide leadership and be a catalyst for building a supporting and synergistic network of civil society institutions so as to make SMEs competitive, sustainable, environmentally friendly, socially responsive, culturally sensitive and ethical in their business relationships.

Our Services: Promotes cooperation in the area of technology, trade, marketing, skill development and information. The information available including research studies, related documents, publications, etc. is widely disseminated at nominal cost. Undertakes research programmes and incisive studies on various issues relating to small businesses. Arranges placement of counsellors, specialists and trainers to facilitate flow of knowledge and expertise in specific fields. Has established specialised international committees on various subjects such as Rural Industrialisation, Craft Development, Technology Promotion and Exchange.

Sends on an average 20 circulars to all members annually besides informing them of availability of publications and documents of relevance to them. WASME assists members in getting access to valuable documentation issued at various committee meetings and conferences. They also receive invitations to participate in important events of interest to them. Brings out a quarterly news magazine "World SME News" which is distributed wolrdwide

Our Governing Board: WASME has members from different countries in its Governing Board (GB), each of whom brings a unique set of professional and personal skills to the team. Our GB holds WASME’s interest before everything else, and share a firm belief in values of public trust, collective responsibility and transparency. The Board, with the advice of Senior Advisors and Consultants, determines the policies and programme strategies of the WASME and set priorities.

Our Senior Advisors: WASME’s Advisors, consisting of experts in related fields, such as Finance, Banking, Human Resource, Technology, Innovations, SMEs, Economics, International Relation & Cooperation, Sociology, Communications, Gender, Environment, Education, Management, Women Development, Law, IT, Human Rights, Building Construction & Technology, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Planning & Architecture, etc. contributes to the formulation of the WASME’s policies and programmes. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

Our Permanent Representatives: WASME, the world body for SMEs, has made significant contribution to the development of small and medium sized enterprises by taking up their cause at all important international fora, serving as their mouthpiece and bringing them together under its umbrella by disseminating information and organizing various events, conferences and seminars at regular intervals. All this has been possible mainly due to the support it has received from, among others, the Permanent Representatives located in various member countries. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

Our Observers: Eminent personalities and experts were/ are appointed as honorary observers in various countries. The following categories can join the WASME as Observers:     

Ministries and Governmental Bodies; International Organisations; International Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs); Networks and associations of Intermediaries/business support organisations; Individual Intermediaries/business support organisations.

For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

Our Volunteers: Our volunteers provide the critical manpower and resources that support our work. Their dedication and passion allows us to expand our work across the globe, raise funds and resources around the world. Our volunteers include dedicated and committed individuals who join us in our office(s) and help support our day-to-day management and administrative activities. Other volunteers and participants in our Programmes are both our goodwill ambassadors and living examples of how we connect communities and make change. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

Who Can Join: WASME has a broad membership spectrum that includes:      

Government departments involved in SME policy making and implementation; Developmental and major commercial banks; Credit guarantee companies; Technological institutions; Chambers of commerce and industry; industry associations; Private sector SMEs.

Membership: World Association for Small & Medium Enterprises (WASME), has its international headquarters located in its own building at Noida close to New Delhi, India. Established 27 years ago, WASME is now recognised as the most representative, effective international non-governmental organisation engaged in the promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises world-wide. WASME has Members and Associates around the world comprising of Ministries of Industry, Banks and Financial Institutions, Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, training institutions, technology providers and other promotional agencies. WASME enjoys consultative status with all concerned UN agencies which are concerned with issues relating to SME development. WASME has Permanent Representatives in Brussels (Belgium), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), New York (USA), Washington DC (USA), Paris (France), Bangkok (Thailand), Geneva (Switzerland) and Vienna (Austria), etc. besides Senior Advisers located in several countries.

Types of Membership: The Membership fees are determined on the basis of the Applicant's status (Governments, Autonomous bodies, Financial Institutions, Chambers of Commerce and SMEs Associations/Training and Technology Institutes, Individual Companies) and Location (Least Developed Country, Developed Country, Industrialised Country). Membership Categories A) General Members: Government Organisations , Small Business Authorities, Autonomous bodies, Financial Institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, SME Associations, Training Institutes, Consultancy Organisations ,Technology Providers and other such Agencies which provide services to SMEs and promote their interests . B) Associate Members: Individuals, Enterprises, Corporations, Stakeholders, Research Institutions, Consultants, etc. which are engaged in SME business activities

Membership Benefits: Some of the benefits from Membership of WASME are: 1. Becoming part of WASME fraternity means enjoying its services and getting new opportunities for further development as a part of the growing international SME community. Specific benefits to members include: 2. Increasing market reach and publicizing experiences and services through WASME’s worldwide network, WASME Newsmagazine as well as WASME web site www.wasmeinfo.org 3. Participating in meetings, workshops, conferences and symposia organized by various United Nations agencies as well as other international organizations. 4. Accreditation to participate in expert group meetings organized by agencies like UNCTAD, ITC and ESCAP on different issues of relevance to them. 5. Interacting with top specialists and experts and learning from experiences and “best practices” adopted by institutions/agencies in other countries. 6. Access to latest information on markets, trade opportunities, technologies, investment opportunities and documents, research papers and studies on SME development related issues from all parts of the world. 7. Participating in specialized training courses and workshops to develop and upgrade skills. 8. Facilitating study tours of SME promotional bodies. For example, a team from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development was deputed to Social Fund for Development (SFD), Egypt for studying SFD’s micro, small and medium enterprises and other social programs. 9. Becoming part of a truly global network of SMEs and their promotional institutions. 10. Consultancy on their related issues. 11. Becoming part of a truly global network of SMEs and their promotional institutions. To become a member, please write to us at [email protected] or you can download the form & membership schedule from our website and mail back filled form to WASME Secretariat.

WASME’s Activities: o

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Facilitates technology transfer, establishment of joint ventures and marketing linkages, and helps in forging cooperation amongst enterprises of industrialized, developing and the least developed countries and of conomies in transition to market economy. Undertakes research and studies on policy implications and various other components of small businesses. Invites its Members and associates to participate in various international and regional events and conferences which are of direct interest to them. Contributes actively to the deliberations at various expert group meetings and workshops convened by various U N agencies. Brings out “WORLD SME NEWS: A WASME News Magazine”, which is regularly distributed to WASME members, relevant UN agencies, international nongovernmental organizations and other concerned stakeholders. The documentation and information services centre , set up with the support of the Small Industries development Bank of India, provides free access to its well stocked library with internationally harmonized classification. Has set up a Rural Small Business Development Centre (RSBDC) with the backing of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to: o look after the training and information needs of the disadvantaged sections of the economy, especially in rural and underdeveloped areas; conduct trade- specific entrepreneurship development programs for the benefit of educated unemployed; provide follow up escort services to facilitate the trainees to set up their own small business projects with confidence and requisite managerial competence and capability; and provide counseling and consultancy services

Our Achievements: International Relations WASME is the only international non-governmental organization of SMEs enjoying Consultative or Observer status with:         

Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) World Customs Organisation (WCO) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) United Nations Commission on International Trade Laws (UNCITRAL) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

It is entitled to send its representatives to attend all relevant meetings of these organisations as well as those of Regional Commissions and various Expert Group Meetings / Symposia, etc. convened by these agencies. This enables WASME’s member institutions to have access to valuable documentation and to express considered views on behalf of WASME on related issues and to interact with top specialists of the world in their areas of specialisation. WASME maintains close working relationship with International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris; and APEC, Singapore as well as several international nongovernmental organsiations such as International Council of Small Business (ICSB), Washington DC (USA), APCTT and International Association of Crafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Lausanne (Switzerland). It also finds place in International labour organisation (ILO)'s special list of non-governmental international organisation. Permanent Representatives of WASME are in constant touch with UN Agencies and other International Organisations dealing with SMEs. WASME also has a number of Senior Advisors in member countries. These Advisors are experts with long years of experience and international exposure in their respective field of specialisation.

Partnership WASME-partnered development initiatives work in the area of SME centered advocacy at the grassroots level and include both individuals and organisations. Individuals: WASME supports capable and committed individuals who work in the area of SMEs. This programme underlines the underlying philosophy of WASME - that individuals can and indeed, do make a difference in changing what needs to be changed. Since its existence this programme has created a whole cadre of SME professionals working at the grassroots level on various issues affecting SMEs. Organisations: WASME supports implementing organisations across rural, urban and tribal areas that work directly with society, their communities and local government bodies. There is tremendous variety in the types of these organisations, the issues they address and the ways in which they address them. The one constant in all this diversity is the abiding commitment each one of these organisations demonstrates to bring about lasting change in the lives of our world.

Resource Organisations WASME partners' organisations that have expertise in various areas of SMEs, expertise that could enhance the quality of smaller, newer initiatives. These are resource organisations that work towards building the capacities of WASME-partnered SME initiatives as well as non-WASME supported initiatives. Some of the ways these

organisations build capacities are through the development of innovative methods, materials and training programs. Several initiatives supported by WASME have developed specific areas of expertise over the years and grown into resource organisations today. These organisations also can play a vital role in policy influencing efforts at the macro level.

Networks The aim of strategic alliances or networks is to facilitate the transfer of learning, build solidarity between partner organisations and influence policy to positively impact the situation of socio-economic development. Through supporting networks, WASME provides a platform for partners to meet, share and learn from each other's experiences. This enables the strengthening of field level initiatives. It also acts as a forum for perspective building on macro issues. Alliances and networks promote collective action towards the fulfillment of the WASME mission. Partner alliances are promoted around issues and at the regional, state, national and international level.

WASME and Governments The core objective of WASME's Policy and Advocacy Cell is to influence the formulation of SMEs - sensitive policies at the nation and around the globe. It works towards this by initiating, facilitating and supporting research on various dimensions of SME development and related issues. It also analyses existing national/international policies, programmes and laws in a dynamic manner. WASME partnership efforts in the SME field at various levels are crucial to its role as a policy-influencer. These partnerships and alliances can provide a common understanding of key issues among large numbers of people and can build up grassroots level support on these issues. This could prove critical in influencing policy.

WASME’s Growth Since its inception, WASME has grown from being the dream of a single individual, to a movement for small and medium enterprises across the globe. This movement has been built individual-by- individual, rupee by rupee, with just the belief that anybody, you or I, can indeed make a difference. Today, WASME has partnered over so many individuals and organisations whose resources have enabled more and more SME development initiatives across the world, and impacted over a million disadvantaged and downtrodden. But numbers are just one part of the story. What is truly extraordinary is the demonstration of the power of the individual to create change. Individuals who have participated in this movement in a myriad different ways - by contributing money, skills or time, by displaying passion and conviction, by convincing others to join in Beyond Numbers Achievements

Beyond Numbers: Community Mobilisation: WASME believes that true change isn't possible without looking at an issue within its context. Therefore, WASME believes it is critical to involve communities, whether they be the immediate family or the immediate neighbourhood or the village or the town, to resolve any problem. WASME's partners in the field ensure that communities are made aware of the issues related to MSMEs and help them participate in the process of resolving the issues. Networking: WASME supports initiates and encourages building networking at various levels between partners so they can meet, share and learn from each other's experiences; and between WASME and other NGO's at regional, state, national and international level so that they can build solidarity on issues related to SMEs. Some examples of networks that WASME is running or a member of and has prime-supported are SAMVAAD and SAMBHAVA.

SAMVAAD: SAMVAAD is a not-for-profit, national-level, non-government, non-sectarian, philanthropic Indian organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of the Government of India, with collective leadership and well structured to ensure flexible functioning. Resources for Samvaad are mobilised by the members, sponsored projects, royalties, consultancies and, to a small extent, from donations and grants. It assists in building a favorable regulatory framework for sustainable development initiatives to make social justice leadership strategic, effective, and sustainable in pursuit of a just world. Also its purpose is to promote adoption of the policies designed by Sambhava Foundation for achieving sustainable development and participatory democracy. SAMBHAVA FOUNDATION, popularly known by its acronym SAMBHAVA, was born in year 2003. The brainchild of a group of determined and committed people from different walks of life, SAMBHAVA is poised to enable the people of India to fight against every odd and convert any challenge into an opportunity to lead a more meaningful life. SAMBHAVA is a not-for-profit, national-level, non-government, non-sectarian, philanthropic organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of the Government of India. It is also officially recognized and entitled to exemption from government taxes. The income of Sambhava comes from sponsored projects, royalties and, to a small extent, from donations and grants. It does not have any business activity other than those which are integral to its programmes. Sambhava has also established subsidiaries or sub-societies and joint ventures in specialized areas. SAMBHAVA does not subscribe to any political or religious affiliations. It is headquartered at New Delhi, the national capital of India. Policy Influencing: WASME realises that it needs to play a role in impacting certain policies on issues related to MSMEs, to truly effect change in the lives of disadvantaged and downtrodden. WASME recognises that the state is primarily responsible for ensuring the rights of disadvantaged and downtrodden. Programme Level and Capacity Building Inputs: WASME also provides non-financial support to its project partners. These include project-planning, financial management, material requirements, perspective-building programmes, baseline data establishment, organisational development, training for skill building, information support, and developing promotional material.

Achievements: WASME has:   

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Emerged as the largest professionally managed global non-governmental organization with Members and Associates in developed as well as developing countries worldwide serving micro, small and medium enterprises. Permanent Representatives and Senior Advisors at various focal points to interact with U.N. agencies and to guide WASME with their expert advice. Consultative/ observer status with all concerned agencies in the UN system such as Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization. International Labour Organisation has admitted WASME to its special list of non-governmental organizations. Organised 17 international conferences on SMEs so far, besides regional conferences on rural industrialization/micro enterprises and related topics to bring the concerns of SMEs to the fore. Conducted, jointly with specialized institutions, tailor-made training programs to meet the requirements of SMEs and SME promotional organizations as a part of their human resource development programme. Facilitated participation of its members in training programs organized by UNIDO and Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo. WASME has signed protocols with NISIET, India; Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Economic Development/International Centre for Promotion of SME (NISPED/InCeP-SME, Israel and ASME INSEND, Singapore to conduct a series of training courses for SME entrepreneurs and their supporting institutions. Organised several training programmes to build the capacities of SMEs, which included aspects such as implications of Intellectual Property Right, WTO agreements on SME sector; and export of services independently and jointly with World Intellectual Property Organisation. The above programmes has benefited close to 700 participants from WASME’s membership as well as those from outside. Undertaken several research studies since its inception. The most recent Study related to “Role and Challenges of Small Service Enterprises in India” for Ministry of Small Scale Industries, Government of India. Established effective networking, more particularly in Africa, Middle East and South/ South-East Asia.

Emerged as a bridge between SME institutions of developing countries and industrialized countries

WASME Honour & Awards: Keeping in with its tradition of promoting and stimulating the SMEs globally, WASME has instituted the only International Award, as recognition to the outstanding contribution of eminent personalities /institutions to the development and promotion of small and medium enterprises. The Legion of Honour Award was instituted at the inaugural Conference of World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises, held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi in November, 1980. This Global Award is the only coverted and highest international recognition in the small business sector. The President of WASME in consultation with such persons as he considers appropriate is responsible for the evaluation of nominees and thus the final selection of the awardees. Special Honour Award is presented to institutions and individuals for their outstanding contribution in promoting small businesses in the own economics or at regional or international level for a minimum period of 10 years. Persons/institutions of eminence can be nominated by an individual/ organisation/government for the Legion of Honour Award/Special Honour Award. The nominee should have a minimum of 10 years of sustained and dedicated service to SMEs at national, regional or global level. Self-nomination for the award will not be considered. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

WASME-RSBDC: The Rural Small Business Development Centre (RSBDC), set up by WASME with the sponsorship of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), works for the benefit of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and groups in rural areas. Assistance is being provided to both current and potential small business owners. World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME) Recognizing the dynamism of MSMEs in creating jobs, spreading technological progress, contributing to socioeconomic well being and stimulating entrepreneurship, WASME has set up an International Committee for Rural Industrialization. This Committee at its various sittings identifies model approach and action plan for sustained growth of rural enterprises. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Set up in 1982 is the apex development bank in India. It has mandate to support through credit and other development efforts agriculture, small scale industries, cortège and village industries, rural artisans, crafts and rural services sectors so as to promote integrated rural development. NABARD has been adopting a multi-pronged, multi-policy approach and strategy in promotion of rural non-farm sector enterprises in the country, these include different types of financial products and also approach (both credit and non-credit and macro and micro levels. The financial products are designed to address credit needs of a wide spectrum of activities in rural areas. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website

RSBDC - Mission & Goals RSBDC intends to provide management and technical assistance to current and prospective micro and small sized entrepreneurs in rural areas. The target groups cover the enterprise sector in its entirety i.e. manufacturing, marketing and service sectors. The Centre offers one stop assistance to small enterprises by providing a wide variety of information, guidance and training in easily accessible locations.

RSBDC - Activities     

Organising entrepreneurship motivation and development programmes as well as programmes for training of trainers. Providing assistance in formulation of bankable projects. Counselling and consultancy services for identification of appropriate and relevant technologies and processes. Support to enterprises in marketing their products and facilitating tie-ups with established enterprises for marketing linkage. Escort services to trainees to enable them to set up their own enterprises.

Documentation Center: WASME believes that information has the power to bring about change and hence is an essential tool in the growth for SMEs. It can help build awareness, remove biases, and even bring organisations and institutions working for SMEs together on a common platform. This is the reason behind the setting up of WASMEs Documentation Centre. Apart from providing information about the status of development to the general public, it serves another important information-need. It disseminates relevant SMEs development-related information to WASME partners on a need basis, as a form of non-financial support. What does the Documentation Centre contain? Books including manuals for training, marketing, latest technologies, R&D; encyclopedia; reference books; directories; handbooks; case studies; inventions; etc. Periodicals such as newsletters, journals, magazines from national and international sources. Other resource materials such as WASME publications, annual reports, training kits, brochures (both national and international), posters, wallpapers, banners, screensavers, CDs, DVDs and audio visuals on core issues. What is the kind of information available here?  

Information on the situation of different sections and sectors of SMEs and industry. Issues affecting sustainable development of SMEs. - Finance; Marketing; Management; Infrastructure; IT & telecommunication - Raw Materials; Connectivity; Labour; Knowledge - Information regarding support agencies and funding techniques - Policy (Government / NGO's); Legislations; Law and SME Development. Other Information like statistics and facts on the situation of sustainable development of SMEs in India and abroad as well as lists of Corporate, NGO's, MSMEs, Institutions, Organisations working at national and international level.

For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website WASME's Documentation Centre Services Documentation Centre offers periodicals, bulletins, updates to members* at a nominal fee. Also available on sale are some WASME publications. Details of the services are as follows: WASME -Docs is a monthly bulletin, listing the new additions - books on development related issues, etc. - in WASME's Documentation Centre. WASME-In-Search is another monthly. It provides you with an index of analytical articles from more than 50 journals on development, industry and non-profit management sources like Time, Economic and Political Weekly, Journal of SMEs Work, Journal of Economic Planning and Implementation, Labour File to state a few.

An update on Campaigns - a fortnightly update (15th and 30th of every month) giving you information through analytical articles on policy and implementation aspects of sustainable development of SMEs. It is also available in Hindi. You could also ask for back dated issues from October 2006 onwards. WASME – World SME News – is a monthly newsletter, which includes information’s related to the different parts of the world in the SMEs sector and its related issues. *Note: Postage and photocopying charges will be extra.

Career at WASME: The WASME is a microcosm of Indian society. With a multi-disciplinary team of professionals providing core competencies innovation and staff members engaged in local initiatives to implement its activities representing the cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity of the country. They work across different sections and form the core of the organisation, enabling it to run efficiently. If you are interested in working with WASME please check out the current vacancies or send us your application. We have also put together some information useful to you in making an informed choice about a career at WASME in the FAQs. For more information you can e-mail us at [email protected] or apply online on our website or download our CV Format, and send your filled application form to our office.

Members Area: Some of the Select List of WASME Members are as follows:                          

CESA Foundation, Republic of San Marino China International Cooperation & Promotion Council for Small and Medium Enterprises, China China Individual Labourer’s Association, China National Bank for Development, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt Development Bank of Mauritius Federal Ministry of Industry, Nigeria First Bank of Nigeria Plc., Nigeria Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank Ltd., Nigeria Israel Small and Medium Enterprise Authority, Israel Kenya Industrial Estate Limited, Kenya Ministry of Labour & Human Resource Development, Kenya National Small Industries Corporation Limited, India Punjab National Bank, India National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), USA Hamriyah Free Zone Authority, UAE Social Fund for Development, Egypt The National Council of Small & Medium Private Enterprises in Romania Union of Private Bulgarian Entrepreneurs, Bulgaria Sambhava Foundation, India Samvaad, India Cyprus Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Cyprus Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, Vietnam Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Jubilant Oil & Gas Pvt. Limited, India Chamber of Commerce and Industry of County of Pest, Hungary Peoples Applied Scientific Research and Development Society (PASRADS), India

Past Presidents:

Jaswant Rai, India

Chief A.F.Kolewale, Nigeria

Nov 12, 1980 - Sep 15, 1985

Sep 16, 1985 - Sep 18, 1987

Hulas Chand Golcha, Nepal

Dr. Ki-Jung Ryu, Korea

Sep 18, 1987 - Mar 31, 1992

Apr 1, 1992 - June 30, 2000

Wan Ji fei, China

Dr. Hussein Elgammal, Egypt

July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2002

July 1, 2002 - 20 Nov. 2002

A. K. Alptemocin, Turkey

Ms. Marielou Gurrero, Gibraltar

June 15, 2003 - July 18, 2004 July 19, 2004 – March 31, 2006 In Bok Park, Koria

April 1, 2006 – February 7, 2008

Membership Schedule and Fees*: World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (w.e.f. 10th August, 2007) (Figures in US $) Admission Annual Fee Membership Fee (i) (ii)


(Figures in INR) (i) + (ii)

A. GENERAL MEMBERS INDUSTRIALISED COUNTRIES: I. Governments & Small Business Administrations ii.SME Promotion Agencies including Banks & Financial Institutions iii. Associations of Small & Medium Enterprises and NGOs

600 400

6,000 4,000

264,000 176,000




500 350

5,000 3,500

220,000 154,000




250 100

2,500 1,000

110,000 44,000







Industrialised countries




Developing countries




Least developed countries







30 60

300 600

13,200 26,400




DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: i. Governments & Small Business Administrations ii.SME Promotion Agencies including Banks & Financial Institutions iii. Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises and NGOs LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: I. Governments & Small Business Administrations ii.SME Promotion Agencies including Banks & Financial Institutions iii. Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises and NGOs INTERNATIONAL & REGIONAL FEDERATIONS/ASSOCIATIONS B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (a) Corporations, consulting firms, research institutes, individuals, stakeholders, universities, etc

(b) private sector enterprises** Size Micro Enterprise : Small Enterprise : Medium Sized :

Employees 10 10 – 49 50 – 249


Turnover (Euro) 2 Million Less than 7 Million 50 Million

* Effective Immediately ** Categorisation of enterprises is as adopted by European Union on May 6th 2003. One Euro= USD 1.1 approx.

Ads Booking: Tariff Rate for Advertising in WASME World SME News ‘World SME News’ is a monthly news magazine published by WASME. The magazine has a worldwide reach. The readership includes:            

Government and public sector organizations; Financial Institutions and Banks; Chambers of Commerce and other trade bodies; Training and Research Institutions; Industry Associations Resource Organisations and Networks; Non-Governmental Organisations; Universities and Educational Institutions; Government and Private Libraries; Export Promotion Organizations and Councils; Private Sector Companies and Enterprises; and Foreign Missions in India and Indian Missions abroad.

It’s a good idea to advertise in World SME News, because It serves as an excellent media for international exposure for advertising your products and services across a wide cross section of readers/consumers. It helps in information dissemination and business generation. TECHNICAL DETAILS Print Area

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Amount (in INR)

Amount (in US$)

Rs. 35,000/Rs. 50,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 8,000/Rs. 15,000/-

US$ 900 US$ 1250 US$ 625 US$ 625 US$ 200 US$ 400

Note: 10% discount on onetime payment for 12 issues (1 Year) LAST DATE OF RECEIVING MATERIAL: 15th of every Month Material Details

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Positive Artwork/Bromide

Advertisement will be published subject to receipt of payment in advance. Please send your advertisement material with payment by crossed Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft in favour of “World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises” payable at Noida, India or by Wire Transfer in favour of World Association for Small & Medium Enterprises, Current Account No. 8885.307.808, Syndicate Bank, SME Branch, Sector – 18, Noida, SWIFT Code: SYNBINBBA163.

Contact Us: We welcome your feedback /comments, ideas /suggestions or queries about WASME. Our contact address and numbers are given below

WASME SECRETRIAT Plot No. 4, Institutional Area, Sector – 16 A Noida, G. B. Nagar – 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India Tel: +91-120-2515241, 4216284 +91-120-4216283 (Direct) Fax: +91-120- 2515243 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Research & Documentation Division [email protected] Programs Division [email protected] Resource Mobilisation/Membership Division [email protected] [email protected] Rural Small Business Development Centre(RSBDC) [email protected] Senior Advisor [email protected] Awards & Honors Division [email protected] HR & Accounts Division [email protected] [email protected] Advertisement Booking [email protected] Website www.wasmeinfo.org Newsletter WASME World SME News SME e-Bulletin Permanent Representatives Geneva:- [email protected] Vienna:- [email protected] Bangkok:- [email protected] Australia:- [email protected] United Kingdom:- [email protected] Israel:- [email protected] United Arab Emirates:- [email protected] France:- [email protected] Austria:- [email protected] Lebonan:- [email protected] South East Asia:- [email protected] United States of America:- [email protected] Africa:- [email protected] Canada:- [email protected]

Dr. K. C. Jankee President [email protected]

A. C. Jose Secretary General [email protected] [email protected]

Sunil D. Sharma Executive Director [email protected] [email protected]

V. N. Prasad Consulting Sr. Economic Advisor [email protected]

Regd. Charity No.: S-24014


World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (A Global Organisation for SMEs)

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