Warren Gamaliel Harding

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Warren Gamaliel Harding - (1865-1923) 29th President of the United States Charles A. Harding -- Brothers -- John Harding George Tryon Harding II - (Warren's Father) Mary (Harding)-Norman - (Shown in picture below) (First Cousins) Warren Gamaliel Harding - 29th President Emma (Norman-Harding)-Todd (Third Cousins) Marshall Todd (Fourth Cousins) Marsha (Todd)-Stewart (Fifth Cousins) 1850 Census - Hocking County, Ohio Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District 195 Number 195 In the County of Hocking 889 - Ass't Marshal #445 John, Mahala, Charles, Hester, Lucinda, Solomon, Ana, Harrison, and Mary Harding are listed as free inhabitants. The Hardings were ancestors of Ada Jane Harding, Mayles Nelson and Mary Harding (shown in pictures), mother of Emma Todd (Marsha Stewart’s grandmother), Lucinda Todd and Mary Lett Harper, also the Charles and Myrtle Kettora Lett families. Richard Harding was the first generation of Hardings who came to America. He settled in Braintree, Massachusetts. In 1623 Richard’s daughter married a descendent of Francis Cook, who came over on the Mayflower. The second generation was Stephen I and Abraham I. The third generation was Richard II and Stephen II. The fourth generation was Abraham II. The fifth generation was Abraham III. The sixth generation was Amos III. He is listed as a West Indian and was born in Otisville, New York. His father was John Harding, and his mother Rhoda King. Amos married Hulda Harding and founded the Village of Clifford. The seventh generation was George Tryon Harding I (1791-1860). His father was Amos III. His first wife was Anna Roberts, and his second wife’s name was Elizabeth. The eighth generation was Charles A. Harding born in 1820 in Morrow County, Ohio. His wife was Mary Ann Crawford. The ninth generation was Dr. George Tryon Harding II. He was born in 1844 and Warren’s father. Warren had seven (7) brothers and sisters: Charity (Chat), Mary Clarissa (named after her grandmother—like my Great Grandmother Mary Thompson-Harding), Eleanor Persilla, Charles Alexsander, Abigail Victoria (Daisy), Georye Tyron “Deac” and Phoebe Caroline (Carolyn)--teacher in a Colored School in Washington DC. John Harding was married twice. Children by the first marriage were: Harson (Hank) and Annie. His second marriage was to Malina Lett, the daughter of Charles and Kettora Lett. Their children

were: Solomon and Mary, also listed were Charles, Lucinda and Hess Lett. Solomon was born in 1840 and spent his early life in Maryland. He later moved to Hocking County, Ohio. Sometime in the early 1870’s, he moved to Montcalm County, Michigan. He married Elizabeth Jessie Smith in Stanton, Michigan. They had one daughter, Ada Jane. They resided in the area until their death and both are buried at the McBride’s Cemetery, McBride, Michigan. (Old Settlers Reunion Association, 1988).

WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSING THIS INFORMATION? For years thereafter journalists and even some historians asserted that the papers were burned. Adams so wrote in 1939 and followed in the same paragraph by relating that government agents in 1922 destroyed a biography of Warren by William Estabrook Chancellor (the author of the 1920 pamphlet on Negro blood), as if the Harding Papers and the Chancellor biography were of the same importance, doubtless realizing that his account gave the impression that everything pertaining to Warren should be destroyed. Harding represented the “All-American Image.” To find out that his father George Tyron Harding had thick lips, rolling eyes, and chocolate skin, Harding made the fall from “All-American Image” to immoral. Chancellor made a direct connection between sexual immorality and race. Since Harding was black, he was sexually promiscuous that accounted for the many affairs he had while in the White House. On page 153...Chancellor had written in his 1922 biography that Harding and Carrie Phillips had met on occasion at Upper Sandusky, twenty miles north of Marion. Nan Britton mentioned Carrie Phillips in--The President's Daughter "a certain Mrs. Arnold." She repeated Chancellor's assertion that Republican leaders in 1920 gave "Mrs. Arnold" money to go to Japan. When letters from Harding to Carrie Phillips emerged in 1963 Warren's heirs entered into a 7-year legal battle, which resulted in the letters being donated to the Library of Congress and sealed until 2014. For nearly half a century, the 29th president of the United States had consistently finished last in polls ranking the presidents. After Warren’s untimely death in 1923, a variety of attacks and unsubstantiated claims left the public with a tainted impression of him. Soon after his death, his reputation began to spiral downward. Rumors circulated of the president's death by poison, either by his own hand or by that of his wife; allegations of an illegitimate daughter were made; and question were raised concerning the extent of Warren's knowledge of the Teapot Dome Scandal and of irregularities in the Veterans' Bureau, as well as his tolerance of a corrupt attorney general who was an Ohio political fixer. The Justice Department did its best to suppress the story. One of its special investigators, Gaston B. Means, tells how he bought up Chancellor’s book on Harding, brought the books to Washington in a guarded express car and made a bonfire. Means states: “I myself had helped light a bonfire that burnt up the entire edition of this book--copyright and all--bought at a price.” And the plates for this book were destroyed also. The bonfire was made in the rear grounds around the palatial home of Mr. Boyd” (Rogers 11). The references given below support my views.

I believe that Warren didn’t want a legitimate child. Why?--The child might be born with Black skin or curly hair; therefore, validating Black ethnicity. Blacks were savages who lead an animal-like existence. The southern plantation was “a school constantly training and controlling pupils who were in a BLACKWARD state of civilization.” If Warren was poisoned by government officials, it was done under the auspicious of “proper discipline” by “The Star Strangled Banner.” Thomas Jefferson--our 3rd President and father of Black children by a slave woman iterates...(I advance it, therefore, as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.) Of all the American presidents who died in office, none had more questions surrounding his sudden death than the 29th President, Warren Harding. The file is still missing and is one of history's most famous cases. US National leaders denied the rumors by the Democrats that Warren was Black. They exclaimed, “It can’t be true!” To save face, President Woodrow Wilson (28th President) ordered pamphlets being distributed by the Democratic Party destroyed. The US Secret Service had their own investigation going on. In the meantime, Warren repressed the idea of not being considered human--classified as an animal--a dog, horse, or other domesticated animal. He crossed the “color line” and became the 29th president of the United States.....(In the meantime, Warren repressed the idea of not being considered human--classified as an animal--a dog, horse, or other domesticated animal. He crossed the “color line” and became the 29th president of the United States.....(The circumstance of superior beauty, is thought worthy attention in the breeding of our horses, dogs, and other domestic animals; why not in that of man?...Thomas Jefferson--3rd President of the US). Warren dissociated himself from his Black self and family. Associative sickness is marked by a separation from or interruption of a person's fundamental aspects of waking consciousness (such as who he was, what his personal history was, etc.). His particular Associative Sickness stemmed from the trauma of being Black.... (Thomas Jefferson...Comparing them by their faculties of memory, reason, and imagination, it appears to me, that in memory they are equal to the Whites; in reason much inferior). The associative aspect is a coping mechanism--the person literally dissociates himself from a situation or experience too traumatic to integrate with his conscious. This disorder is characterized by a blocking out of critical personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature. The conflicts he faced required him to choose between the presidency of the US and alternatives that contained what he perceived to be negative consequences--”Colored.” He chose the presidency. He was Black and knew that if this were discovered, he would be impeached or assassinated. I believe he was murdered. (Thomas Jefferson...The improvement of the Blacks in body and mind, in the first instance of their mixture with the whites, has been observed by every one, and proves that their inferiority is not the effect merely of their condition of life....) We know that in the 1960’s the FBI followed “Black Nationalist” movements. A memo, FBI Communiqué Number 157-601, was the product of a “counter-intelligence program” run by special Agent Raymond N. Byers of the San Francisco office. The subject was “racial intelligence.” Their aim was to stop “revolutionary teaching” by Black Nationalist groups. There have been many political situations reports about “the CIA’s secret operations, espionage, counterespionage and covert actions that are of continuous activity (Propaganda in Theory and Practice, 13).

There is a relationship between stressful life events and physical illness, and Warren suffered from stress and high blood pressure. I attribute this to his “repression” --avoidance and thinking about the entire erasure of his Black ancestry--that included the erasure of his family. There is early movie footage shown by one of the cable history channels of Warren riding with the Ku Klux Klan to burn houses and plant crosses in Black neighborhoods. Warren perceived in other Blacks qualities that he wished to deny in himself. There is empirical evidence for defensive projection by Warren. He actively suppressed thoughts about his Black characteristics and immediate Black family. As a result, those trait concepts are used to interpret others' behavior. People who avoid threatening characteristics--in this case--ethnic/racial traits, deny possessing the traits. These characteristics become “repressive.” Unfavorable Black ethnic/traits can be attributed to a bias for Blacks who are “passing for White.....”(Thomas Jefferson...This unfortunate difference of color, and perhaps of faculty, is a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of these people.) It didn’t take Professor William Estabrook Chancellor of Wooster College (1920) to make a study of the Harding family to supply the genealogical material for “Murmuring Colored Campaign” Pamphlet. The Norman-Harding family could have supplied the information--had we not been suppressed. Tens of thousands pamphlets captioned “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” were distributed countrywide by Democrats during the 1920 Presidential Campaign. The Post Office Department in San Francisco confiscated 250,000 flyers describing Warren’s Negro ancestry that President Wilson ordered destroyed. Notice of the “Murmuring Campaign” crept into newspapers. The president of Wooster and trustees wanted a written denial that Harding was colored. When Chancellor refused, the trustees unanimously requested his resignation. Only the New York Herald was bold enough to admit editorially that in the closing hours of the campaign a dastardly conspiracy is put on foot to steal the election through the insidious assertion that Warren G. Harding, Republican candidate for President of the United States, is of Negro ancestry....In all our political history. The Herald continued, there is nothing comparable to this foul eleventh-hour attack on a presidential candidate solely for the purpose of defrauding the Republican Party of its impending victory. Chancellor was the superintendent and gave Harding’s sister, Mrs. Votaw, a job in the “Colored” public schools of Washington DC. His sister also lived in a “Colored” neighborhood. The Republican Party asked Warren to deny the story. His comment: “How should I know. One of my ancestors might have jumped the fence.” I remember being told when I was a child that at one point in Warren’s life, the only job that he could get was a teacher in the local “colored school in Ohio.” The Justice Department tried to suppress the story. Chancellor’s book on Warren was brought to Washington in a guarded express car and “made a big bonfire.” The plates were also destroyed (JA Rogers, 12). The Most Scandalous President – by Carl Sferrazza Anthony -- PERHAPS THE MOST SURPRISING single event of Harding’s Presidency was his blunt speech on October 26, 1921, to a segregated crowd in Birmingham, Alabama, stating that democracy would always be a sham until African Americans received full equality in education, employment, and political life. Harding went further than any of his predecessors since Lincoln to call for “an end to prejudice." The first

President to discuss civil rights in the South so frankly, he was loudly cheered by blacks and met with silent stares from whites as he declared: “I want to see the time come when black men will regard themselves as full participants in the benefits and duties of American citizenship. . . . We cannot go on, as we have gone on for more than half a century, with one great section of our population . . . set off from the real contribution to solving national issues, because of a division of race lines. . . . Let the black man vote when he is fit to vote, prohibit the white man [from] voting when he is unfit to vote.” HE CERTAINLY WANTED HIS FAMILY TO HAVE THE CIVIL RIGHTS HE HAD ENJOYED SINCE CROSSING THE "COLOR LINE." Thomas Jefferson, who was the third president of the US, presented a hard act for Warren to follow. Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and one of the professed great champions of human freedom and the rights of man. He even built a home on Monticello--his plantation--with his mistress, Black children and other slaves--that stands today as a monument. The Constitutional framers’ attitude toward liberty and equality believed that all men--at least White men--were equally entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Framers changed “pursuit of happiness” to “property” in the Bill of Rights. Like the Declaration, the Constitution refers to “men,” not to “slaves/chattel” who enjoyed neither liberty nor equality (Burns, 101). Read the following, and you don’t know who is writing--Jefferson or Adolf Hitler:

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