Warm Up

  • April 2020
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Warm Up Drills


Explanation; - Players line up behind four cones in one third of the court

- 2 balls are given to players opposite to one another

- Both players without the ball lead and receive the ball from the player on their left and pass to player in front and follow the ball

- Repeat with opposite line

KTP; - When leading push off back foot to drive forward

- Lead with preferred arm out in front for passer to aim for

- Don’t step when receiving the ball and pass off before moving forward

- Communicate with your team by calling names and talking throughout the drill


- Swap directions so players may have to lead with non preferred side

- Move at a quicker/slower pace to change cues and accuracy of the skills used

- Change passes e.g. bounce, shoulder, chest, lob

Follow the leader

Explanation; - Players line up in a line behind the ‘leader’

- The leader runs around the court choosing the direction of travel and foot work involved

- If the leader changes direction, the team follows

- The leader can choose to change style of running, including side step left/right, pitter patter, dodging, grape vine, sprints, jogs

KTP - Ensure when dodging to keep knees slightly flexed

- Keep light on your feet to be ready to change running style

- Keep eyes facing forward focusing on leader

Variations - Change leader on whistle, e.g. blow whistle and back person sprints to the front to become leader

- Work the players at different percentage pace, 50% or 80%

Cone twist

Explanation; - Split team up into two even groups

- Set out cone in one third, some upside now and some the right way up

- One team has to attempt to turn all the cones upside down while the other tries to put them the right way up

- After 30 seconds stop both teams and whoever has the most cones turned the way their team was challenged to wins

- Repeat

KTP; - No one can turn the same cone twice in a row, they have to find another cone

- Keep body lower to the ground to make it easier to move around

- Keep eyes focused forward so you are aware of surroundings of other players an near cones

Variations; - Change way of movement; skipping, jogging, hoping, side step

- Go for shorter/longer time

- Change number of cones

Piggy Bank

Explanation; - Split players into four even teams, each team is allocated a corner of the third referred to as their bank

- Put 8-10 balls in the middle of the third

- When the whistle is blown all players sprint to the middle to get a ball

- Once there are no balls in the middle players can steal them from other teams

- After 1 minute, blow the whistle and the team with the most bowls in their bank wins the round

KTP; - Keep eyes focused forward to make sure no one runs into one another

- Keep weight on your toes to change directions

Variations; - Have each team nominate a player to become a defender

- Include passing, e.g. 3 passes before putting ball into ‘bank’

Shooting Cone run and shoot

Explanation; - Have 5 cones set out along the goal circle

- A feeder with the ball is standing at the top of the D

- The shooter has to run around one of the cones, run back to goal past and receive pass from feeder, balanced themselves and shoots

KTP; - Ball is held in one hand with fingers spread Ball sits on middle of fingers, other hand supports on the side of the ball

- Knees are evenly flexed

- Arm extends and follow through is with wrist and fingers on release of the ball

Variations; - Add more cones/take away cones

- Have a set order of cones to sprint around

- Add a defender for shot

Follow your Shot

Explanation; - Two lines of shooters line up behind the goal circle D on the baseline

- Feeder at the top of the goal circle is ready to receive and feed the ball into the shooters

- White teams first shooter passes out to the feeder, sprints into goal and receives ball

- Shooter has the shot and rebounds on ball to pass onto the black teams first shooter and joins back of black teams line

- First black shooter repeats from opposite side

KTP; - When shooter is receiving the ball, use split leg action to get closer to the hoop

- Push of preferred back leg to make stronger lead into the circle

Variations; - Add a constant defender to put some pressure on shooter

Weave and Shoot

Explanation; - Shooters start at the beginning of the goal third transverse line

- Cones are set up from the transverse line to the goal circle

- Shooter weave in and around the cones then drive into the circle

- Shooter receives pass from feeder on goal circle near the baseline

- Driver attempts a shot and then runs back to the cones to go again

KTP; - Use Split leg action to get closer to the hoop

- Put hand out in front for feeder to aim for

Variations; - Add stationary defender in goal circle to add pressure

Passing Lob Pass

Explanation; - Have feeder at top of the goal circle with the ball

- The GS is standing at the top of the Goal circle

- When the GS makes a lead, feeder makes a lob pass

KTP; - Ball is transferred to one hand with arm back behind the shoulder

- Hips, shoulders and leading foot rotate towards the target

- Ball flight has parabolic trajectory

Variations; - Add a defender to the GS

Follow the Pass

Explanation; - Each player lines up behind a cone, with the rest of the team lining up behind first player

- Players use a chest pass to the person at the next cone and then immediately follow it each time

- When the ball has reached the final cone the last player sprints it back the starting cone and repeats KTP; - Force is transferred by stepping toward the target transferring weight to front foot

- Use ‘W’ hand action to catch and pass the ball

Variations; - Add more cones for further distance

- Change direction of travel

Bounce Pass

Explanation; - Have a feeder behind the goal circle line to receive a pass

- The GS has the ball and has to make a step around the GK to make the bounce pass

- Repeat using both left and right step around to pass to the outer circle

KTP; - Weight is transferred forward onto opposite foot

- Low body position is maintained throughout the action

- Ball is transferred to one hand Variations; - Add GA and GD, along with C to have more options

Footwork Outside foot turn


- In a group of three there is two feeders and one attacker/driver

- One feeder has the ball

- The attacker drives on a 45* angle to their left/right

- Feeder passes ball to attacker, who makes an outside foot turn and passes off to feeder on other side

- Repeat from other direction and turn on opposite foot

- After attacker has done 3 passes, swap positions with a feeder and repeat

KTP; - Lead on a 45* angle

- Pivot on ball of the outside foot

- Have fingers in ‘W’ shape to receive the ball

- Keep knees slightly flexed to absorb force of landing

Variations; - Add defender to make leading harder

- Change type of passing to bounce, shoulder, chest or lob

Attacking centre pass

Explanation; - WA and GA line up together behind centre third line, opening up space to lead into

- When C steps into the circle, WA and GA sprint off into opposite directions losing their player

- WA or GA receive the ball and turn to make ongoing pass


- Keep light, pitter patter, feet to allow for quick take off

- Use outside and inside foot turn when receiving the ball

- If player doesn’t receive the ball ensure to re-offer for following pass

Variations; - Add another pass to continue game flow

- Make set plays, e.g. WA drives and receives ball, while GA re-offers next pass continuing into the GS

Footwork Circuit

Explanation; - All the team lines up behind the first cone starting at base line

- First player does but kicks to the first cone, once she/ he has reached the goal post the next player goes

- The team follows the cones and completes a number of drills in order of but kicks, side steps, high knees, grape vine, ladder, side step, high skips and then sprint back

- Repeat

KTP; - Keep light on your feet to make sure you can change footwork wiht little change over time

- Keep knees slightly flexed at all time

- When completing the ladder, keep

- Keep weight slightly forward over your toes

Variations; - Change footwork on each sideline/baseline

- Work players at different percentage to change working load

Pitter Patter Sprints

Explanation; - Players start at the baseline, using pitter patter to keep warm

- When whistle is blown, players sprint to cones

- Players walk back to the line and start pitter patter steps again

KTP; - Stay on the balls of your feet when using pitter patter

- Decrease takeoff time as much as possible by being alert

- Take off preferred back foot to get a strong start

Variations; - Sprint at different working percentages

- Change length of sprint

Defending Shadowing

Explanation; - Defender stands in front of player on an angle to see both their player and the ball

- Defender follows attacker and follows their movement

- When feeder passes the ball to the attacker, defender attempts to intercept the ball

KTP; - Back is to attacker with use of peripheral vision to track opponent

- Arms are close to the body

- Small steps with fast feet to shadow player

Interception from Behind

Explanation; - A feeder has the ball at the top of the goal circle

- Attacker is standing in front of Defender ready to receive the ball

- When feeder goes to pass ball to attacker, defender attempts to intercept the ball from behind with outside arm

KTP; - Defender uses pitter patter foot steps to be ready to intercept the ball

- Defender has to stay tight to attacker to ensure not too much space is separating them

- Change sides depending of pass

Variations; - If pass is made defender makes 3-foot recovery and defends shot

Avoid Middle Pass

Explanation; - 4 attackers set up in a triangle with one player in the middle

- A defender is added to defend the middle player

- The attackers in the triangle pass between themselves and attempt to pass to the middle player

- The defenders aim is to prevent any passes into the middle player by shadowing them and following the ball movement on the outer triangle

KTP; - Defender keeps light on his/her feet to change positions and following the ball

- Defender should stay on an angle to watch both the inside attacker the ball movement

Variations; - Have 4 people of the outside making a square

- Set number of passes made on the outside before passing into the middle

Attacking 3 v 2 score

Explanation; - Have 2 defenders and 3 attackers in the goal third

- Get players to attack into the goal circle and score

KTP; - Make strong leads

- Re-offer once passed off


- Set an amount of passes before GA/GS can shoot

Cut and Dodge

Explanation; - Have one feeder, an attacker and defender

- Attacker makes a lead and/or cuts and/or doges pass their defender

- When attacker has made clear lead, feeder makes pass

KTP; - Push off back foot to make strong lead

- When dodging defender, lead on a 45* angle


- Have multiple drills happening so less weighting time

- Add multiple doges before attacker can receive the ball

Attacking Centre Pass

Explanation; - Use a set play or free run of the centre pass

- When centre steps into centre circle, attackers drive and lead for the ball

- Continue making passes until ball is in goal circle

- Once ball is scored, drill resets

KTP; - Lead off proffered foot to make strong drive

- If player receives pass continue to make following lead

Variations; - Set number of passes prior to shooting

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