warcraft 3: reign of chaos various cheats during gameplay press enter to get the message box and put in a code below then press enter again to activate: result - cheat code fastbuild: warpten fastdeath: iocainepowder godmode: whosyourdaddy gold: keysersoze [amount](i.e. 'keysersoze 50000' will give you 50000 gold) note default is 500. lumber: leafittome [amount] note - default is 500. resource: greedisgood [amount] note - default is 500. food: pointbreak mana: thereisnospoon cooldown: thedudeabides nodefeat: strengthandhonor novictory: itvexesme research: whoisjohngalt showmap: iseedeadpeople techtree: synergy dawn: riseandshine dusk: lightsout time of day: daylightsavings [hour] (i.e. 'daylightsavings 12' will set time to 12 noon) note - the cheat without any numbers halts day/night progression as a toggle. upgrade: sharpandshiny level jump: motherland [race] [level] (i.e. 'motherland human 04' will jump you to campaign level 3) note - the level number must include interludes. so, to get to human 9, you must actually type 'motherland human 12' since there are 3 interludes in that campaign. defeat: sombodysetupusthebomb victory: allyourbasearebelongtous