Warcraft Iii

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DotA Allstars v6.38b AI_V1.03Final Recipes Table with real facts description Lvl 1 (Human)

Items Required / Costs




= 1775

Void Stone ('Secret' Shop) + Ring of Health ('Secret' Shop)

Headdress of Rejuvenation


900 875


= 657

Ring of Regeneration (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Ironwood Branch (Sena's Shop) + Headdress of Rejuvenation Recipe Scroll

Netherezim Buckler



= 877

Chainmail (Weapons Shop) + Ironwood Branch (Sena's Shop) + Netherezim Buckler Recipe Scroll

Ring of Basilius

620 57 200

+ = 500 Ring of Protection (Weapons Shop) + Sobi Mask (Cache/Gateway Shop)

Boots of Travel


Hand of Midas

+ + = 1530 Gloves of Haste (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Boots of Speed (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Power Treads Recipe Scroll

+ = 1610 Gloves of Haste (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Hand of Midas Recipe Scroll

Oblivion Staff





+2 str, +2 int, +2 agi, Aura: Healing Aura (+2 hp/sec regen) (500 AoE). +38 hp, +26 mana, +0.3 armor, +2% incr attack speed

+2 str, +2 int, +2 agi, +5 armor, Activated (90 mana, 15 sec cooldown): Increase Armor of nearby units by +2 for 15 sec (700 AoE). +38 hp, +26 mana, +0.3 armor, +2% incr attack speed +6 dmg, Aura: Brilliance Aura (0.65 mana regen/sec) (900 AoE), Aura: Devotion Aura (+3 armor) (900 AoE). +90 incr movement speed, Activated (75 mana, 60 sec cooldown): Teleport to a target friendly building (4 sec casting time). Movement speed does not stack with boots of speed, power treads, or boots of travel. Share cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal.

+65 incr movement speed, +35% incr attack speed. 610 500 420

610 1000

1150 450 325

= 510

Circlet of Nobility (Sena's Shop) + Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (Sena's Shop) + Bracer Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

500 2200

= 1925

Quarterstaff (Weapons Shop) + Robe of the Magi (Sena's Shop) + Sobi Mask (Cache/Gateway Shop)


175 325

= 2700

Boots of Speed (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll

Power Treads

375 57 225

+7 dmg, +4 hp/sec regen, +100% mana regen.

185 150 175

Movement speed does not stack with boots of speed, power treads, or boots of travel.

+30% incr attack speed, Activated (75 mana, 100 sec cooldown): Transmute (convert max Lvl 5 creep into gold, 600 range). Cannot be used by Tinker

+6 int, +15 dmg, +50% mana regen, +10% incr attack speed. +78 mana

+6 str, +3 int, +3 agi. +114 hp, +39 mana, +0.4 armor, +3% incr attack speed


DotA Allstars v6.38b AI_V1.03Final Recipes Table with real facts description Lvl 1 (Human)

Items Required / Costs

Wraith Band



= 460

Circlet of Nobility (Sena's Shop) + Slippers of Agility (Sena's Shop) + Wraith Band Recipe Scroll

Null Talisman



Circlet of Nobility (Sena's Shop) + Mantle of Intelligence (Sena's Shop) + Null Talisman Recipe Scroll


185 150 125

= 510 185 150 175

+3 str, +3 int, +6 agi. +57 hp, +39 mana, +0.9 armor, +6% incr attack speed

+3 str, +6 int, +3 agi. +57 hp, +78 mana, +0.4 armor, +3% incr attack speed

Strength (each point increase hp by 19, increase hp regen, increase dmg by 1 for Strength hero) Intelligence (each point increase mana by 13, increase mana regen, increase dmg by 1 for Intelligence hero) Agility (every 7 point increase armor by 1, each point increase attack speed by 1%, increase dmg by 1 for Agility hero) How to count HP regeneration: E.g. Let's say a hero has 30 strength with a Perseverance, so his hp regeneration is : Base HP Regeneration = 0.25 hp/sec (on most heroes) Normal HP Regeneration = 30 x 0.03 = 0.9 hp/sec (based on strength) Total HP Regeneration = 0.25 + 0.9 + 4 = 5.15 hp/sec How to count Mana regeneration: E.g. Let's say a hero has 30 intelligence with a Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, so his mana regeneration is : Base Mana Regeneration = 30 x 0.04 = 1.2 mana/sec (based on intelligence) Total Mana Regeneration = 1.2 + (1.2 * 150%) = 3 mana/sec

By WieQuadrat © 2006


Lvl 2 (Orc)

Items Required / Costs




= 2050

Blade of Alacrity (Sena's Shop) + Boots of Elvenskin (Sena's Shop) + Yasha Recipe Scroll




1000 450 600

= 2050

Ogre Axe (Sena's Shop) + Belt of Giant Strength (Sena's Shop) + Sange Recipe Scroll

Cranium Basher



1000 450 600

= 3220

Mithril Hammer (Weapons Shop) + Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (Sena's Shop) + Cranium Basher Recipe Scroll

Blade Mail





650 620 750

= 3360

Boots of Elvenskin (Sena's Shop) + Mithril Hammer (Weapons Shop) + Maelstrom Recipe Scroll

Diffusal Blade



450 1610 1300

= 3000

Blade of Alacrity (Sena's Shop) + Robe of the Magi (Sena's Shop) + Diffusal Blade Recipe Scroll

Helm of the Dominator


+ = 2000 Mask of Death (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Mask of Madness Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

1000 450 1550

+16 agi, +5% incr movement speed, +5% incr attack speed. +2.3 armor, +16% incr attack speed. +16 str, +5 dmg, Orb Effect: Maim (5% chance (5% against nonheroes), -35% attack speed & -35% movement speed for 6 sec). +304 hp. +3 str, +30 dmg, Effect: Bash (15% of 1.1 sec stun with Melee, 10% of 1.1 sec stun with Ranged, +25 dmg). +57 hp.

+15 dmg, +5 armor, Effect: Spike Carapace (20% melee damage return).

+6 agi, +25 dmg, Orb Effect: Chain lightning (20% chance to cast on target, 150 dmg, hits 3 targets). +0.9 armor, +6% incr attack speed. +10 agi, +6 int, Orb Effect: Feedback (burn 18 mana), Activated (10 charges, 12 sec cooldown): Purge a unit (Debuff status, slow movement, duration 4 sec, 600 range). +78 mana, +1.4 armor, +10% incr attack speed. +10 dmg, +5 armor, Orb Effect: 15% Lifesteal,

= 1850

Helm of Iron Will (Weapons Shop) + Mask of Death (Cache/Gateway Shop)

Mask of Madness

1610 150 1460

= 2020

Blades of Attack (Weapons Shop) + Chainmail (Weapons Shop) + Blade Mail Recipe Scroll



950 900

900 1100

Activated (125 mana, 300 sec cooldown): Charm (Take control of the target unit, max Lvl 6, 700 range). Orb Effect: 10% Lifesteal, Activated (25 mana, 30 sec cooldown): 12 sec Frenzy (+75% incr attack speed, +15% incr movement speed, +20% dmg taken).


Lvl 2 (Orc)

Items Required / Costs

Eul's Scepter of Divinity



= 2350

Staff of Wizardry (Sena's Shop) + Void Stone ('Secret' Shop) + Robe of the Magi (Sena's Shop)

Soul Booster



1000 900 450

= 3300

Vitality Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Energy Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Point Booster ('Secret' Shop)


+ + = 2434 Headdress of Rejuvenation (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Netherezim Buckler (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Mekansm Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006


1100 1000 1200

657 877 900

+18 int, +100% mana regen, Activated (6 charges, 5 sec cooldown): Cyclone (5 sec in the air for hero and 10 sec to creep) (600 range). +234 mana.

+450 hp, +400 mana, +1 hp/sec regen, +10% mana regen.

+5 str, +5 int, +5 agi, +5 armor, Aura: Healing Aura (+3 hp/sec regen) (500 AoE), Activated (150 mana, 45 sec cooldown): Heal units by 250 hp & Protect gives +2 armor for 20 sec (300 AoE). +95 hp, +65 mana, +0.7 armor, +5% incr attack speed.


Lvl 3 (Night Elf)

Items Required / Costs

Sange and Yasha




= 5100

Sange (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Yasha (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Sange and Yasha Recipe Scroll

Stygian Desolator


2050 2050 1000


= 4420

Mithril Hammer (Weapons Shop) + Mithril Hammer (Weapons Shop) + Stygian Desolator Recipe Scroll

Battle Fury



1610 1610 1200

= 4785

Mithril Hammer (Weapons Shop) + Perseverance (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Claymore (Weapons Shop)




1610 1775 1400

= 2350

Broadsword (Weapons Shop) + Blades of Attack (Weapons Shop) + Crystalys Recipe Scroll

Black King Bar



1200 650 500

= 3800

Ogre Axe (Sena's Shop) + Broadsword (Weapons Shop) + Black King Bar Recipe Scroll

Manta Style


1000 1200 1600


= 5500

Diffusal Blade (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Vitality Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Manta Style Recipe Scroll

Aegis of the Immortal




3000 1100 1400

= 5425

Planeswalker's Cloak (Weapons Shop) + Plate Mail (Weapons Shop) + Ring of Health ('Secret' Shop) + Aegis of the Immortal Recipe Scroll

Lothar's Edge



Blade of Alacrity (Sena's Shop) + Claymore (Weapons Shop) + Lothar's Edge Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

650 1400 875 2500

= 3800 1000 1400 1400

+16 str, +16 agi, +16 dmg, +10% incr movement speed, +10% incr attack speed, Orb Effect: Maim (10% chance (10% against nonheroes), -35% attack speed & -35% movement speed for 6 sec). +304 hp, +2.3 armor, +16% incr attack speed. +60 dmg, Orb Effect: Corruption (Reduce enemy armor by 6) on attack for 5 sec.

+65 dmg, +6 hp/sec regen, +150% mana regen, Effect: Cleaving Attack (35% splash dmg, 200 AoE).

+35 dmg, Effect: Critical Strike (10% chance, 1.75x dmg).

+10 str, +18 dmg, Activated (150 mana, 100 sec cooldown): 10 sec Avatar (magic-immunity). Un-droppable +190 hp. +18 agi, +6 int, +250 hp, Orb Effect: Feedback (burns 36 mana), Activated (165 mana, 70 sec cooldown): Create 2 Mirror Images for 20 sec, deal 40% dmg & take 300% dmg. +78 mana, +2.6 armor, +18 incr attack speed. +10 armor, 35% spell dmg reduction, Effect (3 charges, 60 sec cooldown): Reincarnation a dead hero and the hero is considered not dead. Respawn at fountain. Un-droppable +10 agi, +21 dmg, Activated (125 mana, 26 sec cooldown): 9 sec Wind walk (50 Backstab dmg, 15% incr movement speed). +1.4 armor, +10% incr attack speed.


Lvl 3 (Night Elf)

Items Required / Costs




= 3000

Staff of Wizardry (Sena's Shop) + Blades of Attack (Weapons Shop) + Dagon Recipe Scroll





1000 650 1350

= 2750

Staff of Wizardry (Sena's Shop) + Belt of Giant Strength (Sena's Shop) + Necronomicon Recipe Scroll

1000 450 1300

+3 str, +15/17/19/21/23 int, +3 agi, +9 dmg, Activated (245/265/285/305/325 mana, 40 sec cooldown): 400/500/600/700/800 dmg Energy Burst (600 range). Can be upgraded by repurchasing the Recipe Scroll; 4 upgrades maximum. +57 hp, +195/221/247/273/299 mana, +0.4 armor, +3% incr attack speed. +6/10/14 str, +15/21/24 int, Activated (50 mana, 90 sec cooldown): Raise Dead 35 sec, summons 1 Necromicon warrior (400/600/800 hp, 21/41/61 normal dmg, 6/8/10 armor) with Mana Burn and Lifesteal 25/50/75 mana and hp, deals 200/400/600 dmg to unit that kills it, has 1300/1400/1500 vision range and 40% magic resistance. At level 3 has True Sight. & 1 Necromicon archer (400/600/800 hp, 31/61/91 piercing dmg, 350 range, 6/8/10 armor) with Endurance Aura (300 AoE) incr movespeed and attack speed by 3/6/9%, and Mana Burn 200/ 250/ 300 mana. Necromicon gives around 100 gold upon death and cannot attact Ancient. Can be upgraded by repurchasing the Recipe Scroll; 2 ugrades maximum. Un-droppable Cannot be used by Tinker

+114/190/266 hp, +195/273/312 mana. Linken's Sphere

+ + = 5500 Perseverance (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Ultimate Orb (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Linken's Sphere Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

1775 2300 1425

+15 str, +15 int, +15 agi, +6 hp/sec regen, +150% mana regen, Effect (60 sec cooldown): Disentangle (negates a targeted spell). +285 hp, +195 mana, +2.1 armor, +15% incr attack speed.


Lvl 4 (Undead)

Items Required / Costs

Divine Rapier




= 7800

Sacred Relic ('Secret' Shop) + Demon Edge ('Secret' Shop) + Claymore (Weapons Shop)

Buriza-do Kyanon


3800 2600 1400


= 6200

Demon Edge ('Secret' Shop) + Crystalys (Lvl 3 (Night Elf) Recipes) + Buriza-do Kyanon Recipe Scroll

Monkey King Bar



2600 2350 1250

= 5400

Quarterstaff (Weapons Shop) + Demon Edge ('Secret' Shop) + Monkey King Bar Recipe Scroll

1150 2600 1650

Radiance +

= 5325

Sacred Relic ('Secret' Shop) + Radiance Recipe Scroll

Heart of Tarrasque

3800 1525

+ + = 5500 Messerschmidt's Reaver ('Secret' Shop) + Vitality Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Heart of Tarrasque Recipe Scroll




3200 1100 1200

= 6150

Helm of the Dominator (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Messerschmidt's Reaver ('Secret' Shop) + Satanic Recipe Scroll

Eye of Skadi




= 7050

Ultimate Orb (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Ultimate Orb (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Point Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Eye of Skadi Recipe Scroll

The Butterfly



Eaglehorn ('Secret' Shop) + Quarterstaff (Weapons Shop) + The Butterfly Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

1850 3200 1100

2300 2300 1200 1250

= 5950 3400 1150 1400

+250 dmg. Item drops if the bearer dies. Un-droppable by the bearer unless upon death.

+75 dmg, Effect: Critical Strike (20% chance, 2.2x dmg).

+75 dmg, +15% incr attack speed, Effect: Bash (30% chance of 0.01 sec stun, +100 dmg). For melee heroes, the bonus damage is considered to be magic attack, while for ranged heroes, the bonus damage is considered to be physical attack. +70 dmg, 8% evasion, Effect: Immolation (35 dmg/sec in 550 AoE, no stacking).

+35 str, +300 hp, +11 hp/sec regen. +665 hp.

+25 str, +5 armor, Orb Effect: 23% Lifesteal, Activated (100 mana, 60 sec cooldown): Death pact (convert 85% of target allied creep's life to life and 15% of target allied creep's life to mana) (400 range). +475 hp. +25 str, +25 int, +25 agi, +150 hp, +200 mana, Orb Effect: Frost Attack (-20% attack speed & -30% movement speed for 2 sec). For range heroes, this is not an orb effect & only as an attack mod. +475 hp, +325 mana, +3.6 armor, +25% incr attack speed. +25 agi, +25 dmg, +25% incr attack speed, 25% evasion. +3.6 armor, +25% incr attack speed.


Lvl 4 (Undead)

Items Required / Costs

Aghanim's Scepter


= 6200

Mystic Staff ('Secret' Shop) + Soul Booster (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes)

Refresher Orb

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse


+ + = 5575 Perseverance (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Oblivion Staff (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Refresher Orb Recipe Scroll

+ + = 5175 Oblivion Staff (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Eul's Scepter of Divinity (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Recipe Scroll

2900 3300

1775 1925 1875

1925 2350 900

+30 int, +500 hp, +500 mana, Effect: Improve heroes ultimate spell for Lina, Zeus, Furion, Keeper of the Light, Rylai, Rhasta, Queen of Pain, Venomancer, Lich, Leshrac, Lion, Luna, Necrolyte, Ogre Magi, Pugna,& Witch Doctor. Item can be made by those heroes only Un-droppable +390 mana. +40 dmg, +4 hp/sec regen, +150% mana regen, Activated (275 mana, 210 sec cooldown): Instantly Refresh all ability cooldowns. +25 int, +35 dmg, +150% mana regen, Activated (100 mana, 23 sec cooldown): Polymorph (turn enemy into sheep, reduce base speed to 100) for 3 sec (600 range) +325 mana.

How to count Mana regeneration: Your hero's intelligence*0.04*increased % of mana regeneration. E.g. Let's say a hero has 30 intelligence with a Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, so his mana regeneration is : [(30*0.04)*150%] = (1.2*150%) = 3mana/sec.

By WieQuadrat © 2006


Lvl 0 (New)

Items Required / Costs




= 2275

Ring of Health ('Secret' Shop) + Vitality Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Stout Shield (Weapons Shop)

Arcane Ring



875 1100 300


= 1700

Energy Booster ('Secret' Shop) + Ring of Protection (Weapons Shop) + Arcane Ring Recipe Scroll

1000 175 525



= 7760

Maelstrom (Lvl 2 (Orc) Recipes) + Eaglehorn ('Secret' Shop)




3360 3400

= 925

Chicken (Chimaera Roost/Graveyard Shop) + Boots of Speed (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Crow Recipe Scroll

Vladmir’s Offering

+ + = 2400 Ring of Basilius (Lvl 1 (Human) Recipes) + Mask of Death (Cache/Gateway Shop) + Vladmir’s Offering Recipe Scroll

By WieQuadrat © 2006

225 500 200

500 900 1000

+4 hp/sec regen, +250 hp, +65% block 65 dmg.

+3 armor, +300 mana Activated (25 mana, 40 sec cooldown): Replenish of nearby units 135 mana (200 AoE). +35 agi, +35 dmg Orb Effect: Chain lightning (20% chance to cast on target, 200 dmg, hits 3 targets). Activated (50 mana, 45 sec cooldown) : 20 sec Static Charge to a hero (25% chance cast 200 dmg Chain lightning to a unit attacking that hero once per second). +5 armor, +35% incr attack speed. Activated : summon a Crow Courier (flying magic-immune 150 hp, 400 mana, 10 armor, 6 item slot but cannot carry gem) can cast Burst (50 mana, 40 sec cooldown) to accelerate move speed. +12 dmg Aura: 16% Lifesteal Aura to melee unit (900 AoE) Aura: Brilliance Aura (+80% mana regen) (900 AoE), Aura: Devotion Aura (+5 armor) (900 AoE).


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