Wallace Summary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 788
  • Pages: 2
Substantives Case Nominative (36) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Subject Predicate Nom. Nom. in Simple Apposition Nom. Absolute Pendent Nom. Parenthetic Nom. Nom. for Vocative

Local Dative Uses 1. Dative of Sphere 2. Dative of Time

Instrumental Dative Uses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dative of Association Dative of Means/Instrument Dative of Agency Dative of Cause Dative of Content

After Certain Words 1. Dative Direct Object 2. Dative After Certain Prep's

As a Function Marker The Absence of the Article

1. Imperfect Retained in Indirect Discourse

1. Indefinite 2. Qualitative 3. With Definite Nouns (proper

Future (566)

names; object of a preposition; ordinal numbers; predicate nominative; abstact nous, etc.)

Article--Special Uses 1. Colwell's Rule 2. Granville Sharp Rule

1. Predictive

Aorist (554) 1. Constative [= Simple Reference] (Complexive, Punctiliar, Comprehensive, Global)

2. Ingressive (Inceptive, Inchoative) 3. Consummative (Culminative, Ecbatic, Effective)

Vocative (65) 1. Simple Address

Genitive (72) Adjectival 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Descriptive—characterized Possessive--which belongs to Partitive (“Wholative”) Attributive Gen. in Simple Apposition Gen. of Apposition

Ablatival (107) 1. Separation— “from” 2. Comparison—“than”

Accusative (176) Substantival Uses 1. Direct Object 2. Double Accusatives 1. Personal-Thing 2. Object-Complement

3. Accusative Subject of Infinitive 4. Accusative in Simple Apposition

Adverbial Uses 1. Accusative of Measure (or Extent of Space or Time)

After Certain Prepositions

Verbal Genitive (112) 1. Subjective 2. Objective

Adverbial (121)

Article (206) As a Pronoun

1. Time 2. Genitive Absolute

1. Personal Pronoun 2. Relative Pronoun

After Certain Words (131)

With Substantives-Individualizing

1. After Certain Verbs (as Dir. Obj.)

2. After Certain Prepositions

Dative (137) Pure Dative Uses 1. Indirect Object 2. Dative of Interest (Dative of Advantage and Disadvantage = dativus commodi or incommidi) 3. Dative of Reference/Respect 4. Dative in Simple Apposition

1. Simple Identification 2. Anaphoric (Previous Reference) 3. Par Excellence 4. Monadic (“One of a Kind”) 5. Well-Known (“Celebrity”) 6. Abstract

With Substantives--Generic As a Substantive (With Certain Parts of Speech)

Verbs Tense (494) Present (513) Action Over a Short Interval 1. Instantaneous (Aoristic or Punctiliar) 2. Progressive (Descriptive)

Action Over a Long Interval 1. Iterative 2. Customary (Habitual or General) 3. Gnomic

Special Uses 1. Historical Present 2. Futuristic Present 3. Present Retained in Indirect Discourse

Imperfect (540) Action Over a Short Interval 1. Progressive (Descriptive) 2. Ingressive (Inchoative, Inceptive)

Action Over a Long Interval 1. Iterative 2. Customary (Habitual or General)

Special Uses

Perfect (572) 1. Intensive (Resultative) 2. Extensive (Consummative) 3. Perfect with a Present Force

Pluperfect 1. Intensive (Resultative) 2. Extensive (Consummative) 3. Plpf. with a Simple Past Force

Voice Active (410) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Simple Causative Stative Reflexive (w/reflexive pronoun)

Middle (414) 1. Direct (Reflexive) 2. Indirect (Intensive) 3. Deponent

Passive (431) 1. Simple 2. Deponent Passive

Mood Indicative (448) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Declarative Interrogative Conditional Potential Indicative With o{ti

Subjunctive (461) In Independent Clauses 1. 2. 3. 4.

Hortatory (or, Volitive) Deliberative Emphatic Negation— ouj mhv Prohibitive— mhvv + 2nd person

In Dependent Clauses 1. Subjunctive in Conditional Sentences [ejan + the Subjunctive] 2. i{na + the Subjunctive - Purpose - Result - Substantival 3. Indefinite Relative Clause 4. Indefinite Temporal Clause

Optative (480) 1. Voluntative (Obtainable Wish, Volitive) 2. Oblique

Imperative (485) 1. Command 2. Prohibition 3. Request (Entreaty, Polite Command)

4. Cause (why?) 5. Complementary (Supplementary)

Greek Clauses Independent Clauses

Substantival Uses (600) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Subject Indirect Discourse Appositional Epexegetical

1. Imperatival 2. Absolute

Connective—kaiv, dev Contrastive—ajllav, dev, plhvn Correlative—mevn...dev, kaiv...kaiv Disjunctive—h[ Explanatory—gavr Inferential—a[ra, diov, ou\n, w{ste 7. Transitional—dev, ou\n

Participles Adjectival Participles (617)

Introduced by a Prep. Phrase

1. Adjectival Proper (Dependent) 2. Substantival (Independent)

dia; tiv (“why?”); dia; tou'to (“for this reason”); eij" tiv (“why?”);

Dependent Verbal Participles (621) Adverbial Participles


Independent Uses

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Temporal Means Cause Condition Concession Purpose (Telic) Result

Attendant Circumstance Periphrastic Independent Verbal Participles (650)

1. Purpose (why?) 2. Result (what happened?) 3. Time (when?) 1. Antecedent 2. Contemporaneous 3. Subsequent

Genitive Absolute

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

• commands & exhortations • sentences in a series • topic shift

1. 2. 3. 4.

Infinitival Clauses Participial Clauses Conjunctive Clauses Relative Clauses • a relative pronoun • a relative adjective • a relative adverb

Function Substantival Clauses Adjectival Clauses Adverbial Clauses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Cause Comparison Concession Condition Complementary Location Manner/Means Purpose Result Time

Conditional Sentences (679)

1. As An Imperative (Imperatival)

Infinitive Adverbial Uses (590)

Introduced by Coordinating Conjunction

Dependent Clauses (659) Kinds of Construction


1. 1st Class: Assumed True (eij + Indic // any) 2. 2nd Class: Contrary to Fact (eij + Indic // a[n + Indic) 3. 3rd Class: Uncertain of fulfillment, but still likely (ejan + Subj // any)

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