Wali On Decayed Vs Developed Behaviours

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  • October 2019
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‘Decayed’ vs ‘Developed’ Work Behaviours by Wali Zahid


‘Decayed’ vs ‘Developed’ Work Behaviours Wali Zahid A decade ago, I attended a course in Canada. An evening, a guest lecturer spoke to us on the characteristics of decayed nations vs those of developed nations. I do not recall her name or what she covered. I just remembered one thing from her talk: decayed nations live in the past and developed nations live in the future. Or may be in different words. It was my moment of discovery. Suddenly I could make sense why we still talked about ‘Fall of Dhaka’ and ‘Why Pakistan came into being’ while the developed world talked about the year 2050! I remember asking the speaker if she considered the same measures apply to individuals. She said yes. Which meant to me: Although I come from a decayed nation called Pakistan, but if I choose to I can become a ‘developed’ individual by adopting the behaviors of the developed nations. Wow! This talk became a turning point for me. Since then wherever I traveled, I kept on looking at decayed vs developed behaviours. No wonder, I turned to teaching, training and coaching. That too coaching the business leaders! The list below is a compilation of my years of journeys/ readings/ observations/ reflections/ interviews since 1997. Hope you can find some value in this. And if you pick only one behaviour, chances are this can be your turning point too! At the moment, these are only words. I intend to expand this list into meaningful sentences, so a layperson doesn’t have to go through the labour of management lingo! Until this happens, happy reading! Personal Orientation Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour Live in past Consider it ‘event’ Build (grandeur) Attempt perfectionism Good enough Look at constraints Win-lose Inward looking Impossible Can’t do Self-centered Last-minute Quitter Strong individuality Competitive

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Talk about future See a ‘process’/ pattern Maintain Know it’s an imperfect world and know where to stop! Good is the enemy of great See possibilities/opportunities Win-win Externally-focused Possible Can do! Self and other centered/ empathetic Prepared / plan ahead Never never quit Group-orientation Collaborative

Personal Values Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour Values are situational Arrogance / elitism Operate from scarcity Accumulate wealth

© 2008 Skill City

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Principle-centered / integrity Humility / modesty Operate from abundance Share wealth / generous

[email protected]


‘Decayed’ vs ‘Developed’ Work Behaviours by Wali Zahid


Communication Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour One-way, top-down communication I language Excluding Difference unwelcome Secretive Bargain is unpleasant Formal Non-participative Status-, class-conscious

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Multi-way communication We language Inclusive Challenge is ok! Open Love to bargain Informal Concerned/ participate Down to earth

Leadership style Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour Use power Use push Manage I am the leader No trust in others Blame others when things go wrong Credit is mine Expect not much from team members Creates in-group / out-group Micromanage Divide and rule

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Use influence Use pull Lead The leadership is shared Trust Look in the mirror Credit is theirs Expect great outcomes Fair to all Empower We all are one!

Problem-solving/ Decision-making Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour One right answer Ideas com from SMT My decision Mistakes not allowed Ambiguity unacceptable Procrastinator Risk averse Data driven

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Many right answers Ideas from frontline/shop floor Team’s decision You have a right to be wrong! Tolerance for ambiguity Decisive Risk taker Intuitive

Orientation towards change Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour Conformity Resist change Rule-bound

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Diversity Use ‘creative destruction’ Rules can be broken

Customers and suppliers Ineffective / ‘Decayed’ Behaviour Customers are nuisance Suppliers are ‘dependent’/ at the receiving end Over commit

© 2008 Skill City

Effective / ‘Developed’ Behaviour Customer obsession Suppliers are loved/ considered partner Under-promise, over-deliver

[email protected]


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