Waking Up Is Hard To Do

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Waking Up is Hard to Do by Dessert Spawn If you have been exploring deep into your religious doctrine, no matter what that might be, and think that all you have found is simply more questions and a lot of loose ends, This article may be the beginning of helping you tie those loose ends. I myself have explored many religious texts and have found a rabit hole deeper than one can imagine. If you were to ask what my religion is, I would have a hard time answering you but I do have an answer. To be part of a single religion is to accept anything and everything that religion says as pure unadulterated truth. This acceptance is known as faith. It is my opinion that “Blind Faith” may be a better terminology for this particular kind of acceptance of truth. They do not question ones religion and will believe anything that is said in it. However, If one is going to find truth, one must constantly question ones owns beliefs. To find the answers to these questions, one also must find evidence. When one does this, they will find that their faith in their beliefs stand much more firm than if they go on blind faith alone. What this means is that those who stand on wobbly structure of blind faith will ultimately accept anything as truth and allow those at the top of their religious hierarchy (usually a patriarchal system) to control their beliefs. Any changes that the head figure brings is double-thought into their beliefs without question. Now most religions do not want you to question your faith. If you were to do so and others were to see you questioning the belief structure baby fed to you, they would ultimately do what they could to convince you that this is wrong. The purpose of this document is to tell you that it is not wrong to be open minded. If you have read this far then you are more than likely searching for the something more. If you are searching for more answers then you have come to the conclusion that you have not been told all you need to know. You have decided to wake up and search for the answers your self. I do not claim to have all the answers but I can at least start pointing you into the right direction. This direction is a path of ultimately questioning your own beliefs to come up with truth for yourself. It is fine that the truth you do find is not what you have been spoon fed your whole life and I praise them who goes down this lonely path as I have done. If you are open minded enough to come this far, then perhaps you may be open minded enough to question your own reality a bit further. Understand that you have been told how to think, how to dress, what to believe, what eat, etc your entire life and you may now be awakening to the possibility that all these things are decisions you need to make for yourself. Your soul is coming to the point of breaking out of the mold you have lived in all this time and becoming an individual. This is known as the awakening. This is why you are still reading what I have written and thus far, you know it in your heart to be the truth. Thus far, if what I have said was not felt in your heart, then you would not have continued reading. Although I may not be able to give you all the answers, It is my intent to give you the answers that will help guide your research to the truth. If I gave you all the answers I have found for myself, it is possible that you would do one of two things. You may accept it as truth but it would be accepted by blind faith, or you may find them so out there that you may not believe them at all. Neither of which I want you to do. My job is to help you awaken and heal. Once you have started this path and have come to grips with the truth, it is your responsibility to humanity it's self to help others. Understand now that you can not help everyone find true faith in themselves. Some have become so addicted to being spoon fed on what they are supposed to be, that you would only upset them and close their mind further to finding truth for themselves. You can only help those that have already decided to wake up as you have done. I am very happy for you that you have come this far. Waking up is a decision that is made. Upon that decision comes a responsibility to ones self to keep going deeper down this rabbit

hole and ultimately go where it leads. Then, once you have gone so far, you may hear a voice behind you calling for help. You turn to find someone else has ventured down this hole as well but has not come this far. They may be as confused as you are now and have questions that you have answered for yourself and need your guidance to help them heal and help them progress as far as you. You have a choice to make. Do you help them or do you not. Me, I choose to help them and I advise that you do the same. Once you start helping them get to the point you are now, you learn what you have learned better and you also now have a companion to journey with you. You will find you are no longer feeling lonely. It is only those that start the journey that you can help and those that haven't you can not. Not because you are keeping any secrets but because all you achieve is hardening the hearts of those that do not want to wake up. The first rule of being a healer is to never heal unless the ask for it and a healer is what you are becoming. By helping that person along, you are in fact healing them. You are giving them the guidance that someone has once given you. In the process you have made a friend that will one day be helping you. Cause and Effect We are all connected and we are all one. Helping others ultimately helps yourself. Giving to others is giving to yourself. What you put out into the world you will get back ten-fold. Every action that you have done or caused, I tell you the truth, you will be held accountable for it whether it is good or bad. Believe it or not, you as a person, a single entity amongst billions or more, one small part of the picture, have a lot of power of cause and effect upon this great universe. You may not realize just how much influence you have, nor will you ever see all of the effect of your actions. It is said that the turbulence created by the fluttering of a butterfly wing in Australia can in fact create a super-hurricane in New Orleans. This is an old notion popularized by many time travel films but it also is a fundamental to chaos theory. You may not know this but every action you do has potential to set off a chain of events that ripples through other peoples lives. You, who are only one organism in a vast sea, have that effect on the world. This is a great deal of power you never knew you had and as the said in Spiderman, With power comes great responsibility. If you are a mean person, you hurt other people and you cause them to be mean which repeats the cycle over and over. It is why in Christian Doctrine, the bible, Jesus teaches that if a man strikes you turn your cheek and allow him to strike you again. He is not meaning let yourself get jumped and beat up. He is simply saying to stop this cycle and change it into something good. You do this simply by being a nice person, even when others are mean to you. However, defend yourself if you feel you need to do so. Your being nice, or your being mean and selfish, is an action and remember that you will be held accountable for either allowing the cycle to continue with you, or stopping it and changing it to something else. Both cycles, the mean one, or the nice one, both run off of the snowball effect. You may have seen in old cartoons where a guy throws a snowball down a mountain and it just keeps getting bigger until it rolls over a town or destroys a house. Both cycles work just that way. A good deed you do for one becomes a good deed he does for another and the deed grows to be bigger every time. It works the same for bad deeds. A man cuts you off on the express way because you wouldn't let him in, you flip him off, it angers him but he takes that anger to work with him, his secretary enters the room and he unloads on her, she goes home and she unloads on her kids and so forth. Or, same scenerio, you see a guy looking to your lane or you notice a slight movement indicating that he is inspecting the lane. Your choice is to speed up so he has to wait for another break in the lane or cut you off, or slow down ever so slightly and allow him in. if you went with the latter then he probably gave you a wave of gratitude. You feel good and he gets to work and is nice to his secretary and perhaps buys her some coffee on the way to work and again this goes on for some time. You never see what happens after but you had some impact on a stranger that impacted others and all those impacts, you are responsible for. The universal consciousness - whether that be God,

Allah, etc – will ultimately hold you accountable for the entire chain of events and perhaps someday you will be shown all of what your deeds have done to the universe. Multi-dimensional Being Ah, this concept may seem a little weird to you. However, there are more than three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. So why do we perceive the world the way we do? Good question. I myself am trying to understand this concept and know that someday, we all will. We only see the three spatial and one time dimension but science is now proving that there are actually several spatial directions and several time dimensions as well. Meaning we may someday have the possibility to navigate through time as we do space. Only time will tell. However, we also work on the other dimensions and you have, believe it or not, traveled within some of them. You exist in them in fact. I am going to show you the three you work with now. You are an entity that operates on many planes of existence. I am actually now going to introduce you to a man known as Max Freedom Long. Long wrote many books but our focus is on one you may have heard of. This book is The Secret Science of Miracles. Long had an opportunity to witness first hand the end of a dying religion he called the Huna. He at first, was not trusted by the people practicing the old religion because it was kept hidden from the Christian outsiders that came to spread their new religion. Rightly so or it would have died out like many other ancient beliefs and records have. He eventually came up with a new theory, this I believe. You have three selves and very much like the trinity that Christianity have presented to you. Your first self is the conscious self or middle self. The second is your lower self, and third is your higher self. The latter work in the realm of other dimensions. You don't see them but they are both as much a part of you as your physical, middle self. Now, they all work together in unison however your middle self is the one part you are aware of. You may be wondering if we are connected to everything, why we can't use telepathy or why we can't walk eachothers dreams. The answer will blow you away. It is simply that we CAN do those kinds of things. Right now most people are blocked off. They have to go through a long spiritual journey and this is not something that happens over night. It takes a lot of personal growth on all levels of your being. Your conscious self is the part that sees and works in the standard three dimensional universe. It has the ability to think and come up with what it is that you need in life to experience life to its fullest. It is what helps you solve problems in life and to help you plan ahead. Most of the time it dwells on the past which I will get to in a moment. It can not talk directly to your higher self because it is only connected to your lower self. Think of a silver data cable that connects your middle and lower and another that connects your lower and higher self. There is none between your middle and higher and there is a reason for this. Your higher self is the part of you that makes things happen, it helps you heal when you need to, it is like your guardian angel and it is what allows your psychic abilities to work. Oh yes, you are what you would call a psychic. We all are. Just some are more in tune with it than others. Those that are in tuned with it are seen by the closed minded, blind faith people, as crazy. They have been told their whole life that psychics don't exist just as you probably have been told yourself. However your openmindedness has allowed you to see the truth. You want info and it will come to you through your higher self. Also your higher self is what heals you. When you heal others, you really are giving energy to that persons higher self and a message that something is wrong. All higher selves are connected. The problem is that everyone wants to communicate directly with their higher self. This is not going to happen. It can't because they forgot their middle man. This middle man is the lower self. The lower self is who listens to the needs of the middle self. It is also responsible for working up the energy to send to the higher self to do the task. The higher self does what the lower self tells it to do

and uses the energy the lower self gives it. Our conscious talks to the lower self through prayer, meditation, and ritual. It loves ritual. Now if everything works perfectly, you say a prayer or affirmation, your lower self hears it and creates the energy and sends the prayer and energy to the higher self. However, this is usually not the case. Usually, it may seem to you that your prayers don't get answered. It may seems that when you pray for something, the opposite always seems to happen. There are several things that are involved here. Most people start with the way you pray, I am going to start with the blocks. The Blocks Long, said that if your prayers or rituals are not working out, there are several obstacles that are usually in the way between you and your lower self. The first is intent. What you desire. What I have not yet explained is that your lower self has one more job: It filters out harmful intentions. If you declare a prayer that may be harmful to yourself, it ignores them. It can only do what it thinks is best for you. Now keep in mind that earlier, we discussed that harming others ultimately harms yourself. Your lower self is well aware of this fact. So consider what you wish for. Is it harmful to you or others? Now, you have analyzed your intention and found it to be pure and you have discovered that it is not harmful to other or yourself so why is not working? This is due to the blocks that you have placed between you and your lower self. These blocks do one or both of two things. One is that it may make your intention appear harmful when it is not and the other is that it simply stops your prayer on the spot. These blocks include guilt, sin, self resentment, perhaps you don't feel worthy of good in your life, and grudges you hole against others or yourself. These blocks are called baggage and they are very powerful and they can cripple the effect of your prayer. This is usually the case. What one needs to do to fix this is simply let go of their baggage. In Christianity, this was done by baptism. Unfortunately this sacred ritual has had a lot left out when Christianity became distorted in the third century A.D. We will get into this distortion another time. It is a paper all in itself and I will eventually write it but understand that the distortion was about power and control of the masses which you do need to be aware of. If you have come this far then please be open minded to this fact. There is also your shadow self that may cause the blocks. Your shadow is simply that part of you you loath. Most people deny that those aspects exsist. They may see a cat being tortured and hate seeing it while doing nothing to protect the cat or perhaps even thought it was funny at the same time. Later they regret it and they hate themselves for it. They have in effect found a part of their shadow. They hate it and they will sometimes even deny to themselves the existence of this darker self. The key here is simply to love and accept that part of you. Stop hating yourself for the fact that you do in fact have this side to you. We all do. You need to merge with this part of you. If you don't love it and accept it and deny it's existence it only gets bigger and ultimately is your doom. It is also known as the child aspect of your self which we will get into more later. Just know it exists and that it can become your strongest ally in all of this or it can be your worst enemy. Getting to know all aspects of yourself and learning to love yourself are key to your self evolution and by you evolvingg, you help others evolve as well. This brings me to two rituals that will help you remove these blocks and even help you get to know new things about yourself and your shadow. Remember, a ritual is there to help the lower self create the energy needed and help the middle self focus on the prayer at hand. It is simply to help you concentrate and eventually you will learn how to do all this without ritual. The two rituals are the Fire and Water rituals. I suggest you do the fire ritual once a week and the water ritual every time you bath. However allow the water ritual to happen immediately following the fire ritual. The Fire Ritual

I love fire. Every element has a lot of power to them and a lot of beauty. Fire also has been proven to be an effective tool for purification. Next time you get a chance, collect or buy yourself some sage and burn it in your room for spiritual purification. Thats what the Native Americans still do. It helps with cleansing. Now sage is optional to this ritual but is recommended. It helps keep your environment pure and protected. But if thats not what you desire, It will at least please your sense of smell. Makes a wonderful incense. All you do is bundle up the sage and light one side of the bundle and then blow out the flame and let it smoke up the area. It also will help your sinuses. The things you will need is a place to have a small fire whether that be a coffee can or a fireplace or a pit. Next you will need some paper and pen. I suggest going to an office store and buying some very pretty paper for scrap booking or resumes. Fine one that you can write on with pen and one that is not glossy. Find the kind you like the most. I also suggest but it is optional sealing wax and a candle. And some insignia that you have created for yourself to press into the sealing wax. Think of the letters you see in the movies of the olden days. Now, I always recommend night time on this ritual but it can be any time of day. Both of these rituals you have to do on your own. You will need privacy and no interruption. I like night simply because you can do the ritual by candle light and it helps the mood of the ritual. What you are going to do is splash the paper with a favorite perfume, oil or vanilla extract. And you can even give it a couple drops of water and cook it in the microwave until it is dry in preparation for the ritual. This will have you familiar with the paper and make you appreciate it all the more. Love the paper. Now you are ready. Simply sit down and write out all things you hate about yourself and others. Write down all things you feel guilty about and sins you have committed (remember sin, is only those things that make you feel guilty and harm you have caused yourself and others), all harm you have caused yourself and others, all harm others have caused you and any painful memories you can conjure up. Anything negative about yourself. It is fine if you use several sheets of paper. Wad it up into a tight ball and open it up flip it over and do it again. Once done slightly burn the edges so that it looks old and take time in admiring it. Fold it up into three pieces so that the top overlaps like you would any letter. If you are going to use the sealing wax, then ensure that the paper is folded is such a way that you can drip the wax on it and press your symbol into it. This is to be a thing of beauty not ugliness. And remember, when you do any ritual, what you do, you also have to do inside. Now spend some time with the pages you have sealed. Keep em with you. Some people will take the papers and sleep a night with them under their pillow. This is fine or you can just get on with the rest of the ritual. Take your pages and burn them and stir the ashes up and burn them again. Tell yourself this is the past and you are releasing it and that it can no longer harm you. Once burned all the way, take a moment of silence to think about what you have just done and thats it. I suggest you always do the water ritual after you have done the fire ritual. The Water Ritual The fire ritual is all about letting go while the water ritual is all about loving yourself. Bothe rituals overlap each other in that fire works for self love and water works also for letting go. Love is the key factor in this ritual and is the main focus of the water ritual. If you are a Christian, you may find a lot of similarity in this one to baptism. In Christianity they only do a baptism once. Some do it when your born, the others do it when your a little older. To me, it can be done whenever you feel the

need and as many times as you feel the need. Anyway Baptism is a form of water ritual. So in essence, every time you preform the water ritual, you are in effect baptizing yourself if you want to think of it that way. To do this ritual, I recommend a robe but that is optional. You can do this ritual every time you take a bath or showerr. Since I shower, this focuses on doing it in the shower but can easily be adopted to the bath. There's not much to it. One problem that blocks people from being receptive to their psychic abilities is the self loathing and resentment and that they forgot how to love themselves. You must love yourself, all of yourself, and it is not hard to learn how. First you start off by getting undressed completely, like you were going to take a shower, next put on a robe or if you don't have one, cover yourself with a towel. Stand in front of a mirror, I recommend a full body mirror that goes all the way down to the floor so you can see your whole self since you are the center of this ritual. While looking at your self, smile and enjoy the beaming smile returned. Admire yourself and tell yourself that you look damn good. Focus on your beauty outside and inside and tell yourself you love yourself. Project love at the image and feel it in return. Savor the feeling and beauty. You are beautiful. It does not matter what others tell you. It only matters how you feel about yourself. If you are secure in your beauty, others will find you beautiful and want to hang around you more. It does not matter what you look like, trust me, they will. You can be a supermodel figure or exactly the opposite, if you find yourself beautiful and attractive, so will others and if you don't like yourself or find yourself ugly, even on the basis of being a “realist” others will not be attracted to you. Anyway after you have focused on this feeling for a while undress slowly in front of the mirror. Tease yourself. Enjoy the way you look under the robe. Enjoy standing there in your nakedness and keep telling yourself your beautiful and that you love yourself and that you are loved. This is what is called affirmation. It is a declaration that something is true and in order for it to work, it needs to be in the present tense (ie I am, we are, I do, etc), positive, personal, and specific to what you intend. This again, I will get to later in the series. After you have reveled in your nakedness, it is time to bring the element of the water ritual into play. Hop in the shower and bath with soap. Pay attention to the way it feels, to the way the water feels and after you rinse, caress your skin like you were making love. You are after all making love to yourself in a way. Keep in mind that love and sex are two different things. Neither one needs the other but when brought together are a beautiful thing Now, once you are relaxed in the shower and feeling good, tell yourself that when you emerge your head into the water, that you are going to wash away all sin, all guilt, all harm you have done to others and yourself, all stresses, tension, and all grudges and submerge yourself under the water so that the water covers your face. While you do this visualize a black, oily substance seeping out of every pore in your body and being washed away and going down the drain. In a bath, same thing just dunk yourself and imagine the oily substance to part from your body and when you pull the drain you can imagine it going down the drain. When you can't visualize the oil anymore or you feel you have rid yourself of all your negitivity then emerge from the water and tell yourself you are free and reborn new. Now go stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself again with love, telling yourself you love what you see and that you are beautiful. The optional part of this is to masturbate in front of the mirror and enjoy watching yourself do this. I personally recommend this but it is up to you. When you are done doing so or when you are done watching yourself in the mirror, get dressed and go about your day. You should by this time feel as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulder and will have began the healing process. Conclusion Eventually you won't need wither ritual but you will naturally do this for yourself. You will

know it all in your heart to be true. When you no longer have any negativity about yourself, no self resentment or grudges, no lack of self worth or self respect and you fully respect and love yourself will you have healed. There is a long road ahead. You may feel more in touch with yourself and the key to accessing all your psychic ability is knowing yourself. You may not be completely in touch with those abilities but you will have more moments with them. You will find they kick in when they need to. You will also find that you no longer attract bad people to you but actually attract all people to you. There will be some bad people with the desire to bring you down and it is up to you to not let them. Just love them. Stop the cycle of meanness by being nice to everyone and loving everyone unconditionally. Be aware of your surroundings at all time. You will bring into your life what you acknowledge and you will manifest whatever you dwell on good or bad. Don't worry, be happy. You will find that you are attracting all that is good into your life. Better finances, more loved ones, you will be a source of helping others find their happiness. That is your responsibility. To help guide others to your level of being and by doing so you will find yourself at a higher level. Remember that what you put out into the world, you get back ten fold.

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