Mark Of The Beast

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Tom Forbes 2270 Glendale Road Adamsville, Tennessee Just a Test September 1, 2007 An Open Letter to Christians Concerning “the mark of the beast” Greetings, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The “mark of the beast” revealed in the book of Revelation is real and is part of the great Satanic conspiracy exposed by Scripture that will not go away because folks like to think “positively.” Those who pretend to believe in a risen Christ, but do not really believe in a fallen Satan, simply reject the word of God as “truth” (John 17:17), and it is doubtful that anything contained in this letter will affect such thinking. The “mark of the beast” will not be imposed on earth from a distant galaxy, but through the treachery of deep cooperation with “Satan’s devices” by those familiar structures least likely to be thought of as Satanically infiltrated. Satan has the advantage because the “natural man” has great difficulty discerning evil in connection with whatever is perceived as “ours” (1st Corinthians 11:31) – “our” political party, “our” country, “our” government, “our” church, “our” beliefs, “our” world (John 15:19 & James 4:4). In nearly perfect complicity with Satan’s global master plan, the pseudo-Christian incorporations by every conceivable strategy preach against the “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21) as applying to themselves. “Church of Christ” Inc. denominations, for example, takes escape by relegating the biblical “tribulation” to past history, while evangelical and fundamentalist denominations cater to the flesh by claiming various “pre-tribulation rapture” theories. These efforts transparently display the unconverted perception of Christian suffering as an unfair and “strange” thing on God’s part (1st Peter 4:12-13), making it more comfortable for “unstable” souls of all stripes to ignore the disturbing overload of God’s very frank warnings concerning the coming tribulation. “Rapture” theory, concocted in 1830 and entirely unknown before then, gave rise to ridiculous bible-defying arguments and “interpretations” of scripture that are still used today by its proponents. Ironically, while holding out the lying promise of missing the tribulation, the movement perfectly sets up apostate Christianity for the great “falling away” in the tribulation they seek to avoid, particularly so for that portion of the selfdeceived who insist that “It isn’t possible to fall away.” (2nd Thessalonians 2:1-3). Rather than “endure unto the end”(Matthew 24:13), the “many” swept up by the web of lies (Matthew 24:5,11) will be forced to suppose the Lord backed out of “his promise” to “rapture us out before” when, in truth, he never made any such promise (John 17:15). The word “rapture” does not exist in scripture, and was fabricated by the originators of the theory in order to hide the obvious conflict with “the first resurrection” (Revelation 20:6), which “resurrection of life” (John 5:29) plainly includes Christians martyred during the tribulation (Revelation 20:4-5). (It would be hard to preach a “resurrection” coming BEFORE “the first resurrection” so the phoney vocabulary was needed to work around the problem.) Thus it is that the seduced 1

churches intentionally insulate their followers against biblical warnings of extreme importance while rabidly wresting scripture to promote “Pre-Trib” dogmas “unto their own destruction” (2nd Peter 3:16). Preparation for the global deception involved the proliferation of various “figurative interpretations” for the “mark of the beast” as touted by false pastors and high profile religious personalities, leading modern Christians to toy with the “mark” in Revelation as a word game, while buying into Satan’s rationalizations for ignoring the biblical warnings. The cold truth is not popular or well received, but, nonetheless, the truth is exactly “as it is written”: all those who will NOT take this “mark” will not be able to “buy or sell” (Revelation 13:16-17); and all who DO take it will be sorely punished on earth by the Lord (Revelation 16:1-2) and will, without exception, be cast into the “lake of fire” (Revelation 19:20). The Lord, by very plain language, absolutely forbids his servants to take this “mark”, regardless of your favorite religious guru’s opinion otherwise. Abandoning the God-blessed Authorized bible in the “ecumenical spirit” of the past era, apostate churches rapidly began to dismiss crucial portions of their own “preferred” bastard translations as “mythology” and “fable” in deference to the “pope” and “science falsely so called” (1st Timothy 6:20). The denominations that once passed themselves off as “Christian” were easily deceived through the intrigues of “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS” (Revelation 17 & 18), resulting in the present marvelous blindness to all things evil (Luke 17:26). The word of God is now openly corrupted (2nd Corinthians 2:17) and ridiculed (Luke 9:26) from the pulpits of the denominations, leaving such churches without doctrinal foundation except for the opinions and conjecture of the wicked men they believe and trust (Jeremiah 17:5; Psalm 118:8). The “daughter” harlot churches (Ezekiel 16:44) wipe their mouths, and approve themselves in their faithless handling of God’s word that they are “spiritual”. The Lord said, “If a man love me, he will keep my words. . . .” (John 14:23); but Satan claimed, “You don’t need the ‘thee’s and thou’s’.” (Mark 8:38), and in less than two generations the churches almost entirely succumbed to this lie. The Lord said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15); but Satan said, “The commandments are done away with.” (Matthew 5:19 & Revelation 12:17), and the denominations universally tripped over themselves proposing different theories to allow dismissal of the Lord’s commandments. The Lord said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6), yet American “Christians” send their children to federal propaganda camps to be force fed the lying, atheistic state religion of Darwinism. The Lord gave the general warning that “. . . we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22) and further, specifically, “. . . no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto. For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation. . . .” [1st Thessalonians 3:1-5 (See also: Romans 5:1-5; Mark 13:24-27; & Matthew 24:2931.)] yet modern ministers proclaim, “A loving God wouldn’t let anything bad happen to his people.”

and incredibly, millions of “fundamentalist Christians” accept the lying mantra as though it were scripture. (See: 2nd Corinthians 4:11; 7:4; 1st Peter 4:12-14; Revelation 6:11; etc.) The bible flatly states that the Lord will resurrect the church “at his coming” (1st Corinthians 15:23), “at the last trump” (v. 52); but Satan, in his subtilty, created a substitute “secret rapture” (before tribulation) as the “blessed hope”; and “the churches,” now at the eleventh hour, embrace this blatant Satanic lie as “fundamental to the faith.” The Lord has graciously revealed the details of the “mark of the beast” and clearly given his reasons for warning about both it (1st Thessalonians 3:4 & Matthew 24:25) and the tribulation (Luke 21:19); but almost no one believes the warning should apply to him. As with every important biblical issue, Satan spewed forth his many lying alternate scenarios giving the churches a wide range of choices from which to pick their “preferences” and ignore sound doctrine. (This is accomplished openly in the seminaries where corrupt professors instruct lazy “dogs” how to train people. – Isaiah 56:10) While Christians squander their time with television and football, agents of darkness freely apply finishing touches on a comprehensive plan to bring about a “New World Order” for the world wide worship of Satan (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Human pride is exploited in insulating men from the power of God’s word, allowing each step in Satan’s plan to be implemented as the “necessary,” or “inevitable” solution to the “world problems” which he and his agents themselves plotted to create. The unsaved will accept “the mark of the beast” trying to maintain their standard of living and save their skin through the ancient debasement of political correctness and demonstration of “patriotic” team spirit at any cost. Deceived and worldly Christians will do likewise, operating under the self-delusion that “the mark” they will take is NOT “the mark”; as it is now regurgitated within nearly all churches that, “We won’t even be here for the mark of the beast!” It is conceivable that some Christians with “pre-trib rapture” as their “blessed hope” might refuse “the mark” and accept relentless persecution initially during the tribulation, but such persons will be faced with death by so doing (Revelation 6:11); and as a result of their self-inflicted doctrinal beliefs will ultimately have to assume the Lord abandoned them when he does not come for the expected “rapture.” The bible reveals that the coming “antichrist” will cause those who will not take his mark to be “beheaded” (Revelation 20:4), and while it may be dismaying to some that the U.S. government has been importing guillotines from China, it is not at all unexpected for those who believe the word of God. Most American “Christians;” having abandoned their bible, their God, and their constitution, simply refuse to consider that Satan as “the god of this world” (2nd Corinthians 4:4) would head the national government; that the country (Hebrews 11:16) belongs to him, not the people; and that it is entirely natural (and should be expected) that all government on earth would, in the course of things, be controlled by those who serve Satan’s intents. And the devil . . . shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world. . . . And . . . said unto him, All this power will I give thee . . . for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. [Luke 4:6] Very dark days are ahead for the saints, as Satan’s power shall be completely unrestrained (Daniel 7:21 & Revelation 13:5-7); yet the Lord’s abiding mercy is clearly seen in his promise, “. . . for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22). There is no wisdom in 3

pretending that the “elect” shall not see “those days”; or that, “We are not ‘the elect’ in that verse.”; or that “America is special.”, as it is repeatedly claimed. (America is in the death throes of apostasy. – Hosea 8:7) Concerning the use of “smart cards”, it needs to be understood that this technology is simply a necessary intermediate step in gaining acceptance of the “mark” described in scripture. The upper levels of Satan’s inner circle, the global “Elite,” must condition the world’s population to accept numerical identifiers and electronic funds transfer for routine transactions through a universal global bank system. Brute force can, and will, be used in the future against noncomplying portions of the globe, but at present, significant populations must be maneuvered to believe it is in their interest to accept these steps. The problem for the planners is that this strategy requires a gradual (or incremental) approach in order to gain acceptance, yet the technology for the system must be entirely in place and available in complete form before the plan can work. A substitute vehicle is required for use in the interim, which is the temporary role of the “smart card.” The technological centerpiece for the final system is a microchip designed for insertion under the skin, powered by the metabolism of the victim’s own body.) This technology has been available and in use for several years, and is currently in production under the trade name of “Verichip.” The bible reveals that the device will be placed “in their right hand, or in their foreheads”, with emphasis on the word, “in” (for doctrinal Christians), because ALL of the “new versions” of the bible are corrupted to read “on” instead of “in” (see Revelation 13:16), as stated by the Authorized King James. Apostate churches prepared the way for their own “delusion” by “preferring” the various “other versions” over the preserved word of God as they COULD have it, and DID have it at one time. “Men of the cloth” today justify themselves by passing around lying gossip about the man, King James, as they side with the Lord’s enemies in attacking the Godly English text. James was bitterly hated by Papists, whose Jesuit agents are presently running the “Protestant” seminary schools, and now control federal policy in direct violation of the Constitution. (The massive illegal Catholic immigration into the U.S. that is so dismaying to most Americans, who do not understand why federal officials universally promote and protect it, is entirely by design. Such well exposed phenomena are incomprehensible to most Americans, but even these outrages are only a part of the larger plan to dilute, destabilize, and dismantle the Christian heritage and Constitutional liberty of a spiritually defeated America. Greed and treason are the accepted standard in Congress and highest levels of U.S. government, composed of Catholics in numbers wildly beyond constituent ratios, in addition to Sodomites, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and various forms of full blown Satan worship. The enemy clearly owns the American government and controls its purse strings. All bounds are now removed as federal policy has legalized grand theft against the American people and institutionalized torture as a government prerogative against “enemies of the state.” We are no longer awaiting the future: we have arrived.) Many U.S. states now have laws requiring privately owned animals to be implanted with this chip, with increasingly harsh penalties for failure to comply. In some sections of the country the laws have been expanded to include dogs, and cats. “Our” global masters push this agenda on the states as a means to forcibly introduce use and familiarity with Verichip; and, more importantly, to provide financial market during the gearing-up phase of the plan so that

manufacturing is ongoing and in full swing for mass production as the chip becomes mandatory for the human population. It can be seen that all of these elements must be in place before it will seem reasonable on the one hand to accept the plan as a viable way to “protect us,” or, on the other hand, to enforce against those who do not wish to submit, “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark” (providing both the carrot and stick). The specter of starving or freezing to death will be sufficient intimidation against the non-Christian population; while, for true Christians, persecution is the historical norm (John 15:20), and decapitation is certainly not the worst of what we have received for serving the Lord (Hebrews 11:36-38). The makers of Verichip, desiring initially to increase market acceptance of their product, saw the need to soften “mainstream” religious opinion against it by going to the larger incorporated churches with the diabolical argument that Verichip “can NOT be the mark of the beast” because it is placed IN, not on, the body.”, pointing out on cue from the Satanic script that, “. . . the bible says the mark will be placed ‘ON,’ not ‘in,’ the body.” Verichip sales agents had the easy task of simply referencing any “bible” on earth EXCEPT the King James. The “churches” were a slam dunk. The globalist planners have dreamed that the world through the power of technology can become one large, purely fascist, escape-proof prison planet; an elitist paradise for the global oligarchy and their cronies (they believe), a hellish work and death camp for everyone else – the “New Rome.” (Think Nazi Germany times ten.) Accordingly, as part of this scheme, the Verichip is advertised for its ability to allow the animal (or person) having it to be positively identified, as well as to have his whereabouts monitored, recorded, and tabulated through numerous technological devices. The Verichip provides for large data storage, so that everyone will have his personal information permanently on him (medical, psychological, tax, political, and religious) and immediately accessible to police or any bureaucrat who wants to know anything about him. Consent will not be required. (The state will be supreme and the people shall be as cattle – the historical Satanic standard.) The use of this technology will be palmed off on a willingly ignorant public through the predictable drumbeat that such elimination of privacy will be necessary to allow for “monitoring of terrorists;” playing upon the fears continually promoted by the controlled press; yet this tactic is also a lie. It is universal among all nations that “our good patriotic agents” (as in: “our CIA”) are painted as “terrorists” according to “their” propaganda (as in: the invaded country “benefitting from our assistance”); which begs the question concerning global terrorism, who shall be that ONE power that will determine which of the various country’s “agents” get permission to travel, and where? It seems to be generally understood, even if reluctantly admitted, that, as “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”, governments become more corrupt as the government gets more inclusive (from county to state and from state to federal); yet now Americans are tolerating the notion of a “world” government to take over the entire planet, thinking absolute government will work at the global level (with “antichrist” on a world throne). The irony is that real “terrorist” operations throughout the world have consistently been initiated and financed through the globalist controlled governments of the world. For example, in the so-called “9/11” event, the destruction of the Twin Towers was engineered and directed from within the U.S. government, using standard demolition explosives inside the three buildings 5

brought down, ONLY TWO of which were hit by aircraft. The Trade Center operation was an extremely complex job, requiring extensive and high level access to the buildings well before September 11. (Chief of security for the Trade Center during the six months prior to this operation was a career CIA official.) The spin masters claimed that “fire” took down the third building, but, clearly, the few small and scattered fires inside the building were purposely set to provide plausible explanation for its collapse. (That claim is absurd, but Americans will believe anything.) Charges had been placed in the third building, which required it to come down whether an airplane was available to hit it or not, and the hijacked plane intended for it had already crash landed. In the history of the world, fire has never taken down a steel building. The inside nature of this operation was immediately obvious to anyone having even the slightest familiarity with modern demolition techniques, yet thousands of demolition experts and engineers, who routinely take down buildings in this exact manner, sit silently, knowing there is little to be accomplished in laying their lives on the line trying to wake up the American people who simply do not wish to wake up. Additionally, the pentagon was clearly NOT hit by a hijacked passenger plane. Although an aircraft did hit the pentagon, it simply is not possible under the laws of physics that a commercial airliner did so, laying aside the total absence of bodies at the site. By any credible investigation the pentagon was struck by a Global Hawk, a small, lightweight U.S. military intelligence drone, of which the government admits one is “missing.” Only days before the 9/11 event, independent control of the entire American defensive radar system was removed from local commanders to the federal level, and on the day of the “attack,” the entire system, then solely under Washington command, “just happened” to be “NON-functional”! (Should this “coincidence” not be thought remarkably convenient for the “attackers?”) Washington does not have to answer to the real issues because everyone in any official position to question in the matter, who isn’t part of the globalist operation, is too filled with fear to do so. There is well understood precedent concerning such events, that if anyone actually does vigorously inquire, such as did both Steve Schiff, of New Mexico, and Sony Bono, of California, at the congressional investigation looking into the Waco operation, they are simply murdered; while a “wiser” congress looks the other way; and none of the talking heads in the controlled press even bats an eye. Arab “terrorists” and “hijacked airplanes” were only cover for the 9/11 event; exactly as “Timothy McVeigh’s” fertilizer-bomb-in-the-rental-van had been used in the destruction of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, which was similarly brought down by modern explosives placed on the supporting columns in the building’s basement. Clearly not planned in that operation was the detonation failure of several charges rigged to explode in response to the “McVeigh” decoy, which had to be removed later from several remaining columns by unidentified personnel, as was witnessed by numerous first response police and firemen, some of whom even tried to question them. This removal of unexploded ordinance was reported on live television news by two Oklahoma City stations. Highlighting the clandestine inside nature of this operation was the repeated lecturing from authorities at the highest levels insisting there was “no need for investigation,” and emphasizing the need to immediately clear away all the evidence. (No need for investigation?!) Willing blindness to such operations is not “patriotism!” Underlying the Oklahoma City operation and unknown to most of the public was the fact

that material evidence held by the BATF in connection with its previous operation at Waco, Texas was stored in the Murrah building (as claimed by the BATF) when the agency was duly ordered by the appellate court system to turn it over to Texas Rangers. Federal officials connected with the BATF and FBI had participated in massive lying and coverup, and could never have complied to produce the evidence; yet neither could the government continue to stonewall the court. The destruction of the Murrah building solved the problem of having to turn over the evidence, and simultaneously set the New World Order agenda on the fast track (Motive and Opportunity). BATF personnel operating in offices in the Murrah building were warned in advance not to come to work the day of the bombing, and accordingly they did not do so. (The school children in the building, were NOT warned.) Additionally, government personnel had been blowing up step vans with fertilizer bombs on government property along the Arizona/New Mexico border for several months prior to the Oklahoma City operation. After the destruction of the Murrah building, gloating government representatives dutifully chided Americans not to believe any “conspiracy theories,” as they pretended that the many damning facts in the matter were only “coincidence;” and that the mental case Timothy McVeigh arranged everything – the ever handy “lone gunman” fall guy. (McVeigh and the CIA operative seen by several witnesses in the van with him, could not even find the building they were supposed to blow up, and repeatedly had to ask for directions.) Such shocking recent events are only preparation for the planners’ true objectives. In pursuit of the ancient goal, the U.S. shadow government (the so-called “eastern establishment” or “real government”) has for years fanned the flames of Arab hatred while clandestinely bankrolling and supplying the most militant Muslim fanatics (with American taxpayer dollars) intentionally creating an atmosphere in which the fascist legislation of the New World Order can appear as a reasonable American response to a legitimate threat. (“Ordo ab Chao,” they say, which in plain language means THEIR “order” from out of THEIR “chaos;” or, to quote a phrase from insider thinking, “If you’re going to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.”) This kind of dark strategy is beyond the understanding of most Americans, which is why it is so very effective. The Oklahoma City and “9/11” operations were sufficient to prepare the public to accept the draconian unconstitutional measures against their former liberty. The socalled “Patriot Act” is purely treason, and could not have become law without the climate created by the 9/11 hoax. Adolf Hitler’s campaign followed the same plan in gaining dictatorial power over Germans, wreaking terror with his Nazi brown shirts as a means to coerce the legislation he desired; using illegal means to gain “legal” authority to continue his party’s every advancement toward dictatorship. The chaos created was itself the road to power. (Hitler consolidated power in himself by burning down the Reichstag and blaming it on his detractors; just as Nero had burned Rome.) The pattern doesn’t change because it works perfectly: (1) chaos is created, (2) the designated perpetrators are named “terrorists,” (3) Machiavellian “emergency orders” and “new tougher laws” are somberly trotted forth by lap dog cronies, (4) the populace is shocked by the “new laws” but submits to them as necessary to “solve the problem,” (5) the target nation never gets the promised “Peace and safety” for which they foolishly traded away their former liberty and rights (1st Thessalonians 5:3), and (6) the plotters gain absolute and total dictatorial control. Perfectly intelligent Americans, even those having personal knowledge of government 7

“inconsistencies” in recent events, display gross credulity concerning the big picture, asking childlike questions such as, “Why would our government want to do that?” The answer is ridiculously simple, and the pattern is at least two thousand years old. The Oklahoma City operation served the Elite plan by making it appear to a gullible public that demolition of a modern steel reinforced concrete building could be accomplished with a little fertilizer by lone “patriot types,” or “gun nuts” (or, as with 9/11, “religious fundamentalists”)! Another Boogey Man is created, distracting the attention of the public away from the naked fact that our own government is systematically trashing the Constitution and usurping the rights of the people. As we move from one “terrorist” act to the next, the continually increasing invasive power of government gains the appearance of legitimacy as “trying to fight terrorism.” (“Terrorism” isn’t incidental to the globalist agenda, it is absolutely necessary.) Those readers who are familiar with tenets of the Hegelian dialectic will immediately relate to it concerning the extreme change required to transform a stable, representative, limited government (“of, by, and for the people”) into a police state (“of, by, and for” the fascist Elite); in other words, strengthening the government and weakening the population – unlimited government spying and gestapo tactics; while the people are divided against themselves, fearful, and dependent upon government to “do something to protect us,” as we’re all moved ever closer to the real objective, TOTAL control of the world under absolute tyranny. This is a patently Satanic objective, and the present artificially created state of affairs is simply the required environment for achieving such a future, while silencing those who might otherwise try to resist it. Americans can understand this in theory, but as it applies to themselves in practice are hopelessly in denial. Concerning global politics, the so-called “Republic” of China is “the new America,” economically and militarily speaking, absent any pretension of “freedom.” Returning more directly to the subject, the Chinese government has publically announced that the Verichip will be mandatory for everyone. Although Chinese Christians are viciously persecuted by their government, there is more fruit from the gospel in China today than anywhere else on the planet. The genuine churches that exist in China are underground (or “home churches,” as given in the new testament, and completely illegal, as they shall also be in America). These true Chinese churches are entirely unconnected with the official communist state “show churches” which were so highly praised by Hillary Clinton, Billy Graham, and other world serving politicians, following U.S. government sponsored propaganda tours to China (1st John 4:5). Chinese Christians (unlike deceived and lazy American counterfeits within the state incorporated “denominations”) are under no delusions that their government is working FOR them, or that they have any reason to “take pride” in it (Proverbs 16:18), as proclaimed by American bumper stickers. Unknown to most Americans, Chinese communism was massively financed with American tax dollars through the U.S. State Department, sweeping Mao Tse Dung to power and displacing Chang Kai Shek who intended to establish China as a constitutional republic patterned after America. In its conspiratorial treason, the State Department had cooperated in the premeditated murder of John Birch, a Baptist American anti-communist agent in China. (These were the issues behind the founding of the much maligned American anti-conspiracy society bearing John Birch’s name.) Globalist intrigues within the U.S. government cost Americans dearly, but paid off well for the global planners: Chinese communism has been selected over the Russian form (also financed by American tax payers) as the ideal model to bring in the “New

Order.” The Chinese army is intended to serve as future world police, while America as a “free” nation is no longer useful to its masters and is to be bankrupt and consigned to a trash heap of poverty, slavery, and mass extermination. Toward that intent, critical American technology was officially given away to the Chinese communists, giving production from the Chinese army’s wholesale slave labor force duty free admission into the U.S. economy, undermining American enterprise (saddled with impossible bureaucratic regulations and taxation) which can not possibly “compete” on such an un-level playing field. America, with more of its people in prison than any nation on earth, is still building prisons and concentration camps, and feverishly training foreign soldiers in the black art of house to house “search and seizure” to forcibly disarm sleeping Americans; who, for their part, are obsessed with the pathetic hope that increased federal power will fix “our problems,” or that salvation will come through the United Nations or a “secret rapture!” The well-orchestrated universal drunken ignorance of Satan’s plan for the world portends horror beyond comprehension; yet those who expose the truth are hated on all sides. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Ephesians 6:12] Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? [Galatians 4:16] The “good news” is that the Lord has defeated Satan and “overcome the world” (John 16:33) He is coming back for those who belong to him, whether alive or dead; which is the “long view,” or “big picture,” that, in us, has the power to render Satan’s plans irrelevant by Jesus Christ, as it is written, “In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19). And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. [Matthew 10:21-22] . . . he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. . . . [John 11:25] He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. [Revelation 22:20] Lord, open America’s eyes,


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