Waiting for the catch TAMARAPU SAMPATH KUMARAN
Pelicans are among the largest living birds weighing up to 10 to 17 pounds. They have long necks, a small head, thick plumage and an enormous beak. The upper part of the beak is flat and the lower part has a pouch that serves as a dip net for catching fish. For these migratory birds, their natural habitat is the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. They move southward to warm waters during winter. They are social and group their nests in colonies. Adult pelicans can consume almost two kilograms of food a day. In shallow waters they scoop up almost 20 litres of water, staining out the warm-water fish, frogs and aquatic invertebrates. American white pelicans do not plunge into water from the air, but feed while swimming. While the male gathers tree material, the female builds the nests on low trees. Pelicans are seen in bird sanctuaries in October and November.