"wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!" Pamphlet Edits

  • July 2020
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Wefconef onlYweeklY to Chicago's Welcome radio broadcast taoinoof a nationally ?--h;D.f -ttrunni"rlFT;-T66@e6* mountsa moreeffectiveoffensethan and unlikethe Cubs, the Bears, wins. on our sidealwaYs somebody week,we try to be funnYand EverY abouttheweek'snews,but if irreverent ,.there's nobodythereto laughat it,did Soyou'renotjust a jokereallyhappen? you'rethe y a memberof the audience..' mostimportantPartof the show.fias andyour self T h i n ko f u so n sta g ea sth etra i n e dd o l phins, etc.arelikethe bitsof cheers, laughs, the trainers.Your h e r r i n ga,n dw e 'ljlu mpa n dd o fl i p sto getthem.Ther ear e this t w o an dh a l fmi l l i o np e o p l ew ho' llbe listening andthey'redependingon youto keepushonest. weekend, for our regularQ andA,and Andstickaroundafterwards to sayhello:we'realwaysthrilledto findout what you reallylooklike. We'redelightedYou'rehere'

Peterandthe WaitWaitcrew

roles In additionto theirglamorous with NPR.the WaitWait...Don'tTell Me!gangcountamongtheirranks journalists, popularauthors, actors evenan newscastersfnd magicians,

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extrain a MichaelJacksonvideo.


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a a screenwriter, winningplaywright, journalist, a literary a theaterdirector, managerat a majorregionaltheater,an actor,a writerat a motorcyclemagazine/ video.He andan extrain a MichaelJackson is the authorof TheBookof Vice:Naughty Things andHowto DoThem,from Harper Cpllins.

geniusandgreat CarlKasellisanall-around for NPR's guy.Hehasalsobeena newscaster MorningEdition'sinceits dailynewsmagazine inceptionin 1979.Millionsof Americans on MorningEdition', awakento hisnewscasts heardat the top of the houreveryweekday A nationwide. on publicradiostations hisradio launched Kasell veteranbroadcaster, years ago.Hesometimes careermorethan50 asa magician. moonlights

RoyBlount,Jr. isthe authorof 20 books,mostrecentlyLongTimeLeaving: FromUpSoufh,and includingFeeton theStreet:Rambles AroundNew Dispatches Orleans,RobertE.Lee,lf OnlyYouKnewHowMuchI SmellYou,RoyBlount'sBookof LoveStorv.Modestvaside,Blounthas /oto$ HumorandBeSweet: AConditional ^ --southern moredifferentthinqsthan anvotherhumorist-rtoV6iili-fi6urnaiisi{ffifiTiilAV f.l''''don.



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TomBodettlefta promislngcareerbuildinghouses25 yearsagoto becomea writerandsubsequently a commentator on AllThings Considered. A long-time Alaskan,Bodettnow livesin Vqgront wherethe weathels_SIgbUU-bgIICLAO-"3e{er1 wYorkTimes,The 9 certaindays.Theauthorof the Bob Edwards shouzon XM Radio. Hisvoicehas @and

advicecolumn"AskAmy"for TheChicagoTriAmy Dickinsonwritesthe syndicated Shehasalsowritten g bune,followingin the footstepsof the legendary Ann Landers. +--.Shehascontributedradiostoriesto NPRproand O magazines, ffiT-tme, Esquire) 1offiyears]andWa5anorigina|''castmember',forthepi|otofWait Roberts' shewasoffereda job asRoxanne Wait...Don'tTell Me!in 1998;ultimately radiostuntdouble.


s,and of all sizesand resolution AdamFelberwritesand performsfor screens _ exactly onel ^- ^ spendsalmosteverynighton somestageor another.Hecomprises lrio,a sketchcomedyduo.HiswritingcreditsincludePBS's halfof the lrwinSmalls "WomenAreFrom,"is Hisfirstscreenplay, andMTV'snewSpyGroove. Wishbone MTVFilms.Felberhasbeenimprovising at Paramount/ currentlyin development past 15years,but he canquit anytime hewants comedyalloverthe worldfor the to. and at the HoustonChronicle KyrieO'Connoris deputymanagingeditor/features betoming,,-1 Before writerofthedailyblogMeMoontheHousfonChroniclewebsite. atf;-e nt managingeditor/features a Texanby choicein 2003,shewasassista v in have appiared Herarticlesand bookreviews HartfordCourantinConnecticut. and in Cornmonweal magazine. Shedevoteshertime newspapers nationwide, Lo o -i+4,9 chocolate Lab,supportinga badsoylattejones1ffi tendingan epileptic120-lb. but not onto hercelly.Sheisaesthetically transgressive ringtones downloading peanut buttercup. morallyopposedto the inside-outReese's Monthtyanda Standard,Atlantic for lhe Weekty P.J.O'Rourkeis a correspondent journalist for 38 a Fellowat the CatoInstitute.Hehasbeen MenckenResearch isthe O'Rourke Mr. yearsand hascoverednewseventsin morethan40 countries. ParliamentofWhores,AlltheTroubleintheWorld,Eat authorofl2books,including of the Nations. HewasEditor-in-Chief OnTheWealthof theRichand,mostrecently, ' Rolling Stone NotionalLampoonfrom 1978to 1981and a foreigncorrespondentfor from1985to 2001. magazine CharlesP.Pierceisa staffwriterat lhe BostonGlobeMagazlneand a Contributing Writerto Esquire, and he hasbeena paneliston WWDTMsincethe show'slaunchin careerasa forestrangerin the employof the 1998.He beganhisprofessional wherehe learnedhowto retrievedisposable Commonwealth of Massachusetts, wouldn'tchoketo deathon them.Heisthe diapersfrorntreessothe raccoons ^^, BECAM - W) HOWSTUPIDITY Al@: authorof four book. Hisnext one,IQIOT VIRTUEINTHELANDOFT , will be publishedin Juneof 2009by Broadway diapers he doesnot explainwhy peoplethrowdisposable Books.In it, surprisingly, place. questions understanding. arebeyondhuman Some intotreesin thefirst wit andoff-kilterhumor,perfamousfor herspontaneous PaulaPoundstone, on stagewith a stool,u ti915$g-.9* the country,appearing formsregularly across the and a canof DietPepsi.Shehasearnedtwo CableACEAwards,an Emmyf-and she spends the bulk Stand-Up. All that said, Awardfor BestFemale AmericanComedy Catifornia@n4 of hertimewith herchildrenage7,11and 14,in SantaMonica, to rememberthe oartsof speechand triesdesperately shedeniesjunkysnacks, - g that lifeisn'talwaysfair,but that rightnow iSThomasE'sturn to usethe explains website: a successful pogostick.Thingscouldn'tbe better.Shemaintains paulapoundstone,com.

RoyBlount,Jr. is the authorof 20 books,mostrecentlyLongTimeLeaving: FromUpSouth,and includingFeeton theStreet:Rambles Dispatches AroundNew Orleans, RobertE.Lee,lfOnlyYouKnewHowMuchISmellYou,RoyBlount's Bookof vttcultJr

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AConditional LoveStorv.Modestvaside,Blounthas ,-southernHumorandBeSweet: foto$ thananyotherhumoristfroGiiilTi5ffialisi:lAflt\'9 i.'''- don"moredifferentthinqs ^

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hecanthinkof. TomBodettlefta promisingcareerbuildinghouses25yearsagoto becomea writerandsubsequently a commentator on A//Things Considered. A long-time Alaskan,Bodettnow livesin Ve{nont wherethe weathe1illlg.b.U1b9lleLq&-.3evCr1 wYorkTimes,The - ,1 certaindays.Theauthorot -- LosAngdlu"Times, Redbook) and the BobEdwards Showon XM Radio.Hisvoicehas Explorer, StevenSpielberq's J beenheardon SaturdayNightLive,NationalGeographic fuaandinmanyp-eopte.sfau|tydenta|i,oit.'uvingfwFltteav?i-ne1igtiton...5+ t totir*t a iay. Heblogs(really, it'sa verbiatbodett.com. -tft'rffiut) g

advicecolumn"AskAmy"for TheChicagoTriAmy Dickinsonwritesthe syndicated Shehasalsowritten Ann Landers. bune,follqy{bqin the footstepsof the legendary

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Esquire)andO magazines.She has contributed radio storiesto NPRpro-

1of f iye a rs]a ndW as anor igi n a | ,' c a s tme mb e r' ' fo rth e p i | o tofW ai t Me!in 1998;ultimatelyshe was offereda job as RoxanneRoberts' Wait...Don'tTell ra d i ostu nt double.

(PhotoCredit:JerrySchulman) PaulaPoundstone Ponders

Roxanne Roberts is co-author of The WashingtonPost'sReliableSourcecolumn, the paper'sdaily chronicleof Washington'sA-listers,powerbrokersand assorted scoundrels.5he'sworked as a journalistfor 23 yearscoveringWhite Housestate dinners,boxing smokersand everythingin between.She spendsher free time (hal) attendingto one teenageson and two Siamesecats. Mo Rocca is a contributor to NBC'sTonightShow with Jay Leno. A former correspondent for TheDaityShow with Jon Stewart and host of Bravo'sThingsI HateAbout ,t You,he appearsfrequentlyon VHl's "l Love..l'series,MSNBC'sCountdownwith Keith r dhir main,Midirqniiffid a nd as a judge on !ron ChefAmerica. He'sthe host of Animal Planet'sWhoa!Sunday.Recentlyhe wowed audiencesin a small but AIIThe pivotal role inTelemundo'shit telenovelaAmor Descarado'Hisbook, darkest secret. deepest, Pefsblows the lid off the White House's Presidents' -%

Paul Provenza has been on the cutting edge of comedyfor the pastdecade. confident)andalwayschallenging,Paul'sstand-upcomedy hasbeen ]ffi ,.{f"?ritr iiilacclaimed as bright, edgy and honestby journalistsfrom coastto coast. trainedactor,he hasscoredsuccesses An accomplishedcomedianand cfassically on television,the stageand virtuallyevery major comedy venue in North America.

andCharliePierce(PhotoCredit:JerrySchulman) Roberts Roxanne page 7

Doug Berman-- Executive Producer DougBermanisthe Peabody producerof NPR's Award-winning CarTolkandWait Wait... Don'tTell Me!Forthe last15years,he'sbeenon a one-mancrusade to get NPRto lightenup.Hewasa newsdirectorat NPRmemberstations WFCR in Amherst,Mass., andWBURin Bostonbeforegivingup hislegitimate careerfor this stuff. Mike Danforth-- SeniorProducer Mike Danforthjoi ned WaitWait...Don'tTellMe!in Novemberof 2000,aftera distinguished tenureat Prairie HomeCompanion in hishomestateof Minnesota. Hisfirstweekwasspentweedingthroughnumeroushangingchadjokesto find the bestones.Healsotutorsthe staffin Foley-like vocalsoundeffects. Anddoes not looklikeAndyDick.At all. EmilyEcton-- Assistant Producer only assume, when Emilywasstandingon theWhiteHouselawn,dressed .i.,-.[can costumehelpingLynneCheneypreside '' ^ in a 6-foothighArthur(thePBSAardvark) overthe Easter Eggroll,shemusthavesaidto herself- "Lifecanget no betterthan thisl'Butshewaswrong!Soonafter,sheleftthe excitingworldof PBSMgqliq Relations and movedherself, herstrangely squished-looking caflandherdog, Binky,out to Chicagoto join WaitWait, wheresheservesasthe OfficialReality Television Expert,Herfirstbookfor young readers,BootsandPieces, will be released by Aladdinat the beginningof August. LornaWhite-- Technical Director LornaWhitediscovered publicradioduringhercollegeyearsat lllinoisState University. Afterannouncing classical musicand recordinglivemusicin between personnel classes, shesethersightson NPRin Washington, Apparently NpR's Department wasdistracted and hiredherin 1984.Lornasoonbeganher disreputable careerof stalkingCarlKasell andengineering networkproqrams, g) including Morning Editi on, AttThings consideredffi,' shortlyafterCarlfinallyfiledthe restraining order,Lornatransferred to NpR's ChicagoBureau, bringingherNPRhusbandand herNPRchildwith her.Theylivein the Chicagoareawheretheygrowcatsandvegetables. RobertNeuhaus--Technical Director Robertconfesses to a decade-lonq involvement in A-n---r ': highlquality recordings of dupean unsuspecting America intothinkingit washearing traditional NpR programming. He'sreallyverysorry.In hisdefensehe wouldliketo pointout his theatrical sounddesignerandaudiothenrespectable workasan award-winning

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5 Coordinator --Don HallfAudienceServices/Events atWNEP fringegroupof madscientists Donisthe FoundingDirectorof Chicago's Theaterwherehe hasproducedover90 Chicagopremiereplaysand eventsin the former playwright, blogger,improviserfand last17years.An actor,director, he luckedintothisgig and chicagoPublicschool7thl8thgrademusicteacher, cheese.Addedto the plates couldn'tbe happierif he won a 32-lbbrickof delicious for ChicagoPublicRadioand Coordinator Donisthe Events he spinsfor WWDTM, PublicRadio producesthe Chicago

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Wait!sinceSeptemberof 2008,aftera summerspentproShe'sa graduate for WBEZand89.5Vocalo.org. ducingan InternEditionbroadcast in Portland, Studies of the radioprogramat the SaltInstituteof Documentary and knowsmorethanis with designmagazines, Maine.Shealsohasan obsession your She will organize accessories. paint and kitchen good colors her about O for -t1 . -l. 1 - _ : 1 1 . .

closetslif given half a chance.

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page l0

IhqnksForroninqtoniqhtf .* .S #€ -'#* Rov Blount,Jr





: l-e,trHil|",,"i

We hopeyou join us againfor anotherfun'filledThursday eveninghereat ChaseAuditorium.We like groupies- come backoften,and bring friends!Checkshowtimesand buy tlckets at chicagopublicradio.org

'"-(nfqlt'". dontte||r'iel'


Listen to Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! PublicRadio91.5FM on Chicago at 10 a.m.& 9 p.m. Saturdays



to EHA$E thanks Special

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