Vsna T10 Update To All Members

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 536
  • Pages: 6
VSNA 2010 Convention Prepared by: Yuvaraj Patil

Prepared for: Varshikotsava 24th Oct 2009

Main objectives of convention  d£À-d£À PÀÆr ªÀÄ£ÀzÀ ªÀiÁvÁr, £ÀPÀÄÌ-£À°ªÀ ªÉâPÉ DUÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 1. §ºÀ¼À d£À PÀÆqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ, §ºÀ¼À d£ÀgÀ ªÀÄ£À-ªÀÄ£À PÀÆqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ 2. PÀÆr¸ÀĪÀ PÀmÉÖ CxÀªÁ ªÉÊZÁjPÀ £É¯ÉUÀlÄÖ ±ÀgÀt ¸Á»vÀå/ªÀZÀ£À ¸Á»vÀåzÁVgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. PÀ«-IĶ ¸À0vÀgÀ DzÀ±ÀðzÀ°è ¸ÀªÉÇðÃzÀ0iÀĪÁUÀ° ¸ÀªÀðgÀ°  To foster unity of Veershaivas in North America. Unite


people on the basis of shared values, shared culture and shared philosophy for the shared charitable cause.  To show case unity and strength of VSNA organization to be able to implement Dasoha projects together.  To show case talents of VSNA members at large and younger generation in specific.  To present world view of Veershaiva Philosphy to all.

Fund raising  Total budget is ~110K CAD  Central VSNA and Sister Chapter together 20% of funds  Some of our chapter member families have pledged $500     


each We need seed money from local Chapter (from existing funds) ~2K Registration makes ~50-60% of total budget We are thinking ~$125 as registration fee per person for local chapter members Fund raising committee would be setup soon. Each one has to reach one to solicit funds, in addition to requesting them to register we need to seek donation.

Our thinking now  Venue: We have three options open: School, Convention center

with nearby hotel and Hotel with banquet hall.  Size of attendance: We are thinking around 500 people [based on attendance of recent convention, level of interest, broader economic situation etc]  Budget: ~100K, 50% from registration, 20% from VSNA and Sister chapters under VSNA leadership. Central VSNA and local chapter together need to raise rest of the funds from different sources.  There are many volunteers who have expressed interest, committee formation has to happen soon.


Why Volunteer?  Volunteering builds your community

Volunteering encourages interaction between people living in a community and strengthens community connections.  Boost your own health Feeling connected to community can also play a key role in how healthy you feel. According to researchers from Harvard University, volunteering is a reflection of social connectedness, which is strongly associated with the health of the people in that community.  Find new purpose As we grow older, volunteering appears to give new meaning to life, reducing anxiety and depression and increasing life satisfaction.  Benefits beyond your health In 2000, the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating found that people were able to describe the benefits they gained from volunteering:  79% of volunteers said that their volunteer activities helped them with their interpersonal skills, such as understanding people better, motivating others and dealing with difficult situations;  68% of volunteers said that volunteering helped them develop better communication skills;  63% reported increased knowledge about issues related to their volunteering. 5

Summary  Toronto chapter has experience and energy to host      6

convention There is consensus on focusing more on spirituality and younger generation Fund raising is challenging task in present economic situation We have about 40 weekends left to organize convention we need to get to action soon Lot of help required from all of you Araamba maaduve gurupujegendu

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