Volume 1 Issue 1

  • May 2020
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Volume 1 Issue 1


Welcome   Introduction from President and Creator of the MAE Welcome to the first of what I hope will be many issues of the Masonic Art Exchange Newsletter, all of you receiving this either belong to the Facebook group of the same name or have a friend, colleague or brother who does. You will hopefully have read the aims of the group and what we hope to accomplish if you’re not totally sure I will be including this later in the newsletter. Martyn below beat me to the quote I was aiming to use however I think the following quote covers my feelings almost as well, ‘a picture paints a thousand words.’ Since entering into our fine craft I have been ‘bombarded’ with many new and familiar images as I progressed through my lessons. In Ireland we don’t really use the tracing boards but I am aware that in many jurisdictions this is one of the first encounters with the symbolism and history behind Freemasonry with which a newly initiated mason is greeted, and who can deny that the Tracing Boards are art in its purest form the pictorial telling of a story of beauty which are beautiful themselves. You will no doubt notice much of this first issue is information easily found on the net or that has already appeared in the group but I hope in the coming months YOU brethren will make contributions and hopefully make/keep our newsletter interesting, informative and fun. That is my introduction; I have never been the most eloquent with words and forgive any spelling errors you may find as you read through but this is maybe one of the many reasons I have always had a keen interest in art. We really want your feedback and contributions and if you know anyone mason or not, who may enjoy reading this brief newsletter please forward it on to them. Yours Fraternally

David Naughton-Shires Ormonde Lodge 201 (IC) Vice‐President of the MAE  I was delighted when David asked me to become involved in this group; whilst both David and I are relatively new to Freemasonry we share similar passions for both art and Freemasonry. Art has always played a crucial role, it is after all universal and plays a part in our daily lives and manifests itself in different mediums such as architecture, literature and theatre etc. Are has been used from time immemorial as a means of depicting events from cave walls in prehistoric times to the life and death of Jesus depicted in biblical times. Art records history and is often created for a specific purpose or reason. It can be used to express ideas and beliefs and can record experiences of people. In the past many cultures have used art as a means of creating jewellery, masks or clothing. In some countries art was used in initiation with tattoos or in Native American culture as a method of painting your face showing status and power. As I said most art has some sort of reason behind it, literal, traditional, religious or in our case symbolic. Freemasonry itself is often defined as: “a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols...” Freemasonry is littered with examples of symbolism. My personal favourite is the Badge of the first Office I held, the Trowel “used to spread the cement of Brotherly Love and Affection, which is symbolically the cement that unites us into one sacred band of friends and brothers.” Yours Fraternally

Martyn W. Greene Lodge of Dunblane #IX (SC)   Lodge Bailie Nicol Jarvie #1036(SC) 




When trying to decide what to include in this  first  newsletter  I  decided  that  it  probably  made  a  lot  of  sense  to  include  the  first  pieces  of  artwork  posted  on  the  group  in  facebook  this  was  a  little  strange  for  me  initially  because  mine  was  the  first  posted  but I am delighted to say there are a growing  amount  of  images  which  have  been  posted  and as per the rules we can use.  


SCOTTISH RITE LOGO by John Bridegroom, P.M. Chesterton, IN


THE ROSE OF THE WORLD by Boris Petrovic, Belgrade, Serbia


To  the  left  are  some  of  those  images  and  below  are  the  rules  just  for  your  own  information  particularly  if  you  have  been  forwarded  this  from  a  friend  in  the  group  and  haven’t  popped  in  yourself.  If  you  have  not  and  you’re  not  a  ‘facebooker’  there  is  the  option  of  joining  the  forum  that  can  be  found at: 

masonicartexchange.proboards.com  The Rules: POSTERS 1. The work MUST be yours (if you post someone else’s work as yours you will be removed) the work remains yours. 2. If you post you must be prepared for others to use the artwork. OFFICIAL GOAT RYDAH by Kendall Jewel, Memphis, TN



UNTITLED by David Naughton-Shires, IRELAND



The above images are just a small selection of other available in the group.



USERS 1. If you use someone’s work you MUST inform them where it is being used. 2. CREDIT them 3. If required provide a copy of the publication i.e. Tresleboard it's being used in. 4. The work is to be used for non-profit publications etc unless agreed with the artist. If you want to request artwork please leave a request in the discussion wall or via email to [email protected] (subject line must include MAE) but bear in mind it then becomes 'public domain'


_____________________________________ The opinions expressed on in this newsletter represent those of the individual authors and, unless clearly labelled as such, do not represent the opinions or policies of any Masonic Lodge, Grand Lodge or recognized Masonic body. 

  TRUE BLUE #98 IN BOLTON ONTARIO.  by Chris Plante, Toronto.

Rudyard Kipling

  Author, Author.   Art is quite an all encompassing word and covers many different medium (is that the right word). Art is not just paintings or logos or photographs or illustrations, it is also books, poems and other written forms. This group was created to mainly cover the ‘pictorial’ form of Art but I think it is important to include the other forms. Some of the world’s greatest artists and authors have been members of this great craft and I am hoping that over the coming months someone out there would like to investigate some of them and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and tell us a little bit about them.

Introduction To An Artist.

By David Naughton-Shires

My awareness of  Rudyard Kipling came probably first at about the age of 15 when I watched the movie, ‘The    Man Who Would Be King’ starring Sean Connery, and Michael Caine as the main characters and Christopher 

Plummer as Kipling himself, this lead me to read his short story of the same name I later realised this was also  my first real encounter of the ‘world’ of fraternal societies, the mystery of Daniel Dravot and Peachey Carnehan  being able to rely upon a ‘brother’ so much as they did in the tale, and their encounter of the symbolism of the  craft in that far away land of Kafiristan.  

The man who wrote this story and many others that are familiar from our own youth and passing into  adulthood such as; ‘The Jungle Book’ (how many read the book BEFORE seeing the movie?) and Gunga Din was  th born in Bombay,  India on December 30  1865 to Alice Kipling (née MacDonald) and (John) Lockwood Kipling.  [3] Lockwood was a freemason   and an artist himself and taught architectural sculpture at the Sir Jamsetjee  Jeejeebhoy School of Art and Industry in Bombay. [1]  Kipling was soon joined by a younger sibling and as was the custom in British India, at the age of six he and his  three‐year‐old sister, Alice ("Trix"), were taken to England to be schooled with a couple who took in children of  British nationals living in India. The two children were live with the couple, Captain and Mrs. Holloway, at their  house, Lorne Lodge, in Southsea (nr Portsmouth) for the next six years. Kipling wrote later in memoirs that he  was treated appallingly whilst in their care [2], in the spring of 1877; Alice Kipling returned from India and  removed the children from Lorne Lodge.  

I will leave it up to your imagination on how to define an artist as the definition is as varied and exciting as the definition of Art itself.

Kipling remembers, ".....often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told anyone how I was being  treated. Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. Also, badly‐ treated children have a clear notion of what they are likely to get if they betray the secrets of a prison‐house before they are 

I will attempt to start the ball rolling with a very light introduction of just such an artist, and do not consider this attempt to be a definitive example because as I have pointed out at the beginning of this newsletter my strengths have never really been in the written word, and also as we are not printed newsletter we are not limited for space.

In January 1878 Kipling was admitted to the United Services College, at Westward Ho!, Devon, a school founded  a few years earlier to prepare boys for the armed forces. Towards the end of his stay at the school, it was  decided that he lacked the academic ability to get into Oxford University on a scholarship and his parents lacked  the ability to finance him; consequently, Lockwood Kipling obtained a job for his son in Lahore (now in  Pakistan), where Lockwood was now Principal of the Mayo College of Art and Curator of the Lahore Museum.  Kipling was to be assistant editor of a small local newspaper, the Civil & Military Gazette. It is a similar scene  where ‘Kipling’ first meets Daniel Dravot and Peachey Carnehan as they are about to head out on their great  adventure.  

Unlike the gentleman below.

So with his new career ahead of him Kipling sailed for India on 20  September 1882 and arrived in Bombay  th almost a month later 18  October. He described his arrival years later:  

clear of it". [2] 




"So, at sixteen years and nine months, but looking four or five years older, and adorned with real whiskers which the  scandalised Mother abolished within one hour of beholding, I found myself at Bombay where I was born, moving among  sights and smells that made me deliver in the vernacular sentences whose meaning I knew not. Other Indian‐born boys have 


told me how the same thing happened to them."[2] 

In 1885 the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance #782 of the English Constitution was looking for a secretary[3]  Kipling’s Father Lockwood was approached as the brethren had heard of young Kipling and with special  dispensation at the age of twenty years and six months  Rudyard Kipling became a freemason and secretary of  his Lodge .Kipling worked hard at the Civil & Military Gazette which was published six days a week and soon  started to write his own prose and short stories in 1886 with the change of the editor Kipling was asked to  contribute short stories to the publication.  Then in the January of 1888 Plain Tales from the Hills, Kipling's first  prose collection was published in Calcutta. His writing continued at a frenetic pace and during the following  year, he published six collections of short stories: Soldiers Three, The Story of the Gadsbys, In Black and White,  Under the Deodars, The Phantom Rickshaw, and Wee Willie Winkie, containing a total of 41 stories, some  quite long. By now he had also transferred to the sister of the Civil & Military Gazette in Allahabad. 

Rudyard Kipling 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936

__________________________________________________________  I have put this together from a few sources some which I am unable to  credit as there was no author given however the three main  references were as follows for the life of Kipling:  [1]Gilmour, David. 2002. The Long Recessional: The Imperial Life of  Rudyard Kipling, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York.  [2] Kipling, Rudyard (1935/1990) Something of myself and other  autobiographical writings. Cambridge University Press.   And for the information on his Masonic ‘career’:  [3] http://www.freemasons‐freemasonry.com/kipling.html  I do recommend reading this paper if you get the chance. 

In early 1889 after leaving The Pioneer after a dispute and selling rights to some of his work he used the money  which included six months’ severance pay from The Pioneer to return to London which he and many others  th considered to be the literary centre of the world. On the 9  of March 1889 he set of on his travels after roving  through much of the USA and meeting giants of the writing world such as Mark Twain he arrived at Liverpool  Docks in October 1889. He was soon to take the London literary scene by storm.  Rudyard Kipling was in London and went from strength to strength in both his literary and Masonic career.  Kipling died at the age of 70 and in his long life he played quite a big role. As far as freemasonry he also received  his Mark Master Degree in a Lahore Lodge and affiliated a craft lodge in Allahabad.   In London he affiliated as an honorary member to Motherland Lodge number No. 3861, was a member of  Authors Lodge No. 3856 and was also a founding member of Lodge Builders of the Silent Cities No. 4948.  He  also joined fellow mason Robbie Burns as one time poet laureate of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No. 2 in  Edinburgh. [3]   As I mentioned in the introduction this is just a very brief delve into the life of a man who in my humble opinion  was a true artist and still continues today to delight many generations with the tales of a young boy raised in  the Jungle and I personally thank him for an early introduction into a fellowship of men who I am now very  happy to count myself part of. 


Each newsletter we will highlight one facebook group you  may be interested in joining all you need to do is go to  your groups (click the group’s icon on the menu bar at the  bottom of the page) and search for the groups by name in  the search bar in the group’s area. 


The Global Fraternal Network was created in 1994 by two DDGMs from the GL of New York as one of the first electronic forums for Freemasons to communicate internationally. Its stated objectives are promoted in three main ways...


(1) By the provision of a " tyled" site that hosts chat rooms and bulletin boards for members, (2) By an monthly email newsletter sent to all members, (3) By periodic gatherings of brethren in their own city, region, and country.  This Facebook group is for all Freemasons from around the world to enjoy and to communicate with each other. While it is not restricted to GFN members, we encourage you to have a look at the GFN site and become one of the over 20,000 members. We will try to keep this group constantly updated with new items that we find. In establishing this group we have left it open so that any member can post links, videos, and photos to share you Masonic experiences with the world. In fact, we welcome and encourage your input. When we created this group we did not want it to be one of those Facebook groups that you join and never go to the group page again - we all have them. We want this to be a group you keep coming back to and enjoy sharing with your friends.

THE SEARCHWORD FOR THIS GROUP IS GLOBAL FRATERNAL NETWORK Or type the following into the address bar: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=58695434965 At the time of the creation of this newsletter their membership stood at 1122 members, 

Each  newsletter  we  will  also  aim  to  highlight  a  website which may be of interest to the members of  the MAE their friends and colleagues if you have any  recommendations for sites to appear here or on the  forum  contact  me  at  [email protected]  please remember to include MAE in the subject line. 



The introduction from the web site does a far better job of outlining the Masonic Society than I ever could: What Is The Masonic Society? ™ "The ultimate success of Masonry depends on the intelligence of her disciples." - Albert Mackey A significant group of passionate Masons are coming together to create what aims to be nothing less than the premier North American research society in Freemasonry. Called simply The Masonic Society, we are gathering together brothers who have a deep and abiding desire to seek knowledge, explore history, discover symbolism, debate philosophies, and in short, who will be at the forefront of charting a path for the future of Freemasonry. As a student of Freemasonry, you are invited to join with us in the formation of this new and exciting organization. Our name, The Masonic Society, intentionally alludes to the Royal Society, the innovative organization of visionary men who were at the forefront of the Age of Enlightenment, many of whom were present at the formation of what became modern Freemasonry. Likewise, our new Society will be at the forefront of a new age of Freemasonry, and we intend to be a vibrant, active community within the fraternity. The goal of The Masonic Society is not just to look backward at the history of Freemasonry, but to foster the intellectual, spiritual and social growth of the modern Masonic fraternity. To that end, The Masonic Society extends the hand of assistance and cooperation to individual Masonic research lodges in North America. It is the desire of The Masonic Society to be a partner with these lodges, to give their members the regular opportunity to publish their papers for an international audience, and to publicize their activities.


Well  this  brings  us  to  the  end  of  the  first  Masonic  Art  Exchange  Newsletter  I  know  it’s  very  short  and lacking in content but in this  first  instance  it  is  an  attempt  to  show  what  we  could  achieve  if  we  come  together  and  work  toward a common goal.   I  know  in  the  world  of  Freemasonry  there  are  a  million  and  one  Newsletters,  Reviews,  Journals,  Tresleboards  and  the  like.,  Some  of  a  very  high  standard and some not but what  we hope to achieve with the MAE  is a resource where a brother can  come  to  for  advice  on  how  to  improve the ‘product’ he is giving  out  to  his  brethren  whatever  form it may take.  On  this  final  page  I  am  going  to  place  a  few  links  to  ‘good’  sites,  other  groups  in  Facebook  that  may  be  of  interest  and  contact  details.  PLEASE  PLEASE  PLEASE  get  in  contact  whether  it  is  to  tell  us  how fantastic the newsletter was  or  alternatively  to  give  us  much  needed  critique  on  how  to  improve what we are doing after  all that IS what we are here for.  We  will  see  you  on  the  web  and  pray the Great Architect watches  over you.  Sincerely and fraternally, 

David & Martyn.    


[email protected]  (please remember to put MAE in the subject line)  Contact details: [email protected] please ensure to put MAE in the subject line. 

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