Manifestationem Volume 1 Issue 1

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Psychic abilities 1: Theory . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . Discussion . . . .

6 6 7 8

Exalted sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Psychic abilities 2: Astral Projection 10 Experimental report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Psychic abilities 3: Theory . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . Discussion . . . .

Healing 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Edito By Kokuyoh Morisawa People have felt the presence of my eyes on them. I have felt a distant friends pain. I have seen a small event in advance. I have read the memories of others. I have been in the right place at just the right time. I have seen a man read my thoughts and know me better than myself. I heard a woman describe an aspect of my past life which was known to only me. I have seen a man call the wind by touching a tree. I have seen a woman detect the perimeter of my aura with dowsing rods. I have seen a woman discover the location of my physical discomfort with her hand. I have heard that a sensitive person can taste iron when someone who has a gun is nearby. I have heard that a boy became a master of astral projection through unbearable pain. I have heard that a woman opened a spiritual portal to clean an area of ghosts. I have heard that one man saw another man who looked as if he was a holy sage, only to later discover that the man was a chief Satanist of the city. I have heard that dark-siders practice killing cats with their minds. I have heard that a woman saw an evil cloud of death surround her and claws pull down her bed sheet, but she survived through prayer. I have heard that a woman returned to prison on the advice of a spirit guide so that she may find a needed spiritual teacher. I have heard of a man who communicated with the divine on top of a holy mountain. Later, the same man was blessed with telepathy and other miraculous abilities. I have heard from a psychic that all powers are available to me. I have heard from a telepathic man that I am tiger acting like a sheep. Wake up.


Acknowledgements Editor: Jaden F. Ward Editorial committee: The Stone of Ollerus First draft: Jaden F. Ward, Kokuyoh Morisawa Proofreading: Kokuyoh Morisawa Artworks: Jaden F. Ward General content and discussions: meeting of the Stone of Ollerus, November 17th , 2008 see our website:

Publication: Stone of Ollerus - publishing (webzine) Tokyo, Japan March 21th , 2009 All articles are copyright of the authors.


Stone of Ollerus - publishing

Disclaimer - risks of magic


Exalted sensing By Kokuyoh Morisawa

Theory Psychic abilities are part of the fundamental matrix of our being. Psychic perception is more real than our physical senses. Physical senses reveal what is apparent according to chemicals, pressure, and radiating energy, while psychic senses can reveal what is and provide information from outside of linear space and time. They exist in an atrophied state within each human being. One explanation for this state says that people have long ignored their abilities and they lack the proper power. That power is provided by impressions. An impression is an intense perception in which physical sensations, emotions, and mind is harmonized. The tri-fold energy of such an impression provides a greater food for the sleeping being within Man. You have had impressions in the intense moments of your life. Those moments may have been significant turning points in your life or they may have ordinary moments. Regardless, they have left a certain taste and a vivid memory. That is because you were more conscious in that moment. In order to experience impressions, it is necessary to seek them and to have some level of consciousness. Impressions feed consciousness and consciousness allows one to experience impressions in greater number and power. With impressions and consciousness, the eternal being within is awakened and its power begins to flow more strongly into our lives. One result of this is psychic powers.


Exercises Basic Sensations Find a very simple food, such as cooked plain rice. Look at the food. Smell it. Slowly put a small amount of the food in your mouth. Feel the sensation of the food in your mouth. Taste the food. Slowly, slowly chew it completely and then swallow it. The goal of this exercise is use your senses to the maximum in a safe and small way. It will prepare the way for greater use of your senses while yielding strong impressions. Also, this exercise will make you very aware of the strong habits you have regarding eating.

Addendum Try to anticipate all the sensations associated with the food you are about to eat. You should be out of range of its smell. This will prepare your mind and heighten your senses. Then taste the food. Were you correct in your expectations? With practice, you may be able to detect finer details of sensations and even correctly anticipate unknown sensations. One very specific interest in the smell/taste sense is that, from a neurological point of view, it is the only one to have a direct cabling to the limbic system (odors are directly connected to the hippocampus and corpus amygdaloideum, while other senses pass first through the filter of the thalamus). This means that the exercise will more easily involve the emotional parts of your being (hence less interferences with these exercises could be extended to other senses than smelling or tasting). For instance, touching an object and trying to feel (guess) the inside of the object is another very nice - and useful - exercise. The idea is fairly simple: take and object in your hands, and without looking at it try to project your feeling of touch deep inside the object. Feel of it “touches” from the inside, is it thick or thin, fragile or solid, what kind of matter, is it hot or cold, etc A progressive and regular training can also lead to psychometry, the ability to read psychic signatures in objects (what was feeling the last person who touched his object, what was his identity, etc). Similarly, sense extension can be used with hearing or viewing. Extending vision beyond boundaries, you can learn to read road signs beyond your 7

usual visual capabilities - and this would lead in the end to remote viewing. Similarly, training psychic hearing allows the ability to hear in far distances, understand when someone mumbles near you, and finally to remote hearing.

Sense Projection Go to a natural place with trees, rocks, et cetera. Take up a relaxed position with a good view of the area. Relax your body and your mind. After you have calmed down a little, choose something to sense, such as a rock or tree. Reach out with your mind to sense the tree. Feel the coarseness of the bark, the stiffness of the leaves, and the cool dampness of the roots. Fully sense the tree with your normal senses and your extra-sensory perception. One goal of this exercise is to practice using your senses and extra-sensory senses together. Another goal of this exercise is to overcome the fear of sensing beyond yourself. We are unconsciously afraid of sensing what is ’out there.’ By gently working on this exercise, we can become comfortable feeling our surroundings in a heightened way. Eventually, we can develop the ability to sense all around us, akin to 360-degree vision. Telepathy was explained in the following way by a telepathic man. Each person has a unique sound, like a chord on a guitar. You must first discover your own sound. When you have acquired an awareness of what that is, you can tune your sound to mimic the sound of another. By doing this, you can ’tune in’ to them and be aware of them. This can result in telepathic communication or knowing a stranger better than he knows himself. What happens when you tune in to yourself? This can be called consciousness. An additional aspect to telepathy is that there is information available all the time. For example, a radio station is constantly broadcasted, but unless you have an active radio and are attuned, you would you not know that the radio station exists. By trying to recover that radio and turn it on, you are only attempting to receive what is always being given.

Discussion Q1: Do you mean astral projection? When you mention projecting to the surrounding area, do you mean as8

tral projection? E1: No. The idea is to establish a contact with the surroundings rather than projecting into it. One of the purposes of this exercise is to become less afraid to have your senses extended outside the usual limits of your body, which is quite disturbing in the beginning. You will face two opposing forces: one is a fear of feeling presences of active energies outside of yourself (from living beings for instance) and the other is a rational reaction a little like ”if I want to see what is beyond this wall, why do I not simply walk through the door? Q2: Psychic powers should not be the goal, correct? Many traditions consider psychic powers as a secondary benefit of spirituality. In other words, psychic powers should not be the goal, right? A2: yes and no. For sure, psychic powers are not the absolute goal. Denying their interest is a right-hand path point of view: in traditional religions, like Hinduism for instance, the usual spiritual path is identified as being one of meditation and passive reception of illumination from divine planes (see for instance the literature of Rene Guenon or Julius Evola - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky also speculates on this). The left-hand path, instead, seeks for an active “conquest” of illumination. Magick and psychic-based paths are, by definition, left-hand-path spiritual methods. In these methods, psychic powers are neither considered as the final goal, nor a secondary: they are simply necessary tools used to achieve illumination, because we use them to climb progressively the stairs separating humans from spiritual realms. So, in simple words, yes psychic powers are not the final goal, but they represent a first and necessary step towards illumination.


Astral Projection by Jaden F. Ward

Experimental report Here I want to report my recent experimentation on astral projection. I stayed in a hotel room and meditated for 48 hours so that I could try to achieve astral projection. I took rests only to have three meals. These three meals so disturbed my meditation that I have had to revise my usually moderate position concerning food: digestion is a real drain (Please note, however, that I am not excited at all about the idea of fasting for a long period of time). I achieved astral projection 6 times, but only during short periods not exceeding 45 sec (from a subjective point of view). All of these projections were achieved while in a very wakeful state; this was the most significant variable. So I can certainly say that the best way to succeed is to avoid practicing when you fall asleep (or at the end of the day). Rest beforehand and practice, preferably, in the afternoon after a nap. The mechanism which I use to achieve astral projection is to attain, by meditation and relaxation, a frontier between wakefulness and sleep. When I reach this level and if I focus on keeping an empty mind, at some point I feel the astral body leaving my material body. I then perceive (it is a feeling rather than a visual percept) the existence of some kind of “window” towards the world of dreams. If I jump inside this window, I fall into a dream and most of the time lose consciousness (on exception, this may lead to a lucid dream). If I can just change a little my projection trajectory “outside” this window, then I achieve astral projection and remain conscious. The key point, in my case, was to learn to feel the astral body. I first start to relax until I reach a very deep state of relaxation. Then I simply feel 10

the energy flow inside my material body and try to intensify its vibration. I simply focus on this internal energy, and when I can really feel it (I reach a peak) a kind of connection can be established. The astral body is the part that gets in charge of your consciousness when you feel asleep. Being the body of desire, it does not answer to rational injunctions and achieving this contact allows you to communicate him your own desire to be projected. In other words, when you fall asleep, if you are already ”inside” your astral body with your consciousness, you can project; whereas if you are not you lose consciousness and start dreaming: the astral body wanders in symbolic realms, without your control. A detail which was always present in my successful projections was that I felt not only energy but also the flow of emotions (the astral body is the body of desires/emotions). This was manifested like a strange feeling of having something ”childlike” within me: the astral body seems to think mainly through pure emotions and mostly without words. It is a part of you however, but a part that you usually cannot see And Jesus said: ”Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Gospel of Luke 18:15-17). Once the connection is established, I start meditating on obtaining an empty mind. The natural reaction of the ego is then to try to bring thoughts back into your mind. For a while, I gently push away these thoughts without giving any attention. Then at one point, when the mind becomes sufficiently empty, the window I mentioned above opens.

Exercises Training with energies Many techniques exist. One way to feel energy is to train using internal martial art techniques (like Qui Gong or Tai Chi). It might induce discomfort in the beginning: as massages can induce toxin releases in order to improve health condition, these techniques can release spiritual toxins. If you want to give it a try, you should expect some difficulties in the beginning - which should not be confused with astral bleeding. Once you have achieved a basic level of energy perception, you can try feeling energy in different contexts, like for instance when you walk to your office or while you are seated in a train. In doing so, your perception shifts 11

- like if you had suddenly entered into another, more ”magical” realm. You can try also to feel simply this energy when you go to bed, to get accustomed to watch its evolution while you fall asleep (you would be surprised how much this simple exercise can teach you).

Respiration Many traditions mention that breath control is a key point when trying to interact with the astral realms. Training to control your breath rhythm can help, with regular breathing patterns and the like. But the physical breath is not as interesting as its spiritual counterpart. Try to feel the effect of changing your breath while being attentive to your internal energy.

Dreamlog As the astral body projects while you dream, a good way to get in touch with it is to accept “his” world. Showing your interest in the astral world can be easily achieved by keeping a dream log: i.e. writing dawn your dreams on a notebook - a good idea is to write also how you interpret the dream, leaving some space for future interpretations as your interpretations will certainly evolve with time. After a while, the symbolic content of your dreams will get deeper, and sometimes even allow you access to precognition (prophetic dreams), or epiphanies (spiritual discoveries through dreams, meeting with entities, etc.). Finally, getting to know your inner symbolism help you in deciphering your own personality - but working out this symbolism you get to know yourself. You will probably soon also learn to wake up in the middle of the night in order to remember an important dream, before quickly getting back to sleep. (when I am motivated, I can write dawn up to 15 dreams a night with this technique - without feeling tired the morning after!)

Dream interaction While you fall asleep, try to “charge” your astral body with a desire (the desire must be, so to speak, in your heart, not in your mind!). As the astral body is a vehicle traveling in the astral planes, it can alter this plane; which 12

in turn symbolically alters the fate of the material one. This allows you a new - indirect - magical ability, but take care that while being out of your body you can access farther dimensions, and hence higher powers than what you are used to. As usual, you have to keep in mind that magic is a dangerous art and you must continue acting with caution. The best wishes to start with are those concerning self-knowledge, for instance desiring to know why you cannot use telepathy and how you could learn it will bring you both new insights which you will write dawn in your notebook. This can also slightly change your fate in order to help you with your training (because you have integrated in the framework of reality that you really desire to learn it).

Group dreaming This exercise can only be done with a group of trustworthy persons. The idea is to share your dreams with them after writing them to your log book. You must be very close to them, and not feel any problem in sharing the dream (if you feel so, it means that you would go against your body of desire if you share - bad idea!). My wife and I usually share our dreams with each other and try to interpret our dreams. When you combine group rituals and group dreaming, some interesting events can come up. I did it once with two other magical practitioners, during one week, the material and spiritual reality started to melt one another, until we reached a state where we were traveling in the material world as if through a dream.

Discussion Q1: What is the purpose of astral projection? E1: Contact with the spiritual realms. The main interest is that it allows a direct contact with the spiritual realms. It is thus the best way to verify for oneself any spiritual teaching. The long term effect of astral projection is a better harmony with reality, which unlocks psychic abilities like telepathy or psychokinetic powers. Q2: What about involuntary astral projection? 13

E2: a huge literature exists on this topic. A huge literature exists on this topic - even in the scientific domain under the name “Out-of-Body Experience” (OBE). The most classical reports of involuntary projection is total anesthesia during surgery, in which people experienced astral projection (many people, including some members of the Stone of Ollerus - including me). In my case, I was a child, and never dared to ask anyone what had happened to me. The second classical cause is pain (violent pain, or long lasting insupportable pain) which can also induce a projection. Afterwards comes the use of drugs (which cannot be recommended because of their destructive “side effects”) - the datura for instance is said to be efficient, but in addition to the usual dangers of drugs, the effective dose of datura is so close to the lethal dose that using it should definitively be banned as a very bad idea. Strong emotions (especially negative emotions) can also trigger a projection. Finally, many authors report that when you are sleeping you actually get projected (and as my technique is based on this theory, and works pretty well, I can only agree with them). Q3: Did you try using lucid dreams? E3: This is a complex art. Once during an astral projection, I tried to pass through a door. When I did it, passing through this threshold provoked a change in my level of consciousness and I “fell” into a lucid dream. I then tried to get back to the material world, but only obtained an express ticket to my body! Controlling lucid dreaming is a complex art. Q4: what if I want to train when I am sleepy? E4: use hypnosis or master lucid dreaming. You can use auto-hypnosis; or, instead, use hypnosis tapes (like e.g. Yoga Nidra) which makes your mind wander through representations of many feelings, which activates the astral body. Whatever you use, make sure that you convince your emotional part, not the rational one. You can also try to master projection in lucid dreams. I could not how14

ever succeed with one of those, but there is no reason it would not work (for as long as you are not entering in contradiction with you inner desires).


Healing by Jaden F. Ward

Theory Nowadays it seems that most people ignore that healing techniques existed in Occident for centuries. We only hear about the fashionable (and commercially profitable) healing methods, such as Reiki, but so many other methods existed. Laying-on-hands is showed frequently in the Bible as a powerful ritual. In medieval times, people used to heal each other with their hands. And indeed, when you try to feel energy, your hands are much more sensitive than other parts of your body. A general healing technique usually follows a four-step procedure: 1. Meditate in order to reach a state of empty mind. 2. Establish a contact with the subject to be healed. 3. Find the location of the problem (a location where energy is troubled). 4. Transfer energy to the subject to “repair” the damage. Each step needs specific training, but what is usually regarded as the key point is the energy transfer. However, in my opinion, the key point is to establish properly the contact - otherwise, the energy can only be sent randomly and the results will be so poor as compared to what could have been obtained. Afterall, it is much better to use a small amount of correctly channeled energy than a huge chaotic flux of energy. The transfer per se is indeed where technique counts, rather than training. Different schools exist. In one that I know, the idea is to let energy flow 16

through your own body, drawn from an energy pool (you could call it god, or your higher self if you wish to). The energy should not be “forced” into the subject. The technique will consist in establishing contact with this pool, in order to avoid depleting your own energy. Afterwards, a cleansing ritual is performed so that free yourself from the influence of the disease with which you just had contact. Finally, there is the problem of the definition of energy. One could consider that energy flows everywhere in a limitless amount. In this case, we can use and abuse of it, share it with others, etc. But then the question is: why do some of us get sick? Why do we age? We can give two answers to this question: 1. Energy is limitless, but we block it inside some kind of “energy blockages” where it gets stuck. Healing, in this case, consists in breaking these blockages to let the energy flow once again. This kind of “energy complex” could be seen as a kind of astral larva, feeding on our energy (explaining why we feel a loss of energy). 2. There are two types of energy. This is very well described in Chinese theory of Qi (or Chi): the general Qi corresponds to a limitless flowing amount of energy, while the Jing is a specific, more dense, energy. One can vary his amount of Qi through life, but a specific amount of Jing is given at birth, and decreases through life. If one learns to master Qi, he can use it instead of Jing and minimize his loss (thus, slow down the ageing process) - but he will whatever die when Jing is depleted. In Chinese mythology, those who master Jing become immortals (awakened Taoist masters, who remain hidden in high mountains).

Exercises Meditation Learn to meditate until you can obtain an empty mind for about 10 minutes, without letting your mind wander. This is the topic of our next issue, by the way...


Establish the contact Learn to establish contact with another being. This is not the same as telepathy, but more like an internal perception of the presence of the other. While you meditate, establish a physical contact (touch the other’s body). From the depth of you empty mind, wait until the presence of the other arrives. Do not try to force things, just let it happen. With some training, you will get used to the proper feeling.

Find the location of the problem There should be one location of the problem on the subject’s body. Pass you hand over the area where he feels pain, until you feel that a contact is established (you will feel something attracting your hand, like a magnet). Try to get this experience as much as you can. For instance, whenever you get hurt, try to use your hand to feel the astral location of your wound. If you feel tired, you can train in the same way (being tired induces a similar psychic attractor).

Transfer energy In the beginning, only use this technique for small illnesses, like the common cold or small bruises. Do not use it on serious conditions unless you have mastered all its aspects. You must first establish contact with a correct source of energy. It can be you own representation of god, you higher self, your spiritual guide, whatever you name it. The key aspect is that you must establish this connection with a routine (which will in the long term become an easy ritual) which involves intuitive or emotional feelings - you must feel the connection! The best is to establish this connection in the beginning, before the very first step. Concerning energy transfers, as soon as you establish contact with the problem source, energy will start flowing. Do not try to change this flow or to control it as it could worsen the condition or even result in injuries. When the transfer is finished, you will simply feel that nothing is transferred anymore. Do not simply stop if the subject says he is cured, if energy keeps transferring you should keep going until it stops naturally. The subject might complain that he feels pain and this would be normal (to some extent 18

- if he feels too much pain he is probably not ready to get released from his problem). After, take care to cut the connection with the subject. It would also be advisable to purify yourself, in order to avoid a psychic contamination. This can be done, again, with a ritual - the idea this time is to activate energy circulation, and to break off any resistance. A very simple yet effective ritual is just to take a shower, while concentrating on putting all the ‘negativity’ in the flowing water (avoid doing so in a bath, or using water that someone else could get into contact with).

Discussion Q1: Could the method be reversed? There are people who call themselves psychic vampires, there is even a ‘psychic vampire’ community on the internet. The idea seem scary, but you can find vampiric techniques on the internet, and they seem to work... E1: maybe. Techniques to thieve energy from others would probably work. But you will most probably only steal energy that flows all around us. You sometimes meet such people, who make you quickly get tired when you remain near them: they feed on your energy. This is however not a so useful technique, as you can obtain this energy directly from the higher planes (unless you intend to harm someone, but then we enter in the realm of dark magic and maledictions). Unless you find a way to steal Jing energy, you cannot become immortal with such techniques. Again, in Taoist mythology, the Jing energy vampires exist and they are called the Kwaijin (or similar spellings - this name is a transliteration from Chinese). But I have never met one! Q2: is energy necessary for our life? What is the purpose in acquiring energy and using technics to raise our energy level?


E2: maybe not. Maybe someone who always asks for energy simply has a blockage and he needs energy because he just wants to feed his complex! In this case, instead of searching for energy (which would reinforce his problem in the long term), he would get better health by searching for better energy circulation. But breaking such a complex is painful, which explains why we prefer searching for energy instead of trying to really cure our problems. As a rule of thumb, one should always keep connected with higher planes when he works with energies, in order to avoid feeding such astral larvas.


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