Vol 18 Number 20

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Vol 18 Number 20

From The Editor “And nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope” - Robert Frost


quote the above not because it describe us; but it could well have had we squandered away our time. And I am not talking about this nation. As December grinds its way into the twilight of 2009, let us remember that this is (typically) a time for spiritual reflection – more so for those who had just completed the pilgrimage and those who will be celebrating Christmas. And those who are faithlessly agnostic, surely, it will also be for them a time to reflect on what important things have been achieved in the year that is about to expire. Perhaps for all of us at our own individual level, family and love must above all be the absolute.Where the demands of bringing home the daily bread detracted from our attention to family, where anger diminished our capacity for love to our fellow human beings, or where our hedonistic abundance blinded our sensitivity to the needs of the needy, lets take a pause to think of December and its seasons as a time for giving, and, forgiving. At the club level, the Board must be quite pleased with itself for having conducted the affairs of the club and having done so in the spirit of giving in each of the community projects undertaken – none more powerfully shown than the Education Fund which has begun its disbursements to needy school children. ......continue on next page


5 December 2009

President's message In the Month of December ecember 2009 - we are almost at the half way mark of the Rotary Year. How quickly time flies when you are enjoying yourself. It is true - as President of this Club I have tremendously enjoyed my time at the helm of the Club these past few months. The projects we carry out keep me engrossed. The wholesome fellowships make me want more. And in a service organisation like Rotary, it is the people who make up the Club - ah, people from all walks add to the diversity and of course make life more “spicy”.


But it is not to say that the time in the Club has been without incidents or that it has been plain smooth sailing. Such would have been totally uneventful and absolutely boring and unacceptable to me and you too, no doubt. I vouch that scientific research has reliably demonstrated that to operate at our optimum, each of us need some level of stress to motivate us on. So, yes there have been challenging and trying times like having to juggle between work and family demands and Rotary work; resolving conflict when views of members are not aligned; motivating members to step up to the plate to take on responsibilities. Add on to that, the desire to raise lots of money to fund the RCBKS Education Fund activities ...... Life in the Club takes on a new dimension and full satisfaction when things get done and done right. December appears to be a suitable milestone to take stock. The District will hold the Mid-term review to assess how Clubs have performed. It is also timely for me to do similarly for our own Club. I personally think we have done well in many ways. We have managed to carry out good projects for Club Service (Tanjong Sepat trip; Merdeka Day picnic, joint meeting with RC Central Damansara); Vocational Service (Vocational Service Awards for volunteer teachers of Project Fireflies, vocational visit to DHL facilities); Community Service (hosting children from House of Matthew to Pusat Sains Negara and lunch); International Service (attending Installation of RC Bugis Junction, playing hosts to visiting Rotarians from Sister Clubs from Singapore, Chiangmai and Taipei); New Generations (participating in SM Sri Hartamas Interact Club IU Day and regular meeting); The Rotary Foundation (co-operated for a successful matching grant with Sister Club RC Chung-Li Chung Shing); Membership Development (we picked up 2 new and wonderful members in August). The Charity Dinner / Fund Raising and the RCBKS Education Fund have left many in awe of the excellent examples of the Club’s great dedication, ability and reach. And we should continue to focus on our strengths so that we can continue to do even more good for the community and needy. And 5 December 2009 is a special day in the history of the Club. It is Elections day no less. President Elect Poay Lim will be looking at lining up the Board for the next year. I encourage members to take up roles in the new Board. As part of the leadership team you can chart the course of the Club’s future. Stand up and be counted. Together we can Make a Difference. Yours in Rotary President Frances

CLUB CLINIC Q: What should I do if a member of my club misses a meeting? First, keep in mind that while 100 percent club meeting attendance is ideal, 50 percent attendance is what the Standard Rotary Club Constitution requires. Rotarians must attend at least 30 percent of their own club’s regular meetings in each half of the year, and they can’t miss or fail to make up four consecutive meetings. If a club member misses a meeting, encourage that member to make it up using any of these options: • Attend at least 60 percent of another club’s regular meeting.

Joint Meeting with RC Central Damansara A joint meeting with RC Central Damansara was held last Wednesday, 25 November'09 at the Royal Comm0nwealth Club in Damansara Heights. Nine members from RC Bukit Kiara Sunrise attended the meeting. We were there early, and whilst waiting for the President Frances exchanging meeting to begin, we decided club banner with President Siti to have some cold beer at the bar - 'Cheers!' to PP Graham for hosting the drinks.The meeting was called to order after dinner at 8pm. The guest speaker that evening was PP Dr Yee on 'The Challenge of Building a Good Club Culture'. After the meeting, everyone adjourned for fellowship.

PP Yoke Leong giving his talk

• Attend a regular meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club, Rotary Community Corps, or Rotary Fellowship. • Attend certain Rotary International or district meetings • Participate in a club service project or club-sponsored community event. • Attend a club board meeting or, if authorized by the board, a service committee meeting. • Participate in an e-club meeting for at least 30 minutes. To receive attendance credit, the member must complete the make-up within 14 days of the missed meeting and obtain written proof of attendance from the make-up club’s secretary.

Words to Grow By “Rotary is probably the only non-profit organisation which combines fellowship & service. We can’t have one or the other. The ideas of Rotary is INDESTRUCTABLE. Rotary is SELECTIVE but not EXCLUSIVE. Rotary is IDEALISITICS but not INTOLERANT” - Past RI President Bhichai Rattakul

From the Editor .....continue And for the president, she must thank her board and the club members for such a smooth and satisfying 6 months – arguably one of the best in recent history of club – at least from my private perspective. Under her leadership and that of the board, there is much for members to look backward to with pride and much to look forward with hope. As for this bulletin, I ask you, readers who have put up with the flatulent that was this editorial, its time you forgive me if not the team. Some of you would have realized by now that the flatulent is not Karen’s. I am looking forward to 2010 with great hope.

PP James Lau

Today's Programme


Annual General Meeting

12 December'09 (Sat) 7.30am Speaker: Mr P M Low Topic: People Management &Change

Agenda: 1. Tabling & adoption of the Accounts for Year ended 30 June 2008 2. Election of Club officers for Rotary Year 2010-11

Member's Contribution Bridging the Gap General Colin Luther Powell: American Statesman and Four Star General in the United States Army Former Secretary of State to President George W. Bush African American... Read and share with your positive friends.... The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don’t help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don’t increase you will eventually decrease you. Consider this: Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don’t follow anyone who’s not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. “A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.” The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad.

19 December'09(Sat) 7.30am Speaker: Encik Zaini Topic: Power Vocal Projection 26 December'09(Sat0 7.30am Business meeting

CALENDER of EVENTS Family Day @ Kuala Kubu Baru Date: 13 December 2009 Christmas Cheer @ Orphanage Date: 19 December 2009 (Tbc) Christmas Fellowship Date: 26 December 2009 Venue: Bukit Utama Condo 75th District Conference Date: 7-9 January 2010 Venue: Sheraton Subang Registration Fee: $400 3rd Club Assembly Date: 23 January 2010 (Sat) Venue: Eco-Green, TTDI 76th District Assembly Date: 16 - 18 April 2010 Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel

Duty Roster 5 December (Club Service)

Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. Yes...do love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above. “In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our friends.” “Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them.” “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude...” Contributed by Kong

Sargeant-at-arms James Lau Desk Duty Karen Introducer Thank Speaker Fines Frankie

12 December (Vocational Service) Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines

CY Kong Poay Lim Yau James Cheong

Visit our Blog @ http:// rotaryclubbks. blogspot.com

Board of Directors 2009/10 President Frances Po 21731618(0) President Elect Tan Poay Lim 77277127(0) Immediate Past President/PR Elsie Low 77281807(0) Vice President/Membership Director Dr Sanjay Doshi 23008030(0) Honorary Secretary Cecelia Matuya 56342870(0) Honorary Treasurer PP Graham Bennett 012-2918619 Club Service Director PP Karen Chong 012-2893380

ROTARY AROUND THE WORLD Movie premieres raise millions for brain research French Rotarians are hoping to raise more than US$1 million for brain research during a premiere of the Disney movie A Christmas Carol on 17 November in 350 theaters across France. Espoir en tête, an effort of Rotary International districts in Zone 11, is now in its fourth year, having raised more than $5 million since its inception in 2005 as a centennial project. “In Zone 11, we have more than three million patients who are victims of Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, strokes, etc.,” says RI Director Catherine Noyer-Riveau, explaining the decision by the zone’s 2004-05 district governors to select brain disease research as the project beneficiary. “Brain diseases are sadly a part of our daily lives and touch everyone regardless of age, the region where they live, or social and cultural background.”

Vocational Service Director PP CY Fong 78032276(0)

Since launching the fundraiser in 2005, the project’s board of directors has worked with four movie distributors: Pathé Cinéma, Wild Bunch, Warner Bros., and Disney Pictures. The first event attracted 70,500 movie goers, raised more than $1 million, and generated more than 700 news articles on Rotary in the French media.

Community Service Director Ho Ee Lay 019-3395688

The project’s success has ensured its sustainability, one of three initial criteria the district governors used to select a fundraiser. The effort also had to relate to an Avenue of Service and include a public relations component.

International Service Director Susan Lim 012-2325860

With the help of a PR grant from Rotary International, the districts produced a seven-minute video about Rotary which will be shown before the movie. As a result, Rotarian and non-Rotarian movie goers will learn more about Rotary and its work.

New Generation Director Ghaurry 23003757(O)

In the future, the project directors envision movie theaters downloading the video about Rotary directly, and having local districts and clubs supplement the main portion with customized information about their own communities.

Rotary Foundation Chairman PP Sunny Khoo 22849089(O)

“With Espoir en tête, we communicate about Rotary, we take part in a great public health initiative that is among the government’s priorities, and we fund this project by collecting money from movie goers — non-Rotarians, for the most part,” Noyer-Riveau said.

Bulletin Committee James Lau/ Karen (Editor/Production) Poay Lim (Speaker's Programme)

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