Vocabulary 7

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 13
1] Depreciation = deflation,depression,devaluation,fall,slump 2] Depricate = feel and express disapproval 3] Incentive = thing one encourages one to do 4] Echelon = level of authority or responsibility 5] Innovation = make changes or introduce new things 6] Intermittant = externally stopping and then starting 7] Detrimental = harmful 8] Mesotiate = ... 9] Conciliation = make less angry or more friendly 10] Orthodox = conventional or superstitious 11] Fallible = liable to err 12] Volatile = ever changing 13] Manifestion = clear or obvious 14] Connotation = 15] Reciprocal = reverse, opposite 16] Agrarian = related to agriculture 17] Vacillate = undecided or dilemma 18] Experdent = fitting proper , desirable 19] Simulate = produce artificially resembling an existing one 20] Access = to approach 21] Compensation= salary 22] Truncate = shorten by cutting 23] Adherance = stick 24] Heterogenous = non-similar things 25] Surplus = excessive 26] Assess = determine the amount or value 27] Cognezance = knowledge 28] Retrospective = review 29] Naive = innocent , rustic 30] Equivocate = tallying on both sides 31] Postulate = frame a theory 32] Latent = dormant, secret 33] Fluctuate = wavering 34] Eliminate = to reduce 35] Affinity = strong liking 36] Expedite = hasten 37] Console = to show sympathy 38] Adversary = opposition 39] Affable = lovable, approachable

40] Decomposable = rotten 41] Agregious = apart from crowd, especially bad 42] Conglomeration = group 43] Aberration = deviation 44] Erudite = wise, profound 45] Augury = prediction 46] Credibility = ability to common belief, quality of being credible 47] Coincident = incidentally 48] Constituent = accompanying 49] Differential = having or showing or making use of 50] Distention = act out, stretching out ,swelling out 51] Litigation = engaging in a law suite 52] Moratorium = legally or officially determined period of delay before the fulfillment of the agreement or payment of debts 53] Negotiate = discuss or bargain 54] Preparation = act of preparing 55] Preponderant = superiority of power or quality 56] Relevance = quality of being relevant 57] Apparatus = appliance 58] Ignorance = blindness or inexperience 59] Obsession = complex enthusiasm 60] Precipitate = Quicken. Synonyms 1) Choleric

= Hot Tempered, Irritate

2) Waif

= Urchin, Abandoned Person

3) Florid

= Ornate, Showy

4) Servility

= Surrender

5) Tepid

= Luke warm, Half hearted

6) Melee

= Fight, Combat

7) Aplomb = Self-confidence, composure 8) Mawkish

= Over emotional, weepy

9) Voracious

= Hungry, eager, greedy

10) Cliché

= Commonplace, Truism

11) Pithy

= Strong

12) Celibacy

= Chastity, State of not being married

13) Retrograde

= Worsen, Move backward

14) Foil

= metal sheet, Layer of aluminum paper

15) Chaste

= Pure, Modest

16) Furtive

= Secret, Stealthy

17) Paradox

= Contradiction

18) Alacrity = Eagerness, Readiness 19) Remiss

= Careless

20) Repartee

= Witty Report

21) Mundane

= Normal

22) Moribund

= Dying, Expiring

23) Banal

= Stale, Common place, Usual

24) Tarry

= Delay

25) Misapprehension = Improper Understanding 26) Cleft

= Split

27) Virulent= Poisonous, Dangerous 28) Indulgent

= Obliging, Complaint

29) Tantamount

= Equivalent

30) Repudiate

= Reject, Deny, Renounce

31) Reprobate

= Degenerate

32) Acclivity

= an upward slope

33) Baneful = Destructive, Harmful 34) Chide

= Scold

35) Circuitous

= Indirect in action or language

36) Churlish

= Brutish, Cruel, Rude

37) Latitude

= Freedom, Liberty

38) Jettison = throw away, get rid of Antonyms 1) Mollify × Enrage, Provoke 2) Inundate

× Drain

3) Equanimity

× Agitation

4) Gauche × Tactful 5) Exhume

× Inter

6) Baleful

× Beneficent

7) Anathematize

× Bless

8) Enigmatic

× Unambiguous

9) Pariah

× Idol

10) Turbid

× Limpid

Word Abysmal

Meaning Adj. Bottomless Use : His arrogance is

Synonyms Terrible, awful, dreadful,


exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance n. A word formed by the initial letters of

appalling, very bad, Contraction, ellipsis,

Antonyms Superb

a multi-word name v. warn strongly, reprove Use: He

Reprove, reprimand,

admonished his listeners to change their

chide, rebuke, usurp

wicked ways v. Investigation before acting,

Cutious, prudent,

Use: She tried always to be circumspect

careful, guarded, wary,


n. the act of placating

judicious, vigilant, Appeasement,


n. Suggested or implied meaning of an

pacification, propitiation Nuance, suggestion,

expression. Use: Foreigners frequently

implication, undertone,

are unaware of the connotations of the

overtone, subtext,

words they use. Adj. secret or hidden, not openly

Clandestine, concealed,

practiced or vowed n. a covering that

stealthy, underground,

serves to conceal or shelter something

copse, wood, thicket








Use: Investigations of CIA reveal that such covert operations can get out of Covetous

control Adj. avaricious, eagerly desirous of Use:

envious, jealous,


The child was covetous by nature and

desirous, greedy


classmates v. express disapproval of, protest

Denounce, deplore,


against, belittle Use: A firm believer of

condemn, censure,

old-fashioned courtesy, Miss Post,

denigrate, decry,

deprecated the modern tendency to


wanted to take the toys belonging to his Deprecate

address new acquaintances by their first Diligence



names. n. care and perseverance in carrying out



tasks. Use : Her employers were greatly



impressed by her diligence and offered



her a partnership in the firm


n. ability to adjust action to

painstakingness Prudence, caution,

circumstances Use: Use your discretion

acumen, predilection,

in this matter and do not discuss the

sagacity, wariness,

matter with anyone. v. scatter, drive away, cause to vanish

volition Disperse

Use: The bright sunlight eventually Dissemination

dispelled the morning mist v. Opening to public discussion or

Broadcasting, diffusion,

debate, the act of spreading something,




Use:By their use of the internet, propagandists, have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe Adj. Opinionated Use: We tried to

Arbitrary, doctrinal,

discourage him from being so dogmatic,

unbending, inflexible,

but nothing could convince him that his



opinions might be wrong n. A body of troops arranged in a line

Level, stratum, rank,


Adj. Liable to err. Use: I Know I am

height Imperfect, unsound,

fallible, but I feel confident that I am

mortal, weak, frail,

right this time n. an indication of the approach of

Forerunner, herald,

something or someone, forerunner v.

potent, omen,





fore shadow or presage Use: The crocus illustrious

is an early harbinger of spring Adj. Widely known and esteemed

Memorable, well-known,



n. A force that moves something along,

famous Momentum, thrust,

shameful inertia

incentive, stimulus Use: A new federal


highway program would create jobs and will give added impetus to our economic Intermittent

recovery Adj. Periodic Use: The outdoor wedding

Alternating, sporadic


on and of all afternoon. Adj. Potentially existing, but not

Dormant, embryonic,


presently evident or realized Use:


Polaroid pictures are popular at the


reception had to be shifted indoor to avoid the intermittent showers that fell Latent

parties because you can see the latent photographic image gradually appear Latitude


before your eyes n. freedom from narrow limitations Use:

Leeway, freedom,

I think you have permitted your son too

autonomy, liberty, room,

much latitude in this manner n. outward demonstration, indication

rope Sign, demonstration,

Use: Mozart’s early attraction to the

expression, symptom,

harpsichord was the first manifestation mitigate

of his pronounced musical bent v. lessen or try to lessen the seriousness

Appease, alleviate, allay,


or extent of Use: Nothing he could do to

assuage, mollify,



mitigate her anger, she refused to

extenuate, palliate

forgive him Adj. Multicolored or mixed Use: he wore

Assorted, diversed,


a motley tunic, red and green and blue

mixed, dissimilar,


and gold all patched together pensive






haphazardly Adj. Dreamily thoughtful, thoughtful with

Brooding, pondering,

a hint of sadness Use: The pensive lover


gazed at the portrait of his beloved and


sighed deeply. Adj. Abundantly fruitful Use: She was a

Productive, abundant,


prolific writer, who produced as meany



as three books a years v. give up something with reluctance,

Surrender, renounce,


yield Use: once you get used to fringes

abandon, repudiate,


like expense account meal and company


car, it is very difficult to relinquish them v. request earnestly, seek Use: The

Importune, implore,

Mayor telephoned all the member of the

crave, beseech,

city council to solicit their votes Adj. Docile, easily managed, susceptible

Obedient, dutiful, well-


to suggestion Use: Although Susan




seemed to be a tractable young woman, she had a stubborn streak of veer

independence v. change in direction Use: After what

Turn, swerve

seemed to be en eternity, the wind Vehement

veered to the east and the storm abated Adj. Forceful, intensely emotional; with

Fervent, passionate,


marked vigor Use: He became so Vehement in describing what had happened with him that he started Caprice

jumping up and down n. whim, a sudden desire. Use: She was

Whim, impulse, quirk,

an unpredictable creature, acting on

fad, fancy, notion

caprice, never taking thought of stifle


consequences v. suppress, extinguish, inhibit Use:

Smother, asphyxiate,

Halfway through the boring picture,

choke, suffocate,

Laura gave up trying to stifle he yawns.

strangle, curb, restrain,

v. agree Use: Did you concur with the

repress, Agre, harmonize,

decision of the court or did you find it

coincide, assent,

Let out

Conflict, resist



unfair? v. lack of vitality or energy Use: A

acquiesce Stupor, indolence,

complete days work left him in a state of


lethargy Adj. stealthy, sneaky, secret and sly or


sordid Use: noticing the furtive glance




the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter in efface

his hands v. wipe out or make dim Use: The coin

Obliterate, eradicate,


date had been effaced Adj. Intended to attract notice and

Ostentatious, pompous,


impress others, making unjustified


had been handled so many times that its Pretentious

claims, overambitious Use: The other prize winner isn’t wearing her medal.; isn’t it a bit pretentious of you to wear compunction

yours? n. a feeling of deep regret (usually of

Regret, scruple, qualm,

some misdeed) Use: The judge was

guilt, reluctance,

especially sever in his sentencing as the


criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime

. merry = gay alienate= estrange solicit = beechat,urge,humble heap= pile cargo= freight momentary= transient volume= quantity veer = diverge dispel= dissipate admonish= cautious,usurp meager= scanty latitude=scope latent= potential covet=crave,to desire

discretion=prudence emancipate=liberate lethargy=stupor concur=acquiesce confiscate=appropriate baffle=frustrate subside=wane misery=distress pretentious=ostentatious tranquil=serene,silent efface=obliterate obstinate=stubborn hover=linger caprice=whim belate=too late renounce=reject brim=border divulge=reveal lament=wail bileaf=conviction adhesive=tenacious,sticky furtive=stealthy hamper=obstruct to merit=to deserve inert= passive stiffle=sniths instigate=incite depreciation=deflation,fall in value deprecate=express disapproval echelon=level of authority intermittent=externally stopping and starting detrimental=harmful abberation=deviation conciliation =to make friendly orthodox=conventional,superstituous fallable=liable to err volatile=ever changing manifestation=clear or obvious connotation=suggest in addition to fundamental meaning circumspect=cautious,prudent absymal=bottomless,unclear illustrious=highly distinguished,nodal prolific=abundantly fruitful delight=high pleasure vehement=violent,forceful,urgent impetus=moving force,stimulus

acronym=a word formed disseminate=scatter harbinger=forerunner,announcer tractable=docile,manageable covert=secret,hidden,implied pensive-sadness,contemplate mitigate=to appease,to moderate clutch=to hold motley=multicoloured relinquish=to give up,renounce transient=momentary,not lasting parley=conference vitate=not in operation hilariry=comical expound=to expose,to explain sinister=evil retrogate=to go back salient=prominent nascent=emerging,budding exonerate=freeing from burden,go away appal=shock anomaly=irregularity embrace=to take in hands acumen=shrewdness ordain=command florid=ornate penitence=compunction whet=stimulate mortify=humiliate adage=proveb rapt=concealed cajole=coax abode=dwellling extricate=isolate,liberate pious=devout ovation=applause incentive=provacation indignity=unworthiness,disgrace inept=unfit infirmity=feeble,weak candid=frank dangle=to hang loosely or with a swinging motion restiveness=unwillling to go forward irksome=causing uneasiness jaunty=having an airy mannered approach nebuluos=misty,hazy,vague

decollete=with neck uncovered misapprehension=understanding in a wrong manner obloquy=reproachful language,disgrace censure=criticize,approve optimum=favourable cite=quote effusive=overenthusiastic,spontaneous irradiate=radiate tenacious=firm,stubborn voluble=talkative,loquacious banal=commonplace,trite generic=general emperical=mathematical circuitous=roundabout,indirect surveillance=observation raucous=harsh,rasping voracious=greedy,hungry pedigree=ancestry,derivation fidelity=loyalty,commitment augment=add to ,magnify precarious=unstable,uncertain,hazardous alacrity=cheerful promptness derogatory=detracting,injurious onus=responsibility analogous=comparable expedient=suitable,advisable assuage=to soften,to mitigate compliance=yielding,agreement diffidant=shy plaintive=lamenting insinuate=hint,intimate misdeamoner=bad conduct gregarious=helpful anathema=curse benign=kind attenuate=to weaken sonorous=resonant bolster=support divergent=deviating decollate=behead heterodox=having a different opinion ignonimous=dishonour,disgrace effigy = dummy sacrosanct=too important cryptic=hidden,secret debilitate=to weaken

sceptic=doubt erroneous=full of error minion=darling,flatterer,a sevile dependent veracity=truthfulness brackish=somewhat saline cogent=powerful taciturn=unspoken liasion=union,bond,connection ramification=branching semblance=likeness,outward show impasse=a place from where ther is no outlet exasperate=to make rough,to irritate somebody to a high degree invoke= to call uppon recapitulate=review slump=to fall in mud translucent=partially transparent sagacity=keen in perception or thought cacophony=a disagreeable sound jaded=a sorry horse,illnatured woman mien=look,manner buxom=gay,jolly foray= to raid denoument=final outcome of an event behest=hold down erratic=unknown disparity=unequaity ovulate=fertilize whimsical=fanciful dogmatic=arbitrary,opinionated daze= to stun scathing=to injure,hurt icon=figure,portrait fraught=cargo pithy=strong,energetic, isotropic=having same properties docile=teachable, aegis=protection exacting=compelling full payment,unreasonable demand fiasco=failure intercept=to cut arbitrary=not bound by rules categorical=positive,absolute,without exception protract=to prolong,drawn to scale obliterate=to blot out,rub out altercation=heated arguement dwindle=to grow less,to waste away

efface=rub agrarian=related to agriculture vacillate=dillema experdent=fitting proper simulate=produce artificially cognizance=knowledge retrospective=review naive=innocent eqvivocate=tallying on both sides affinity=strong bond expidite=hasten adversary=opponent affable=lovable agregious= apart from croud,extremely bad conglomeration=group erudite=wise,profound augury=prediction constituent=accompanying differential=having or showing or making use of distention=act out,stretch out litigation=engaging in a law suite preponderant=superiority of power precipitate=quicken repugn=to fight against repugnance=inconsistency slur=thin mud protean=variable,inconstant balmy=mild recalcitrant=stubborn guile=deceive ponderous=weighty,heavy baleful=malignant,painful,hurtful intrepid=brave evanescent=fleeting,fading away genuflect=bend down as respect stoic=indifference to pleasure or pain hesitant=to stop making a decision proclivity=inclination,prone conjecture=a forecast,a guess, stilted=elevating asperity=roughness,harshness felicitious=happy,prosperous bouillon=boiled meat pillage= act of plundering physiognamy= the act of judging one character from apperance repudiate=to divorce,to reject

inundate=to flow uponto overwhelm bilk=to elude,to cheat nettle=to sting with annnoyance mulch=loose material impugn=oppose sobriety=habit of being sober misanthrope=hater of mankind waif=wanderer,ownerless property debacle=breakup or collapse tarry=to linger,to delay incontinent=not restraining the passions paradox=contrary to the received opinion lacklusture=dull moribound=dying mundane=lonely,earthly mollify=to soften,to abate equanimity=evenness of mind gist=main point of a matter contraband=excluded by law awry=distorted frugality=economy repartee=ready and witty retort boisterous=noisy ungainly=awkard,clumsy profound=deep seated,intense incorrigible=beyond correction interdict=prohibit cohere=held together callow=youthful some antonyms pristine * sullied turbid * limpid precipitate * dilatory /contradictory revere * threaten improptu * carefully reharsed balloon * decrease slowly avid * indifferent morose * lighthearted neologism * archaism rarefy * condense caustic * innocuous solvent * precipitant estimable * infamous

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