Vocabulary 2

  • June 2020
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Abate: Abase Abash Aberration: Abeyance: Abode: Abscond: Abstemious: Abstract: Access: Acquiesce: Acumen: Adage: Adherence: Adhesive: Admonish: Adulterate Adversary: Aesthetic: Affable: Affinity: Agrarian: Alacrity Alleviate Alienate: Allegation: Amalgamate: Ameliorate: Ambiguous Ambivalence Analogous: Analogy: Anarchy: Anathematize: Anomalous: Anomaly: Apparatus: Appease: Apprise: Approbation: Archipelago: Ardor: Arduous: Artless: Ascetic: Asperity: Aspiration: Assault: Assess: Assiduous: 1

subside, moderate. lower, degrade, humiliate embarrass deviation, irregularity, something abnormal. suspended action. habitual residence. Temporary stay depart secretly and hide. sparing (leave) in eating and drinking. intangible, not practical, theoretical. to approach. tacit agreement. consent, agree, accept, approve1 shrewdness, sharpness, cleverness, smartness, discernment, wisdom proverb. sticking, devotion, support. tenacious, glue warn, scold, reprove contaminate opposition, rival, enemy, oppose. artistic, the philosophy of the beautiful or of art lovable, approachable, friendly. strong liking, attraction, closeness related to agriculture abandon, cause to become unfriendly, foreign in nature charge, unfounded accusation, statement. combine, unite in one body. improve. comparable. parallelism, comparison, syllogism. absence of governing body. curse, excommunicate. abnormal, irregular. exception, deviation, strangeness. appliance pacify, soothe. inform approval. group of small islands. fervor, enthusiasm, zeal. hard, strenuous. without guile, open or honest. austere, monk. coarseness, harshness. ambition, longing. attack, onslaught. determine the amount or value. diligent, hard-working, persistence.

Assuage: Attenuate: Audacious: Augment: Augury: Aver: Awry:

ease or lessen (pain), soothe. diminish intensity, become thin. daring, bold. increase, enlarge, enhance, multiply. prediction, omen. state confidently, declare. crooked, twisted, and uneven.

Baffle: Banal: Be late: Behest: Belie: Belief: Beneficent: Benign: Bilk: Blend: Boisterous: Bolster: Bombast: Boorish: Brackish: Brim: Burgeon: Burnish: Buttress:

puzzle hackneyed, trite, UNORIGINAL, UNIMAGINATIVE, UNFRESH after time, too late hold down, command. contradict, give a false impression. conviction kindly, doing well. kind, gentle, compassionate. cheat out of money. mix, mixture. noisy, loud, and stormy. support, reinforce. pompous, Raw cotton; cotton wool, padding rude, insensitive. somewhat salty, disgusting. border, edge, grow forth. make shining by rubbing, polish. support, prop up.

Cacophonous: Cajole: Callow: Camouflaged: Candid: Caprice: Capricious: Cargo: Castigate: Caustic: Cavil: Celerity: Censure: Chicanery: Circuitous: Cite: Clutch: Coagulate: Coda: Cogent: Cognizance:

discordant, inharmonious. entice, persuade, tempt, beguile, seduce. youthful, inexperienced, without feather. disguise, concealment. honest, open, frank. fancy, idea, notion. unpredictable, fickle. load, luggage. punishment, severe criticism. burning, sarcastically biting. complain, criticize, find fault. alacrity, speed, rapidity. condemnation, criticism, disapproval. deception, trickery. indirect. quote, officially praise. tight grip, group of people. thicken, clot, congeal. concluding section. convincing. knowledge.

Cohere: Coincident: Coltish: Commensurate: Compendium: *Compensation: Complaisant: Compliance: Conciliation: Concomitant: Concur: Condole: Confiscate: Confound: Conglomeration: Connotation: Constituent: Contempt: Contention: Contentious: Contraband: Contrite: Conundrum: Converge: Convoluted: Covert: Covet: Craven: Credibility: Credulous: Crow: Cryptic:

hold together incidentally. rash, reckless, like a colt (young horse). equal in extent. brief, comprehensive summary. salary. trying to please, obliging. submission, act of doing what is requested. make less angry or friendlier. accompanying, concurring, attendant. simultaneous. to show sympathy. To take charge, to annex. puzzle, amaze, stun, confuse. group, collection. inferred meaning, suggest or implied meaning of expression. accompanying. scorn, disdain, disrespect. claim. quarrelsome. smuggling, trafficking. penitent, regretful, remorseful. riddle, difficult problem. tend to meet, come together. coiled around, involved, intricate. secret, hidden. desire, beseech. cowardly. ability to common belief, quality of being credible. deceivable, gullible. boastful. secret, hidden, puzzling, obscure.

Dangle: Daunt: Debacle: Debilitate: Deceit: Décolleté: Decomposable: Decorum: Default: Deference: Degrade: Delineate: Denigrate: Deprecate: Depreciation: Deride: Derivative: Derogatory: Desiccate:

Dangling. Rare intimidate, frighten. sudden downfall, complete disaster. enfeeble, weaken, incapacitate. Deceptions, trickery, cheat. low necked (dress, shirt etc). rotten. propriety, orderliness and good taste in manners. failure to act. courteous regard for another’s wish. abase, belittle, demean. portray, depict, sketch. blacken. feel and express disapproval. deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump. ridicule, make fun of. unoriginal, obtained from another source. belittling, disparaging. dry up.

Despondent: Desultory: Deterrent: Detrimental: Diatribe: Differential: Diffident: Diffidence: Diffuse: Digression: Dirge: Disabuse: Discerning: Discordant: Discredit: Discrepancy: Discrete: Discretion: Disingenuous: Disinterested: Disparate: Disparity: Dispel: Dissemble: Disseminate: Dissolute: Dissonance: Distend: Distention: Distill: Diverge: Divergent: Divest: Divulge: Document: Dogmatic: Dupe:

depressed, dejected, gloomy, and melancholy. aimless, haphazard, digressing at random. something that discourages, hindrance. harmful. bitter scolding. having or showing or making use of. shy, timid, hesitate due to lack of confidence. shyness. wordy, rambling, spread out. wandering away from the subject. lament with music. correct a false impression, undeceive. mentally quick and observant, having insight, shrewd. not harmonious, conflicting. defame, destroy confidence in, disbelieve. lack of consistency, differences. separate. caution, wisdom, careful judgment. not naïve, sophisticated. unprejudiced. basically different, unrelated.

Ebullient: Echelon: Eclectic: Efface: Efficacy: Effigy: Effrontery: Effusive: Egregious: Elegy: Elicit: Eliminate: Emancipate: Embargo:

showing excitement, overflowing with enthusiasm. level of authority or responsibility, level, rank. selective, composed of elements drawn from disparate sources. obliterate, erase, wipeout. power to produce desired effect.

disperse, lessen, expel. disguise, pretend. distribute, spread, and scatter. disintegration. discord, opposite of harmony. expand, swell out. act out, stretching out, swelling out. purify, refine, and concentrate. vary, go in different directions from the same point. disparate, separate. strip, deprive, unclothe. disclosure. provide written evidence. authoritative. someone easily fooled.

shameless boldness. overemotional. apart from the crowd, especially bad. poem or song expressing lamentation. draw out by discussion. to reduce. liberate, free, release. Ban restriction on commerce.

Embellish: Embrace: Empirical: Emulate: Endemic: country. Enervate: Engender: Ephemeral: Equanimity: Equivocate: Erratic: Erroneous: Erudite: Esoteric: Espionage: Eulogy: Euphemism: Exacerbate: Exasperation: Exculpate: Exigency: Exonerate: Expedient: Expedite: Extrapolate: Extricate:

adorn, ornament, enhance as a story. hug. based on experience. imitate, rival. prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or

Facetious: Facilitate: Fallacious: Fallible: Fatuous: Fawning: Feign: Felicitous: Fervor: Fidelity: Fledgling: Florid: Flout: Fluctuate/ fluctuation: Foment: Foray: Forestall: Frugality: Furtive:

joking, humorous. help bring about, make less difficult. false, misleading. liable to error. foolish, inane. courting favor by cringing and flattering. fake, imitate, and pretend. apt, suitably expressed. growing ardor, intensity of feeling. faithfulness, authenticity, precision, accurate. inexperienced. ornate, showy, and Gaudy. reject, mock. wavering. stir up, instigate. raid, make excursion. prevent by taking action in advance. Economy. stealthy, secret, surreptitious.

Gainsay: Garrulous: Generic: Gist:

deny. loquacious, wordy, and talkative. general, uniform to whole group. main point,

weaken. cause, produce. short lived, fleeting. even temperedness, calmness, serenity, placidity. tallying on both sides, lie, mislead. unknown, unstable, irregular. learned, scholarly. hard to understand spying. expression of phrase, often on the occasions of someone’s death. mild expression in place of unpleasant one. worsen, embitter. anger, annoyance. clear from blame. urgent situation. discharge, clear, absolve, acquit. fitting proper, desirable, and advantageous. hasten, accelerate, and assist. projection, conjecture. untangle, free, liberate.

Glossary: Gnome: Goad: Gouge: Gregarious: Guile: Gullible:

words. goblin, dwarf. urge on. tear out. sociable, living in flocks. deceit, duplicity, wiliness, cunning credulous, naïve.

Hamper: Harangue: Heap: Heterodox: Heterogeneous: Hidebound: Hover: Hyperbole: Hypothetical:

obstruct, impede, hinder. long passionate and vehemently speech. to pile, to gather. unorthodox, heretical, rejecting religion. non-similar things. stubbornness, narrow-mindedness. hang in the air, float, linger, and remain undecided. exaggeration, overstatement. assumed, theoretical.

Icon: Idolatry: Ingenious: Ignorance: Imbroglio: Immutable: Impair: Impassive: Impede: Impermeable: Imperturbable: Impervious: Implode: Impugn: Inadvertently: Inalienable: Inarticulate: Incentive: Inchoate: Incompatible Choices: Incongruity: Inconsequential: *Incontinent: Incorporate: Incorrigible: Indeterminate: Indigence: *Indigenous: Indolent: Inept: Inert: Ingenuous: Inherent: Innocuous:

figure, image. worship of idol. clever, crafty. blindness, inexperience. complicated situation. unchangeable. injure, hurt. without feeling, imperturbable, stoical hinder, block. impervious. calm, placid impenetrable, incapable of being damaged or distressed. burst inward. challenge, attacked with words, question credibility. unintentionally, carelessly. not transferable. incoherent, stutter, not clear. merit, provocation, spur, thing one encourages one to do (stimulus). recently begun, rudimentary, elementary. Indifferent, Faulty. lack of harmony, absurdity. insignificant, unimportant. unrestrained, without self control. combine, unite unmemorable, unchangeable. uncertain, not clearly fixed. poverty. native. lazy absurd, silly. passive. naïve and trusting, young, unsophisticated. firmly established by nature or habit. harmless.

Innovation: Insensible: *Insinuate: Insipid: Instigate: Insularity: Interdict: Intermittent: Intractable: Intransigence: Intrepid: *Inundate: *Inured: Invective: Irascible: Irk: Irradiate: Irresolute: Itinerary:

make changes or introduce new things. unconscious, unresponsive. hint, imply, and creep in. lacking in flavor incite. narrow-mindedness, isolation. prohibit externally stopping and then starting. unruly, stubborn, and unyielding. refusal of any compromise, stubbornness. brave, courageous. overwhelm, flood, submerge. accustomed, hardened. abuse. irritable, easily angered. annoy, bother, tire. illuminate, radiate light, make clear. uncertain how to act. plan of a trip.

Lackluster: Laconic: Lament: Lassitude: Latent: Latitude: Laud: Lethargy: Levee: Levity: Linger: Litigation: Log: Lucid: Luminous:

dullness, dim, lacking luster. brief to the point. wail, express sadness. languor, weariness. potential, dormant, secret scope praise. stupor. earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding. lack of seriousness. pause, procrastinate. engaging in a law suit record of day to day activities or journey. easily understood. shining, issuing light.

Malingerer: Malleable: Manifest: Masticate: Maverick: Meager: Mendacious: Merry: Metamorphosis: Mite: Minion: Misanthrope: Misapprehension: Misdemeanor: Miserable: Misery:

one who feigns illness to escape duty? capable of being shaped by pounding, impressionable. clear and obvious chew. rebel, nonconformist. scanty, small, little. lying, habitually dishonest. gay, Enjoy change of form. small object, small amount, small insect. devoted slave, slavish slave. small crime. wretch, poor person. distress.

Mitigate: appease, moderate. Moderator: mediator, arbiter. Mollify: soothe Momentary: transient, for small time. Moratorium: legally or officially determined period of delay before fulfillment of the agreement of paying of debts. Moribund: dying. Morose: sullen, melancholy, ill-humored. Mortify: humiliate. Mulch: Mundane: worldly as opposed to spiritual. Musty: stale, moldy, old. Naïve: Nascent: Nebulous: Negate: Negotiate: Neophyte: Nettle:

innocent, rustic newly born. vague, hazy. cancel out, nullify, deny. discuss or bargain beginner, newcomer, novice. prickle, annoy, irritate.

Obdurate: stubborn. Objective: Obsequious: servile, slavishly attentive, and sycophantic. Obsession: complex enthusiasm Obstinate: refraining, to resist, self willed, stubborn Obviate: make unnecessary, get rid of. Occlude: shut, close. Officious: meddlesome, excessively pushy in offering one’s services. Onerous: burdensome. Onus: impediment, liability, responsibility. Oppression: tyranny, exploitation, depression, suppression. Opprobrium: infamy, vilification, humiliation, shame. Optimum: Opulence: wealth, plenty, abundance Ordain: command. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious. Ostentatious: pretentious, showy. Outrage: hurt, insult. Outraged: injure, shocked, enraged. Ovation: applause. Ovulate: fertilize. Paradox: Paragon: Partisan: Passé: Paucity: Pedantic: Pedigree: Penchant: *Penitence:

riddle, contradiction. model of perfection. one side, prejudiced. old fashioned. scarcity. showing off learning, bookish. genealogical tree, dynasty, genealogy. strong inclination, liking. compunction.

Perennial: Perfidious: Perfunctory: Perverse: Phlegmatic: Physiognomy: Piety: Pious: Plagiary: Plagiarism: Plaintive: Plasticity: Plethora: Plummet: Polemic: Ponderous: Postulate: Potential: Pout: Pragmatic: Precarious: Precipitate: Preparation: Preponderant: Preposterous: Presumptuous: Pretension: Prevaricate: Pristine: Probity: Problematic: Prodigal: Prodigious: Profound: Proliferate: Propitiate: Propriety: Proscribe: Pungent:

something long lasting. treacherous, disloyal. superficial, not thorough, lacking interest. deviant, aberrant, improper, contrary, obstinate. calm

Qualified: Quibble: Quiescent: Quixotic:

limited, restricted. limited objection or compliant. dormant, at rest.

Rapt: Rarefied: Raucous: Recalcitrant: Recant: error. Reciprocal:

concealed. made less dense.

devoutness, reverence for God. devout. literally theft, theft to a patent. ability to be molded. excess, overabundance. fall sharply. involving dispute, contentious. frame a theory ability, latent. practical. uncertain, risky. speed, active. act of preparing superiority of power or quality ridiculous, absurdum. arrogant, taking liberties. pretentious, ostentatious. lie. characteristic of earlier times, primitive. incorruptibility, uprightness. doubtful, unsettled. wasteful, reckless with money. awesome, wonderful, and huge. deep, complete. grow rapidly, spread rapidly, multiply. appease. fitness, correct conduct. banish, outlaw, ostracize. sharp in taste or smell, stinging.

obstinately stubborn, unruly. disclaim or disavow, retract a previous statement, openly confess reverse or opposite

Recluse: Recondite: Recurrent: Refractory: Refute: Relegate: Relevance: Renaissance: Renal: Renounce: Repartee: Repellant: Reprise: Reproach: Reprobate: Reprove: Repudiate: Repugnance: Rescind: Resolution/resolve: Restiveness: Reticent: Retrograde: Retrospective: Reverent: Revert: Rupture: Sacrosanct: Salubrious: Sanction: Satiate: Saturate: Savor: Shard: Simulate: Skeptic: Slur: Smile: Sobriety: Solicit: Solicitous: Sonorous: Specious: Spendthrift: Sporadic: Spurious: Standing: Stifle: Stigma: Stint: Stipulate:

hermit, loner, disappointed in love. abstruse, profound, secret. repeated, recurring. stubborn, unmanageable. disprove. banish to an inferior position, delegate, assign. quality of being relevant interest on particular topic, revival of interest Pertaining to kidneys reject repeat, returning rebuke, express disapproval or disappointment. person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency. admonish, rebuke, reproachss disown, disavow. cancel. determination. reserved, uncommunicative. review respectful, worshipful. break healthful approve, ratify. satisfy fully. soak thoroughly. enjoy, have a distinctive flavor, smell. fragment. produce artificially resembling an existing one doubter

urge, Humble, bee chat, request, ask. worried, concerned. seemingly reasonable but incorrect. occurring irregularly. smithy, snits. token of disgrace. b thrifty set limits make express conditions, specify.

Stolid: Striated: Strut: Subpoena: Subside: Supposition: Surplus: Surveillance: Synergy:

dull, impassive. marked with parallel bands, grooved. supporting bar. writ summoning a witness to appear. wane, reduce the value of, and settle down. hypothesis, surmise. excessive

Tangential: Tarry Taxonomy: Tenacious: Tenacity: Tenuous: Tirade: To confiscate: To dispel: To merit: Tolerant: Torpor: Terse: Tortuous: Tractable: Tranquil: Transient: Translucent Truculence: Truncate:

peripheral, only slightly connected, digressing.

Ungainly: Usurp: Vacillate: Veer: Veil: Venerate: Veracious: Veracity. Verse: Viable: Viscous: Vituperative: Volatile: Voluble: Volume: Voracious: Waif Wary: Welter:

classification holding fast, strongly cohesive thin, rare, slim. extended scolding, denunciation, and harangue. to appropriate. to dissipate. to deserve. unprejudiced, open minded. lethargy, dormancy, sluggishness. winding, full of curves. docile, easily managed. calm, silent, serene aggressiveness, ferocity. shorten by cutting encroach, seize wrongfully. undecided or dilemma diverge hide, cover. revere. truthful. rhyme, stanza, poem. practical or workable, capable of maintaining life. sticky, gluey. abusive, scolding. ever changing quantity,

very cautious. turmoil, bewildering jumble.

Whet: Whimsical: Zealot:

stimulate. capricious, fanciful. fanatic, person who shows excessive zeal.

Bamboo: Shoot: Bean: sprout Volcano: Lava: Fault: earthquake (Eyes: Tears) Star: cluster: Tree: clump Skin: man: Pine: clock: Calendar: date Mason: wall: Author: Book (87p GRE) Kick: Football: Betel: chew (pno.45, RS 46) Fire: Ashes: explosion: debris (11 RS 11th) Agitator: Firebrand: Renegade; Turncoat Burst: Sound: Tinder: Fire Deflect: missile: distract: Attraction Editor: magazine: director: film Erudite: scholar: illiterate: ignorant Hero: Accolade: hanging stork: Ridicule Mitigate: punishment: commute: sentence Wood: sand Compose x disturb Turbid x limpid Revere x threaten Protean x Pristine x sullied Precipitate x dilatory/contradictory Piston: Cylinder: elevator: shaft Horns: bull Hamper x facilitate Fickle x loyal Fascinate x mundane

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