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  • Words: 3,844
  • Pages: 144
1. What is the setting at the beginning of the story? A. Saturn B. outer space C. a town D. a science classroom 2. In the sentence, “I was hovering in the air, way above the school,” what does the word hovering mean? A. floating B. dreaming C. walking D. jumping 3. Why are the words “Floating through the air, like a helium filled balloon, your travels will not stop, until you reach the moon” written in italics? A. The teacher thinks they are important. B. They are words the student says. C. They are words from the video. D. The words on the disk are important. 4. In which sentence does the word bound have the same meaning as in the sentence “I was bounding over to something in the distance . . . ”? A. The sticks were bound in a bundle. B. The rabbit will bound through the field. C. My book was bound at the printers. D. There is bound to be a change of plans. 5. Go on to the next page.5. Why does the main character NOT know if the moon trip really happened? A. The main character was sitting in a desk when the video ended. B. The metal disk was gone and the main character did not have any proof. C. The main character had difficulty remembering the order of events. D. The solar system video is still being shown. 565162 / I5 6. Which event happens first in the story? A. The main character is hovering above the town. B. The main character reads the words on the disk. C. The main character picks up a sparkling metal disk. D. The main character is sitting at a desk. 565161 / I6 7. What would be another title for the passage? A. The Great Class Field Trip B. The Living Moon C. The Magic Metal Disk D. The Solar System

The Apple Tree Read the passage and answer the questions given below. There was once an old apple tree in a farmer's garden. It could not bear fruit anymore. But a large number of sparrows, squirrels and other small birds and insects lived in the tree. One day the farmer decided to cut down the tree. ``It has become useless," he said to himself. "But its wood is still strong. I can make some tables and chairs with the wood." He took a sharp axe in his hands and stuck at the roots of the tree. At once, the birds and animals in the tree cried aloud. The grasshoppers, the sparrows and the squirrels came out of their holes and nests. ``Please sir," they begged the farmer. ``Save this tree. It's our only home!" But the farmer did not listen to them. He went on striking at the tree harder and harder. As the farmer raised his axe one more time, he saw something in the hollow of the tree. It was a beehive. It was full of honey. He tasted the honey. "Ummmmm! It tastes so sweet," he said. ``So," said the farmer, ``the tree is not useless after all. If I take some honey now, the bees will make more. They won't go away from their home." "Listen!" he cried to the birds and the insects, "I shall not cut down this tree. It's your home. You can live in peace now." And he threw his axe away. "The farmer isn't a kind man," said the sparrows, the grasshoppers and the squirrels, "He wants the tree because there is honey in the beehive." But they cried out of joy. Their homes were safe.

1. The farmer wanted to cut the tree .Why? a. A large number of birds and animals lived in the tree. b. The tree did not bear any fruit. c. The tree wood was very weak. 2. What did the farmer want to do with the wood? a. make tables and chairs. b. build a big house c. use it for making ash by burning the wood. 3.The birds and animals begged the farmer to save the tree. Why? a. It was a beautiful tree. b. Its wood was strong. c. The tree was their only home. 4. The farmer did not cut the tree down. Why? a. He loved the small birds and animals. b. He wanted to get honey from the beehive. c. He wanted to show pity on birds and animals. 5. Do you think the farmer was kind to the animals? Why? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 6. Why did the farmer decided at the end not to cut down the tree? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Language Record :Word Class Frame Sentence Struck :verb Meaning : hit with great force. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Hard :adjective Meaning : firm, solid ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Directed Writing Imagine you are the farmer from the passage. Share your experience about the old apple tree in your garden. Points to be included: a. You decided to cut the old apple tree. b. Birds and animals pleaded you to not to destroy their homes. c. You do not listen to them and continue chopping the tree. d. Finally/At the end when you see a beehive in the tree you decide not to cut down the tree.



Interrogative pronouns examples Use for asking for or Sentences using Interrogative about pronouns


Asking for general information

What’s your age? What is your middle name?


When you have a limited choice

We have ground coffee and instant coffee. Which would you like?




Who directed the movie When asking about a terminator - was it James person and name Cameron? Enquiring about possession or owner Use when asking about a person or name

Whose is this bag? Is it yours or somebody else’s?

Whom did you ask?

CUT YOUR COAT ACCORDING TO YOUR CLOTH. If you give a piece of cloth to a tailor to make a coat, the tailor will first measure the cloth and then decide what kind of coat has to be made out of it. He will not be able to make a coat that requires more material than the cloth provided. The same is the case with our expenses and income. Our expenses should always be within the limits of our income. Otherwise, we surely land in debit and difficulties. The proverb thus tells us not to spend more than what we earn i.e., to live within our means. The proverb applies not only to individuals but also to business establishment. Of course, a company may raise a loan to expand or diversify its business. But it must do it judiciously; otherwise it will be in deep trouble. Even the government of a country has to keep in mind its total resources while spending .If it does not do so and goes on borrowing recklessly from the people and from foreign countries, it would become bankrupt one day, and come to grief. So the proverb is of universal application. It teaches us that our actions should suit the circumstances or resources. The wisdom of the proverb would guide everybody to live and work within their means and to avoid possible shame or punishment resulting from living beyond their means


Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : The sky blazed with stars. Presently the moon rose. The sight of bear tracks in the dust - the square front paw and long back one with the shaggy claws-made him glance round uneasily. He had once seen a man who had been mauled by a bear all his face torn away. He quickened his steps. Soon, on a cliff above a river-bed, Sher Singh knew he could go no further without rest. He set Kunwar down gently. Suddenly all Sher Singh’s muscles, shrinking back to their natural position, thrilled with piercing pain, he lay against a tree with his eyes shut, recovering. It was then he heard the jostle and squeal, of elephants. Below him on each side of the shallow riverbed, the elephants travelled. He could see the cows and babies and one great old tusker. He was playing his trunk to and fro to learn whatever the breeze could tell him, and suddenly he hesitated. Sher Singh chilled with fright, with Kunwar to carry, he could neither climb nor run. Prayer after prayer fled up from his frightened spirit. The tusker snorted, trumpeted, shook his head. Suddenly, he hurried on angrily up the river-bed, and all the herd with him. They disappeared.

Question & Answers : 1. Sher Singh was walking at night time. Give two examples as evidence to this. Ans.________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Why did Sher Singh chill with fright? Ans.________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3. What kind of story is it? Ans. __________________________________________ 4. (a) The sky blazed with stars. (Frame a wh-type question) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(b)Write 3 verbs from the passage : Ans. ____________________________________________ 5. (a) Sher Singh was tired. Give words/phrases to support your answer. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (b) Write the meaning of (i) shaggy _________________ (ii) fled ____________________ 6. How do you come to know that Sher Singh was walking through a jungle? Ans. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________




The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand of the mother. The proverb therefore implies that the very same mother who rocks the cradle to put her child to sleep, also rules the world. How is this so? The world ‘ rule ‘ in the proverb does not necessarily means to ‘ govern ‘. It is used in a wider sense i.e., to influence people, to guide and direct them and to lead them. It is the mother who moulds the character of the child. The child then grows up to be an important personality, perhaps someone who guides the destinies of the people of states or countries. What they have been taught on their mother’s lap will then be the guiding force behind the decisions they make. No wonder it was that Abraham Lincoln said, ” All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. ” We have an example of Jijamata who inspired Shivaji Maharaj as a child with stories of great heroes. It was this inspiration that led him to lead the battle for Hindavi Swaraj and to establish the Maratha kingdom You may not turn out to be a great ruler, but what you have been taught by mother during childhood will be the guiding force in all that you do during your lifetime




There are four types of sentences. They are:• Assertive/ Declarative:- Statement • Interrogative:- Question • Imperative:- Command/ Request • Exclamatory:- Exclamation(Surprise, Shock) Identify the types of sentences given below:1. 2. 3. 4.

The students wanted to go on a field trip. Can we go to the Adventureville Theme Park? Be on your best behavior for the next two weeks. After a couple long weeks of keeping their hands to themselves, quietly focusing on instruction, and cleaning up their messes, the students were rewarded with a fieldtrip. 5. We are so excited about going to Adventureville! 6. How far away is the park from the school and what time do we have to come home? 7. But, the park is three hours away from the school and we'll have to be back by 3:00 for the busses! 8. Quit asking questions and just be happy. 9. But, if it takes us six hours to get there and back, and we have to be back by 3:00, we'll only be able to stay for thirty minutes. 10.The students wondered why they were going to Adventureville. Write three examples of each types of sentences in your notebook:

Comparative degree: This is the form of the adjective that describes a higher degree of that particular quality than the positive degree. It is used when two objects are being compared. Example: My suitcase is heavier than yours. Superlative degree: This is the form of the adjective that describes the highest degree of that particular quality. It is used when more than two objects are being compared. Example: My suitcase is the heaviest of all Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). 1. My house is (big)___________ than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) ________________ than that one. 3. This is the (interesting)_________________ book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live (long) __________ than smokers. 5. Which is the (dangerous) ________________ animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is (good) _____________ than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)________________ than a beer. 8. Who is the (rich) ___________ woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even (bad) _________ than last summer. 10.He was the (clever)_____________ thief of all. 11.The weather today is (bad)_____________ than the weather yesterday but not as (bad) as it was four days ago. 12.The story was (exciting)______________ one I have ever heard. 13.They were less (tired)_____________ than we. 14.George bought a (new)__________ car than he could ever imagine.

15.The mark is a (good)_____________ than I expected. 16.They are very (upset)______________ with the results. 17.She is (polite)_____________ than me. 18.The boy is (fast)______________ runner of all. 19.It is as (pleasant)_________________ as a greeting card. 20.The movie was (interesting)___________________ than the book. 21.The price will be less (aggressive)________________ than the previous time. 22.The nature is (important)_______________than making profit. 23.The cake is just as (sweet)______________ as the ice-cream. 24.Sometimes friends are (devoted)_______________ than relatives. 25.Planes are (convenient)_______________ means of travelling of all.

Adjective An adjective is a describing word. It tells us something more about a noun. Types of noun:Adjectives of quality- describe the noun Adjectives of quantity- refer to the quantity (how much) of something. Adjectives of number- refer to how many things, places, people, etc. Demonstrative adjectives- indicate the noun Interrogative adjectives are used before a noun when we want to ask a question. Q2. Rewrite the following using the opposites of the adjectives. 1. a fresh fruit ____________________________________________ 2. a poor man ____________________________________________ 3. a shallow lake __________________________________________ 4. a dark shade ___________________________________________ 5. a smooth surface _______________________________________

Q4. Tick the correct adjectives from the ones given in brackets. 1. In hot weather we like to wear (thick / thin / costly) clothes. 2. The tea was (strong / sharp / deep). 3. The smell of a rose is (strong / sweet / delicious). 4. A soldier is (timid / brave / weak) 5. We should eat (fresh / stale / junk) food. Adverbs:- Adverbs are the word that describes the verb. Eg. John ran fast in the race and stood second. Fast here describes the verb ran. Q2. Fill in the blanks with the adverbs opposite to the meaning to those given in brackets. 1. Our team played ______________________ (badly). 2. He behaved __________________________ (foolishly). 3. He did his work _______________________ (wrongly). 4. We should not talk ____________________ (politely). 5. The children played ____________________ (sadly).

Q3. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable adverbs. noisily silently bitterly slowly neatly early politely 1. He drew the diagram ________________________. 2. 2. We watched the programme __________________. 3. He woke up __________________ in the morning. 4. The child cried ____________________________. 5. The boys played ___________________________. 6. We should talk ____________________________. 7. The old man walked ________________________.

PRONOUN Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative pronouns point to something specific that can be either near or far in distance or time. The demonstrative pronouns are: This That These Those Circle the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence. 1. This is my favorite teddy bear. 2. Would you like some of these? 3. Those years at the lake were the best times of my life. 4. That is the toy I would like to buy. 5. These are absolutely delicious! Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence. 6. ____________________ (These/This) are the shoes I like. 7. ____________________ (This/That) car over there is the best one. 8. ____________________ (These/Those) books right here are mine. 9. ____________________ (That/Those) store across the street sells clothes. 10. ___________________ (Those/This) students over there are my friends. 11. I’ve been looking for a turkey, and I’d like to buy________(that/those) one. 12. __________________(This/These) is the year we’ll win the championship!

Add an indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence. 1.I put my soda down on the table, but _____________________ moved it! 2.The party is going to be great!_________________________ will be there. 3.Does ___________________ have change for a dollars. I can buy a soda? 4.I was disappointed because _____________ that I invited came to the party. 5.Rachel was so popular that __________________ wanted to sit next to her. 6.___________________ left the freezer open and the ice cream melted. 7.The teacher said I could bring cupcakes for ________________ in the class. 8.Henry was surprised that _________________ sent him a birthday card in the mail, but did not sign the card. 9. That painting is so simple. _____________________ could have painted it. 10. The teacher passed the math tests out to ________________, and the room was suddenly quiet. Add the interrogative pronoun to complete each sentence:-

1. ______________one of the books is your favorite? 2. To_______________ should I address the letter? 3. ______________shoes are sitting outside the front door? 4. _________________would you like to do tomorrow? 5. ______________house should we go to on Saturday to watch the game?

Q. Describe the picture in 150-200 words.

Examples of Apostrophe: 1. Oh, rose, how sweet you smell and how bright you look! 2. Car, please get me to work today. 3. Oh, trees, how majestic you are as you throw down your golden leaves. 4. Dear love, please don't shoot me with your Cupid's bow. Examples of Apostrophe from Literature and Song 1. Feet, don't fail me now. 2. Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee! I have thee not, yet I see thee still! Macbeth 3. Out, out, damned spot. Macbeth 4. Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches. 5. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. 6. Then come sweet death, and rid me of this grief. Edward II, Marlowe

Rules to convert a noun into adjective:• To convert a given noun into adjective one can add suffixes like -ly, -ness, -ous, -y. • Sometimes the suffixes are needed to be removed also. • Sometimes the spelling may change, so look out! • Examples:- Beauty(Noun) – Beautiful(Adjective) Ease(Noun) – Easy(Adjective) Convert the following nouns into adjectives:1. Anger - __________________ 2. Craziness - ______________________ 3. Danger - ____________________ 4. Guilt - ___________________ 5. Happiness - ____________________ 6. Intelligence - ___________________ 7. Juice - ____________________ 8. Kindness - ______________________ 9. Luck - _____________________ 10. Misery - ______________________ 11. Nature - ____________________ 12. Offence - ____________________ 13. Pain - _______________________ 14. Question - ______________________ 15. Strength - ______________________ 16. Truth - ____________________ 17. Ugliness - ____________________ 18. Violence - _____________________ 19. Youth - _______________________ 20. Warmth - _______________________

Use the correct form of word given in the sentence 1. Not everything you read in the newspaper is ___. a. true b. truth 2. I have a ___ in my shoulder. a. pain b. painful 3. There's no need to get ___ with me. a. anger b. angry 4. There is a ___ of him losing his job. a. dangerous b. danger 5. He completed the exam with ___. a. easy b. ease 6. If you didn't do it, why do you look so ___? a. guilt b. guilty 7. I put the ___ of my family above all other things. a. happiness b. happy 8. She's the most ___ person I have ever met. a. intelligent b. intelligence

Convert the following noun into verbs and write a sentence for each one of them. Nouns Verbs Confusion confuse She was still confused about which dress to wear to the party. Nouns Verbs Regulation _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Display _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Failure _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Refusal _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Delivery _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Proposal _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Struggle _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Omission _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Decision _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Paint _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Shop _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Supply _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Focus _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Collaberation _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Blog _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

FIGURES OF SPEECH The Figure of Speech is departure from the ordinary form of expression, or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect. Figure-of-Speech may be classified as under: 1. Those based on resemblance • Simile • Metaphor • Personification • Apostrophe 2. Those based on Contrast: • Antithesis • Epigram 3. Those based on Association: • Metonymy • Synecdoche

4. Thos depending on Construction: • Climax • Anticlimax Let us see one by one.

SIMILE: In Simile, a comparison is made between two object of different kinds which have at least one point in common. The Simile is introduced by the word ‘as…as’. Examples: • As active as quicksilver • As afraid as a grasshopper • As ageless as the sun • As agile as a cat • As agile as a monkey • As alert as a bird • As alike as two peas • As alone as a leper • As alone as Crusoe • As ambitious as the devil This Figure-of-Speech is widely used by us in our writings. METAPHOR: A Metaphor is an implied Simile. It does not, like a Simile, state that one thing is like another or acts as another, but takes that for granted and proceeds as if two things were one.

Thus when we say, ‘He fought as fiercely as a lion’, it is Simile. But when we say, ‘He was a lion in the fight’, it is Metaphor.

Examples: • The camel is the ship of the desert. • Life is a dream. • The news was a dragger to his heart. • Revenge is a kind of wild justice. NOTE: Every SIMILE can be compressed into a METAPHOR, and Every METAPHOR can be expanded into a SIMILE.

Examples: • Richard fought as fiercely as a loin. (Simile) • Richard was a lion in the fight. (Metaphor) • The waves thundered on the shore. (Metaphor) • The waves broke on the shore with noise like a thunder. This Figure-of-Speech is also widely used by us in our writings

(He is dead)

This Figure-of-Speech is also widely used by us in our writings. ANTITHESIS: In Antithesis, a striking opposition or contrast of words or sentiments is made in the same sentence. It is employed to secure emphasis. Examples:

• Man proposes, but God disposes. • Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. • Speech is silver, but Silence is Gold. • Many are called, but few are chosen. • To err is human, but to forgive on divine. OXYMORON: Oxymoron is special type of Antithesis, whereby two contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. Examples:

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