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Sept./Oct. 2003


2003 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING TRIPS Heavenly Tours is a Christian based & operated motor coach/tours bus company. Along with providing bus contracting for your group transportation needs, we will be sponsoring the following tours/trips & recreational Christian activities for you to enjoy & fellowship with other saints in September thru December 2003.

September 13, 2003 The Tabernacle - $60 Lancaster, PA

September 19, 2003 Fishing on the Sandra Marie - $90 Wynne, MD

October 11, 2003 Sight & Sound-3:00 p.m. Show-$95 “Abraham & Sarah – A Journey of Love Lancaster, PA

December 6, 2003 Sight & Sound – 4:15 p.m. Show - $100 “The Miracle of Christmas” Lancaster, PA

Trips will be leaving from the Washington, Metropolitan area. Cost for all Heavenly Tours sponsored trips include: transportation, event, meal, gift bags & prize drawings. Contact us for more information at 301/ 602-7536 or visit our website at Check out our website for our upcoming trips in 2004. Some places we will be going to are: Fishing, Sight & Sound, American Music Theatre, Atlanta, GA, World Harvest Church - Dominion Camp 2004 & the Dinner Theatre in Lancaster, PA for the kids next summer

2 Sept./Oct. 2003 P.O. Box 6177,

Largo, MD 20792-6177 Phone: 301/602-7536 Fax: 301/341-1338 WWW.HEAVENLYTOURS.US

Table of Contents

8 TESTIMONIALS 5 DON’T HIT DELETE How one man didn’t allow fear to stop him from doing what God had set in his heart for him to do... by Peter Colwell

5 THE GREA TEST TESTIGREATEST MONIES ARE BIR THED BIRTHED OUT OF P AIN PAIN How one woman’s faith pulled her through a most tragic event... by Min. P atricia McQueen Patricia

FEA TURES FEATURES 6 THE SOUL OF A PR OSPROSPER OUS W OMAN WOMAN PEROUS In managing your finances God’s way, wisdom is so essential in understanding the heart of God and knowing His purpose for your life as it relates to money matters.... by Mary Grate-Pyos

13 ARE Y OU W ORKING YOU WORKING F OR THE RIGHT REA REA-SONS? Your work should not become your God, nor should it consume so much of your time that you have no time to share with those who love and need you... b y Deacon Curtis O O.. Gill

14 INTIMA CY WITH GOD INTIMACY God’s love and grace are so much deeper than the relationships we encounter in this

Co ver St ory: Soul o osper ous W oman Cov Story: off a Pr Prosper osperous Woman Mary Grate-Pyos, Financial adviser/Personal Finance writer/Financial Wellness Coach/Author and Columnist tells readers how to deal with their financial frustrations... dy by L.C. T ar Tar ardy


world... b y Linda C. T ar dy Tar ardy

23 ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND Y OUR CONGREG AYOUR CONGREGA TION The importance of saving energy in your congregation and an affordable way to do it... by Sterling Henry


Part T wo Tw Many are afraid of failure, embarrassment, being hurt, and many other negative things that one may encounter, but some are also scared of the positive side of life... by Athena Thomas

30 T ALK T O THE P AST OR... TALK TO PAST ASTOR... Pastor Sheritha Bowman answers questions from readers. by P ast or Sheritha Bo wman Past astor Bowman

What happens to you spiritually and emotionally when you lie down with someone one way and get up another way. I’m talking about ‘Soul Ties’... by Nikki Jones




How we ignore the small and simple things that God blesses us with everyday... by J.R. Stovall


by Allison Gregory Daniels

18 “TREES” by L.C. T ar dy Tar ardy

37 “UNCER TAIN RICHES” “UNCERT Pastor Shirley Johnson had a calling on her life, and she answered the call and discovered her purpose... b y L.C. T ar dy Tar ardy


COLUMN/SERIES 16 GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNT AIN MOUNTAIN Hearing the testimonies of those who trusted God to bring it to pass can make a world of difference in the lives of those of us standing at the crossroads... by P ast or Sheritha Bo wman Past astor Bowman

by Dawn Bible School Association, A Dawn Publication

Upcoming Events...(inside cover) 42 WORD F OR T OD AY... FOR TOD ODA 43 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER...

e-mail: [email protected] Sept./Oct. 2003 3

L.C. T ar dy Publisher Tar ardy Publisherss President/CEO Executive Editors Penelope White Managing Editors Chauntika Broggin Linda T ar dy Tar ardy Columnist Pastor Sheritha Bowman Athena Thomas Writers/Regular Contributors Peter Colwell Allison Gregory Daniels Joe Floyd Deacon Curtis O O.. Gill Mary Grate-Pyos Sterling Henry Nikki Jones Patricia McQueen J.R. Stovall Graphic Designers Cody Beasley Fred Booker Chauntika Broggin Athena Thomas Er esa T ar dy Eresa Tar ardy Print Coordinator TCG Printing/W ashingt on Times Printing/Washingt ashington

Layout/Production Chauntika Broggin

Bible references are from the KJV and NIV

Main Office

Visions Christian Magazine, Inc P.O. Box 7066, Largo, MD. 20792-7066 202-398-2317 e-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2003 Visions Christian Magazine, Inc 4 Sept./Oct. 2003

Visions Christian Magazine is available through subscription. Please give us a call at 202-398-2317 VCM is also available online at Revelations 2:1-5 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write: These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Te s t i m o n i a l s

Don’t Hit “Delete”

by Peter Colwell


uring my senior year in college, I was working the midnight shift as a toll collector. I wondered what I was going to do with my life. I was stuck in an unfulfilling and negative relationship. When I shared my dreams with my girlfriend, she would say, “You don’t have any money or connections. You’re just a big dreamer. There’s no substance to your goals!”

After a while, I started to think that maybe she was right. One day, things turned around for me, though, when I stumbled upon a book entitled Live Your Dreams by Les Brown, a world-famous motivational speaker. I spent many nights in that tollbooth, getting inspired by Les’s message. A few months later, I attended one of his seminars, which gave me the courage to end that relationship and to begin writing a book to change people’s lives, a book called Spell SUCCESS in Your Life. Halfway through writing the book, I came down with a case of the “Who am I” syndrome. “Who am I to write a book at such a young age and to inspire others?” That evening, I came close to saying “goodbye” to my dream of becoming a published author. Fortunately, my wife didn’t think that was a good idea. She said, “Peter, you have a message that people need to read. Don’t hit that ‘delete’ button.”

by Minister Patricia McQueen

I took her advice, and clicked “save” instead of “delete.” Every day, I thank the Lord that I did! Two years later, I met Les Brown at a Toastmasters conference. I told Les how much he had inspired me, and asked if he would endorse my book when it was done. He smiled and said, “I’d be glad to.” A few months later, he called me at home, and said he would be honored to write the Foreword to my book. A year later, my book was published – a dream come true! God has moved mountains for me – I am now a publishing executive, a professional speaker, and my book is being translated into six languages, and counting! My book never would have been published if I had given up and decided to hit the “delete” button. So remember: when you are overwhelmed with self-doubt or paralyzed by fear, I encourage you to remember that you have a special God-given gift that the world needs. Never, ever give up! VCM Peter Colwell Author, Spell SUCCESS in Your Life PETER COLWELL MOTIVATES OTHERS TO MOTIVATE THEMSELVES! Visit Toll-Free: (866) 337-6800

The greatest testimonies are birthed out of pain.

On February 12, 2002. I was abducted at gun point in a restaurant parking lot waiting to go through the drivethru when two men threw me in the back of the car and drove me to a dark street in a back alley. At gunpoint I was raped and cut 28 times with a razor blade on my legs. After the rape I was kicked out of the car and left to die in the middle of the street. I do not know how long I laid there in the middle of the street. But the second I realized that I was still breathing and that God had gave me a second chance

at life. Every breath that I took was putting the devil on the run. God had to restore me and open me up and do surgery on me. He had to give me peace of mind. God specializes in restoring the wounded heart. Every tear that fell from my face he dried, every scar that was on my body disappeared. He restored my entire being in one year’s time. The Lord has commanded me to go forth and minister to the broken hearted. VCM

Minister McQueen is a senior at the Jericho City of Praise Christian Collage, where she is a praise team leader and a student. In 1999 she began preaching the word of God and setting the captives free. Her purpose is to heal the broken hearted and to bring forth restoration to a dying world. Sept./Oct. 2003



Soul o f a Prosperous  Woman

Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.

-3 John 1:2


by Mary Grate-Pyos, MBA he Word of God says that wisdom is the principal thing. In managing your finances God’s way, wisdom is so essential in understanding the heart of God and knowing His purpose for your life as it relates to money matters. It area of finances. His Word is so explicit in how we are to manage our finances and how we are to is so important to exercise wisdom in managing our conduct business affairs. As a matter of fact, the money matters and to seek God’s face to grow into a Bible is one of the best references in getting your divinely inspired prosperous woman. We must finances in order. Sometimes we tend to overlook the exercise discretion to wisely use the resources that God provides to build His kingdom and to grow into the obvious in God’s word as it relates to money matters. We are to honor abundant life God with all of our He has for wealth, but us. God’s t the core of a prosperous woman is the desire typically many only word says honor God with 10 to be obedient to the true treasures of God. “ that He daily percent. loads us with Sometimes we benefits. As a prosperous woman, we must know in our inner being neglect to realize that God is our source and resource and He requires that we acknowledge and honor Him that these benefits empower and encourage us to live in tithes, offering and especially the remainder of our a life of peace and abundance on a daily basis. wealth. His Word says to honor Him with all of your substance and with the first fruits (tithes). When we It is God who gives us the power to get wealth. Every start honoring God with all of the resources that He promotion that you receive is from God and not based has provided and recognize that He is the giver of on your intellect or who you are. Yes, your education every good gift, we then become free to worship God and experience are preparation steps that you have been blessed with as you walk through the open doors without financial constraints and concerns.


that God has prepared for you, but it is God who makes the promotion possible. Your wealth is God’s doing and based on His love and wisdom operating in your life. One of the financial truths for a believer is recognizing that we are given wealth so that the salvation and word of God is spread throughout the earth, both at home and abroad - in Judea and in Samaria. The soul of a prosperous woman is a life of wisdom, discretion, and discipline, especially in the area of finances. It is also a life of obedience to God. God wants and requires our obedience, especially in the 6 Sept./Oct. 2003

At the core of a prosperous woman is the desire to be obedient to the true treasures of God. In the area of money matters, the soul of a woman understands that to get to her wealthy place in God, she has to be obedient and disciplined to the mind of God. She must become the business-minded virtuous woman who conducts her business with discretion as she listens to God. She is a tither. She honors God by not becoming a servant to the financial institutions of this earth. She counts the costs before engaging in any financial transaction. The soul of a prosperous woman is in tuned to the words and guidance of God.

I love the scripture in Jude that says, “Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.” These are powerful words! As you grow spiritually, you will grow physically and financially. The goal is to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Once you have diligently done that, all the other things, including prosperity and abundance, will be added to your life. These are added benefits of living a godly life. As you get closer to God by spending quality time with Him, He draws close to you to give you the very desires of your heart. God wants to bless us in our finances! His word says that He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. In case you have forgotten, those words apply to you - the powerful prosperous woman that you are! It is only when we are committed to God at a soul level that we can be trusted with the financial riches in this life. We must bear in mind that we are given the financial riches to spread the Word of God throughout the earth. When you seek the face of God just because you love Him, He listens intently to your wants and desires so that He can be a blessing to you. And yes, He blesses! He shows up and shows out just for you! Sometimes we forget that our relationship with God is directly related to the peace and abundance that we experience in our lives. His word says: what good does it profit a (wo)man to gain the entire world, yet lose her own soul? Our relationship with God is at the core of a prosperous woman. When you grow in the power of God, you realize more and more that God is your source and resource. You can rely on Him for all of your needs, including your finances.

Proverbs 4:7, 8 – Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 3:9 - Honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the first fruits of all of your income. 1 Peter 5:7 - Cast your cares (anxieties) on God, for He cares for you. VCM

Mary Gr ate-Py os is the author o y W oman – Grate-Py ate-Pyos off Wealth ealthy Woman Wise Choices Choices.. She seeks to empower individuals to be wise stewards of God. Her purpose is to help others to move from frustration to financial freedom in their money matters. Her web presence is www .financiallyf www.financiallyf

Cover the Laps of God’s Leading Lady with Heavenly Care - 1Tim 2:9-10 Pamela Brown, Owner PO Box 6177 Largo, MD 20792-6177 Phone: 301/341-1338 Email: [email protected]

Remember, prosperous living requires knowing and applying God’s word to your life on a consistent basis. Struggle is optional. When we struggle financially, we are working against the will of God and we need to seek His word to get answers to our money situation. Yes, you will experience financial challenges on this journey called life. As a prosperous woman, in every situation you need to be able to see the hand of God at work, working on your behalf to bring about His perfect will for your life. Scriptures to Ponder: Deuteronomy 8:18 - Remember the Lord your God, for it is He that gives you the ability to create wealth. Sept./Oct. 2003


Cover Story


n July 12, 2003 I was invited to a “Women In Business Conference/Tradeshow where Mary Grate-Pyos, Financial adviser/Personal Finance writer/Financial Wellness Coach/Author and Columnist was one of the motivational speakers. While listening to the speakers, there were several subjects discussed, but what caught my interest was the subject on “Finance.” Many of us struggle with finances today, and learn only the basic fundamentals of saving our money. However, Mary Grate-Pyos brought us to a whole new level of what finance truly means, and how it’s impact on our lives can be a negative or positive outcome, depending on our education in this area. Mary Grate-Pyos is a dynamic, powerful, spirit-filled Christian woman and motivational speaker. While observing Mary as she spoke, I discovered something very powerful about her that truly blessed my spirit, and gave me a better perspective on dealing with my own future finances. My first discovery was the faith, confidence, strength and endurance of Mary Grate-Pyos, how her spirit flourished across the room while she spoke on our ability to get wealth, and how we are all created with the power to be prosperous. Her spiritual strength is an asset to the Kingdom of God, and an inspiration to those who are searching their souls to find the power within. Mary GratePyos touches your inner man, and shows you how we were created with a purpose in God’s mind; Mary brought out that every inch of our spirit man has a richness and grace about it, so that we can be more than conquerors, wealthy conquerors in our lives. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mary GratePyos, and here are some of her powerful answers to dealing with financial frustration today:

8 Sept./Oct. 2003 8 Sept./Oct. 2003

Interview with Mary Grate-Pyos

What would be your advice to the Christian who believes that all money belongs to God, and working in your purpose would finance your future? Whether we realize it or not, everything that we have and everything that we own belongs to God, including all the money that He has provided for us to enjoy. It all belongs to God and blessings come when we acknowledge and realize that truth. The word of God says that we should honor the Lord with our wealth, and with the first fruits of all of our substance. Our reasonable service as children of God requires more than tithing. It also requires that we pray about and honor God with the remaining money after the tithes and offering. It all belongs to God. As you honor and give glory to God in your finances, one of the greatest blessings is working in your purpose and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God has gifted you with a purpose to be a blessing to His people. As you walk in the will and divine purpose of God, your future is financed because out of the abundance of your heart, you are doing God’s perfect will by living and working in your purpose. I really believe that many people have financial difficulties because they are doing work that does not honor God, thus the wasted time and energy grumbling and complaining instead of seeking God’s face as to what He would have them to do. Oh what needles pain we bear – all because we do not take it to God in prayer. The Christian who is working in his/her purpose, has his own business, money is coming in slow, struggling to pay

(continued on p. 1 0) 10)

“Whether we realize it or not, everything that we have and everything that we own belongs to God, including all the money that He has provided for us to enjoy. It all belongs to God and blessings come when we acknowledge and realize that truth.” -MARY GRATE-PYOS

Mary Grate-Pyos, President of Financially Focused, Inc. and yW oman - Wise Choices Author of Wealth ealthy Woman Read her article “The Soul of a Prosperous Woman” Sept./Oct. 2003 9 p. 6

his/her bills, and having a difficult time finding employment What would you suggest they do to increase revenue? The first thing I would suggest is that you look again at the vision that God gave initially when you started the business. I look at my business as God’s business that He has allowed me the opportunity to manage for Him here on earth. You must see the vision clearly and ask God to direct your paths as you follow the steps that He initially placed in your heart. If there is a struggle in your finances, there is a definite source that it can be traced back to. And sometimes we create the struggle by not following what the word says about our finances. The word of God says that we are to meditate on the word day and night and then we will have “good success.” God brings about “good success.” Now as for increasing revenue, I would look for creative ideas to grow your business. I would consider forging strategic partnerships with others who have likeminded goals and vision. In this way, you can meet the needs of each other’s clients. I would look for ways to create multiple streams of income by focusing on different ways to market the same product in a different way. You can use the same product and market it to appeal to different clients. The goal is to increase your visibility and publicity. Think outside of the box and focus on using different forums to reach more clients and gain their confidence in your product and services. Finally, always remember to share what you bring to the table. You will never know who needs your service if a potential client does not know what you can provide. What do you mean when you say all money belongs to God, and how can we honor this? Get into the habit of praying constantly about your finances. All that we own belongs to God and we honor and reverence God when we return what belongs to Him by returning the tithes. We do not give the tithes because it never was our own. We returned the tithes because all of the money that we have belongs to God. He merely asks us to return to Him ten cents out of every dollar. We are also to give an offering to God. The offering is any amount that you purpose in your heart that is over and above the tithes. The offering means very little if you have not honored God with the tithes first. Many people feel that if they give there money to the church, that the Pastors are eating it away, and they are not seeing any blessings in their lives. How would you advise them? We are all held accountable for how we manage the money that God has entrusted to us and we cannot focus on the material lives of our Pastors. You cannot always fathom what they have gone through to reap the material blessings that we see in their lives. I am assuming that we are talking about Pastors who are doing the will of God. I agree that if 10 Sept./Oct. 2003

souls are not being saved; the word of God is not reaching those in the surrounding area and abroad; and if the love of God is not shown in the lives of the Pastor, yes, there is a problem. As Christians, we are in the business of winning souls to Christ, and our finances play a major role in accomplishing this mission. Many look at the lives of Pastors, and I agree that many have lavish lifestyles. And yes, I believe that many of these Pastors are doing the will of God. The word of God says that we should prosper even as our soul prospers. As your inner man grows and is subjected to the will and divine order of God, you will always see the external signs: abundance; wealth; healing, even wonderful homes and cars. The word also says that God will not withhold any good thing from us when we live according to His purpose and do His will. God also takes pleasure in blessing us when we have done His perfect will. I also believe that if these individuals are true men and women of God, they will not hesitate to give those same material things to another if God told them to do so. When you murmur and complain against the man or woman of God, you block your own blessings. Our blessings are in our mouth. You either curse or bless your own life by what you say. And even if you sow your seeds and the man or woman of God does not “do right” with it, you have still done your part and have been obedient to God. We should all keep our eyes on God and leave the discipline of others to God. What is tithing, and why should we Tithe? A tithe is 10 percent of your earnings. It is also that part that is set aside to be returned to God. Should we tithe? Absolutely! It is our reasonable service. Give me five powerful reasons why I should save my money 1. We should save money because the word of God says to do so. In Proverbs 21:20, the word of God says, “a wise person saves for the future, but the foolish spends whatever he/she gets.” The word says we should. 2. We should save money to handle the financial challenges that will arise. You are not operating at your best when you are worried about how you will pay for a financial debt. 3. We should save money to secure our financial future. The word of God says that we should “count the cost” of our actions. We do that spiritually, but we also should “count the cost” financially. Saving for our financial future means saving for retirement, our children’s education, and purchasing a home. Yes, God will provide, but He also says that we should be wise with the resources that He has entrusted to us. 4. We should save so that we can be a blessing to others and the people of God. It takes money to operate Churches – buying Bibles, sending missionaries around the world, electricity, telephones, and the list goes on. 5. We should also save money to pass on the wealth to the

next generation. The word of God says that a good man or woman leaves an inheritance for his/her children’s children. God believes in generational wealth building. You must save for your children, as well as your children’s children.

us that it is God’s wishes for us to be prosperous and wealthy stewards of God, for us to understand that all money belongs to God, and ten percent of our wealth should be returned to God.

My credit is in terrible shape; I can’t find a job; and I haven’t worked a steady job in three years. What do I do? I would definitely start with prayer and seek the face of God as to what He would have you do. Maybe you have not worked a steady job in three years because God wanted you to start a business and create jobs for others. I would also volunteer at organizations where I can be a blessing by sharing my gifts and talents. We are connected to God and to His people. He will not withhold any good thing from us and He takes pleasure in our prosperity. If you are not prospering and prospering well, then inquire of God. Then I would do some soul searching to explore the reasons within why you have not had a steady job in three years. The credit being in terrible shape is a product of not having a steady job. When you start lining up with God’s word and what it says about your prosperity, all of these things, like terrible credit, will fall by the wayside.

3 John 2:1 – Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.

After interviewing Mary Grate-Pyos I learned that it is truly the work of the Lord, that gives us power, and without the strength of the Lord we are nothing. We are earthen vessels created with a purpose. The Bible says, (2 Corinthians 4:7), “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” There is prosperity already in the Kingdom of God, and we are the Kingdom, citizens of the Kingdom of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, which dwells in us. If that kind of indwelling power is in us, there is no reason why we should be struggling financially. However, it is important that we build our wealth based around the doctrines of God, because the Bible says, (Proverbs 13:22)“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” The Bible says that we have access by the faith of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:11-13, “According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

She is a Contributing Writer for Woman by Revelation, The Magazine; Black Women’s Health website; One Heart Journal; In Focus Magazine; and Acts of Faith Newsletter. Her writing has appeared in: The Capital Spotlight Newspaper in Washington, D.C. (Columnist); Today’s Christian Woman Magazine; Ebony Magazine; Milwaukee Times Newspaper; Coalition of Black Investor’s Newsletter and website; Christianity Today website; and has been featured in Financial Woman Today Magazine.

During our struggles financially, we must not forget what the Bible says,” Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.” It is faith that pleases God, and without faith we cannot achieve our highest goals, work in our purpose, or achieve financial freedom.

Biography of Mary Grate-Pyos Mary Grate-Pyos, President of Financially Focused, Inc. and Author of Wealthy Woman - Wise Choices, is committed to empowering others to move from frustration to financial freedom by making wise choices in their money matters. Her dynamic style as motivational speaker, personal finance writer and author enables her to deliver an urgent financial message that empowers others to claim their financial freedom. Ms. Grate-Pyos earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Syracuse University, and has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Mathematics from Newberry College. Her web presence is at

Mary Grate-Pyos is a member of Greater Little Zion Baptist Church in Fairfax, Virginia. Mary also provides individual financial help as a Financial Wellness Coach as part of the Staff at Baraka Christian Counseling to assist clients to move from frustration to financial freedom to experience joy in managing their finances from a biblical perspective. Mary Grate-Pyos, a woman after God’s own heart. Mary Grate-Pyos Professional Affiliations: • Member, Fairfax Chamber of Commerce • Member, Financial Women International • Member, National Association of Women Business Owners • Member, National Association of Female Executives • Member, Greater Washington Women’s Network • Member, Women’s Business Center, Washington, DC • Member, eWomenNetwork VCM

Hebrews 11 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” 6

Mary Grate-Pyos, a child of God, exercised her faith building techniques, and indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to show

Linda C. T ar dy is a F riter/A uthor Tar ardy Frr eelance W Writer/A riter/Author uthor.. She is the Publisher of this magazine, Visions Christian Magazine. Sept./Oct. 2003


12 Sept./Oct. 2003


his question might seem strange to some of you, but think about it for a moment, just why are you working and are the things you are working for, will they last? You get up early every day and hurry the children to get dress and ready for day care or school so you will not be late for work. Many times you don’t even check to see how the children are, what they are wearing or have they properly prepared for school. After a long day on the job, you pick up the children from the after school care provider and check to see if their homework has been completed. After dinner and a little TV, you put the children to bed and began your

direction of God, for the Holy word tells us that “God is a jealous God and thou should place no other God before the Lord Thy God. It also tells us that if we have . . . food and clothing, with these we shall be content.” (1 Tim 6:8 NKJV) Again I ask you, what are you working for? Are you content and do you always give thanks? I look at all the hustles and bustles of life and ask why all the hassles? God has promised to provide for your every need, but it’s your wants and desires which get us in trouble. Often, our desires to keep up with the Jones and to impress others cause us to spend long hours on

ARE YOU WORKING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS? Only what you do for Christ shall last!

 by Deacon Curtis O. Gill

A closer walk with God yields revelation, knowledge, and wisdom.

preparation to repeat all you have done today for tomorrow. Again I ask you, “What are you working for?” Are you working to pay bills, buy food, clothing, a house, a car, a new TV or to go on a trip? Just why are you working so hard and so much? You spend so much time on the job you hardly have time for your children and any time for God who is the giver of every good and perfect gift. Don’t get me wrong; I realize that the Bible tells us that man should live by the sweat of his brow. The Bible also tells us, “. . . If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” (2 Thess. 3:10 NKJV) What I am saying is that your work should not consume all your time! Your work should not become your God, nor should it consume so much of your time that you have no time to share with those who love and need you. Your work should not take up so much of your time that you forget to give God, who created heaven and earth some of your time. When you spend all your time working to fulfill your earthly desires and wants, you have gone against the

the job and short hours with our children and even less with God. Because of a lack of time being spent with the children, drug use is up, gang violence is spreading to every community and crime is out of control. Also, grades are down, the truancy rates are up, school dropout statistics continues to rise, the AIDS population continues to increase and teen pregnancy remains a constant concern for every echelon of leadership. There is hardly a day that passes that you don’t hear or read about some child being sexually molested, and this is all because we are working and have no time for the children. I ask you again, “What are you working for” or better yet, my Bible asks the question, “ . “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Are you working to gain the whole world or are you working to save your Soul? (Matt 16:26 KJV) You alone know the answer to those questions and you alone must decide what is most important to you, to save your soul or gain the whole world. Our (continued on p. 19) Sept./Oct. 2003


Intimacy wi

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” 1 John 2:15-17


od’s love and grace are so much deeper than the relationships we encounter in this world. His love for us is sufficient enough. You can’t pretend that those feelings of loneliness and depression don’t exist, because they do. But you see,

John 8:44. There are many people who are married, saved, unhappy, grew up with both parents, graduated from college, beautiful children and the whole nine yards, and the white picket fence to go along with it, who share the same downfalls as someone who is fatherless. You see, that was not the problem. The problem is that we were taught to worship the wrong “father.” Therefore, we grew up worshipping the men in our lives, which lead to the wrong kind of intimacy. This is deep. We were created to praise and worship God, the true “Father.” So the things we praise and worship are not in line with what God has planned for our lives. True intimacy is with God. Our marriages are supposed to be based on the covenant with God, a real union with

“...the loneliness, rejection, hurt, and pain you feel in your God has a more excellent plan for your life. Just having faith in Him, knowing His presence, His love, and the treasure that’s laid up for you is a part of that plan. His level of intimacy far exceeds the kind of love that you and I have experienced in our lives. You need to get to know God, draw closer to Him, and let Him dwell within you at all times. Some of us didn’t grow up with a father; we were raised by single mothers. Therefore, we don’t have any idea what it’s like to have a father. But I say to you sisters and brothers who may have been reared without a father, to count it all joy, because an earthly father’s love can’t ever compare to the love of God, the real Father of Love and intimacy. The world taught us that if we didn’t have a father in the house, we would grow up not being whole men and woman, lacking the require love of both parents; which would lead to unhealthy relationships and marriages. Well, let me just tell you sisters and brothers; ”The devil is a liar, and the father of them.” 14 Sept./Oct. 2003

God. In essence, we tend to worship and value our families, but here is the command that we should follow according to the word of God: Matthew 19:29 29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Instead of us following God’s command we do just the opposite. We value and worship our families, and as a result we are caught up in intimacy that God did not plan for our lives. So when we lose our love ones we don’t know how to deal with the emotional trauma that comes along with it. You need to first know who God is and how do you fit into God’s plan. Then to understand why you were created and your purpose. As I stated earlier, you were created to praise and worship God. So the loneliness, rejection, hurt, and



pain you feel in your so-called relationships is actually your lack of intimacy with God. You were not created to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. These relationships were created by the world as a result of sin when we turn our backs on God, forget who the real creator is, and the purpose of being created. The purpose of our creation is stated clearly in God’s word: Genesis 1:26 Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

God actually put His creation in our hands. This is the purpose of creating you and me. He even made us a little lower than the angels. He said it in His word:

 by L.C. Tardy

is no intimacy with God, there is no recollection of what self is, and all humanity would self-destruct, which is primarily happening in this present day and time. It is imperative that we first know who God is, and how we fit into the perfect plan that He has for our lives. We need to know that there is no way to the Father accept through His Son, Jesus Christ. We must know that Jesus died for us to save us from our sins. We are saved by the blood of the lamb. We are called out of darkness, place into God’s marvelous light released from the bondage of this world because of Christ, and now we can have true intimacy with God. You need to know that your life was predestinated, purposed, called, justified, and that you will be glorified with Christ when He comes back. So be ready!

so-called relationships is actually your lack of intimacy with God.”

Hebrews 2:7-8 “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands. Thou has put all things in subjection under his feet.”

God’s purpose for us today is to be conformed into the image of Christ. Our physical bodies are made by God to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. You see, we are more than just some thing to be tossed to and fro, giving away our precious pearls to a counter-fit intimacy. We were created in love, and God is love. Our intimacy with God was created before the foundation of the earth. Now, since God done all of this for you, why would you give yourselves to a lesser god, (world) or cast your pearls to swine? Who is God? The Creator of all creation. Without Him there will be no intimacy. If there

So when you are feeling down and out, lonely, looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, thinking that your biological clock is ticking, and that you need to hurry up and get married, and have children, or you’re just getting too old to date; just know that you have fallen away from the true intimacy with God. God will take you back anytime you ask. He is a forgiving God who said that He would never leave you. God cannot lie and He never breaks a promise. He is faithful to His word. Besides, you are His child. He’s your true and only Father from the beginning of time, and before the world began. To God Be All the Glory!


Linda C. T ar dy is a FFrreelance W riter/A uthor Tar ardy Writer/A riter/Author uthor.. She is the Publisher of this magazine, Visions Christian Magazine ar dy curr ently liv es in LLando ando v er Magazine.. Ms Ms.. T Tar ardy currently lives andov er,, Maryland and attends Jericho City o aise-85 01 off Pr Praise-85 aise-850 Spectrum Driv e- LLando ando ver Driveandov er,, Maryland. Sept./Oct. 2003



GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN! “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11”

our stories and tell them boldly. Somebody NEEDS to hear it. Somebody WANTS to hear it. Somebody HAS to hear it. Your testimony may make the difference between a sister or brother giving up or pressing on.

pastor sheritha bowman

Hearing the testimonies of those who trusted God to bring it to pass can make a world of difference in the lives of those of us standing at the crossroads. Wondering which way to go. Where to turn. To hear that in spite of the weariness and dreariness, somebody prayed. In spite of standing alone, somebody trusted. In spite of wanting to give up, somebody waited. Then miraculously, the money comes in for the mortgage payment. The medical exam comes back normal. The rebellious teenager repents and walks up to the altar. After hours of praying and crying in the hospital waiting area, the doctor peeks her head around the corner and says, “It looks good. He’s going to make it.” Our testimonies reflect hope, inspire change and exalt the glory of God. One telephone call from a friend telling you she finally got the job! Everybody else told her that her lack of a Master’s was the reason for the closed doors. However, the whole time girlfriend proclaimed that she would trust God. And as always, God shows up! “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary’; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31.) God is LIKE that! We know that everybody’s testimony isn’t for everybody. However, it’s not up to us to determine who may or may not receive it. Somebody, somewhere is bound to be blessed. We MUST tell 16 Sept./Oct. 2003

A testimony is more than your salvation story. We experience testimonies everyday. A meeting. A conversation. Holding the tongue. Walking in forgiveness. Making a decision and trusting God. STANDING. WAITING. BELIEVING. What’s your testimony this week? Do share. VCM

Copyright 2003 by Sheritha Bowman


An excerpt from the book, “E-mails for the Christian Soul: 102 Messages of Praise, Hope and Revelation by Sheritha Bowman” Books are available online via Sheritha Bowman is senior pastor of Soul Inspiration Church Ministries in Germantown, Maryland. To learn more about the ministry, please visit or call 301.353.0602.


special series/column

by Athena Thomas



In our last column, we discussed how fear of the unknown or fear of failing could make people do destructive things to either themselves or to people around them. In this column we will explore another aspect of the effects of fear that probably plague a lot of people in their business or professional lives. Fear encompasses a lot of areas in our lives. Many are afraid of failure, embarrassment, being hurt, and many other negative things that one may encounter, but some are also scared of the positive side of life. Succeeding! For some the realization that being exceptionally good at something is frightening. What most of us don’t realize is that this talent is a gift. But even before it is recognized as a gift some people are still aware of it and realize that if used professionally

that they could be successful beyond measure. This type of success can be intimidating which could keep some people from moving forward with using their gifts, although it is a positive move. Things have always come easy for me. I never struggled with my schoolwork and in high school I realized that I had a natural talent in English. I never had formal training in writing past high school, yet I found that I was a good writer. It took years for me to realize that this was one of my gifts. I always wanted to write a book but was always scared that I wasn’t good enough. When I finally accepted my gift then I became scared of using it because of the possibility of success. I know it sounds crazy but I was scared because of the scrutiny that some extraordinary people are subjected to and because the closest person to me at the time was intimidated by my talents.

But after much prayer and guidance from God and my Pastor, I soon realized the power and importance of such a gift. God gave me this gift for a purpose, to assist with the building of His kingdom and in the process I would become successful. My inspired work would touch the very heart of people. So who was I to deny it? Poet Marianne Williamson put it in perspective by saying “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.”

We are unique individuals and God has given each of us something that will make us stand out in the crowd, a special gift that he plans for use in the Kingdom. We must not allow fear to keep us from using those gifts to edify and glorify him who has blessed us. I thank God that I can finally say that I am an extraordinary person, unlike any other. I can do many things well and I am not sorry or ashamed of it. For those who may feel intimidated by it I simply say to pray and ask God to show you your exceptional gift and allow him to teach you to appreciate it, and the gifts of others. VCM

Athena Thomas is a writer currently working on her first wner o ess eb owner off W We ess,, a w web book. She is also the o e Host U 4 LLess hosting company in Maryland. She can be reached at [email protected] Sept./Oct. 2003


Poetry Corner “My Morning Prayer words by Joe Floyd I just finished saying my morning prayer And my prayer included you I prayed that you will do very well In all the things that you do I prayed that God would give you strength To meet the challenges today And to give you courage and confidence To overcome all in your way. I prayed that God will protect you And keep you out of harms way May his powerful hands shield you And keep the devil at bay. I prayed that God would give you a blessing which you would return with love And may God always be with you As he watches you from above When ever I say my morning prayer I include you when I pray Take care and may God bless you I hope you have a nice day. VCM


I stand tall by the streams of water in the midst of the garden with my roots planted firmly in the breast of the earth, nurturing me but my seed comes from far above when it’s time for harvesting I become the branch of the Vine and the fruit that I bear is produced after it’s own kind which is God.

“BEING SINGLE IS A BLESSING” words by Allison Gregory Daniels, Author/Poet

I found out that being single is a blessing Society had me believe that being single was a crime But I found out in time That being single is a blessing Being single gave me a chance To learn more about God and His plan for my life Being single gave me a chance To get to know myself Being single gave me a chance To know who and what I wanted out of my life And it even gave me an opportunity To see what God wanted out of my life Being single gave me a chance To be able to recognize the distinction of God’s sweet voice Being single gave me a chance To recognize the faults in my life Being single gave me a chance To ask God to clean up what I messed up in my life Some old habits and some bad habits Being single gave me a chance to grow in God’s wisdom and grace Being single gave me a chance to strengthen my walk with Christ I found out that being single is a blessing… VCM 18 Sept./Oct. 2003

wor ds by L.C. T ar dy words Tar ardy


(Ar e Y ou W orking...continued fr om p. 13) (Are You Working...continued from

children are suffering all across America because people have turned their backs on the God that created Heaven and earth, and made their work their god! Once again I ask you, “What are you working for”? My Bible tells me that “We should not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves’ treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Paraphrased Matt 6:19-21 KJV) Where is your heart? You can work to lay up treasure here on earth, but someone else will enjoy it! For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Tim 6:7 KJV) Only what you do for Christ will last. Lets try spending more time working for the Lord; that our labor shall not be in vain, and our children suffering might be reduced. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

Father God, we pause to give you the praise and the Glory. We thank you Father for all you have done and all that you are doing and all that you will do if we place our trust, hope and faith in you! Father, we realize that we have not always done all the things that you would have us to do. We know that we have strayed from your Commandments and failed to keep your statutes. We confess of our sins and ask that in the Name of Your Son Jesus that you forgive us. We pledge this day to submit to your will and to choose you as our Lord. We want to be the people you have chosen and those who will receive your inheritance. Father, we ask that you grant us peace and bless our children and this Nation, which have chosen you as our Lord and Savior. In you we place our trust and rely on you to provide for all of our needs. We know that you are not like man that you should lie, and that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Bless us and we will continue to give you the praise and the Glory. We ask it all in Jesus Name. Amen


Sept./Oct. 2003


20 Sept./Oct. 2003

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22 Sept./Oct. 2003

o two people are alike! The same is true for African American Churches, each Church is different, they differ in the size, differ in church budget, length of the church services and number of members that attend during the week. There is one thing that all churches in America get every month, something that every minister wish would never appear! It’s the bills from the Gas & Electric Company!


Most U.S. churches pay between 7-10% of its monthly overhead in gas or electric utilities bills. If the church building is older, the cost could be even higher. The head of every AME Congregation has asked the question at one time or another, “How can I reduce this monthly cost!” This unfixed cost drains resources of the church, and adds nothing to mission of the congregation. Saving energy saves money, money that can be used on your congregation’s mission. Saving energy also prevents pollution! Another reason to reduce energy waste is the environment. Our faith teaches stewardship of natural resources, as well as of money. Every time a light, a computer, or an air conditioner is turned on, a power plant consumes fuel to generate electricity. All fuels cause environmental impact, burning fossil fuel releases emissions that causes acid rain, smog, and that can even change our climate. Climate change directly affects human health, food crops, water supplies, and certain diseases, as well as nature’s life-supporting ecosystems”. Many congregations have come to agree with the vast majority of scientists that global warming, or climate change, is one of the greatest threats to the planet. Most AME Congregations ideally would like to take low-cost steps to reduce there over-all energy usage, therefore reducing that monthly energy bill. ENERGY STAR For Congregations can help you achieve your goals for reducing your church buildings energy cost, by providing your congregation with information on making your church buildings more energy efficient. The program can help arrange an energy audit for your congregations building, provided information for grants and other usefully information to make your upgrades a reality. ENERGY STAR IS a free service program that promotes energy-efficient, it’s a partnership between Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy. ENERGY STAR

delivers the technical information and tools that organizations and consumers need to choose energyefficient solutions and best management practices. ENERGY STAR has successfully delivered energy and cost savings across the country, saving businesses, Congregation, non-profit organizations, and consumers more than $5 billion a year. Over the past decade, ENERGY STAR has been a driving force behind the more widespread use of such technological innovations as LED traffic lights, efficient fluorescent lighting, power management systems for office equipment, and low standby energy use. Using the information within ENERGY STAR For Congregations Program can save your church money, help make facilities more comfortable, functional, and attractive, as well as helping the environment. THE PROGRAM will provide your congregation, at no-cost to you, with information to produce a low-cost savings strategies to make the necessary changes to reduce those energy


 by Sterling Henry

bills, also will show you how to get grants to finance those improvements your church buildings need to be more energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR For Congregations (http:// web site will demonstrates 20 examples of congregations that have saved between 20-30% on their energy bills. Save your church money and join ENERGY STAR for Congregations. I encourage all AME Churches to participate in ENERGY STAR FOR Congregations. AME Congregations may join ENERGY STAR online at (Join ENERGY STAR for congregations), or call toll-free 1-888-STAR-YES. There is no cost for participation, materials or support, and no specific actions, or any reporting are required. If you have any questions, please call or E-mail Sterling Henry at 202347-9151 ([email protected]) or Jerry Lawson Director of Energy Star for Small Business and Congregations at 202-564-9314([email protected]). VCM

Sept./Oct. 2003


Writing for the Lord ® Ministries Presents: Give God the Glory!…the series Kevin Wayne Johnson Offering free and low-cost writing seminars, “how to get published” workshops, and book discussions to churches, Christian organizations, corporations, Christian book clubs, libraries, and community groups. All seminars, workshops and book discussions designed for the specific audience in mind. Topics include:

- Why should I write to glorify God? - Publishing options - The truth about promotion and marketing - Typesetting and printing options

ISBN: 0-9705902-0-2 Price: $10.99 © 2001


Understanding the book industry Distribution options How to select an editor Valuable resources to help you

ISBN: 0-9705902-1-0 Price: $14.95 © 2003

Coming Soon (2003 through 2005): Give God the Glory! Let Your Light So Shine! (A Devotional) ISBN: 0-9705902-2-9 Price: $7.95 Pub Date: October 30, 2003 Give God the Glory! The Godly Family Life ISBN: 0-9705902-3-7 Pub Date: March 31, 2005

Give God the Glory! Your Role in Your Family ISBN: 0-9705902-4-5 (A Devotional) Pub Date: October 30, 2005 To order books: (877) 323-4550; To schedule a seminar/workshop: (443) 535-0475 Writing quality books, articles, and devotionals that glorify God and enhance the lives of our readership.

24 Sept./Oct. 2003


I’m talking about “ oul ies”  by Nikki Jones


hat happens when two in-experienced concept of a soul tie, the first story I recall is in immature people get together and enter Genesis 34, the Dinah incident. The first thing that took into a sexual relationship? I would be willing to say that place with Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, was some type of catastrophe at some point in the relation- that when he saw Dinah, he had a desire for her ship will take place. Is it not bad enough that our young because of her physical beauty. This attraction, due to people live in a society jam packed with mixed mesShechem’s inability to control his emotions, caused him sages about everything they will ever experience in to rape her. The story goes on to tell how he took her, life? What is unfortunate is that the society we live in, laid with her and violated her. Shechem raped Dinah really seem to believe that we are doing our part by because his desire to have her physically took over all providing information about “safe sex” to our youth, of his sensibility and therefore led to his death and the when what we are truly doing is giving them a two for death of his family. The story does take the time to one ticket to spiritual and often times physical death. point out that his soul clave to Dinah. His attraction We tell our young people to practice safe sex for Dinah grew stronger after he had sex with her. In when they should not be having sex at all! We give fact it grew so strong that he wanted to marry her, not them an array of sex education classes, pamphlets and knowing anything about her character, and he was condoms and willing to be expect that they circumcised have somehow to have her. literally felt so heavy that sometimes I could not become equipped Was this get out of bed and walk around without feeling to make those normal or types of decipained. This is what the doctor called depression. “ acceptable sions. Some of us behavior? even go so far as So now, to feel accomplished because we have told the young let me try and make this more personal and up-to-date people that God disapproves of sex before marriage, for all those who have problems with Old Testament unfortunately somehow disregarding that although bible times. I started having sex when I was about 12 many of our youth attend church, they may not have years old. Yes, I said twelve. The partners that I had the kind of relationship with Christ that will lead them far exceeded just a few. There were multiples, many to a place of conviction about any type of behavior that of which I couldn’t remember their names or faces if contradicts God’s word. you held a gun to my head. Now for all of the sanctiI was thinking of the classic example that is given fied and fried, pew-hogging churchgoers that have the in most sex education settings that goes something like swift gall to act like you haven’t any past demons and this; when Mike has sex with Sally and Jessica, then are offended by such things; this is a time you may Jessica has sex with Ron and Sally has sex with David want to put this down. I can’t tell you how many men and so on; we are setting up the scenario for how we that I have had sex with, but what I can tell you is that spread sexually transmitted diseases and many people for years I suffered from depression trying to figure are obviously therefore infected. But what about what out who I was. Who was I? I am glad you asked. I happens to you spiritually and emotionally when you lie was a walking conglomeration of every man I had down with someone one way and get up another way. been with and all the people they had ever been with I’m talking about ‘Soul Ties’! and all the people those people had ever been with and What is a soul tie? When I think about the on and on. I was a “hot mess” as the old folks used to


Sept./Oct. 2003


say. So let’s break this down a bit more. If I started having sex when I was twelve, which was around the time I had given my life to Christ, until the time I was 29, when I really gave my life to Christ, and I had at least two partners a year; ok you do the basic math. That is a whole lot of souls to be tied to. I literally felt so heavy that sometimes I could not get out of bed and walk around without feeling pained. This is what the doctor called depression. Manic depression is what I was consistently diagnosed with. What they didn’t know was the real root of the problem. I was suppressed by all of the demonic possession that I had become tied up with in the bedroom. What I needed was a purging that only God could do. The scary part is, for years the devil has tried to use those spirits to make me literally loose my mind. I had to contend with layers of demonic spirits that no one seemed to know how to help me get set free from. These demons had me doing all kinds of things like slamming my head into walls because there was so much noise and confusion in my head, yearly suicide attempts, demonic sexual promiscuity, violent outbursts which there are still people today that won’t deal with me, and many other self destructive behaviors. Many of you may say, you know Nikki, you were just crazy and that is the bottom line. That’s because you don’t understand the power of soul ties. Just look at the news and what is going on today. Look how many relationship related deaths there are everyday. With the married and the unmarried. I’m talking about soul ties. It’s just like an AIDS epidemic, except we have a cure, and that cure is having a real relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Having a soul tie with someone means you take on the persons mind, the persons will and the persons emotions. So whomever I had sex with during that time period may have been dealing with depression, with aggressive behavior tendencies, or maybe they were dealing with the devil directly. I have no idea. What I do know is all the things that cause them to have these issues are now intertwined and added to the arsenal of destruction that the devil has laid out with the intent to kill, steal and destroy our youth. Why do you think kids have sex earlier and earlier these days? He has to get them early; the devil knows how important timing is. Do you ever wonder why after people start having sex, they begin to take on some of the characteristics of the other person, even when they were nothing like the person they are having sex with? Even when the relationship ends, those ties are still 26 Sept./Oct. 2003

there. So it is not enough to just tell the young people that God says don’t have sex before marriage. We have to take the process of understanding to another level, which always begins with prayer. We have to let our youth know that having sex before marriage is violating spiritual law, and stop sending them the confusing message that states, “sex before marriage is wrong, but if you are going to do it then make it safe.” What does this statement say to our youth? That it is ok to break God’s law so long as you just protect yourself from the natural things that will happen like pregnancy, which is one of God’s intentions for sex. Our youth need to understand the concept of courting someone, and building healthy, lasting relationships that God honors. In order for them to gain a true understanding of that, we as mature adults have to set the example. Our words will never impact our youth if there are not any visible actions standing with those words. We as adults must make the commitment to do whatever it takes to win the souls of our youth over to Christ. We have a great responsibility as stewards over the lives of our youth. How can we continue to go on with our lives allowing our youth to walk around like spiritual zombies? When we are not being the stewards that God purposed us to be over the young people, we are not honoring God’s word, and by teaching or knowingly allowing them to enter into these relationships, relationships of which they don’t even understand the purpose for, we are literally giving them over to the prince of this world; the devil. We must come together first as a household, as a church, as a community, a state, and a nation. All this begins with prayer and the faith that those prayers will be answered. Let’s stop teaching our children to be a generation of straddling the fence churchgoers, and start teaching them to be the kind of people that God has called them to be. The kind of Christians who have a fear and reverence for God. The kind of youth that will set the pace for future generations to come. Let’s start showing our children and youth the “absolutes” in God’s word rather than showing them ways to try to get around God’s word and make it fit to what we want to do. Yes adults, this means you too must change. Let’s raise up a new generation of people that will break the back of the devil by truly getting on fire for Christ! VCM

Sept./Oct. 2003


28 Sept./Oct. 2003

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by Pastor Sheritha Bowman

Question: Now that I am saved, I have not dated anyone for four years, but sometimes I feel lonely, and want to go out on a date. What should I do as a Christian woman? Should I wait on God, or ask God to send me a helpmeet?


pastor sheritha bowman

Sister, if you are asking if you should wait on God to send you a help meet so that you may share your love, your spirituality, hopes, dreams and laughter, to compliment your life, I say, YES. Petition God to your hearts’ content for a heavenly, help meet. However, if you are asking if you should petition God to send you a help meet to cure your case of the “lonelies” I say, it’s not necessarily a help meet that you need right now.

Loneliness is a feeling that every person, Christian or non-Christian, Black or White, rich or poor, married or single will experience from time to time. As much as we would like to believe that another person can cure our loneliness, we must get to a place, marrieds and singles alike, where the Spirit of the Lord becomes so prominent within, that we begin to train ourselves to seek a spiritual indwelling during these times. We must learn to yearn for the presence of God and embrace the opportunities and mysteries that God often chooses to reveal only through times of solitude.

Never believe that a help meet will cure your case of loneliness. Know this sister: There are plenty of married sisters that are lonely! Loneliness is a state of mind where we allow the spirit of insecurity to set in, if only for a moment, and we forget our self worth and how full life can be even if we’re forced to go it alone.

Discovering and moving in your purpose is the best case of curing loneliness. What is your gift? What is your purpose? What has God called you to do with your life? Once you know your purpose, whenever you feel lonely, discouraged, bored - move in your purpose. And you will find that as you move in your purpose and line up your desires with God’s desires, that He will bring those feelings and your desires to pass.

What to do while you wait for Mr. Heavenly? Get together with family, sisterfriends, volunteer, attend church fellowships, cultural and historical activities and more importantly, continue to grow ever so intimate with the Lord as He has the overwhelming power to conquer any feeling that threatens your joy, peace and contentment. “Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:3-5)” VCM

Sheritha Bowman is senior pastor of Soul Inspiration Church Ministries in Germantown, Maryland. To learn more about the ministry, please visit or call 301.353.0602. Send your questions to Pastor Sheritha Bowman at [email protected] 30 Sept./Oct. 2003

Sept./Oct. 2003


“Bible Story of the Month”

At Home In the Garden YEARS and years and years ago there was just one person in the whole wide world. He had only one name, and a very short name at that—it was Adam! This was a very long time ago, before there were any automobiles, or trains, or telephones, or radios. or television sets. It was so long ago that no houses had been built. In fact, there was no one to build houses, and no one to live in them if they had been built. Why, Adam didn’t even have a bed on which to sleep! Perhaps you would like to know how long ago it was that Adam lived all alone. It was more than six thousand years. That is a long time, isn’t it? Now, just because Adam had no house, we must not think he didn’t have a nice place in which to live. Before Adam was made, God planted a beautiful big garden which he called Eden. There were ever so many wonderful flowers and trees in that garden. They were the most beautiful

flowers and trees

that anybody has ever seen. There were plenty of nice vegetables, and all kinds of fruit. And God put Adam into this perfect garden to take care of it, and to enjoy it forever. While there were no men or women or children to keep Adam company, he was not all alone, because the Bible tells us that there were many

birds and animals in Eden. God, who made Adam, asked him to give names to all the animals. 32 Sept./Oct. 2003

Dawn Bible Students Ass. A Dawn Publication

And what a task that must have been! If you don’t think so, the next time you go to a zoo or to a circus and see all the animals, try to imagine what you would call them if they did not already have names. You would look at the giraffe and I guess you would call him Mr. Longneck; or maybe you would just call him funny. So Adam had to settle down to real business and think up very good names for all the animals. And he did it well, too. Of course, it wasn’t necessary for Adam to hunt all over the garden for the various animals in order to see them and to give their names. The Bible tells us that he was made a king, or a ruler over them, so they all obeyed him, and would come right up to him when he called them, just as a dog will do for us today. Even a dog won’t do that, though, unless he has been treated well. If you kick a dog and throw stones at him, he will probably run away, whenever he sees you coming, or he will watch his chance and give you a good hard bite, just to get even. Well, Adam was not only kind to all the animals, but he was friendly with them, even with those which now are wild. He treated them just as we do the pets we have in our homes. Since that time many people have been so unkind to animals that they have become frightened, and some of them are very ferocious and dangerous. When Adam had finished naming the animals, and had become acquainted with them all, he made a very important discovery. He found out that there were no animals with which he could talk in the way we talk to each other. The animals were very nice, and he was glad to have them in the garden with him, but he really needed a companion who would be more like himself. Yes, Eve was deceived by that serpent, and ate the

Imagine how lonesome you would be if there were no other girls or boys around.

and then we don’t want to eat, or if we do eat, we get very sick and wish we hadn’t eaten.

The best dog in the world cannot take the place of a brother or a sister.

Suppose God had made us in such a way that we would never want to eat, or that our stomachs would always be upset. I guess we couldn’t expect to grow very much then, could we? Well, that’s just it. We don’t understand how God made us with good stomachs, and eyes, and ears. We just know that he did, and that he made Eve; and that Adam was very glad to have Eve for a companion.

Well, that is what Adam discovered. Of course, God knew this all the time, but he wanted Adam to find out for himself. God didn’t plan that Adam should remain all alone in the Garden of Eden forever, but he wanted Adam to understand how much he really needed company. In this way, you see, he would be more thankful for what God did for him. And what did God do?

But there was one thing about Adam and Eve that was different from the rest of us. They had never been children. Can you imagine that? While we are children and growing up, we learn a lot of things, don’t we? We learn that certain things are right, and that other things are wrong. We learn that if we always do what is right we will be much happier than when we do wrong.

You have guessed it already! Yes, he created a real friend for Adam, who also became his wife. Her name was Eve. Pretty name isn’t it? It means lifegiver, because she was the first “If mother or father tells you not to put your hands woman. God Well, Adam on the hot stove and then you do so, you suffer for wanted Eve your disobedience; but you do learn that the stove is and Eve had to to be very learn this lesson hot, so you don’t put your hands on it any more. “ much like as grown-up Adam, so he persons, made her in a very wonderful way. because they had never been children. God knew He put Adam to sleep, and while he was asleep God they needed a lesson like this, so he told them not to took one of his ribs away from him, and with that rib eat the fruit that grew on a certain tree in the garden. he made Eve. It was called the “tree of the knowledge of good and Wasn’t that wonderful? In this way, you see, Eve was just like Adam—just like another part of him, yet she was separate—and they could talk together and be real friends to each other. God is certainly very wise and can do wonderful things! There is no use for us to try to understand how God did such a wonderful thing as that. He has done many great things that we cannot understand, but they are true just the same. We cannot even understand what makes us grow, can we? “Oh,” you say, “It is because we eat good, nourishing food.” But that is not all there is to it. If our stomachs do not work properly we will not grow, no matter how much we eat. Sometimes, perhaps, our stomachs get upset,

evil.” And God made it very plain to Adam and Eve that it was really wrong to eat the fruit of this tree, and that if they did eat it they would surely die. Now there was a serpent in the garden, and being tame it probably played where Eve could watch it. In some way this serpent made Eve believe that it would be all right to eat the fruit of that forbidden tree. The serpent may have eaten some of the fruit just to prove to Eve that God was not telling her the truth when he said the fruit of this tree would kill her. Of course, the serpent wasn’t really smart enough to do this all by itself. Satan caused the serpent to act that way. Satan, as I have already told you, was an enemy of God, and that is why he made the serpent deceive Eve. Sept./Oct. 2003


forbidden fruit. And what was even worse, she

coaxed Adam to eat

it also. Thus they

you will meet Adam and Eve, and can ask them a lot of questions that I wouldn’t know how to answer, such as what they did at night without a house in which to sleep. VCM

AT HOME IN GARDEN both did what God told them not to do.. Now the Lord had told Adam and Eve that if they disobeyed him they would die. This meant that they couldn’t live on forever and ever enjoying all the wonderful things in the Garden of Eden. instead, sooner or later they would become feeble, and finallv die.

QUESTIONS Who was the first man, and where did he live? Who was the first one to give names to animals?

Death is a terrible thing, isn’t it?

Who was the wife of the first man, and where did she come from?

And just think, it is because Adam and Eve did as God told them not to do that people all over the world are dying! If it had not been for this, there wouldn’t be any sick people in the world.

Why did Adam and Eve have to leave the Garden of Eden and will they ever return?

Well, Adam and Eve learned a lot in that way, didn’t they? If mother or father tells you not to put your hands on the hot stove and then you do so, you suffer for your disobedience; but you do learn that the stove is hot, so you don’t put your hands on it any more. Now that is why God let Adam and Eve do what they did. He wanted them to learn for themselves that they would suffer if they did what he told them not to do. The Bible tells us that some day God will use his great power to make Adam and Eve alive again, and then all that they learned will be a great help to them, won’t it? And even better than this, the Bible tells us that all Adam’s children who have died will be made alive again, and by and by the whole earth will be just like the Garden of Eden. You see, that is what God really planned to do. He wanted Adam’s family to keep making that garden bigger, until it covered the whole earth. God doesn’t change his mind, and he has plenty of power to do everything he wants to do; so the whole earth will be like the Garden of Eden some day. Then 34 Sept./Oct. 2003


Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 22

The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22

CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORES Battles Religious Bookstore 4315 Sheriff Road, N.E. Washington, DC 20019 (202) 398-2366

It’s God’s Choice Christian Bookstore

10582 Campus Way South Upper Marlboro, Maryland (301) 499-7979

Walker Mill Square Shopping Center 1454 Addison Road South Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Phone: (301 499-5799 Fax: (301) 499-4558 e-mail: [email protected]

Jesus Bookstore

John 3:16 Christian Bookstore

4823 Allentown Road Camp Springs, Maryland 20746 (301) 735-1100

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For His Glory

Potomac Adventist Book and Health Food Store 12004 Cherryhill Silver Spring, Maryland (301) 572-0700

Plan Of Salvation If you have not confessed Jesus Name, now is the time to do so, and see what this walk with Christ is really all about. To be born again simply means to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Your mouth is your Creative Force: Just repeat these words:

Romans 10:9-10 9 - If thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 - For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Matthew 5:16 –

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Sept./Oct. 2003




First of all there are many people that cannot see a penny on the ground because of eye problems. „ Second, there are others that cannot bend over to pick the penny up because of various body aliments. „ Third others are bedridden, confined in nursing homes, and/or hospitals, which prevent them from walking freely to even see the penny on the ground. After looking at those above situations, I could see that it is a blessing to be able to walk around to see and pick up the penny that is on the ground.

by J.R. Stovall

I Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJV) 16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


s we go about our daily task it is amazing how we ignore the small and simple things that God blesses us with. We tend to thank Him for the big things, like our homes, cars, and jobs. But, yet we forget to thank him for the small things. We need to give thanks for those things as well. We should thank Him for the air that we breathe; for the food that we eat; for the water that we drink; for waking us up each morning and for our health. We tend to take those things for granted: especially when it comes to our health. I was in the beauty shop a few weeks ago one Saturday morning, when a lady came in and said, “she has just been blessed.” I said, “How?” She went on to explain that before coming in the beauty shop, she looked down on the ground and found a penny. Now I started thinking, how is this a blessing? So I stopped for a moment and begin to look at this situation with my spiritual eyes and was able to clearly see the blessing in finding a penny. Well let me share with you what I learned from that experience: 36 Sept./Oct. 2003

So the next time you are going about your daily routine, take a moment to stop and “smell the roses” so to speak. Go for a walk in the park and listen to the birds chirp, watch and enjoy the beauty of a butterfly and the other things of nature. Stop and enjoy the little things of life that God put here for us to enjoy. Remember there are people that cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or have full use of their body limbs to enjoy the little things of life. Thank God right now for your five senses and the full activity of your limbs. Please don’t take these things for granted. Know when you see a penny that is on the ground remember it is a something to be thankful for. Psalm 136:1 Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. VCM

J. R. Stovall is a freelance writer and the author of “Answering the Call, Discovering Your Purpose.” She is currently working on her next project to be released soon. J. R. Stovall resides in the metro Atlanta, GA area. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 404-274-1383

“Uncertain Riches”

 by L.C. Tardy

t is not about the material things in the church, being taught the word of God. At life. Our purpose is not to pray the age of fourteen, she asked Christ to for the lavish life, the finer things come into her life as her personal Savior. It in life, or to labor for riches, but to answer was at this time that Pastor Johnson was the call of God, and to discover the pursuit saved and filled with the spirit of God. of God’s purpose for our lives. Pastor At age seventeen, she preached her first Shirley Johnson had a calling on public message and from that day on she her life, and she answered the call has been serving the Lord. With a and discovered promising career her purpose. with the U.S. Postal “ Pastor Shirley Johnson is the prime example of Now God is Service, her family using her to help settled in the suburbs someone who understands true labor. She bring about the of Maryland. understands that material things are just fringe manifestation of benefits, yet temporal and not eternal. “ the sons of God. Pastor Shirley Johnson could have The bible says, (Proverbs 23:4-5) “Labor not to be lived a comfortable and peaceful life, yet knowing rich: cease from thine own wisdom. Wilt thou set that just miles away there were hundreds of men and thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches women who did not have such comforts - some of certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as whom were homeless, addicted to drugs and alcohol, an eagle toward heaven.” or victims of domestic violence and street crime - she could not rest. Using her own resources and Pastor Shirley Johnson is the prime example of someone whatever time she had between work shifts, she who understands true labor. She understands that material ventured into one of the most crime - ridden, things are just fringe benefits, yet temporal and not eternal. devastated areas of the District of Columbia. Pastor Johnson gave up her promising career with U.S. Postal service to become a servant for God. Responding to her heart’s call to serve those in need,


The bible says, (1 Timothy 6:17-19) Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living GOD, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”

BIOGRAPHY OF PASTOR SHIRLEY HOLLOWAY JOHNSON Pastor Johnson is a native of the state of New York. As a young child, Pastor Johnson spent her years in

Pastor Johnson’s ministry developed into House of Helps/City, a faith based ministry to provide assistance to children of families, single men and women, single parents and children who need help to make their lives whole. As well as meeting the needs for such necessities of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. House of Helps/City of Hope provides Bible Study, internal guidance, career counseling, narcotics anonymous meetings, parenting classes and life skills to allow residents to return to society as whole productive citizens. House of Helps/City of Hope has reached over five thousand individuals since it started in 1997. Sept./Oct. 2003


THE BIRTH OF A SAINT: I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with a young lady who joined Pastor Johnson’s Ministry in January 2001. Her name is Gloria Jean Williams. While talking to Gloria I felt the anointing in her. She has a kind-heart, and a lovable spirit, she is also very hardworking and obedient. She is an anointed child of God. Gloria shared her testimony with me, and expressed how Pastor Johnson shows those who enter her ministry so much love, and teaches them how to stand in the evil day, by showing them how to deal with spiritual warfare in the world, through studying about the Christian armor in the word of God. After reading Gloria’s testimony, and seeing how God had literally transformed her life; it brought tears to my eyes, and joy in my heart. When I received the picture of Gloria in a dance stance, her picture spoke to my spirit. It said, “I am free, my spirit is free, and I belong to God, I am no longer held in bondage, I have been called out of darkness and placed into God’s marvelous light, I am free.” The following is Gloria Jean Williams’s testimony:

TESTIMONIAL: When I was a little girl I remember getting long beatings with my sisters and mother by my father. My mother left my father numerous times. My mother shot my father and he had to wear a colostomy bag the rest of his life. I believe the spirit of fear got in me then. Anyway I made it through school (I was most talented; mainly dance) I had about four abortions before my daughter made it here, then a son five years later. Yes, I was smoking crack cocaine during both pregnancies. I quit twice, each time lasted four months. I had gotten to the point that I would sleep until I had something to smoke, not wanting to do anything but smoke. After smoking, I felt very creepy and paranoid. I would be dead broke and stay up for 3 to 4 nights ripping and running the streets without any food. I would pray to stop, I would wonder how could I be so stupid. Anyway being evicted a couple of times brought Evangelist Gloria Berger to my door and she brought me to Holy Ministries. I came on the New Year of 2001, and been here ever since. I love the ministry very much. Pastor has shown me how to love others and myself. Apostle Shirley Holloway Johnson gives us so much love. She teaches us everything that she knows about Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Apostle Shirley Johnson makes sure that we have some spiritual weapons to fight within the spiritual world. So I have been delivered from lying, stealing, cursing, fornication, drugs etc. Now I dance for God, the ministry and the church; I am also a secretary. I thank the Lord that I have studied these things in school and now I am using them for the glory of God. I look forward in helping others that come to Christ. VCM

For information please contact: Apostle Shirley Johnson at (202) 889-87688 or Rachel Brown (202) 610-3116.

Linda C. T ar dy is a F riter/A uthor Tar ardy Frr eelance W Writer/A riter/Author uthor.. She is the Publisher o off this magazine magazine,, Visions Christian Magazine. 38 Sept./Oct. 2003

Sept./Oct. 2003


It’s God’s Choice Christian Bookstore Walker Mill Square Shopping Center 1454 Addison Road South Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 301-499-5799 – store number [email protected]

Christian Comic Night “A Merry Heart Maketh A Good Medicine”

Featuring Royal Comedians of the Gospel On Saturday, October 11th, 2003 From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Doors open at 4:00 p.m.)

at The Meeting Place 1442 Addison Road South Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 Tickets are $15.00 per person **Patrons can pay $20.00 for one ticket and to be listed on Patron list.** For further information, tickets and directions contact: Thelma Lee at 301-499-5799 or Yvonne Brown at 202-398-3663.

40 Sept./Oct. 2003

Sponsored by It’s God’s Choice Christian Bookstore and Gray-Brown Flower Arrangements

Sept./Oct. 2003





Matthew 18:10-20 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 10

"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. 12 "What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.

A Brother Who Sins Against You 15

"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. 18 "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” 42 Sept./Oct. 2003

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