Vision And Missiona Alka

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Vision and Mission

Infosys International Inc. has a solid reputation as a business and information technology consulting company. Our Visi on To help our clients meet their goals through our people, services and solutions Our Miss ion Infosys International Inc. is dedicated to providing the people, services and solutions our clients need to meet their information technology challenges and business goals. • • • • •

Work to understand the needs and requirements of our clients before proposing a solution Develop responsive proposals that provide cost-effective solutions to our clients needs Deploy the right mix of people and products to deliver value-added services and solutions to our clients Follow-up on the quality of our services and solutions to our clients Appreciate the trust that our clients put in us as we work with them to improve their business and information technology.

Awards Ne tw ork ing M ag azine 's 2008 D avi d Award - Janu ary 2008 Raj Mehta, Chairman and CEO of Infosys International Inc. has been honored by Network Magazine with the 2008 David Award. He is the first Indian American to win this prestigious award. Named for the Michelangelo's Statue of David, The David Awards each year celebrates eight Long Island-based men for their dedication and commitment to business and their communities. Fifty Influen tia l En trepreneu rs in B usiness Award - July 20 07 Infosys International Chairman and CEO Raj Mehta was presented with this award by the Minority Enterprise Executive Council in Washington DC. 2007 Mino ri ty/ Women O wned B usiness En ter prise Trail B lazer Award - Febru ar y 2007 Raj Mehta, Chairman & CEO of Infosys International Inc. was awarded the 2007 M/WBE Trail Blazer Award from Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs in appreciation for his dedication, devotion and commitment towards business leadership on Long Island. Award of Reco gni ti on for Prof ess ion al A chiev ement - 2006 Raj Mehta, chairman and CEO of Infosys International Inc. has been recognized by the Indian Lawyers Association of Long Island 2004 Top So ft ware Winner – May 2004 BluePearl and Employee-Site, Infosys International Inc.’s two software products, were selected among Top Software products in Long Island at Long Island Software Awards – LISA 2004. Award of Ap prec ia ti on from Press Clu b of L ong Isla nd – 200 3 Infosys International Inc. was awarded by Long Island’s premier networking organization for journalists for its outstanding efforts in developing and maintaining PCLI’s Internet presence. Raj Meht a recei ved SB A's C ommu nity Servi ce Aw ard – May 2001 Raj Mehta, Chairman and CEO of Infosys international Inc. has been selected to receive the United States Small Business Administration's Community Service Award for his distinguished service to the small business community during fiscal year 2000. i-Timesheet .c om wo n 2nd pl ac e at the 2001 L ong Isla nd S oft ware Awards – May 2001 won 2nd place in the "Line of Business Software" category at the 2001 Long Island Software Awards in May 2001. The LISA event was created to celebrate the strength and diversity of Long Island's software industry. By recognizing excellence in a wide range of software areas, the awards seek to stimulate creative interaction among those active in the region, and to give their development and application activities a higher level of recognition. Fi ve Peo ple t o W at ch - Sep tem ber 2000 For the second year in a row, Mr. Raj Mehta, President and CEO of Infosys International Inc. was recognized in "Newsday's LI Business Report" as one of the five businessmen that influence the development of technology and economy on Long Island. Fastes t Gro win g Co mp an y o f Lon g Isl an d - Oc to ber 1999 KPMG Peat Marwick LLP and Hofstra University rated Infosys International Inc. as one of the fastest growing companies in Long Island for the second year in a row.

Raj Meht a, Sma ll B usiness A dv oca te Exp or ter - 1999 Mr. Raj Mehta, President and CEO of Infosys International Inc. was awarded as Small Business Advocate Exporter for outstanding service and contribution to The Long Island Small Business Community for the year 1999 by the Long Island Association. Fi ve Peo ple t o W at ch - Mar ch 1999 Mr. Raj Mehta, President and CEO of Infosys International Inc. was recognized in "Newsday's LI Business Report" as one of the five businessmen that influence the development of technology and economy on Long Island. INC 500 - Nov em ber 1998 Inc Magazine selected Infosys International Inc. in their 17th annual listing of the fastest growing companies in the United States of America. Companies in this list are rated according to their performances in the period of last 5 years. Being listed thus becomes a symbol of recognition in the industry. Infosys International Inc. has been ranked 294th in the INC 500 list. Infosys International, Inc. was one of the 25 companies from New York State and the only company from Long Island. Fastes t Gro win g Co mp an y o f Lon g Isl an d - Oc to ber 1998 In the survey conducted by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP and Hofstra University, Infosys International Inc. was selected as one of the fastest growing Long Island companies from all industries, based on the performance and growth achieved. Fastes t Gro win g Sof tware C om pa ny o f Long Isla nd - May 1998 Infosys International Inc. was rated by KPMG-Peat Marwick LLP and LISTNET (Long Island Software Technology Network) as the fastest growing software company in Long Island, based on the percentage of growth achieved in terms of revenue among about 450 IT companies in Long Island.

F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 8 , 2 0 0 9

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Posted: Fri, Sep 4 2009. 12:23 AM IST


How Infosys, Wipro helped staffers turn entrepreneurs The trend of IT employees starting their own businesses has increased in the past few years K. Raghu

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Bangalore: For Devdutt Yellurkar, both the audience and questions were familiar. On a sunny afternoon last Saturday, a small group of entrepreneurs that had gathered at the sparsely furnished office of Sen-Sei Technologies Pvt. Ltd, were quizzing him on what made a startup click. Click here to listen to XITE founder, Jagdish Vasishtha, talk about Infosys, XITE, and life as an entrepreneur Yellurkar, a partner at US venture capital firm Charles River Ventures, had joined Infosys Technologies Ltd, now India’s second largest software exporter, in 1987 when it had just 25 employees. Some years later, he co-founded Yantra Corp., a product firm incubated by Infosys, before leaving it in 1996. The group—XITE, or Ex Infosys Technology Entrepreneurs—had lots to glean from him. It was their third quarterly meeting since the group was formed in January and Yellurkar was on a visit to Bangalore. When they aren’t meeting, members keep in touch through an online forum to exchange views and ideas, and lend each other a helping hand. Back together: Members of XITE, or Ex Infosys Technology Entrepreneurs, at their third quarterly meeting since the group was formed in January. The members also keep in touch through an online forum. Jagadeesh NV/Mint “Suddenly, I discovered that there are many people (from Infosys) starting companies. I thought why not we keep in touch and share ideas,” says Jagdish K. Vasishtha, who started XITE. “Any startup faces the same issues.”

Vasishtha and his colleague Srinivas Seshadri quit Infosys in 2006 to start Injoos Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd, which makes a pay-as-you-use social business software that allows companies to store and mine documents, even scrap notes, created by its employees, on the lines of general social networks such as Facebook. The group currently has some 50 ex-Infoscians. Most of them had quit the information technology (IT) bellwether in the past three years to follow their own dreams, following the example of N.R. Narayana Murthy, who left Patni Computer Systems Ltd and founded Infosys in 1981 together with six others. The story of Murthy founding Infosys with an investment of Rs10,000 borrowed from his wife Sudha is a legend in Indian industry. The firm, now a constituent of the Bombay Stock Exchange’s 30-stock benchmark index, the Sensex, employs at least 100,000 people and reported revenue of Rs21,693 crore in 2008-09. “Once Murthy found the right business model, there was no looking back,” says Yellurkar, who’s not a member of XITE, but is seen by the group as an inspiration. In the early Infosys days, Yellurkar used to market its services in the US from his home before the company opened its first overseas office. “His passion rubbed (off) on us. It was magic.”

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anonymous Said: Ask ex Infosys employees you will get to know how hierarchical the company is. Posted On 9/4/2009 1:59:05 AM Post Comments


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Who is the BEST - Infosys, Wipro or TCS?

Hi All.. Lets decide.. Who is the BEST - Infosys, Wipro or TCS? One day, three consultants, one from Wipro, one from Infosys and one from TCS, went out for a walk. "Why don't we prove who is the best among ourselves?" Why not, said the other two. The Infosian said "Let's have a test. Whoever makes this monkey laugh, works for the best firm". Being a pure logical strategist, the person from TCS tried to make the monkey Laugh by telling jokes. The monkey stayed still. As a more practical consultant, the Wipro guy tried to make funny gestures... No good, the monkey stayed put... Now, comes the Infosian. Being the practical guy he was always trained to be, he whispered something into the monkey's ear, and it burst out laughing at him .. The other two were astonished. So the Wipro guy said "OK, let's take another test. Let's make this monkey cry!!" So there they went again, applying the same methods as before. The TCS guy narrated sad stories, the Wipro guy made sad gestures, and they failed again... Then, the Infosian again whispered something into the monkey's ear and oh! It started crying, patting the Infosian's shoulder! The other two just could not believe their eyes! So the tcs guy said "OK, you've won twice. If you can win just this one, we will bow to you. Let's make this monkey run". and he barked at the monkey and ordered him to run. Of course, it stayed where it was.. The Wipro guy, true to his type, pushed and prodded the monkey- still No go. comes Infosian, again, and whispers into the monkey's ear. The Monkey just takes off! It runs and runs as fast as it can, as if it was scared to death! The other two surrendered. They Said: "OK, we give up. You're the best among us, and you work for the Best firm of the three. But

Please, please tell us your secret," they begged him. "Well", said the Infosian, "The first time I made it laugh, I told I work for Infosys. The next time, I told the monkey how much I get paid it started crying.

And then I told that I was here for recruitment! !! Regards,

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