Virtual Reference Service

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Virtual Reference Service

Submitted by Hanem Ibrahim Southern Connecticut State University ILS- 504 - Dr Okobie

Fall 2009

In this assignment we were asked to search for and locate a CHAT Reference Service on the Web and participate in a chat session and provide our evaluation of the chat reference service. I had to ask a reference question and interact with the services., These are the requirement for this reference chat. 1- The Virtual Reference URL: I did the virtual reference with Association of Jesuit Colleges &University (AJCU) It’s a virtual reference online with librarian from different academic librarian in some of the States MA, CA, MD…it ‘s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except for a few holidays) I start doing that chat after midnight on Tuesday Nov. 3rd at 12.36 AM. In Connecticut time (Eastern time zone) so I chose one library in the west coast It was still Monday Nov. 2nd at 10.36 PM. (Western time) I chose to have a virtual chat with librarian at University of San Francisco in California. The URL of that Virtual chat: 2- The Software of this Chat : It is “Ask A Librarian Express” it’s powered by It is Reference support for whole community , Their Service available 24/7, Easy to implement and easy to use , Staffed by certified librarians with MLS, MLIS or equivalent degrees. Sessions monitored for quality control , Resources from your databases. 3- Question: My main question I asked the reference librarian is : “I need to know is there any Asian community live in San Francisco?, What is their percentage %? and way of life?” 4- Evaluation : In order to have a good virtual reference services there should be understanding between the librarian and the client. (IFLA, 1999) –

The librarian ( Helen ) did most of the criteria of good virtual reference interview there was understanding between me as (client) and her as(Librarian),

She did good job by responding to all of my questions, with almost available right reference tools .

She Provided me with the right information about the types of questions( statistics from US Census Bureau” she also provided me with a links to a specific answer but

she provided me with the URL for that URL >

She also provided me with another specific URL for more Ethic information that has guides to Ethnic groups, also she provided me with much detailed statistic in one of San Francisco counties (Bay County)

The bad thing about this virtual interview –

I was waiting for long time till I received the services since I started it till somebody offer me the services.

When the session started I was waiting without knowing was she still there, she didn’t tell me she needed more time “ I was afraid to end the session before I finish with it.

She didn’t inform me to wait till she searches for the answer to my question.

1- A discussion of your reaction to the service –

She insure that she understood my question by asking me this question “I see you are researching the Asian community in San Francisco?” After I responded to her that she was right about that, she didn’t start looking for the answer till she was sure that I need statistics so she asked me another question “Just to make sure, you need statistics from the city and not the county of San Francisco? She didn’t wait for my agreement to that one, and started to look for the answer by t telling me she will check the US Census Bureau.

I reminded her about the rest of main question” Which kind of job they work?.Is there Chinese food restaurant? she checked the library resources of San Francisco, Then she wanted to make sure I can got access to that and asked me if I’m student at San Francisco, I didn’t want to tell her I ‘m student at SCSU in Connecticut because I have experienced before with another reference librarian in Ohio that they only assisting their resident, and told me to referee to one of the reference chat in CT, she made sure that she was

serving a student at san Francisco, I actually don’t know why they do that, is it because of the lack of virtual librarians in each area or what? –

I asked her What about the Restaurant? She referred me to one book in San Francisco library, I waited for her to refer me to any online directory could help me more but she didn’t, I didn’t ask her to search for a directory, but she should answer question about stores or restaurant from any local or national directory.

I felt like she was smiling when I told her she is good librarian her comment was “glad you called in!”

I thanked her to end the session before they did that, I felt she wanted to leave by telling me “Are you all set for now? ”

1- A transcript of my session with the service AJCU Virtual Reference Session Transcript Fro m:

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Sent Mon 11/02/09 10:36 PM : To: [email protected] Date: 11/3/2009 Start Time: 1:00am End Time: 1:30am Category: U of San Francisco Question: I need to know is their any Asian community live in San Francisco?, What is their percentage % and way of life ================================================ Chat Log *** Please Note: All sessions are recorded for quality control *** You: I need to know is their any Asian community live in San Francisco?, What is their percentage % and way of life Helen D: Hello Helen D: I see you are researching the Asian community in San Francisco?

You: Hello yes Helen D: Just to make sure, you need statistics from the city and not the county of San Francisco? Helen D: Let's check the US Census Bureau first You: I need to get more statistic information Helen D: URL > Helen D: ok, I was checking the Census first, here are some statistics that could be helpful You: Which kind of job they work?.Is there Chinese food restaurant, I love Chinese food Helen D: Let's check the library resources to see what information may be available, Helen D: just to make sure since we serve many ACJU libraries, you are a University of San Francisco student? You: I am student Yes Helen D: ok great I am just checking now to see which library resources will be most helpful Helen D: in case you hadn't seen it already, this is from the Bay Area Census Helen D: URL > You: .Great Helen D: I was checking the library's Ethnic Studies guide, Helen D: and found there are several reference books that could be helpful, Helen D: here is the guide, Helen D: URL > Helen D: You'll need to scroll down to "Asian American Statistics" Helen D: In addition, there are several databases at the bottom of the guide, Helen D: including Statistical Abstract of the United States and Lexis Nexis Statistical that could be helpful You: that 's great what about the restaurant Helen D: Let me check for information about that now, it was Chinese food restaurants? Helen D: I was checking the library catalog and the Link Plus catalog, Helen D: and found this book in Link plus Helen D: URL > San Francisco)+and+(chinese food)&SORT=D/X( San Francisco)+and+(chinese food)&SORT=D&SUBKEY=( San Francisco) and (chinese food)/1,8,8,B/frameset&FF=X( San Francisco)+and+ (chinese food)&SORT=D&1,1,# You: wonderful information Helen You are great Librarian Helen D: glad you called in! Helen D: are you all set for now? You: is this book available in your library only Helen D: It is available in the Link plus library, so as a USF student, you should be able to request it using the link to Request this item You: Thanks Appreciate your time

You: Good night Helen D: good night, bye for now Web Browser San Francisco)+and+(chinese food)&SORT=D/X( San Francisco)+and+(Chinese food)&SORT=D&SUBKEY=( San Francisco) and (chinese food)/1,8,8,B/frameset&FF=X( San Francisco)+and+ (chinese food)&SORT=D&1,1,# 2- A comparison of in person reference transaction and the Chat reference transaction. – – – – –

– –

I think patrons receive more attention from the librarian through the Face- t-o face or ( personal) reference interview as soon as they start it. There will be eye contact between theme in face – to- face interview, they’ll see each other’s reaction Patrons will know what is the librarian doing, instead of waiting online. The smiling reaction which shows the librarian’s willing to help or the satisfaction from patrons will be noticed through the Face- t-o face interview I think librarians in face to face interviews will provide more information about the types of questions, they may use online or any other ready reference tools available in the reference desk, but virtual librarian will have the answer most likely from the available online services. Patrons may get a Xerox copy of answer to their questions from ready reference tools, but in virtual chat they URL only will stay with patrons as references to the answer, the answer itself could be lost after the end of session. With the virtual reference the tone of voice will be missing either from the librarians or their patrons. Patrons could end the interview whenever they want through the face -to- face interview but most of the time virtual librarian end chat reference without getting the agreement from patrons, and they always busy helping other online chat

At the end of this assignment I would like to say that I had a very good experience dealing as patrons with virtual librarian, I felt the needs of patrons , and learned how to perform a good virtual reference services as it has to be with applying the criteria of” Good Virtual Reference service” Reference :

IFLA (1999) Discussion Group on Reference Work Report The Virtual Reference interview: Equivalencies: A discussion proposal by: Ann Viles. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Retrieved Nov 3, 2009. Form:

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