Vinay'z Left Out Eco-1

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 289
  • Pages: 3
Marks : 2 4.

According to the World Bank's approach, the tradable items would be valued at the corresponding world prices and the non-tradable items at the .

Characteristics of the phase of Recession are :a) b ) c) d )

Investments decline Negative multiplier gets underway Inventories pile up The growth of supply and demand is very fast

Marks : 2 17.

The crucial factor in determining the level of income and employment, according to Keynes is :-


Effective demand Effective supply Equilibrium price Investment

b ) c) d )

Marks : 2 32.

Equilibrium is the stage of :-


Maximum satisfaction Imbalance Balance Stationary

b ) c) d )

Marks : 2 38.

The production function can be explained by :-

a) b )

Law of variable proportions Laws of returns to scale Optimum combinations of inputs Total Revenue & Total Cost curve

c) d ) Factors influencing selling costs are :-


Type of product Introduction of new goods Technology changes Advertising by customers

b ) c) d )


Goods produced on small scale have :-


Relatively inelastic supply Relatively elastic supply Unitary elastic supply Perfectly inelastic supply

b ) c) d ) The Homeostatic theory

1. Prof. Kenneth Boulding

2. Satisfying behavior

2. Baumol

3. Joint – sector enterprises

3. Social Welfare

4. State enterprises

4. Cyert R.M. and J.G. March 5. Public welfare 6. Hindustan Machine Tools

The disinvestments of industries is needed for :-

a) b )

Phased privatization Reducing deficit Capital support to plans Diverting the money to monopolist

c) d ) A competitive industry has three basic characteristics :-

a) b ) c) d )

Large Number of Firms Homogeneous Product Free entry and exit Heterogeneous Prices

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