Topic: 3 new tips to fight homesickness Student: Anthony De La Cruz Pintado Course: Ingles 4 Hello, my name is Anthony and continuation I talk about 3 tips to fight homesickness. I have lived alone since 2017 at the beginning was difficult but then I got used to it. For you fight homesickness you should make three things.
First, you family is very import so you should to stay in touch with them. For example, I have called to my parents twice week when I came back from college. Also, I have made video calls before I slept. Second, you should know people. in my experienced I have been knowing people in class, in the restaurants and the gym. my friends I have met them when I was in second cycle. With my friends I have been studying for the exams and I have gone cinema. Third, you should have your time busy. I remember that I have gone a swim pool the weekends, I like swim. I have been going at library recently. I don´t like to be alone in my bedroom so I have always left.