How it works... The scientists finnally show the world how these revolutionary
“It doesn’t matter
the size of your brain,
blue pills
but the pleasure it can provide to you”
really work
viagra’s inventor
Viagra is ingested throught the mouth. If you use it along with a bottle of champagne and strawberries, effect can be even better
Before use Viagra, man’s
After Viagra acts in the
eyes can only see the
brain, man’s eyes start to
woman the way she really
see other qualities in the
is: ugly and discusting.
woman, such as inteligence
This way, he can’t feel any
and sensitivity, making him
sexual desire on her
feel atracted to her
When ingested, it acts on the brain’s sexual sector of the men, activating the sexual organs, like the penis and the tongue
This piece of crap is integrating part of Paçoquinha, badly translated from portuguese art and text: carlos gustavo curado – guga