Verb Tenses

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VERB TENSES Verbs are also known as actions. In English, the type of verb that we will be using in a sentence is determined by the Subject –either it is singular or plural (see the Subject topic). In other words, Verbs must agree with their Subjects in number. Singular verbs are used with singular subjects and plural verbs go with plural subjects. Verbs are also determined by the Adverb of Time and Adverb of Frequency ( see the Adverb Topic). The Adverb of Time that is associated with the Past Tenses will be: yesterday, last (week, month, night, year, Monday, etc), ago, a while ago, just now The Adverb of Time that is associated with the Present Tenses will be: today, right now, every (day, year, month, week, Monday, etc) , at this moment. We will also use the Adverb of Frequency like always, seldom, usually, frequently with the Present Tenses. The Adverb of Time that is associated with the Future Tenses will be: tomorrow, tonight, next (day, year, month, week, Monday, etc).

Verb tenses can be divided into twelve different categories: PAST



Simple Past

Simple Present

Simple Future

Past Continuous

Present Continuous

Future Continuous

Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Future Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous


SIMPLE PAST TENSE When do we use the Simple Past tense?

To show a completed past action when the time of the action is stated or known. Example: I saw them yesterday. She cooked dinner for her family last night.

To express a past habit. Example: She always walked to work when she lived in Alor Setar He never behaved like that when he was younger.

It can be used after ‘wish’ in sentences like these: Example: I wish I lived near a river. I wish I knew the answer to that question. Do you ever wish you were a millionaire?

In the second type (less likely) of conditional sentence. Example: If that branch fell off it would hit his car. I should be surprised if we won.

After ‘would rather’ when we speak about another person. Example: I would rather you travelled by train tomorrow. I would rather he spent his money on something useful.

To replace a present tense in reported speech, unless the original action is still incomplete or is always true. Example: direct: He said, ”There’s a hole in the roof.” indirect: He said there was a hole in the roof.

How to form a simple past tense? (positive form)

BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS will use the past tense form of verb except when using ‘to be verb’. (see the chart below)

Some examples of the past tense verbs

Infinitive Verbs am, is (to be), singular are (to be), plural act aim brake cook come drink

Past Tense Verbs singular subject plural subjects was were acted acted aimed aimed broke broke cooked cooked came came drank drank


Infinitive Verbs eat find feed freeze gather go hide jump kick laugh marry note push question rest swim talk wave drive study sweep dream fly buy bring leave try give run draw do prepare catch burn type cry

Past Tense Verbs singular subject plural subjects ate ate found found fed fed froze froze gathered gathered went went hid hid jumped jumped kicked kicked laughed laughed married married noted noted pushed pushed questioned questioned rested rested swam swam talked talked waved waved drove drove studied studied swept swept dreamt dreamt flew flew bought bought brought brought left left tried tried gave gave ran ran drew drew did did prepared prepared caught caught burnt burnt typed typed cried cried

How to form a simple past tense (negative form) •

we will use the word ‘did not’ and the verb is change to bare infinitive Example: She worked in Dr Lim’s clinic last year. (positive) She did not work in Dr Lim’s clinic last year (negative) Note:

Bare infinitive means that the verb will not have any suffixes like -s , -ed, -en, or –ing


EXERCISE – Simple Past Tense Rewrite these sentences in the negative. 1. The girls cheered him up. 2. They watched him play. 3. He wrote articles for his school magazine last year. 4. The concert started at 8 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m. 5. She sat on the sofa and looked round the sitting room. 6. She lived there with her uncle two years ago. 7. Your brother fell asleep in the rocking-chair. 8. Lily’s grandfather fell ill this morning. 9. The servant dusted the furniture and mopped the floor. 10. He told me everything that happened in the college. 11. She visited her aunt last night. 12. We stayed the night with friends. 13. The clock stopped at three o’clock yesterday. 14. Mr Chang spoke as though he was angry. 15. They elected him the chairman of the club. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. The rubber sheets.................(be dried) and then...................(smoke). 2. The hunters..................(catch) the man-eating tiger last night. 3. I.............(meet) them in the hall just now. 4. “ a noise last night?” 5. “We...............(grow) up together,” said Ah Chai. 6. He .............(be) angry because we..................(not take) his advice. 7. They...............(go) to the fair last nigh and............. (win) many prizes. 8. An hour ago he ............. (agree) to join the club but you..............(say) he .................(be) too young. 9. He.............(say) he.............(be) sorry he ...............(not tell) us the news earlier. 10. The cattle................(be rounded) up and ..............(drive) into the pen. 11. ............(Be) everyone at home when you................(call)? 12. Nam Wah ...............(wave) to me when he...............(see) me this morning. 13. As he was climbing up the stairs, he ..............(trip) and...............(fall). 14. Every girl ..............(be given) a slip of paper on which they............(write) their answers. 15. My alarm clock..............(ring) at 6 a.m. but I ................(not get) up from my bed. 16. Yesterday Andrew...............(have) a toothache, so his mother.............(take) him to the dentist. 17. At last they................(find) the treasure which...............(be hidden) in the cave. 18. The minutes...............(tick) away slowly but still nothing ....................happen). 19. I.................(borrow) this book a fortnight ago. 20. Last night I ..................(dream) I ................(be) in space. 21. What..............Swee Lan ...............(buy) when she................(go) shopping yesterday? 22. The bee..............(fly) in through the window and ...............(sting) my arm.


PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE When do we use the Past Continuous tense? •

To show an action which was happening at a time when another was completed. Note:

We also used this tense with words like while, when and as.

Example: I hurt myself when I was playing hockey. As he was walking to school, he saw a cobra While Lina was driving, her car broke down. Note:

We use a Past Continuous tense (for the action that was still happening) and a Simple Past tense (for the completed action)

To show an action that was happening at a certain time in the past. Example: Paul was doing his homework at eight o’clock last night. The girls were practicing for the concert all afternoon.

To show two separate actions happening at the same time in the past. Example: Susan was singing while Mei Ling was playing the piano. I was washing the dishes while my sister was dusting the furniture.

In Indirect or reported speech, we use it to replace the Present Continuous tense. Example: direct: He said, “Uncle is coming tomorrow.” indirect: He said that his uncle was coming the next day.

How do we form the Past Continuous tense? •

SINGULAR SUBJECT was + present participle Example: She was staying at her grandmother’s house while on vacation.

PLURAL SUBJECTS were + present participle Example: It started to rain when we were playing football. They were preparing for their exams all day yesterday. Note:

See the topic on Participles.


EXERCISE – Past Continuous Tense Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. “what........... you...............(do) all yesterday afternoon? 2. She said that she.................(not imagine) things. 3. They...................(dance) while the music ..................(play). 4. He...............(take) his bath when he heard someone call him. 5. He said that he....................(paint) the walls. 6. The train...............just (pull) out from the station when we arrived. 7. The boy jumped down from the bus while it................(move). 8. Both of them..............(run) round the field. When we saw them they ................(chase) each other. 9. The baby...................(cry) all yesterday morning and no one know how to comfort it. 10. They ...................(whisper) to each other while the teacher...............(teach). 11. We...............busy................(prepare) dinner when he came. 12. As he...................(enter) the house, someone hit him on the head. 13. While I.................(work), my sister..................(sleep) in the room. 14. We...............(have) dinner when the lights went out. 15. He..................(wash) the car while the gardener.....................(mow) the lawn. 16. He.................(tap) his finger softly on the table as he.................(think) 17. “What.............. you................. (say) just now?” he asked. “I’m sorry I .............. (not listen).” 18. The scouts .................. (camp) on the beach when one of them fell ill. Fill in the Past Continuous or Simple Past tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. A boy...................(snatch) her bag while she................(shop). 2. It....................(drizzle) when I ................... (wake) up. 3. While the boys.....................(watch) television, we............... (go) for a walk. 4. The film...........just .................(start) when I ..............(enter). 5. He..............(fall) into the sea as he................ (lean) out of the boat. 6. As they............... (pass) by the market, they.............(see) two women quarrelling. 7. Dawn................ (break) when they .............. (come) back. 8. He ................. (recognize) me even though he.................(not wear) his spectacles. 9. I ............. (doze) off when I ........... (feel) something cold on my hand. 10. He ............... (prepare) for bed when he .............(hear) a knock on his door. 11. As we............... (stroll) on the beach, we .............. (meet) a sailor. 12. A few boys................. (fly) kites while some................ (catch) grasshoppers in the field. 13. At 9 o’clock last night they................ (enjoy) themselves at the party. 14. The children............... (make) a lot of noise while I ................... (try) to concentrate on my work. 15. His shoe............... (fall) off as he..................... (kick) the ball. 16. I................ (unpack) my suitcase when I suddenly....................... (remember) I had forgotten something. 17. When we ............... (see) them, they................. (ride) their bicycle towards the school and ............... (seem) to be in a hurry.


PAST PERFECT TENSE When do we use the Past Perfect tense? • Note:

To show which of two past actions happened first. We also use this tense with words like after, before, when. We will use a Past Perfect tense for the completed first action and a Simple Past tense for the second completed action.

Example: When After


the Past Perfect tense


the Simple Past tense

OR the Simple Past tense

1. 2. •


when after


the Past Perfect tense

When I had eaten all the food, I washed the dishes. I washed the dishes after I had eaten all the food.

To replace the Simple Past tense or the Present Perfect tense in Indirect Speech. Example: direct: He said, “I found it yesterday.” indirect: He said he had found it the day before. direct: indirect:

“Have you finished?” I asked her. I asked her whether she had finished.

In the third type (impossible) of conditional sentence which refer to something which did not happen in the past. Example: 1. If you had locked the door last night, the robbers would not have been able to get in. 2. We would have won the competition if we had trained properly.

It is used with “to wish” when reference is made to past events. Example: I wish I had bought that watch. He said he wished he had not gone to Hong Kong. I wish we had stopped to help that boy.

How do we form the Past Perfect tense? •

BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS had + past participle Note:

See the topic on Participles.


EXERCISE – Past Perfect Tense Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

They................just..............(get) into the car when the taxi arrived. When we reached the station, the train............... already............ (leave). The ice.............. (melt) by the time he came to collect it. We were angry that no one................ (tell) us of the incident. Before I could get to her, the child.................. (fall) out of the window. They fell ill after they..................(eat) the over-ripe fruits. By the time I woke up the tide................ (come) in. The thief confessed where he............. (hide) the money. After he.................(leave) the room, they put their books away. She............. just.................. (arrive) when I met her. She did not know that he.................... (not tell) her the truth. When I ...............(tidy) the room, I arranged the flowers in the vase. After the doctor.................. (examine) their father, he told them the bad news. If she................. (tell) me, I would have known what to do. He wanted to know if anyone................ (see) that girl. She said that she ....................... (complete) her work. John.................. (leave) for the office when Peter visited his house. No one knew what..................... (happen) to the missing boys.

Fill in the correct tense of the verbs in the brackets. Use either the Past Perfect tense or the Simple Past tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

She................ (say) that she................. (forget) to bring her book. He.................(know) that he................. (make) a mistake. When I................. (arrive), Mr Chan ................already ............... (begin) the meeting. The sun.................. (set) by the time they..................(return). Susan..................(lose) her book yesterday. She ................ (think) that she ................ (leave) it on her desk. He.............. (tell) me that he ................ (see) the show. Kam Fook ................. (be) late for school. He said that he................ (miss) the bus. She.................. (give) me the parcel after she ................. (wrap) it up. They.................. (stop) for a break after they..................(work) for four hours. When she.................... (finish) cleaning her room, she.................. (go) downstairs. The bell.................. (ring) before the clock .................. (strike) one. By the time she................. (realize) her mistake, it.............. (be) too late. When I ................. (come) home, I................. (find) her in tears. He.................... (not receive) the parcel although his friend.................... (send) it to him a month ago. I............. (pay) the man when he .................. (come) at nine o’clock this morning. She.................... (forget) about the whole matter when he............... (speak) to her yesterday. The boy............... (say) that he..................(lose) his way.



If you ....................(invite) her, she would have come to the party last night.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS When do we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense? • To show an action which was happening at a certain time in the past and suddenly stopped because of another action was being introduced. Note:

we also use this tense with the word ‘until’ .

Example: Past Perfect Continuous tense

+ until

+ Simple Past tense

1. I had been driving a Toyota Corolla until I bought a new Nissan Sentra. 2. Few years ago, the farmers had been using the old methods until new technology was introduced to them by the Agriculture Department. How do we form the Past Perfect Continuous tense? •

BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS had been + present participle

EXERCISE – Past Perfect Continuous tense Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Continuous tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mr Rama .................. (take) the antibiotics for years until the doctor prescribed him with a different medication. John’s uncle................. (stay) in Australia for a decade until he moved back to Malaysia in 1999. The students ................. (use) the old computers until the school bought new ones last month. The talented artiste .................... (perform) in the show until the theatre closed down to make way for the new building. The poor people .................(live) in the squatters’ area until they were forced to move from that place by the authority. We....................... (vote) for the Independence Party for the last few years until we knew that some party members had misused the funds and decided to change our votes to a different party. Rashid ................... (work) for a telecommunications company until he opened his own company. The engine................(operate) well for sometimes until if finally broke down last week. Mrs Indra......................(teach) at this school until she retired last month. Nora.....................(support) her own niece until she got married last May.


SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE When do we use the Simple Present tense? •

To show a regular or habitual action. Note: The Adverb of Frequency is widely used in this type of tense. Example: 1. I work in the Law Office. 2. Rina always talks to her friend on the phone. 3. They go to the lake regularly.

To show a general truth. Example: 1. The sun rises in the east and sets on the west. 2. Most children like ice cream.

To express future action after the words ‘when’ , ‘if’ and ‘unless’. Example: 1. When he comes tomorrow, tell him I want to see him 2. If you see him next week, give him the money please. 3. I shall not go unless they go as well.

To express future action concerning travel and timetables. Example: 1. My plane leaves the airport at eight o’clock tomorrow morning and reaches Singapore in less than an hour. 2. He arrives tomorrow afternoon and leaves the following day.

How do we form the Simple Present tense? •

SINGULAR SUBJECT Add the suffix ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the verb. Example:

PLURAL SUBJECT (Including the Pronoun I, You) We will use bare infinitive verbs Example:

The child sleeps soundly today. She always cooks soup whenever we come for dinner. He washes his car every week.

I talk to her on the phone every morning. We eat dinner with our family at night.

TO BE VERB Singular Subject is

Pronoun ( I ) am

Plural Subjects are

Example: The student is very clever. I am a teacher. The oranges he bought are sweet.


EXERCISE – Simple Present tense Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present form of the verbs in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

“There................ (go) the bell!” said David. Diamonds ..................(twinkle) like stars. “........... they .............. (agree) to my plan?” The moon................ (shine) at night. John and Wah Heng ................ (play) tennis well but they ................ (not know) how to play cricket. “Don’t come out until I.............. (signal) to you.” The children always .............. (wake) up early. They ............... (have) their breakfast with us. The estate...............(occupy) eighty acres of land. He always ................ (borrow) our things but never............... (return) them to us. Iron................(conduct) electricity but wood................. (do not). The gardener.................. (trim) the hedge, ..............(water) the plants and ................. (cut) the grass. The show................. (start) at 7 p.m. and .............. (end) at 9.30 p.m. I .................. (think) they ................ (know) the answer. He usually............... (wear) a hat and................. (hold) an umbrella when he ............. (go) out. The fishermen ............... (row) out to sea and ............... (cast) out the net. A policeman ................. (keep) law and order in the country. He also ............. (direct) traffic and .............. (watch) over our safety. The eagle ................ (swoop) down on its prey and .............. (carry) it away. The train ............... (leave) the station at 9 a.m. It ................ (travel) north before it ............. (wind) its way to the east coast. The farmers ................ (plant) the seedlings in May and ................. (harvest) the crops in December. Sometimes he .............. (catch) a lot of frogs and ................ (sell) them to the Chinese restaurants. The goods .................. (be packed) and .................(be exported) to other countries. “Where.............(be) I?” she asked. I will meet you there if it................. (not rain). “................. she.................(know) him?” Jane.................. (not like) coffee. She .................. (prefer) tea. ..................these.............. (be made) of real leather? She ............... (think) she .......... (be) right and...............(refuse) to apologize to him. The specimens .................. (be locked) in a glass case and no one ................. (be allowed) to handle them. He won’t come here unless we ................ (agree) to his plan. The pupils ............. (pay) their school fees on the first week of the month. The teacher ................ (give) them each a receipt in return.


PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE When do we use the Present Continuous tense? •

To show an action that is going on now. Example: It is raining right now. I am typing my English papers now. The mechanics are fixing the car at the moment.

To show an action in the near future or a future action which has been planned in advanced. Example: He is coming back to school next week. They are leaving for Manila tomorrow afternoon.

NOTE: Important verbs which are not normally used in a continuous form include the following: Verbs of thinking: think, know, believe, expect, forget, feel, mean, mind, realize, recollect, understand, suppose. Verbs of liking:

like, dislike, want, wish, desire, love, hate, adore

Verbs of senses:

see, hear, smell, notice, recognize

Other verbs:

forgive, seem, belong, appear, owe, own, refuse consist of, possess

Example: Wrong: I am seeing a bird. Correct: I see a bird. How do we form the Present Continuous tense? •

SINGULAR SUBJECT (Pronoun – I) am + present participle Example: I am washing the dishes at the moment.

SINGULAR SUBJECT is + present participle Example: The child is laughing loudly.

PLURAL SUBJECTS are + present participle Example: The school children are standing at the bus stop waiting for their bus.


EXERCISE – Present Continuous tense Give the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

The dog ................ (bark) at the two strangers who ....................... (walk) towards the house. Mr Smith ................. (smoke) a pipe while Mrs Smith .................... (clear) the table. She..................... (sew) a dress. Her sister............... (help) her. I.................. (join) the Red Crescent at the beginning of next month. “Which one of you................. (play) against Tom in the first match?” The holidays.................... (approach). Our class.................... (organize) a trip to Singapore. My uncle................ (arrive) by plane tomorrow. We................(go) to meet him at the airport. “................ Peter and Yoke Keong ..................(take) part in the Big Walk?” Your little brother ............... always .............(ask) questions. The sun............. (rise). The fishermen ................ (return) to the shore with their catch. The bird ............. (hop) from branch to branch. Look! It............. (fly) away now. .............. he............. (meet) us at Rudy’s house tomorrow? It............ (rain). Everyone .............. (run) for shelter. Cheng Yong ............... (knit) a sweater while she...................(wait) for her taxi. The ants ............... (crawl) up the wall. They ............. (carry) a small crumb of bread.

Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous tense of the verbs in brackets. Dark clouds.................. (gather) in the sky. A strong wind ................. (blow). It .............. (go) to rain. People.................... (hurry) home. Look at that boy! He.............. (pedal) his bicycle furiously to get home before the rain starts. He ................(cross) a road now but he............... not.................(look) out for the traffic. The driver of a car ................ (sound) his horn and................(shout) at him angrily. A group of men ................. (walk) rapidly towards the bus-stop. Many people.............. (wait) there too. Look! A taxi................ (come). It.................... (stop) and several women .............. (rush) to get into it but there is not enough space for all. The taxi .............. (move) off and two women ................. (return) to the bus-stop. Oh! It has started to rain. Big drops............... (fall) to the ground. The people on the street .............. (run) for shelter. Some of them................ (open) their umbrellas. A motorcyclist .............. (put) on his raincoat while the rain.............. (get) heavier.


PRESENT PERFECT TENSE When do we use the Present Perfect tense? •

To show an action that began in the past but is still continuing. It is used with adverbs like since and for. Example:

To show an action that has taken place recently. It is used with adverbs like just and recently. Example:

Puan Aminah has lived here for two years. I have studied English in this school since 2001.

The train has just departed. Have you seen Kassim recently?

To show past actions when the definite time is not mentioned. Example:

I have washed all the dishes. She has been to Tokyo. He has finished all the work in the garden.

How do we form the Present Perfect tense? •

SINGULAR SUBJECTS has + past participle Example: It has been a great day. She has worked here for 5 years.

PLURAL SUBJECTS (Including Pronoun I, You) have + past participle Example: I have taken my medications They have prepared a great performance just for you.

EXERCISE – Present Perfect tense Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets. 1.

They............... just ................. (leave).


I.............. (hand) up my book.


He............... not.............. (eat) since yesterday.


“Where .............. he................. (hide) it?


We................ not................(hear) from her for a long time.


Mr Leung ................. not............... (have) his bath yet.


“............. you ever .............. (eat) this before?”


The secret agent .................... (complete) his mission.



“It’s too late. I.................. already................ (send) the letter,” he said.


“Who.............(call) since I was out?”


He.............. not............. (say) a word since he came in. He................always............... (be) a very talkative person.


“ (notice) any change in her lately?”


I.............. (meet) him several times but I............... never.............. (speak) to him.


“Look! Someone ............. (enter) our compound and ............. (leave) the gate open.”


............... she................ (throw) the book away? I................. (not see) it for a long time.


They............... recently............. (visit) Thailand but they........... not........... (tour) Malaysia yet.


“The room ................ (be ransacked). Someone.............. (steal) all my savings!” he wailed.


She............. never.............. (taste) mangoes. Neither .............. she........... (see) one before.


The sun................just...............(set).


The dishes................. (not be washed) yet.


“.............. he.............. (return) your book?”


Mrs Tan .............. just................ (ring) up to say her car .............. (break) down.




The table ................ (be pushed) to that corner.


The letter............... (be written) but she.................(not post) it yet.


“............... you.................(see) Mary anywhere? I...............(look) everywhere but I can’t find her.”


He.............. (be) late for work every day for the past week.


The price of flour................(go) down since May last year.


“Which of you............... (do) this?” he asked.


............... the floor................(be swept) yet?


Mr Fisher.................. (brush) his teeth but he............... (not shave) yet.


He.............. never.............(eat) curry before. He.............. just (taste) it and he likes it.


PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSE When do we use the Present Perfect Continuous tense? •

To show an action that has not been completed nor interrupted. Example:

She has been drawing since lunch. They have been working on that project since last year. I have been looking for this book all morning.

How do we form the Present Perfect Continuous tense? •

SINGULAR SUBJECT has been + present participle Example:

He has been painting since breakfast.

PLURAL SUBJECTS (Including Pronoun I, You) have been + present participle Example:

We have been studying for our exams all day.

EXERCISE – Present Perfect Continuous tense Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous from the verbs in the brackets. 1. I am thirsty. I................ (talk) the whole morning. 2.

It. .................. (rain) since yesterday morning.


She said, “You................(lie) to me.”


I need a rest. I...............(work) all day.


That man ............... (stare) at you for more than 10 minutes now.


“You.................... (not pay) attention to the lesson for the past half an hour,” said Miss Lau.


We............... (try) to solve the puzzle for the last three hours.


The artist............... (paint) portraits of important people for fifteen years.


They ................ (study) together since they were in primary school.


“.............. he.............. (play) with the clay again?” asked his father.


The population................ (increase) at a high rate since 1965.


I............. (fan) myself for the last half hour but I am still feeling hot.


“.............. you................(neglect) your health?” asked her mother.


The tree................ (shed) its leaves for the past week.


He.............. (run) away from the law for too long.


SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE When do we use the Simple Future tense? •

To show future unplanned action. Example: I shall see you next week. They will take their exams soon.

‘Going To’ form is used to show a future action which has been planned in advance. Example: I am going to wear my new blue dress tomorrow. They are going to study in Australia this month.

‘Going To’ form is also used to show a future action that is certain to happen. Example: The sky is dark. It is going to rain soon.

How do we form the Simple Future tense? Besides using the ‘going to’ form we will use this form: •

PRONOUN (I, We) shall + infinitive verb Example: I shall talk to you soon.

OTHER SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS will + infinitive verb Example: The workers will finish their work in 1 hour. The boys will take bus to school.

EXERCISE – Simple Future tense Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Future tense or the ‘going to’ form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

He .............. (come) here this evening after the show. I ........... (write) a letter to her tonight. Do you think it.................... (rain) this evening? If everybody is going out, who................ (take) care of the baby? I told her that I ............. (help) her this evening. He................ (teach) me the game tomorrow. I have just bought a new dress. I............. (wear) it tonight. During the holidays next month we............. (stay) with my uncle. Many of us................ (leave) this month. Only some of us................. (remain) for another month. They said that they ............... (meet) us tonight. They............. (come) at ten o’clock. Some of us.............. (visit) her tomorrow. .............. you............(come) with us? I................. (not repair) it for you again. You............... (have to call) a mechanic.



She............. (bake) a cake for the party tomorrow.

FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE When do we use the Future Continuous tense? •

To show a future action without intention, an action that has Not been specially planned. Example: That tree will be bearing fruit soon.

To show a future action at some future time. Example: You will be enjoying yourself at the seaside this time next week.

How do we form the Future Continuous tense? •

BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS will be + present participle Example: The participants will be practicing their dance number this time next Monday. The cat will be having some kitten soon.

FUTURE PERFECT TENSE When do we use the Future Perfect tense?

To show an action which will be completed at a given time in the future. Example: I will have finished my homework in an hour’s time. He will have eaten in by tomorrow morning. In less than ten years’ time you will have left school.

How do we form the Future Perfect tense? • BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS will have + past participle Example: We will have gone to school by 9 o’clock a.m. He will have arrived by tomorrow evening.

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE When do we use the Future Perfect Continuous tense? •

To show an action that began from the past and continue on until it is completed at a given time in the future. Example: By 2005 I will have been teaching for fifteen years. Mr Lim will have been managing the company for ten years this coming March. Rose will have been directing the play for exactly a year on this coming December 15th.

How do we form the Future Perfect tense? • BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL SUBJECTS will have been + present participle



By 2003 the company will have been using all new equipment. EXERCISE – Future Continuous and Future Perfect Tenses Fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect tense. 1.

He................. (pass) this way again, but you.................. (leave) by the time he does.


Ah Chong............. (go) to the cinema when you reach his house.


By the time I return home, the house............. (be cleaned).


I............. (visit) you when I am free.


All our things............... (be) packed by the time you come to drive us to Aunt Nora’s house.


He.............. (mend) your bicycle by the time you come for it.


I............... (complete) the exercise by nine o’clock tonight.


We................ (pant) for breath by the time we reach the top of the hill.


By noon I.............. (sew) the whole dress.


At this time tomorrow they................ (come) back from Australia.


I............. (return) home by the time she arrives.


Tuck Heng .............. (play) for our team in future.


The little boy............... (learn) to read soon.


By tomorrow morning we ............... (arrive) at Ford City.


I............. (type) all the letters by the time the bell rings.


John ............... (wait) for Kenny but Kenny .............. (reach) home by then.


Her mother ................ (stay) up all night till she returns.


I................. (paint) the fence while you............. (enjoy) yourself at the fair.


He............... (drive) to Port Leon tonight.


While they are fixing the roof, I ................ (paint) the fence.


By the time you wake up, I................. (work).


You will notice her easily. She .............. (wear) a bright red dress.


The show...............(end) by the time we decide to go.


By the end of the term we................ (complete) our work.


The race................. (finish) before you even switch on the television.


When we reach the summit, we.................(climbing) a thousand feet.


When I finish reading this book, I ............. (complete) reading the whole series.



She will come in the evening. She ............. (have) a good rest by then.


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