+ve Thinking For Career Planning

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  • Words: 1,756
  • Pages: 187
In the name of Allah, most gracious most merciful

A wise changes his mind, a fool never will


Career Planning

In The End Sword Is Always Conquered By The Mind

“Tis the mind that makes the body rich” William Shakespeare

A mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of a hell and a hell of heaven Milton


Mind & Thinking Laws of Mind & Nature Islamic Perspective Career Planning


Miracle Making Machine With most complex hardware & software


The Physical Universe is Energy

We are all energy

We are all part of a great Energy Field

We are all one

Form Follows Idea


You are a Mind with a Body

You are a Mental being Mental power __ your ability to control your own thoughts

What do you see on the next slide?

Is the glass half empty or half fill?

+Ve & -Ve Thinking

How your life unfolds depends on what is going on inside

Two people who arrived at a similar crossroads of opportunity.

One turned around and walked away – while the other stepped forward and made the most of it.

‘I knew it! It’s going to be another bad day’ ‘We could do with some rain – it’ll help the flowers to grow’

We can’t always control events, but we can control the way we react to them


Left and Right Brain Evaluation




Critical Analysis


Problem Identification

Problem Solving

“Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so” Shakespeare

How do you respond with? Corrective Feedback or Negative Feedback

“I got two A’s,” said the little boy, His voice was filled with glee, His father said, “If you studied more,” “You might have gotten three.” “Mom, I’ve got the dishes done,” The girl called from the door. Her mother answered sharply, “Well I hope you swept the floor!” “I mowed the grass,” the tall boy said, “And edged the sidewalks too.” “I hope you improved,” his father said, “On the job you usually do.”

The children in the house next door, Seemed happy and content. The same thing happened over there, But this is how that went:

“I’ve got two A’s, “the small boy said. His voice was filled with glee. His beaming father said, “ That’s great!” “I’m so proud you belong to me!” “Mom, I’ve got the dishes done.” The girl called from the door. Her mother smiled and softly said, “Each day I love you more.” “I’ve mowed the grass,” the tall boy said, “And edged the sidewalks too.” His father answered “Thank you!” “For all the helpful things you do!”

Give a hug, or thanks or praise, For the tasks your children do, If they’re to lead a happy life, So much depends on you.

Encouragement Inspires Criticism Crushes

Good Thinking Good Life Thinking Beliefs Values Principles Behavior Character Life

… and you’ve to pay High Blood Pressure Depression, frustration, self-pity Increased appetite Poor digestion, gastric trouble Headache and backache Higher blood cholesterol Urinary tract’s Infection Weak immune system Hypertension

Immune system like the brain could learn. The biological pathways that make the mind, the emotions and the body are not separate but intimately entwined. Robert Ader School of Medicine and Dentistry University of Rochester

“The nervous system not only connects to the immune system but is essential for proper immune function.” Francisco Varela (Neuroscientist) Ecole Polytechnique Paris

“Every surgeon knows that people who are extremely scared do terribly in surgery. They bleed too much, they have more infections and complications. They have a harder time recovering. It’s much better if they are calm.” Dr. Camran Nezhat Gyneocological Laparoscopic Surgeon Standford University

Laws of Mind & Nature w La l Be of f ie

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Law o f C

a u se a n d

Law of Control Law of Attraction


Law of Control We cannot always control events but we can control the the way we react to them Control or Be Controlled? Act or React?

We are what we repeatedly do Aristotle

Law of Substitution

Law of Perishability USE or LOSE Practice makes perfect

Intelligent practice is the price of


Law of Attraction Human Energy is Magnetic “Energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration”

You are a living magnet Like always attracts like


Secret of Success?


Law of Attraction

Law of Focus

What you think upon, … Grows Your thoughts have electromagnetic powers

What you resist, …persists


= “You are the programmer for both”

Garbage In Garbage Out

The Magic of Positive Thinking

Law of Cause and Effect Thoughts


The Echo of Life

As you give … so shall you receive Bible

In Giving that we receive

We cannot afford not to give

Law of Belief

What they are for? odds

distress adversities setbacks


disaster ill-luck





Training through odds

distress adversities setbacks




ill-luck misery



In life, its not optional … it’s compulsive here

Greatness in not measured by what one accomplishes but by the opposition they have overcome to reach their goals

Don’t wish for less problems, Wish for more skills

1831 – he started his business and failed 1832 – he took part in politics and failed 1833 – he again started business but had to shut down it & in 1841 he had a nervous breakdown 1843 – his party refused to nominate him for election 1849 – his application for job was turned down 1855 – he contested senate election and lost 1856 – lost party’s vice presidential election 1858 – he again contested election but failed

Who was that?

“In every adversity, there is the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit” Napoleon Hill

Success is there … but after setbacks

How you respond to adverse circumstances? Positively or Negatively Peaceful Life

Stressful Life

Adopting right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one (Hans Selye)

Not what happens to you but how you take it is what determines your life

Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of what you do with what happens to you

They can because they think they can

Real Sources of Guidance

Ready to install the best software?

Career Planning

What is Career? Why a Career Plan?

What pleases you?

Which Subject which you like or Career dislike? Suits Like Teamwork? You? Hobbies and pastimes? Perform better under pressure or in a calm environment?

Happy is the man who loves his profession

Without a goal, a man is the road which leads to nowhere

Never-ending Debate !

What you can do and what not?

Pentagon Model for Mind Power

His school caught fire and his feet were burnt. Doctors thought it a miracle if he would walk and run. But he made up his mind…

And finally he…

Man gets what he strives for Al-Quran

We have created man in sweat and toil Al-Quran

Struggle is the law of nature

What to do? “Job” or “Business”

You need “Job” or “Work”?

There is always room at the top

Be a living Taj Mahal

Think Big!

We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world. (Buddha)

You have what they had

Know thyself!

Unleash the strength within!

Its not too late …

Allah Hafiz

Thanks Developed & presented by:


A Special Tip to make you a wonderful personality

Keep Smiling

Instill “life” into your work place

“ Thy smiling in thy brother’ s face is charity ” (Al-

You can’t be a good personality even when you are wearing a costly suit if you don’t have a smile

Smile increases your face value

Let’s increase our worth free of cost

Inner Peace and fulfillment a few tips …

Balance your life…

Inner peace and fulfillment?

Connect to Allah …

… his growth is also a part of your career

enjoyment? … its not prohibited

Health first …

Live to learn & Learn to grow

Performance? P = ( Knowledge + Skill ) Attitude

Productivity? P = ( Knowledge + Skill ) Attitude

Progress? P = ( Knowledge + Skill ) Attitude

P = ( Knowledge + Skill ) Attitude

A Nation Is Known By Her Attitude

O Lion ! Its time to awake

East or West, Islam is the Best

Let’s join hands to combat Work Place Negativity

to strive for a better Pakistan

Lets take the first step … for the journey of hundred miles

Before you leave … Make a promise

We promise this promise would contribute to a Great & Positive Pakistan

We Value Your Feedback Please submit your feedback before you leave …

You are obliged to endorse my mission, support my effort, … or at least pray for me and my work

[email protected] 0300-6655066


Human Mind Thinking Laws of Mind Islamic Perspective Positive Pakistan

Mind Power Training Workshop Saturday 11th November 2006 Jinnah Restaurant, Jinnah Garden Club Road, Faisalabad Contact: 0300- 66 55 0 66


Human Mind Thinking Laws of Mind Islamic Perspective Positive Pakistan


There is always room at the top

Tip # 2

Dream Big Burning Desire Belief Action

Powerful Personality?

P = ( Knowledge + Skill ) Attitude

The first step on the road to Positivity is taken right in your mind

Some Tips … Talk peaceful to be peaceful “Start each day by affirming peaceful, contended and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful” Norman Vincent Peale Watch your manner of speech then if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind

Learn to relax both physically as well as mentally

If your mind tells you that you are tired, the body mechanism, the nerve and the muscles accept the fact

Affirm it, Visualize it, Believe it, And it will Actualize itself

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein


Abid Iqbal Khari www.abidiqbal.com

Wheel of Life?

Mental Physical



There is always a hidden opportunity in each and every setback Setback = Failure

What matters most ? Body Power or Mind Power

… the difference

Losers tended to be more depressed and confused before competing, while the winners were positive and relaxed

There is always room at the top

Ready to be refilled … ?

You need Vitamin I __ Inspiration __ for the maintenance of a healthy mind and a healthy attitude.

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