Vanerum Group - I3 Learning Environments

  • April 2020
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Content 05

Lifelong learning


Our solution: i3 environments


i3 learning








i3 learning environments


Different zones work together


Facilitator zone


Participant zone


Shared (media) zone


Informal zone


i3 services


vision inspires


Learning The world is changing. The exponential acceleration of technology requires all new skill sets. Currently, the technology gap is ever increasing, which means many students graduating and starting their careers don’t have the necessary skills to be proficient in business environments.


Today’s ‘lifelong’ learners face a very different world than

all levels of the job market. In addition, the same studies

their parents did. They will live longer and have more

indicate that most European workers see the gap between

freedom than ever to choose their experiences, social

the expectations of and requirements for ICT skills of their

networks, and values. The rollercoaster of scientific and

future employers and their own actual skills increase year

technological (sci-tech) change runs faster every year,

by year. The gap between demand & supply for ICT literate

spinning us irreversibly toward a very extraordinary future.

employees imposes costs on business in the form of lost

Our planet is wiring up into one vast, instantaneous,

productivity, hiring and recruiting costs and limits on

transparent and increasingly intelligent global network,

growth. This calls for a different approach than the actions

which creates amazing new opportunities for business and

taken so far, such as changing the place of ICT education


in our curriculums, and boosting social inclusion through

Yet there are great challenges ahead as well. The world

innovation and training.

is now so interconnected that big problems in any given

Also, taking into account the abundant flow of new

place are becoming everyone’s problem. This constant

information being generated every year (estimates claim

change will require today’s learners to change their future

a contemporary citizen gets presented more facts and

faster, learn new technology and networking skills more

figures in one week of information gathering than a citizen

frequently, and consider the environment they live in

living in the 18th century would come across in a lifetime),

from an entirely different perspective. They will also be

we should consider adapting our teaching methods to

challenged to keep learning every day and thus should

this new reality. In the future, knowledge will not only be

experience these educational duties as a right to learn.

about remembering facts, but about the skills to filter out

The Internet and technological growth have induced a

relevant information from this information flow. In the

paradigm shift, changing the way business is conducted.

21st century, literacy will mean being able to adapt to ever

The specialized training and education requirements

evolving technological means and use them to instantly

for current and future employees and the lack of access

access the necessary and relevant information on a certain

to diverse employee pools contribute to the problems


companies experience in employing a strong and diverse

The question to be asked is whether the current traditional

employee base. According to recent studies, ICT skills

teaching methods and environments are suited to the task

are becoming an increasingly important entry ticket to

of teaching these skills.

Lifelong Learning



solution: The VANERUM Group companies manufacture, import and/ or install products and solutions which help to create i3 environments. By i3 we mean products of interactivity, integration and inspiration that are a result of the needs of classroom and office furniture, interactive whiteboards and other interactive solutions, projectors and displays, voting and room control systems, digital signage software and static signage solutions,… Among the outcomes are more efficient meetings, stimulating learning environments for youth and adults alike, remote interactive collaboration,… Our mission is accomplished when learners of all ages consider their educational duties as a right to learn.


Learning how to “see” Design is a way of seeing things. How you think about a

The content of this collection is offered to help others

subject depends, in part, on your culture, your experiences,

“know how to see.” As you review the examples, it will

and your expectations --how you see things. When most of

quickly become apparent that these learning spaces have

us think of a “learning space,” we think of a classroom with

a positive impact on people. Words such as learning,

a professor at the front of the room and maybe blackboards,

engagement, interaction, and excitement come to mind,

projectors, or interactive whiteboards. The presumption is

but you will see patterns as well:

of information delivered in a lecture format. What if you “saw” something different? What if you saw

Space shaped by learning rather than by instruction

learners rather than lecturers? What if you saw chatter

Socially active space

rather than silence and action rather than stillness? What if

A shift from classrooms to learning complexes

you saw learning as something social rather than something

Service philosophy

cerebral? What would be different? Expectations? Learning

Technology integration

spaces? Learning? In the collection that follows you will find

Experimentation and innovation

many examples of learning spaces that began with seeing

User involvement

things differently. The assumptions were different --there

Diana G. Oblinger - EDUCAUSE “Learning PLaces” chapter 14 page 1

is no front to the room, and learning doesn’t happen at fixed times. The focus was different --often on groups rather than individuals. And the desired outcome was different --successful learning rather than teaching.

i3 learning





What does i3 mean? By i3 we mean the product of interactivity, integration and inspiration: a (learning) environment where all participants can learn and work without constraints and achieve better outcomes. i3 trickles down to every level of our solution: from the total environment through the zones it contains, down to the features of each individual product.

We are, moreover, fully aware of the

critical role of the facilitator in this environment, and have developped specific services to support you at this level as well. The diagram on the next page lists some of the elements by which we define interactivity, integration and inspiration. By combining more or less of these elements, the result will be more or less interactive, integrated or inspiring, thus allowing enough combinations to suit every need. In case of doubt, our experienced advisors will gladly assist you in defining which solution will help you achieve your specific goals.

inspiration 09


INTERACTIVity = Social dynamics and collaboration drive new ideas and help us progress, decide and learn. By Interactivity we mean features that stimulate information and the accessibility and exchange of knowledge. Face to face or distant, live or virtual, synchronously or asynchronously.


INTEGRATION = Properties that merge rooms, furniture, technology and facilitators into a seamless environment that improves information access and exchange, interactive collaboration and technological education to provide 21st century learning skills.

INspiration = Ergonomical, aesthetic and functional features that provoke a sense of excitement and well being which breaks down barriers standing in the way of an optimal gathering and exchange of knowledge and information. Interactive and integrated environments and tools, experienced trainers and the right resources inspire learning and collaboration.

i3 learning



The most obvious interpretation


interactivity: interactive whiteboards and other technologically interactive products enable fast and easy display of varied multimedia contents that appeal to all learning styles.



A broader approach of interactivity: interpersonal collaboration

communication facilitated

and by

environments, furniture and specially developed technology such as the SMART Table. 2

11 09

interactivity In our vision, interactivity is important in different ways. Most obvious are the interactive IT products in our product line: all products allow interactivity in global, single user or small group collaboration setups, both inside the working or learning environment and at home. Although we are fully convinced of the need for and the benefits of these technologies, we believe that a number of classic, less dynamic interactive means can support, or if cleverly used, even enhance the effect of technological interactivity. Whiteboards, blackboards, magnetic boards, flip charts and pin boards all provide instant access, are approachable in different creative ways. Interactivity is also the way in which environments enable us to communicate and collaborate. Good furniture helps to improve communication and collaboration: it is ergonomically correct, easy to move and group in different setups, is flexible and/or modular, offers multiple seating options, is ready for advanced IT and audiovisual integration,... One can combine all these components at once, or integrate them step by step (over time) in order to gradually shape the i3 environment of their choice.

i3 learning


integration The goal of integration should be to achieve the highest possible level of synergy between the elements that constitute the environment. Various






collaboration, technology, mobility, storage,... integrate into wellthought products, which integrate into the main i3 zones to form an i3 environment. Practical examples aren’t difficult to find. Wheeled bases bring easy and silent mobility to tables, cupboards, chairs, whiteboards (even interactive ones),... Add ergonomical seating shells and upholstery options, height adjustable and inclining seats and work surfaces on tables and walls, linking options for tables and chairs, intelligent technology integration with cable guides, connection panels or docking hubs, room control panels etc. Also, provide ample storage space for embedded technology, or to keep accessories, files, books and other items at hand. In order to achieve a seamless, interactive and inspiring experience, integration at all levels is essential.



A good example of the ultimate level of integration. The computer screen, keyboard and mouse stow away


in the hydraulic lift, the CPU can be locked in the CPU holder. The IT infrastructure is safely stored and out of harm’s way, yet readily available when needed.


The desk makes it possible to switch from ‘normal’ classroom to IT lab in seconds. The tiltable screen mount creates ergonomically correct viewing angles. When the screens are hidden, learners are not unnecessarily distracted and are unable to avoid involvement or participation by hiding behind their screen.


i3 learning


The learner’s sense of well being depends on numerous

range of fresh and bright shell and frame colors. Combined

physical and psychological factors. Ergonomics, aesthetics,

with its sensual shape, the total package is very pleasing

shape and color, feel, atmosphere,… all have their effect.

to the eye and definitely at its place in a learning centered

The Uno-V chair is comfortable, allows dynamic seating


by offering multiple seating options and is available in a


inspiration Interactivity and integration are essential parts of i3 environments, but are not sufficient. Inspiration is a prerequisite to reach advanced outcomes. Climate, atmosphere, ergonomics, aesthetics, technology and audiovisual interactive media each have their own effect on the motivation and the sense of well being of participants and facilitators alike. The right mix of these elements, combined with a skilled and driven facilitator who is able to leverage the physical environment through education, training and experience is the best recipe for improving learners’ and workers’ achievements. This obviously calls for a consistent strategy of professional development, content creation and awareness building, in addition to the investments in infrastructure and technology that are often already in place. Finally, engaging and empowering learners is of utmost importance if we want to inspire them. This means they must be allowed to (inter)act inside the extended learning environment, have access to all integrated means that compose it and be free to be inspired anytime, anywhere.

i3 learning



environments The cultural change required in thinking of space in a new way should not be underestimated. We need to ask such basic questions as “Should rooms have a front and a back?”“Should faculty offices be separate from classroom facilities?” “Should food and talking be allowed in the library?”As Scott-Webber* pointed out, our sense of space is one of the most primal of human instincts. Deeply engrained attitudes about space in colleges and universities mean it will take patience and persistence to make changes, particularly more radical ones. *Lennie Scott-Webber, In Sync: Environment Behavior Research and the Design of Learning Spaces (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Society for College and University Planning, 2004)College and University Planning, 2004)


Creativity, attention and critical thinking

To exploit the potential for physical space to advance learning, conversations about campus priorities must include space as a critical factor affecting learning. The perceived urgency of the conversation changes dramatically when framed in terms of learning impact rather than student comfort or preference. Understanding how spatial arrangements preclude or support retention, graduation, pedagogical innovation, and a host of campus priorities is an essential first step. From governing boards and legislatures (in the case of public institutions) to central administration, facilities planners, maintenance operations, faculty, and students, all must realize that good space is not a luxury, but a key determinant of good learning environments.

As we continue to study the effects environments have on learning, we construct i3 environments that best respond to the needs of today and to the needs of the future.

learning environments


Different zones

work together

Assuming a classic school building and a conventional

The participant zone consisted of rows and columns of

approach to the learning space, each “classroom” can

classic school furniture that was perfectly suited to the

be divided into different zones that all provide different

rigid classical/frontal teaching style that aimed to transfer


knowledge instead of helping learners discover. Social interchange between peers was virtually excluded from

Historically speaking, a learning environment (which used

lessons. The informal zone consisted of the study and the

to be synonymous with “classroom”) was composed of a

students’ home.

(public) display zone, a teacher and participant zone and one or more informal zones. The (public) display zone

With the arrival of modern technologies and conceptions,

would contain the blackboard and maybe a number of

the location and physical properties of these zones have

static learning objects such as maps, photos and figures, a

become less predefined. The following pages will give

compass for board use etc. as well as some storage space.

you a inexhaustible overview of possible contemporary

This (public) display zone was mostly used by the teacher


and usually situated behind the facilitators zone, which in reality made it the exclusive property of the teacher. The

As society keeps progressing, these views will continuously

facilitators zone mainly contained the classic teacher’s

need to be revaluated and if necessary adapted to the new

desk and a low chair which only allowed students at the

social challenges and technical opportunities.

back of the class limited eye contact with the teacher.





Facilitator zone


Participant zone



Shared (media) zone

Informal zone

i3 Products

Products All zones in our i3 solution are composed of consciencously selected and if needed specially developed products and components that optimize the functional value of each zone. The solutions are in line with the goals set for the specific learning environment. Over the following pages, we will give you some examples of the possibilities in our range of solutions.

learning environments



Facilitator zone After decades of being the center of attention and standing at the front of the classroom, the 21st century teacher (in this situation instructor, expert, coach, co-learner,... might be more suitable terms) moves to the back, the center or the sides, wherever needed. The contemporary facilitator zone is integrally embedded in every aspect the learning environment, through physical or virtual integration, into other zones. The result is sleek, mobile, flexible, connected and integrated. It allows for free movement, instant switching between working with groups and individuals, interaction with students anytime anywhere (face to face or through technology) and has advanced ergonomic and aesthetic features.

learning environments


The Optimax design is based on three principles: dynamic

participant on the same level as the facilitator, involves the

ergonomics and integration, equality and inspiration

learner and has as a powerful inspiring effect. Its mobility

and flexibility and interactivity. Applied to the facilitator

makes it exceptionally suitable for changing environments

zone, this means various seating and standing positions

where classic teaching, individual and group work alternate

are possible, while it still remains easy to get in and out

at a fast pace. The teacher’s working unit no longer has

of the chair and table. IT components and storage options

to be at a fixed place in the room, bringing the facilitator

can easily be integrated. The feeling of equality resulting

closer to the learners and stimulating interaction.

from the raised seating system that literally brings every

The raised work surface also helps facilitators read their notes by alternatively serving as a lectern. The raised chair is designed to bring the head of an adult at the same height as that of the learners, tall or small, providing a good line of sight and enabling a true peer to peer dialogue. The integrated modesty panel allows for more privacy.

The casters on the cupboard and the table (optional on the chair) make the Optimax desking system an ultra mobile knowledge exchange pod that facilitates both classical-frontal teaching and learning centered teaching methods.


The lockable, moveable cupboard easily connects to and disconnects from the table and contains the CPU and/or teacher specific documents or objects.

learning environments


The development of this teachers’ station was driven by the need for a mobile storage solution for facilitators. The flexible layout of the desk and its articulated table top allow for flexible and instantaneous configuration options, depending on the particular needs of the moment. The simple yet efficient technology integration completes the package.


The cart allows for computer and technology wires to be completely concealed. Plenty of wire management from top to bottom!

The table top surface can be adjusted to the user’s comfort and allows the cart to fit perfectly in the space.

The fully extendable lower shelf is a great place to store a printer or any other peripheral device.

The SMART Document Camera fits exceptionally well into the i3 teacher zone. It allows the teacher to operate the camera from the interactive whiteboard through intelligent integration with the whiteboarding software or from his desk, standing next to the camera. This also enables learners to use the camera from the interactive whiteboard while being supported by the teacher who can intervene on the camera itself.

learning environments


Participant zone According to the constructivist learning model, spaces

independently (reading, writing, or accessing print or

should center on learning, not experts. Students not only

electronic resources). Integration of moveable tables and

sit down and listen, but construct their own learning path

chairs allows for quick reconfiguration to support different

in collaboration with their facilitators and peers. Within the

kinds of activity. This furniture obviously still has to be

classroom, this means the room has no front or “privileged”

ergonomically correct and adaptable to each individual.

space. Outside the classroom, it means providing ample

Discomfort makes a compelling distraction to learning,

place for discussion and study.

and students may drop classes because of uncomfortable chairs in the classrooms.

The learning centered approach benefits from small group work spaces, instant access to tutors and experts, table

Studies show that the current generation of students

space for a variety of tools, integrated lab facilities and IT,

expects seamless technology use. As technology changes,

facilities that are always accessible, shared screens and

smaller devices will travel with users more and more.

availability of printing.

Wireless environments, the capacity to network with other devices and display vehicles, and access to power will be







decenters the room from teacher to student activity,

expected. In other words: learning environments need to have plug and play technology access..

and stresses collaboration. As an example, a group of learners should be able to move from listening to one

Finally, in evaluating a model learning space, students

speaker (traditional lecture or demonstration) to working

noted the paint colors, carpeting, and lighting without

in groups (team or project-based activities) to working

prompting as important factors that stimulate well-being.


learning environments


The unique rotating power entry unit allows for hard wire connections to





permanently committing a table to the start location.

This table is one of a kind. It allows you to quickly reconfigure

faster than ever before. The unique rotating power entry

the space while maintaining the ability to distribute power

unit allows for hard wire connections to the power source,

and data. The daisy-chainable 4 trac power system allows

without permanently committing a table to the start

quick and easy connections from table to table. When


reconfiguring, simply disconnect, rearrange, and reconnect


Whether you choose one permanent PC at the back of the

The large side openings make it easy to transfer power

room or look at furnishing an entire computer room, you

from table to table.

should take into consideration our classic computer table.

Mounted on the 5 star wheeled base, the active, passive

A table with a lot of leg room and that is easy to get in to

and reverse seating options of the Solifiber shell gain even

and out of. Flip open the lid to reveal an ample cable guide

more functionality and inspire by their total freedom of

with rubber passage that keeps the cables in optimal form.


learning environments


Optimax offers optional simple but efficient technology integration. Cables can be hidden in the frame and passed through the work surface. The removable bookshelf option makes sitting at both sides possible and provides ample space for books and technology such as interactive reponse systems.

The height adjustable footrest can be installed on the table or the chair, giving learners of all heights various seating and standing options.


Optimax’s mobility makes it exceptionally suitable for changing environments where classic teaching, individual and group work alternate at a fast pace. The teacher’s working unit no longer has to be at a fixed place in the room, bringing the facilitator closer to the learners and stimulating interaction.

The Optimax design is based on three principles: dynamic

storage options can easily be integrated, which arguably

ergonomics and integration, equality and inspiration and

makes the Optimax the most versatile learning furniture in

flexibility and interactivity. Applied to the student zone,

the world. The raised seating system literally brings every

this means learners can freely choose to sit or stand

participant on the same level as the facilitator, involves the

without interrupting the lecture. Since getting in and out

learner and has as a powerful inspiring effect.

of the chair and table is easy, learners can be actively involved in the lesson. Network and power connections and

Optimax’s integrated wheels make it easy to group and ungroup tables, and to pull the table into or away from the chair. The additional height allows the facilitator to stand comfortably next to the table to guide the learning process.

learning environments


Whether you are engaging in whole classroom teaching,

for the teacher to intervene from even the back of the

small groups collaboration, or individual learning, the

classroom. With the interactive reponse system, facilitators

interactive whiteboard will answer your needs. With its

get instant feedback to on-the-fly or prepared questions,

easy to use interface, the integration of the award winning

allowing them to measure the level of understanding of a

Notebook software platform and learner centered additional

certain topic in formative and summative assessments.

software, this finger based interactive whiteboard solution

VANERUM provides various options and services to help

allows more students to interact on the surface without

you integrate the solution in your environment.

passing a pen, and various accessories make it possible

With the push of a button on their remotes, students can instantly tell you how much they know. You’ll no longer have to wonder whether all your students are keeping up with the lesson material, since you’ll see precisely how well each student is doing. That insight will help you adapt lessons based on students’ responses or test results.


learning environments


As the world becomes ultramobile and even more connected, anytime anywhere learning becomes a reality. The borders between classrooms and recreational environments start to fade, requiring a new approach of the integral learning environment. Our furniture fits this trend perfectly: connectivity and power supply, private or shared display options, a modular system that makes it easy to realize differently shaped work spaces are all integrated into one sleek package.

With the integrated articulated VESA screen mount, you can work in an ergonomically correct way by connecting a small screen laptop to the docking station. If needed, the mobility of the screen mount allows you to simultaneously work on your laptop and share the content of your screen with others.


Another possibility: all collaborators connect their laptops to a power supply and VGA and network connection, and are able to alternatively share the information on their screen with the group, by displaying it on the shared public display. When not in use, the docks neatly fold back into the table surface, without compromising the stability of the structure.

learning environments



shared (media) zone In our i3 philosophy, the (public) display zone is any “place” inside a learning environment (which no longer necessarily corresponds to a “classroom”) that enables static or interactive information sharing between individuals, groups, or a mix. It should be accessible to not only the teacher, facilitator, expert or coach, but to the learners as well. Resulting from this functional difference and the technological progress, the designated area for this zone is no longer the front of the classroom.

learning environments


The rail system makes it easy to move and replace components, such as classic flip charts or whiteboards.

If you are fed up with the plethora of audiovisual products

will provide instant access to a range of modern means

needed to deliver engaging lessons, lectures or meetings, it

of collaboration and communication, while taking a less

is certainly worth to consider moving to a more integrated,

prominent position when the boards do not need to be the

computer based solution. Interactive whiteboards and

focal point of the environment.

their accessories are a perfect example of a technology that integrates DVD players and television sets, audio

VANERUM’s media wall is a perfect example. The cabinet is

systems, overhead projectors, classic whiteboards and

perfectly integrated into the room so that the visual aspect

flipcharts,… Yet as technology integration will only increase

is as light as possible. It does not seem like a big cupboard

in the future, it is wise to also consider alternatives that

takes up most space in the room. The folding doors permit


Smart and easy connection options allow freedom of movement while ensuring a sleek, stable connection.

instant access to the integrated technology, while hiding it when they are closed. Because the media wall is integrated in the room, it provides ample space for all audiovisual equipment and accessories, including charging bays for the participants’ laptops, for instance. When coated with the same enamel as our whiteboards, the entire door surface

Integrate a black- or whiteboard surface in the cupboard

can act as a giant static whiteboard. Add mobile or free

doors and add casters to the cupboard to get more writing

standing cabinets to attain even more storage space.

space and a mobile display, storage and space dividing unit.

learning environments


The height adjustable magnetic whiteboards come in handy as a mobile static display feature.


The mobile wallzone contains all necessary connections for the PC, the integrated projector and the whiteboard and ample storage space for the CPU and/or shared documents or objects.

Touch control makes everything easier. Write, erase, move objects and control applications by touching or writing on the board. The Touch Recognition feature offers even more convenience by allowing you to write with a pen, erase with your palm and move objects with your finger without picking up extra tools. Pick up a green, blue or red pen or the eraser, and the Pen Tray automatically detects which tool you’ve selected. Buttons on the Pen Tray also allow you to activate the On-Screen Keyboard and access the right-click and help functions.

The lockable, moveable units easily connect and disconnect and provide mobile modular wall zones. Just roll it to a power outlet, connect and start collaborating.

learning environments


The SMART Board interactive whiteboard is designed to allow the use of dry erase markers, just like a regular enamel whiteboard. In this particular setup, that means three



displays are available at all time.

For those who want to use video projections

space, or in front of it if the interactive whiteboard is

and interactive whiteboards but still want

not in use. Height adjustability means it is adaptable to

the extra space and functionality classic

learners of various sizes and ages, while incorporating

whiteboards can provide, the patent board

the use of multiple boards provides the ability to

is a perfect solution. The height adjustable,

integrate multiple presentation and collaboration

sliding whiteboards can either be placed next

styles into one lesson.

to the interactive whiteboard for additional


The whiteboards are height adjustable and slide from left to right, which makes them easily accessible to learners of all heights and ages.

learning environments


Informal zone The distributed zone is used for lounging, relaxing, brainstorm sessions, group work or personal tasks which require deep concentration. It can be a local or remote location which offers network connections and audiovisual options when necessary. Classic signage can be used in the depicted zones to point the way to other rooms in the building while visitors stay up to date with relevant live information through the digital signage system.


learning environments


The articulated seat support allows for 270 degree movement. This not only facilitates easy in and out, but also 270 degree collaboration with peers in front, behind and at the sides.


The foot plank comes equipped with an integrated wheel that makes Monomax easy to move by just tipping the table. Monomax is ideal for group work and rapidly changing configurations.

The innovative design of Monomax combines ease of use

Model available with a foot plank that may be anchored

with ergonomic seating comfort. Since the Monomax seat

to the floor. This is ideal for individual study areas, study

is attached to the base of the worksurface, it conserves

rooms, and libraries. The version with foot plank also

floor space without sacrificing the size of the seat; the

comes equipped with a wheel. Just tip the table and it‘s

user’s comfort is preserved.

easy to move. This makes it ideal for group work and rapidly changing configurations.

The 270 degree movement is completely safe, because of the specially designed foot plank that covers all angles to avoid tipping over. Alternatively, a floor mounted non moveable version is available.

learning environments


As learning moves away from predefined locations and

furniture line. Thanks to the modularity of these foam

systems, the adapted furniture evolves as well. The

components, the possibilities are endless. The free form

depicted blocks started as an experiment and were very well

factor and fun colors add an inspiring, comfortable touch

received. Meanwhile, other shapes, colors and functions

to any environment.

have turned this experiment into a true -be it alternative-

Our foam line can be used as seating, relaxing, working and playing furniture, depending on the requirements and mood. The soft, easy to clean surface takes daily reconfiguration abuse without suffering.


Blocks can be stacked into virtually any setup, the only established rule being gravity. The components’ shapes allow them to be interlocked, which makes stacking fun, challenging and safe like a giant 3D puzzle.

learning environments


Touch panels are an easy and efficient way to access and change information and environmental parameters such as temperature, light, AV sources etc. They can also be used to reserve the tools and rooms one plans to use and can serve to synchronize personal devices with the shared agenda.



As the learner gets more freedom to choose, the learning

Although students have little fear of technology, they are

path becomes less defined in terms of time and place.

not necessarily proficient with technology, information

There will, however be a need for face to face interaction,

retrieval, or cognitive skills --what many call information

which requires peers to be present at the same place at

fluency. It is not just technology or information resource

the same time. This information can either be sent to the

assistance students need; sometimes that assistance

learner’s personal devices, displayed on the public displays

involves writing, student services, and so on. Locating

at the information center and throughout the learning

support desks and help systems where students are

environment, or both at the same time.

encourages their use. Technical support staff can be


Totems offer the perfect mix between mobility, static and dynamic signage. Some information (eg directions) seldom changes, while other, more dynamic



attention. Mix and match to create the ultimate information hub.

Admin PC Administrator (Super Monitor) (Super Reporter)

Group administration Devices in the same group repeat the same information and share the same schedule


Projector Plasma



LCD TV walls LED

LAN WAN Intranet

located in classroom buildings or one-stop centers,

Large public displays are efficient means to display

incorporating services from the library, IT, and the writing

dynamic eye-catching information. If managed through

center. Although they may look different or have a new

a digital signage system, this information can be edited

name, information desks are likely here to stay.

remotely and be instantly updated as new information becomes available. Context sensitive input guarantees the right information is displayed at the right time and place. .

learning environments


Our services

Planning Our method is tried and true.Time and time again we have collaborated with our clients to deliver exactly what they wanted. With you as our guide, we detect the unmet need, brainstorm various concepts, create an innovative functional design, and deliver. Period.

Financing When you finance your i³ environment through VANERUM Group, you benefit from the fact that we are passionate about our job. Decide on your dream integration and let us provide flexible financing to help you realize it. We offer options for loan customization, low competitive rates, and no down payment in some cases.


Installation Once you decide on which

environment suits

your needs best and have the financial means to implement it, our installation teams come into play. They each have years of experience in their own field, be it furniture, audiovisual integration, programming of interactive devices , etc. They ensure that by the time you walk in, you will find a plug and play environment, all ready to go.

Training In our way of conducting business, our job does not end there, though. Our experienced accredited trainers will provide you with the necessary training and tips to make the most of your investment. As new options become available, you will always be able to rely on our expertise.

Support Last but not least, we like to touch base regularly with our customers to ensure everything runs smoothly. Should any problems occur, we are there for you. From first line support to authorized repair centers and in house manufacturing – the best guarantees you can get.

Vision Inspires





What if you “saw” something different? The VANERUM Group companies manufacture, import and/or install products and solutions which help to create i3 environments. By i3 we mean the product of interactivity, integration and inspiration resulting from the application of VANERUM classroom





whiteboards and other, easy to use, interactive solutions,





voting and room control systems, digital signage software and static signage solutions,… Among the outcomes are more efficient meetings, stimulating learning environments for youth and adults alike, remote interactive collaboration,… Our mission is accomplished when learners of all ages consider their educational duties as a right to develop.

Vision Inspires


Classic classroom and school setup which provides a certain amount of flexibility and is technologically enhanced.


Vision Inspires


Moving away from traditional school environments. The borders between classrooms fade, learning activities flow more freely from one space to another.


Vision Inspires


The school completely transforms into one vast collaborative learning and meeting environment with smaller traditional classroom spaces and a more open atmosphere. Studying, learning and collaborating takes place anytime, anywhere and across subjects. This is the ultimate constructivist approach.


Vision Inspires


communicat interact p integrate e evaluate ad play inspi achie feel understa

ate t prepare Choose create cha educate train grow help adjust provide analyze live pire question view teach me hieve study collaborate pro stand connect

Kleine Schaluinweg 5 | B-3290 Diest | | T +32 13 35 52 66 | F +32 13 33 46 64 | E [email protected]

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