Vampire Bloodlines - My Ugly Sequel Note

  • November 2019
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Adult Vampire Bloodlines FanFiction!

Vampire Bloodlines – My ugly sequel note © Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

Dear readers, the second pc-game based on Vampire-The Masquerade by White Wolf had it's problems. A long way from the „official patch“ which is patch 1.2 I stumbled across the unofficial patch 3.1 I had solved the game without patch (where you NEEDED console to compensate area transition malfunction) as with the patch 1.8 which recovered lost parts due typing mistakes in tables and charts. Funny how much more this game was once intended to be. I found VPKTool yet failed to redress my Nosferatu skinhead (by finding and changing all files for body parts, it's depiction and same on armour). Henceforth I played a female Nosferatu, it came with knife fighting. I decided it is more pleasant to me to stare at a female running and crawling around than looking on a male butt. This sequel is a note. One of those obvious „absence of logic“ moments in the game. To play it you would need the game and in the end decide for Ming Xiao. That wanna-be Cthulhu KueiJin bitch with small tits (never trust such virtual-women, driven insane from that alone and worth...oi! I am prejudicing). Ming decides for a proper display of character. As soon as victory is hers, you get bound to that Ankaran sarcophagus (as if Turks were of any importance in that phase of necrology-history) and thrown into the ocean. Yeah, that tentacled disguised as bitch Ming throws you to the ground of the open sea. Jolly. I fought that „hengeyokai Shark“ once more and thought... hm. Where a human would be dead, a vampire really has a chance to make it back up. I happily cheated on my test-Nosferatu (giftxp 99, vstats get fortitude 5) and opened scripts. In the old version I even rewrote „templates“ and disabled cheat control. The patch maker says it's cheating yet in my DVD version super-special offer (of that game) those histories are auto-enabled. I had my revenge on it (and another giftxp 99 for pick lock and hacking). Hollow triumph! If I would be in such a world, I would have decided to make the „serial-killer bat“ meet Nines. What better way of redemption than having avenged his family and finally joining a fraction of „that new undead existence“? Ok, without fortitude it was a reload party (depends on patch and truth is, my graphics card does not allow celerity above OO). Gr. Playing my Nosferatu skinhead results in choice of „rapacious blood-lust“ and henceforth a reduced humanity rating. It's a boring linearity in that game and all those seduction and persuasion never work to gain experience in avoiding being fooled. I mean, getting rid of Knox Harrington (vampire low-life wanna-be makes you crush Bertram Tung's intrigue, thought-chain). Ok, it's a game and has limits (lots of, with any patch). My two other files on WoD Vampires were: may still offer them? 1.) Vampire The Masquerade.pdf (including VampireHunter Leona) 2.) Poison what you can't conquer.pdf

Journey to the ground She got me down. That's for sure. Zen in the art of sinking downwards? I knew it from the first blather in that golden temple copy. Yet it was a so-called win-win situation. Sebastian was untrustworthy and with all the power, chained to his nemesis. Jack's little prank, let's humbly thank. I was afraid for a while. The mortal remains of my soul. Kindred don't need to breath. We train it for the Masquerade. Still danger was present. That Turkish piece of stone meant shit. Sorry to remind you, Vlad Tepeshs (aka Dracula's) wife already made the mistake of believing what Turks say. Blah, racist. It's not racism, just frustration. Talking to my food seems neurotic to me. That Asian harlot tentacle thing sure was powerful. Again I hear that I have a stench? The real stench was where I wielded a flame-thrower. Plenty, yet pseudo-glory of the past won't help me out here. The beach brawl was a highlight. I always had a knack for ephedrine, pseudo or amphetamines. Just needs a trick now. Mix it with your own blood and ingest or sniff that cocktail. I admit, it somehow spoils that nasal mysticism of us degenerates. The one thing worse than being ugly would be being powerless, embrace-wise. Soon more of my unappreciated gutter-wisdom. Two ways of breaking free. One is making new friends, inspiring them (animalism). The other would even work without potence. Blood buff your body and nimbly wrestle yourself free. Otherwise, the Brujah way, brute force might get results, too. It were some beautiful hours on that way down. Dark waters, nocturnal glamour of water, plants and the fishy weird. Or the tasty fishy weird. Not as good as rats though. I only knew two options. Either I gotta go back to Santa Monica, haggle and borrow with Gary and that Malkavian baroness or I board the first ship that comes along and go wherever it takes me. Seems I am the dumb type. I made it back after just one day in the ocean sands. Of course futile, the sun didn't get down there at all. Better safe than sorry. I had my plans. Truth is, watching a sunrise, stake or pyre were no longer dreaded. How comes that a nemesis of the past may be an option for the future? It's not my job to think.

Home or some such - Zen in the art of being ugly I decided for what my clan knows best. Weighing options (or making them). The situation was not completely lost. The Nosferatu were nearly unscathed and as the Tremere, mostly busy with ignoring compulsive Camarilla (the pasta faction, for it sounds like Italian noodles anyway) loyalty and duty. Some may be pissed and seeing Gary would better be later. An email to announce my presence to my clan, send from an unguarded laptop. A phone call to verify it. I am there, find me if you dare? I hid where I was out of competition. In the water under the bay buildings. Given our physical prowess it only takes some hours to craft a solid and reliable little haven. Oh, as I missed pizza in life so I did miss rats. Damn fishes. Even mortals are not always tastier than rats. To us “chosen”. It's that adaptation genetic undeadery. We got skilled in prospering where other vampires had their own options. Santa Monica calmed seriously after the rush of Ventrue pseudo-ambition had been blasted away. Underdogs amongst themselves we were. Brujah and Malkvians with us, mostly. Occasional exCamarilla feral (Gangrel) and the damn respected Tremere still guided by Max Strauss. I was sick of fighting. Nights with nothing but a snack and shrouded in obfuscate staring and peeking. Getting tough, not too futile when one is already damned. Fortitude is quite helpful. It became my first torpor. Yes, indeed. My blood potency got increased in those ordeals and I learned what it took to survive (as plenty of others did). Yet in those few nights I had been stabbed, clawed, scorched and shot a lot. An additional burden was that there was no time for anything personal. Meditation per se won't make it. For me it was a mix of drugs, indulgence and internet-surfing. Schreck-Net had banned me for a while. The Camarilla versus the Anarchs continued. Nines was a leader, yet the Camarilla was not completely mistaken on the risk of Sabbat and whatever else haunts our nights. Therese eager in the pasta faction, yet Jeanette, quite open to some anarch concepts, the rumour is. I didn't like to get involved any more. Keeping the basics of the Masquerade, helping out with some info or advise when Strauss and the anarchs needed it. Cultivating ghouls, sooner or later it may happen. Not just for me.

I decided to inspire my ghouls to take over that vacated house on the beach. If I ever find the whim to dig a cellar there it would already have guards that way. Learning Auspex (to avoid camouflaged surprises). The risk of madness as a side-effect shouldn't blind one to the potential of it with Malkavians. Toreador wouldn't consider me and while Tremere really articulated explanations a lot better, that streak of suspicion bothers me. Not stealing thaumathurgy. The mere fact that you could learn some info about it or the chantry made it hard to frequently train with them. I may be the fool, yet as far as I can know it, the secret to honest deals with Tremere is (besides completely excluding blood-magics) one has to keep them superficial. Don't get close enough to accidentally stumble into there wicked cauldron or some such as idea? Given that we all are monsters, damned and cold-blooded killers we really had some successes. Some dose of pleasure, style (or lack of for I am Nosferatu) and civilisation gave us moments of alternative. Blood wasn't too scarce anyway. Of what could I be sure? Cain? Not probable that the dark father would have interest in the States. Further how many powers to fool the mind do we all know (or practice as well)? Who cares... LaCroix was history and his ash was still in the wind when others of his blood felt a hunger to “guide” that part of the world. The typical hubris of politics. With all the big words about apocalyptic doom lurking and mystical mumbo jumbo in truth it were simple intrigues with some violence. I crafted my moments of peace. For a while it felt as if all which ever blocked me and others from enjoying Santa Monica would have been that bunch of “duty & destiny” dabblers. With the numbers of fools freaking out due some meaningless sarcophagus reaching close to zero again, that was handled. The Asians didn't gain their grounds. The threat was answered as could be expected. When Nosferatu were willing to strike from the shadows we once more were not abandoned. The Malkavians taught our Asian superior-second breathers that they ain't immune against madness. Dementation with hot noodles again, KueiJin? Psychosis with rice, Ann? The Tremere unleashed some minor evidence about why they are called sorcerers and self-made vampires. The Brujah & Gangrel displayed street-fighting in combined forces. The Toreador even painted some artful mockery! I attempted to be the outcast which I wanted to be. After all, the great menace has been just another crisis. Perhaps after my death I may smile at god for playing pranks on the damned? Let us call this the End...

Notes on the game, patches and tools I found a lot of stuff. Patch 3.2 is the most modern, yet above patch 1.9 the changes are comparably minor to me. Packing: •

No, not hidden weapons. ZIP or RAR or ACE. God Almighty, please make them at least configure their tools. ZIP has just one benefit, it works under Windows & Linux! RAR is more efficient, usually if configured to a solid archive(just click that option) and maximum compression it really saves several MegaByte. My patch 3.1 is 20MB smaller than the same as ZIP. In Germany USBData-Sticks become cheap, 1 GigaByte for 10€ was an offer lately! Yet plenty of people don't have one and others just ain't computer peeks (don't know how to use it). Disabling cheat-check: Find jack_tutorial.dlg (in dlg for dialogue folder) and search > (click CTRL + F). Yes, search for this sign: > To be sure, I had 3 findings, recognizable by in that line they speak of if strength + dexterity (& so forth, all attributes is) > or something like if brawl+dodge (etc.) is > than make Jack angry and block player from game. If this is too tough for you, wait until the tutorial is finished and start cheating in your apartment? It's not much fun to have one restart per clan, after test of each new script-line or each new command. Where you find it, replace it by <. Save the file and be sure it is where it has to be. Now you can start with all dots you like. Crucial for me as I rewrote the templates under a game guides (pen and paper) intent. Most of us were in school and knowing the rulebooks, that was a piss-poor start. I rewrote my templates, not just for me (cheat via console would be easier then). Mortals all got one more dot in brawl, dodge, melee. Of course even the illiterate started with one dot of scholarship. Simplified, I wanted more action. Another patch really hurt me. It's the clan-add on. Thanks for the icons. That's it. I had to reinstall that DVD edition of Bloodlines twice to make it work (error is in System folder among vdata, files loaded before parent files). Really sad to me was: The maker just used the same ugly models. Nosferatu ain't sex slaves and Max Schreck looked so much cooler than the Armours for male Nosferatu. I still try to use VPK Tool to rewrite the Nos into Brujah armour or such. Bones are the problem, same clothes look different because the Nosferatu has other body position and structure (even Gangrel armour looked weird, as far as I got before I lost it due reinstall).

My respectful regards to the maker of: That small file holds four *.cfg files which you copy into your CFG folder of the game. It allows to switch camera (num-pad, right side of keyboard, press 5 returns to normal, 6 frontal view, 2 from behind + or – for zoom). Even better than that, the included ReadMe explains really all you need! Another nice note (by whom, I would respectfully place credits) is writing and applying a vampire.bat. It works by opening a text editor and saving the following command line as a vampire.txt precisely in the folder where vampire.exe is! start /low vampire.exe -console -heapsize 256000 Only change needed is the number at the end (256000). Make it half your MB Ram size. I have 512 Mb workspace in my hardware, half of it should be the number (it works here). So if you have 1024 MB (1,024 GB) hardware RAM you would replace 256000 by let's say 512000 or a notch less. After you saved the one line I made in different colour here as vampire.txt rename that file which must be next to your vampire.exe (in the same folder) to vampire.bat Now either right-click on the existing desktop shortcut (for the game) and in target line rewrite vampire.exe to vampire.bat (LEAVE THE REST AS IT IS) or make a new shortcut to your vampire.bat and start the game with that one. It should work without errors instantly, otherwise delete the vampire.bat and correct the shortcut to vampire.exe or just make a new one (right click on vampire.exe in game folder -> c:\program files\activision\vampire the masquerade bloodlines\ or some such, you should know) Effect is this: The machine starts loading into memory with what is proper for your machine (henceforth a good idea on either older or more modern/better equipped computers). Besides turning off Bumb Mapping in the game options (after starting, go options than graphics and click that hook away), I found some minor benefit by forcing 24bits instead of 32 via graphics card. The effects are still ok, yet the game runs a notch better (that is depending on your card & drivers though). Sound problems. At the end of the target line (see right click & choose properties on desktop shortcut, you write an additional -console. Take it.) When you now start the game there is the console which offers much more than cheating.

Well, what to type into it? After making a note to undo the command, do this before you have to reinstall? Henceforth, note all commands so you know which to set back? Type help command i.e. help buddha to get console info? buddha

makes you simply not die instead of invincible. Helps if you had to reload a lot. Or for screenshots in dangerous hoods.


that is really a cheat. Invincible-Mode.

dsp_automatic “1” giftxp 99


load a new scene and sound shall stabilize to get 99 experience which you can spend after pressing C in the game, click x right upper edge of console or esc-key to get back

if you typed this you can scroll with the arrow keys for up and down through several options. debug_allow_ means you can make several scripts tougher or simpler. In example you could make each masquerade breach mean it is too a criminal violation.

game_speeds “1”

should help to normalize movements

vstats get auspex 3 3 means 3 dots, 5 would be 5 dots. This order gives you Auspex in addition to your three clan-disciplines or raises your existing Auspex, useful in diving when in the Warrens. Besides the keys V and B mean dive down and up, did you read your manual? vstats sell celerity 1 after that vstats sell celerity then vstats buy fortitude made me re-style my Brujah when I found my graphics card sabotages celerity. Sell means you get experience points and buy means you invest them. That way you still play with 3 disciplines and the number of points you really earned, or cheated together. vstats get automatic soak successes 10

depends on patch, is like fortitude 10, you will still get hurt often enough. Really, varies by patch though. Shotgun pungency was tripled in some...

vstats get automatic strength successes 10 Come on, guess what it does?

Last Concepts of me (pen&paper) or bloodlines A proxy kissed (costs 8 freebies) Giovanni necromancer. Further five freebies invested into generation/blood potency. Resulting in a start with Potence 2, Dominate 2, Fortitude 1 and Necromancy 1 (Ritual of the Smoking mirror, later Vitreous Path) A Setite sorcerer. That sorcery can make computers malfunction or make those bank automates just vomit their money into your villainous hands. I remember such pseudo-miracles from Mage – The Ascension. A Caitiff with Fortitude, Presence and Auspex who joins the anarch movement (as if there were many choices, pariah or shovel-head, that's it) Bloodlines: A Gangrel with the head & claws rewritten to the male Nosferatu. I desperately attempt this, yet my skills are really too low and it is a lot of files to find and re-write. Protean sucks, replaced by Auspex. Or Potence?

Music / song lyrics Be reminded, I am poor and seriously out of supply. By naming a *.mp3 precisely as those in the sounds/Music folder of bloodlines, you can overwrite them. This allows to hear your favourite music in the game. Simple enough. Legally done it is legal fun. I only had some half-way suiting or at least better as that freaky noises which I had to endure in game. (to check lyrics, it's gratis when online) Dark Saga by Iced Earth (to check lyrics, it's gratis when online) Blood on my hands from Demons & Wizards (Iced Earth with blind guardian) My Last Sunrise from Demons & Wizards (Iced Earth with blind guardian)

We had Gimble prosthetics,  now let's meet his embraced sister  from Gimble cosmetics???

Master of the Wind by Man'O'War 180 BPM or Rap/Charts can be fun, I found them pestering when combat starts...

Revelations of the Muse Damnation. A concept I dabbled about in “My notes on Melmoth.pdf” which can be found at either or In-character I mentioned it here already. Did you ever notice that typical Brujah are really damned? Think about it, all other clans (even the so-called True Brujah) gain some real preternatural power along with their Embrace. Not the Brujah. In Bloodlines Potence works as if “Burning Wrath” is auto-included. In truth a Brujah of the proper faction needs Potence 3 and Celerity 3 to not just be strong and fast, but to deal this aggravated damage as here anybody with Potence does. Only 1/3 of all Brujah usually learn that, other Brujah learn Iron Heart (resist Dominate and other mind-affective stuff) or seing if another vampire has physical booster disciplines (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude). The main benefit of the Brujah clan, especially in Bloodlines is: They never can trust to win by disciplines. It makes a lot of Brujah players continue thinking as a human should. Henceforth by mundane based cunning, they harshly can ever stop thinking because they expect their disciplines to solve all problems. I like the icon, to give some positive confirmation about clan Brujah! COMPLAINT: I got this occult katana which in patch 3.1 deals aggravated damage. That werewolf should be dead meat by my virtual-hands! I was a storyteller for Werewolf-The Apocalypse, some years ago. Garou (werewolves) are dangerous, but not as if in god-mode. In truth, they are dependant on clan, moon-sign (auspice) and race of birth (human, wolf or Metis). The game is in the same system, so you have to spend dots and while you gain “gifts” (disciplines) by birth, moon and clan/tribe, the players of Vampire Bloodlines shouldn't believe per se what Bloodlines tweaks here for story-purposes. It's a bit of an overstatement. See Anarch end-options. A veteran Gangrel can defeat a Werewolf even in a duel, though it would be very tough, bloody and as in that Chinese saying: When two tigers fight, one drops dead, the other is seriously wounded. I played a Lasombra when my pack stumbled into the ambush of a Changeling once. We simply had no chance at all. The only one with Auspex was too newbie to even see that it is there and not one of our powers sufficed to save our existence. A pack of Sabbat lost against one foe we just didn't know anything about. Last Note: In pen & paper ANY vampire can learn Potence, Celerity and Fortitude, even without a teacher. Most other disciplines, except sorcery, can be taught. Born without the blood you cannot really learn thaumathurgy or Assamite sorcery or Setite sorcery, for it is fueled by precisely that blood, not any vampire blood. Necromancy can partially be learned, depending on path and ritual. In Bloodlines we saw the path of blood from thaumathurgy.

Visual Evidence

If such clan icons and clans are not available, you simply have another patch. You can find this one though, online. The screenshot stems from the “patch/mod” you may get at: or

Dear Jake Zahn,  TYPOS in those description boxes in example: Salubri needs Tremere proudly unleashed  instead of unleased?

Last-Minute Notes: Typing into that console: vamplight_enabled “1” makes all vampires glow in red. This may help those who have graphic/camera problems in the Warrens? That hole you jump in, dive down and crawl away then is meant. snd_surround “1” turns that on, snd_surround “0” turns it off. With the “Hellfire” guns I do not consider it a cheat to allow further disciplines (especially fortitude) as in pen & paper. You can get such a desert eagle at

Where is that Nazarene when his stunts  are expected by the audience???

Of course that scene reminds us that we do not always consider consequences. Yet, in a dark way  didn't we just attempt to do the proper thing? Or is this purposely/thoughtlessly glorified slavery  (due the blood­bond)? One answer per each individual is surely possible... Obviously I neglected my intended short-story here to type concerning community problems which may have to deal with such as blame for random violence or school massacres. Personally I would have appreciated less violence as less criminal musts, more clan-based (different) missions and some of what the community already made real by now. I consider this sample another „burnout“ especially after a cleansing by Linux, I lost 14 of my original files and no file recovery could bring them back. That's the price to pay... Truth is, poverty kept me from being properly informed. I read late in 2006 that Bloodlines is a heavily criticized game (moral-wise). That given, the result is: I made efforts to discredit myself once more? Now that helps me to solve my financial problems... hahaha.

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