Values Of Love Curriculum

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  • Words: 34,088
  • Pages: 172
Unit One

Care and be kind

Objectives In this unit Superbunny will face a challenge of force. How does he deal with violence while supporting compassion? How do you handle your anger when you are challenged? Anger destroys compassion. So does violence. Superbunny follows some basic habits:     

I am fair. I listen to others. I don’t hurt others. I am gentle. I protect others.

We will also introduce problem solving methods such the ABCD of conflict resolution.

Pictures to talk about

Care for those who are hurt -


- old.

Who else can you care for?

Superbunny song Each Superbunny story starts with this song. We hope you will make singing this song a routine before you start every Superbunny story.

Superbunny, woodpecker and the rest, Always do their best, To stop what is wrong, And help everybody get along. Superbunny woodpecker and the rest. Never stop, And always do their best.

The Woodcutter and the Six Piglets 1. Superbunny was in the forest. It was very peaceful and pretty. (forest song) 2. Suddenly he heard a loud bang. Superbunny ran to see what had happened. He saw that a woodcutter had caught Mother Pig. She cried to Superbunny, ‘Please go and take care of my little piglets.’ 3. Superbunny went to Mother Pig’s home and said, ‘Piglets follow me’ and kept the piglets safely. 4. The next day they saw the woodcutter again. He wanted to cut the trees. Superbunny said. ‘Don’t hurt the trees. They are the homes of many animals.’ The woodcutter said, ‘But now they are mine and I am going to cut them.’ 5. The animals sat together and discussed what to do. ‘We can attack him. We can bite him, or kick him.’ said the piglets. Superbunny said, ‘He was wrong in taking your mother, but that does not mean we should be wrong too. We must stop him but we have to do it in the right way.’ (Arms are for hugging song) 6. The next day the animals stood in front of the trees. They said, ‘If you want to cut the trees, you will have to cut us too.’ Just as the woodcutter got his bulldozer ready, Street kid made a picture and gave it to the newspaper. 7. The newspaper wrote about the animals and the woodcutter. The King read the newspaper. He called the woodcutter. 8. The King said, ‘Woodcutter, you can cut trees, but you must first plant them. Here, I give you a land. You can plant your trees there!’ The woodcutter started to plant the trees. He was not so happy, but the animals could live in peace again.

Questions to discuss In this story there are many characters who wanted to use force. Can you name some of them? What did they want to do?    

Why did Superbunny refuse to attack the woodcutter? What is the right way to fight for peace? Have you ever heard of ‘win-win’ solutions? If somebody attacks you, can you control yourself?

Ideas for movements and dance Act out the following different scenes with movement 1. Superbunny is doing meditation. Other children are trees and make a tableaux of animals. 2. Clap hands (hit a drum/ tambourine) as the children act out the pig getting shot, while the others run and cry for help. 3. Superbunny protects the children (piglets). 4. The woodcutter acts bossy and proud while the animals are humble but strong. 5. The children sit down and one by one act out how they can hurt the woodcutter. Superbunny shows we must find a good solution. 6. Some animals are trees, others stand in front of them and protect them. 7. Streetkid makes pictures which are going to the king. 8. The king tells the woodcutter to plant trees first (sit on knees). (Finally he lies down – in relaxation pose)

Make kindness stars!

Roleplay: Solving problems Lovingly It is not possible to live a life without problems. But we can learn how to deal with our problems. When children have differences, we also have to solve our problems lovingly, without anger or hatred. In the Montessori tradition children work out their problems by sitting at a Peace Table. Help them use the following steps to work out their differences: ABCD of Conflict Resolution

Ask – What is the problem? Brainstorm – What can be solutions? Choose – Choose the best solution. Do it – Implement your choice. Arrange a role play to help the kids practice talking and listening and negotiating solutions.

Arms are for hugging Helping and Loving They may go left They may go right My arms they never fight They never fight.

Why do people do bad things? In the story the woodcutter wanted to cut down the trees. Do you know why? Do you know why people do bad things to others? Our anger and greed hurt our own peace.

The Whale Boy This story is from the Eskimo people of northern Russia. A long time ago, a man married his second wife. Though her husband was good to her, she didn’t fit in with the others and often felt lonely and went for long walks along the seashore. On one such day, she saw something very large coming closer and closer to her. She stopped and noticed it was a whale. And as the whale reached the beach, a man emerged. The man talked with her and they became very friendly. He asked her to meet him again the next day. Thus they spend much time together and were very glad together. Her husband had started to worry. He followed his wife on one of her long walks and when he saw the whale man holding her close, he ran out from his hiding place and wanted to attack the whale man. He however knew what was going to happen, and ran off. The husband hit the whale with his spear, and saw the whale off, bleeding from his side. Shortly after this, the young wife gave birth to a whale baby. She nursed the child till it was big enough to go out into the sea. There it learned to swim, get its own food and protect itself. Later a group of whales, one with a large wound at his side, came and took the little whale with them. Each spring, the young whale boy would come back, with many other whales. The villagers hunted many whales and their village became rich. The neighboring village became jealous. They couldn’t accept that the other village was doing better than their own. They knew that the wealth of the other village was the special favor of the whale boy. That following spring they took out a hunting group and killed the whale boy. Without him, the whales never came back. This made the whale boy’s village so upset, that they started to attack the other village, a fight that hasn’t ended yet until today.   

Discuss how the people could have prevented this war. How can they bring about peace? It is easy to spread hatred. Can you spread kindness too?

Make many kindness cards. Give each child two at the beginning of the day. Each time a child does something for others, they can give one away. Who can end the day without cards?

Animals suffer from our greed too Jealousy and Greed are everywhere but it is easiest to see it in how we, the people treat nature. Many animals have died out because of the greed of the people. One example is the buffalo in North America. Another is the innocent dodo on Mauritius. Which other animals have died out or are endangered? Superbunny wanted to protect the animals and trees. What can we do to protect them?

We have to save the rhino, The rhino and its horns. We have to save the rhino. There aren’t many anymore. So we shouldn’t wait To save the rhino, Or soon it will be too late.

Substitute with the names of other animals, such as: Elephant – tusks, Shark – fin, Tiger – skin, Monkey – paw, ….

Loving the animals means loving the trees Though there are some people who are selfish and don’t mind to hurt the planet, many people protect the Earth, like Green Peace, Jane Goodall, and others. (Talk about them) They all say that to protect the animals we need to protect the trees. Do you know why? Do you feel it is right for people just to go and cut the trees that have been home to animals for many generations? Learn this song:

Stop, stop don’t cut me I am an apple tree I’ll care for you If you care for me.

Substitute with: a pine, maple, oak, banana, pear, mango, …..

The Girl who could talk with the birds Once there was a girl who wanted to learn to talk with the birds. Her aunt was a little bit of a witch and told her in a whisper, ‘It’s easy! Every day feed them some grain and love them and you will know what they say.’ And yes, indeed after a few weeks, she could understand their songs. It wasn’t much of a conversation though, as whole day they chirped ‘Hello! I’m here. Hello! I’m here!’

But one day the birds said, ‘Be careful, a storm is coming. Be careful! A storm is coming.’ The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds told her father and he at once told all the farmers that they should secure their fruit trees because a storm was coming. The other farmers laughed at him and said. ‘It is impossible. Look! The skies are all blue. And the storm season is still far away.’ But the next day there was a very big storm, and many fruit trees were lost. Only the father of the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds, had secured their trees and saved the fruits. The farmers were angry. ‘How was it possible?’ they thought. ‘That girl must be a witch!’ Then the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds went to see her aunt again and asked how she could learn to talk with the moles. ‘It’s easy!’ she said, ‘but you won’t like it very much. They are very boring animals.’ But the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds didn’t mind. And just as with the birds, she fed them every day and loved them and yes, in no time, she understood their sounds. ‘Of course, all they said, was ‘Dig! Dig! Dig! Let’s dig! Dig, dig, dig! …’ But one day the moles started to say something different, ‘It’s going to freeze tomorrow. It’s going to freeze tomorrow.’ Again the Girl-who-could-talk-with-theBirds, quickly went to her father, and told him to pull out his carrots. He too told his fellow farmers to pull out their carrots. But those farmers laughed at him and said, ‘How is it possible, it isn’t winter yet!’ The next night it froze terribly, and all the other farmers lost their carrots and potatoes. Only the father of the girl who could talk with the birds had saved his. Again the farmers said, ‘That girl, she must be a witch!’ The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds now wanted to learn to talk with the bees. And as her aunt was not at home, she found her own way to talk to them by loving them and feeding them everyday. Again they were not very entertaining, as all they said was, ‘Honey, there is honey in those flowers. Honey, there is honey in those flowers.’ But one day they stated to say, ‘Don’t go out. Don’t go out. It is going to rain!’ She told her father who took in his harvest of grains and told the other farmers to do the same. But again they could not believe him and rested in their homes. But that night there was a terrible storm and all the other farmers lost their crops. This time the farmers got so upset that they called the soldiers of the king’s palace and told that the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds was a witch and should be beheaded. The soldiers brought the girl and decided then and there that she should be beheaded. But just as one of them wanted to take out his sword, the little girl called the bees and cried, ‘Save me! Save me.’ In no time there came thousands of bees who swarmed all

From the story: The Girl who could talk with the birds

around the soldiers and chased them away, allowing the Girl-who-could-talk-with-theBirds to go back home. But the farmers were not satisfied and again told the soldiers where to find her and tie her to a pole to be burned as was common those days. They had prepared a lot of dry wood and the fire started to really rise quickly and surround the Girl-who-could-talkwith-the-Birds who was tied to the pole. But then she called her bird friends to save her. And they all carried away the tiny branches of wood, so that the fire died out very quickly. They also untied her hands and helped her escape again. The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds went home again to live her life peacefully. But the farmers were really burning with anger and this time asked the soldiers to put the girl into a jail, deep under the palace. The soldiers did so, and the Girl-who-couldtalk-with-the-Birds was really very sad. There was nobody who could help her, she thought. And as she sat on the mud floor she suddenly hear a familiar sound! It were the moles! ‘Dig! Dig! Dig! Let’s dig! Dig, dig, dig! …’ They made a small tunnel, just big enough for her, from the jail into the garden of the palace. There the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds got up and saw the prince, who fell in love with the beautiful girl and then and there asked her to marry him. The Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds looked at him for a second and then shook her head. ‘You people are not very good. I don’t want to be near you anymore.’ She left them, and walked into the forest, where she lived the rest of her life with the animals and her other friends. ========================== Discussion:  How did the Girl-who-could-talk-with-the-Birds deal with violence?  Do you know about people who leave the world and live in the mountains or caves to find peace?  Do you think it is possible to find peace with your friends?  What do we need to do to find peace? Review the habits:      Learn this song:

I am fair. I listen to others. I don’t hurt others. I am gentle. I protect others.


you want peace? Oh, yes we do. Do you want love? Oh, yes we do. Then these are the things you should do: Care and be kind Never steal And speak good words all the time.

Make a banner Put your hand prints around the words!

Success is what you do for others.

Game: Problems and Solutions. Draw a board game on the white board and make problem spots and good habits. Mark the problem spots as a little fire. If they can’t solve the problem, they have to go back. When they hit a good habit, they can move ahead two spots. The good habits:  I am fair.  I listen to others.  I don’t hurt others.  I am gentle.  I protect others.

Problem Spots: Any classroom situations that often occur. Make them up according to the needs of the students.

Peace Circle Give out the stones with the key words written on them. Place candles for each child in the middle. Put on the soft music. Ask one child to say something about the good word in his hand and place that stone/ card/ piece of wood with the word in the middle. In return they may take a candle. Then ask a second child to do the same. Continue to do so until all the children got their candle and are quiet. Then blow out the candles.

To all the people, And other living beings too I wish all things wonderful I wish all the good. ====================================== "When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you." -Morihei Ueshiba

Unit Two

Speak Good Words

Objectives 1.

Discuss how we can bring about friendship. Use this song:

It’s so easy to be friends It’s so easy to do. You care for me I care for you. Ask the children to bring up more ideas and substitute ‘care’ with other words such as: swim, run, eat, sleep ….. Do they bring up any ideas related to speech and listening?


How can words help make friendship and peace? Do the children know about the magic of the words they speak? Do they have any example how words made them lose their friends? How do words from other people affect them?


Then discuss the power of listening. Do they feel their parents have time to listen to them? Do the children always listen to what parents say?


Learn the basic habits of good language:  I do what I say.  I can say what I think.  I am polite.

 

I don’t lie. I can admit my mistake.

Pictures to talk about Describe the situations. Can speaking good words solve their problems?




A Wrinkled Heart I do an activity with my kids that runs along the lines of this "tale". With the kids seated on the floor I start talking about the difference in the things we say that make people feel good or that hurt them. While talking I am cutting out a big heart. After I have it cut out, I hold it up and tell the kids that each one of us starts out with a heart that is as pretty as this one. I ask the kids to start telling me things that a person might say that might hurt another person's feelings. With each response, I fold the heart (any direction....just put a fold in it). Eventually the heart is crumpled in my hands. I tell the children that each time they say something hurtful to someone, they are putting a little wrinkle in that person's heart. We talk about how someone's heart might begin to look like this crumpled heart if people continue to say mean things to them. I then have the kids start to tell me things that they might say to someone to make that person feel good. With each response, I unfold one of the creases in the heart. Eventually I have pressed out all of the "hurts"....except, of course, for the fact that the wrinkles can still be seen, even though the heart is now all the way unfolded. We talk about how we each have those wrinkles in our hearts from things that people have said to us, and how we want to be careful with what we say so as to not add more wrinkles to anyone's heart. We put that heart up in a high corner of a bulletin board and leave it in plain view all year. Frequently someone will mention it....that their heart is wrinkled like that one, etc. It serves as a great reminder all year long. Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Benjamin Franklin

Beaver and the Bear School 1. Superbunny was sitting by the river, daydreaming and enjoying the sun. Suddenly he heard a loud noise. It was the Bears. They were shouting. Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam,,… 2. ‘What are you doing here?’ asked Superbunny. Bear was angry. ‘Our school is flooded. We can’t go to school. The Beaver did it on purpose! It is terrible. Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam, Superbunny, you must help us.’ 3. Superbunny sighed. He didn’t like bad words and said, ‘Let me see what happened and then see how we can solve the problem.’ He got on the back of woodpecker and flew off to the Bear school. 4. There he saw Beaver. He was working very hard, making his house. Superbunny asked, ‘Beaver, do you know that the Bears are very angry? They say you flooded their school and are doing very bad things.’ 5. Beaver said, ‘Me bad? You are joking! I’m just making my house. And look everybody is happy! Dragonfly, Turtle, Crocodile, Fish, Egret, they all like me very much.’ Just then the Bears came. ‘You Drmamdrmamdramadmramamdaremam,,…… … They shouted again. 6. Superbunny stopped them. ‘Don’t argue anymore, this will only bring us more trouble. Come with me and sit down and let’s find out what the problem is and what we can do to solve it. 7. Superbunny said, ‘When you do something, it must be good for everybody.’ Beaver admitted that he was sorry for giving trouble to the Bears. But he had wished they had talked to him nicely before shouting at him. He said he could build a new school easily. 8. Beaver built a new school for Bear. The Bears were very happy and shook Beaver’s hands. The school was very beautiful. Superbunny smiled too. ‘It’s easy to be friends, if we speak nicely.’

Questions to discuss  Bear was very upset about Beaver. Do you understand why?  Was Beaver really so bad?  Do you think Bear judged Beaver too early?  Could the Bears have avoided the problem?  Was it easy to find a solution to their problem?  What would have happened if Superbunny hadn’t done anything?  If there had been a fight, what would have happened then?

  

Can you always tell others how you feel? Do you easily fire up when people attack you? Do you know which things are your ‘trigger points’?

Ideas for movement and dance for dramatizing the story Children look for their own place in the classroom space. Then start to tell and act out the story. 1. Superbunny is enjoying the beauty of nature: Roll on the floor 2. The Bears are angry and shouting: sit and stamp your feet to express the Bears. 3. Superbunny asks the Bears to be quiet: mime quiet feeling and show Superbunny and Woodpecker fly off.

4. Superbunny and Beaver are talking nicely. – Mime and act out a discussion. 5. Bears arrive - sit and stamp your feet to express the Bears. Use your hands to clap on the floor to express the Beaver. 6. Increase crescendo as the argument increases in intensity. 7. Superbunny jumps and breaks the argument with a clapping of his hands. Sing any of the songs about words (Let’s talk, talk, talk…. Or There are some words,)

8. Mime a discussion with finger pointing and slowly cooling of the emotional temperature. 9. The smiling and hand shaking of friendship, Sing It’s so easy to be friends.

Talking makes Friends - I can say what I think. Use the example of a volcano: it can release steam slowly and also burst all of a sudden. Talking is like a slow release. A sudden eruption is like the violence we see in the world. It is not always easy to talk about our feelings but it is necessary if we want to find peace.

   

Anger often leads to shouting. Shouting may lead to pushing, Pushing to fighting and hitting and this will lead to A new problem.

This is called the “Anger Escalator”

Talk about feelings One way to stop climbing the anger escalator is to learn to talk out your feelings. It is not bad to tell somebody what you feel, even if it is not very nice, as long as you say it in a nice way.

It is also good to understand that many people say they are okay when they are really not okay. You can help them release their feelings and this way bring about peacefulness and love. Listen to this song on your CD:

Once I saw a cat, who was angry I saw that. But he did not tell What was wrong So I sang him this song: Let’s talk, talk, talk So we understand Let’s talk, talk, talk How we can be friends. She wanted to fight And hit me on my head I thought that was not right And again I said: Chorus Finally she told me Her feelings inside And though I could not help Talking helped her anger subside.

Role play – Learn to Cool Down Many problems become big arguments because of talking without thinking. That’s why people say somebody has a poisonous tongue; it may mean that the words they speak make others upset and hate others. This can happen because people may be selfish and overcome by anger and greed which often take away our ability of making rational judgments. One way to contain these strong emotions and drives is to develop the habit of this ‘Cool Down’ habit . When you’re angry Or mad Fearful or sad, Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in Breathe out Do it one more time And think Think, think (Breathe in) of the best way out. (breathe out) This rhyme gives you time to think before you decide how to respond to any provocation. Practice this in role plays. - Somebody bumps into you. - Fight over a chair. - People don’t want to share toys. - One eats the other’s candy Each time, use about ten seconds to come up with a win-win solution.

If speaking is silver, silence is gold Some words can solve a problem, and sometimes it is better to keep quiet. That’s why people say, ‘If speaking is silver, silence is gold.’ Certainly that was true in the fable of Crow and thePiece of Cheese and so it applies to the following tale:

The Talkative Turtle A turtle liked to talk. He talked in the day. He talked in the night. He talked to the left. And he talked to the right.

hear, No one who could help or even hear.

He never stopped. He talked and talked away, Even if there was no one To hear what he had to say.

Till two geese flew by, Who said, ‘Let us carry you up so high.’ ‘Bite in this stick, And please don’t talk as we fly.’

And because he talked and talked At no end, He didn’t have a single friend.

He kept quiet for a while. And it went very well. But then he saw some cousins Who started to yell.

Now there was a fire one day, That burned and burned the forest away. All the animals ran, and ran and ran. Only the little turtle didn’t go Because he knew he was too slow.

He greeted them with a loud ‘Helooooooooooo……’ For how long? I do not know. But then there was a ‘Bang!’ And that, I’m sure, was the turtle’s end.

He cried, ‘Help me! Help me! Help me’ But there was no one to

And after that, I heard No turtle has ever spoken again A single word.

Game: Chinese whispers Many quarrels in the world come from misunderstanding. Misunderstandings happen a lot, especially when people don’t listen, as in this joke: Three guys all of who didn’t usually listen carefully to each other, were playing ball one sunny spring morning. One says to another, "Windy, isn't it?" "No," the second guy answers, "it's Thursday." The third guy, listening in, pipes up, "So am I! Let's drink some milk" Play Chinese whispers ( pass the message and see what others hear.) Is it easy to communicate?

Step in my Shoes and learn about ‘Point of View’ Sometimes people say that the whole world is full of misunderstanding. To understand somebody needs a feeling we call ‘empathy’. It means that you feel what others feel and you understand ‘their point of view’. Like in a zoo, can you imagine how it feels to be the elephant instead of the visitor? What would you feel about the things people shout at the elephant? If you understand the elephant’s feelings, would you do bad things to it? Can you understand other classmate’s thinking? Draw two circles on the floor and ask two children to stand in each. Each child will tell what she thinks and feels.

When they have finished, ask them to change circle. Use this role play to see how much they can remember about the other person’s ideas. Learn this song:

I would like you to Step in my shoes and see How it feels to Think and be like me. And I will step in your shoes too So I can also come to know you. I will eat rice And you will eat bread, I will watch cartoons And you will sleep in my bed. And when we change back again You’d speak my words And I would feel your hurts

Then in the end We won’t no more be enemies No, I’m sure That in the end we will, we will be friends.

Talking can also help! Just as there is a time to keep quiet, there are also times that talking can help you, or even save your life. Do you know the story of The 1001 Arabian nights and how Scheherazade saved herself by telling stories. Here follows another tale of how talking can be the right choice.

How Hare married a Princess Once there was a king who was very happy. He was a good king and many people liked him. He also was rich. But what really made him happy was his daughter, whom he loved very much. She had long hair, beautiful eyes, sweet mouth and a kind heart. As she grew up, many people admired her and wanted to marry her. But the king refused. Even when she was big, the kind couldn’t agree to let her marry. ‘I won’t be able to stand it if she is not here.’ He often said, speaking of her long hair, beautiful eyes, sweet mouth and kind heart. But then one of his advisers said, ‘But King, you must set an example for everybody. You can’t prevent your daughter from getting married. If you do so, every father will have the right to do the same!’ The King, who was just and wise, thought about it and came up with a plan. He said, ‘Alright, my daughter who has long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and a kind heart will marry. But whoever wants to ask for her hand, must first drink the oil in this hot, hot, pot.’ And with a bang he dropped a pot in front of the people. Many people came. Princes from all over the land asked to marry her. They praised themselves, their strength, their families and their wealth. But the King hardly looked at them. Instead he told them, ‘Well, if you want to marry her, first drink the oil in this hot, hot pot.’ Some couldn’t even touch the pot. Others were unable to lift it, and again others burned their lips, as they tried to lick up the oil. No one succeeded, and the King was very pleased with himself. Finally there came a hare, who too asked to marry the princess. The King didn’t even look at the animal, and just replied, ‘Well, if you want to marry her, first drink the oil in this hot, hot pot.’

From the Story: How Hare married a Princess

The hare touched the pot and saw it was very hot. Then he began to talk. He said, ‘We are so lucky! We have a wonderful King…. He is just and wise and strong. And I am lucky too, because I am going to marry a wonderful princess with long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and a kind heart…..’ Meanwhile he touched the pot. It was still very hot. He continued, ‘ And you know, you the King are lucky too. He has wonderful people, who work hard and love them and listen to every word he says …. Some of you are bakers, others are cooks, and again some are police officers…. And now I am going to marry this princess with long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and a kind heart.’ Again he touched the pot, which by now had cooled down a lot but still was a little bit too hot. Hare continued his speech. He talked about the trees and the grass, the animals and the birds, the beautiful mountains, then again the lucky king, the people and of course his own lucky self and the princess with the long hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet mouth and kind heart. Finally he said, ‘And now I will drink the oil in this hot, hot pot.’ Of course the oil was not so hot anymore, and when he drank it the people clapped their hands. The King, who had dozed off, woke up. When he realized what happened, he was shocked and wanted to refuse to give his daughter to the clever hare, but the people said, ‘What you promise, you must do’ And that is what happened and how Hare married the princess.

Keeping Promises Tell the story of The Frog Prince and the Golden Ball. Stress how The King told the princess again and again ‘What you promise, you must do.’ The Story of Strong Wind What is more important than truthfulness? (discuss)Listen to this story from the Native American tradition that shows how truthfulness has more power than physical beauty. Strong Wind was a kind of shaman. Shamans are magicians who can control the

elements. He could change the weather, make himself invisible and create anything he thought of. But he was still very human, and though he lived with his sister, he was lonely and wanted to marry. His sister told him, ‘To marry is easy, but how can you find the right one?’ Strong Wind had wisdom. He said, ‘I want somebody who is truthful.’

His sister put out the word that her brother was looking for a bride. Many girls tried their luck, and whoever came to meet Strong Wind in his house, was asked, ‘Tell me, now that you are with him, what does Strong Wind look like?’ Being invisible at the time, the girls made up all sorts of stories. Some said that he was like a tree so strong, that he was riding a sleigh or that he was tall like a tree. Others told that he was wearing green pants, a yellow shirt made of cotton, or had beautiful jewelry around his neck. The sister knew at once that they were lying. In a nearby village, there lived a chief, who three daughters. Their mother had died a long time ago. The two eldest were lovely to look at, but the prettiest was the youngest one, who was loved by all. Out of jealousy, the bigger sisters would do all kinds of bad things to their younger sibling. Once they cut off her beautiful long hair. Another time they tore her dress. Another time, they smeared hot ashes over her face. And each time, their father was told it was the little one’s own fault! The two eldest sisters also wanted to marry Strong Wind. When they reached his house and were asked if they could see Strong Wind, they said, ‘Yes, we can.’ And started to describe him. The more they talked about Strong Wind, the more they exposed their own lies. The youngest sister wanted to try to win Strong Wind’s heart too. Even though her face was burned, her hair chopped off in a most ugly manner and her clothes torn, she wanted to give it a try. When she came to the house of Strong Wind, the sister asked her too, ‘Can you see Strong Wind?’ She was quiet for some time. Then she said, ‘I can’t see anything.’

The sister was surprised. Until then, everybody had pretended that they could see her brother. ‘Look again!’ said the sister excitedly. The young sister looked again. She looked outside and saw the trees move, the clouds part and her mouth opened in wonder. ‘He is so beautiful.’ she said. ‘What is his bow made of?’ asked the sister. ‘The rainbow!’ cried the young girl. ‘What do you see in his hair?’ asked the sister. ‘It’s made of the stars.’ said the girl. The sister than asked the young girl to wash herself in the water from their magic well. At once her beautiful hair grew back, long and prettier than before. Her face shone with kindness and compassion. Then Strong Wind showed his human form and asked the girl to be his wife. She agreed at once and had their wedding then and there. The young bride became known as ‘The Bringer of Truth’ and many people came to ask her for advice, as whatever she told them was of great use to their lives. Only the two elder sisters kept anger in their heart. They plotted one day to burn their sister in the oven fire, but Strong Wind turned them into two trees. And when you look today, every time the wind blows, you can see the tree leaves tremble and shake, because they are still so scared of Wind.

Peace Circle Stars shine because they always smile, did know that? And when little stars are born, their parents teach them to shine. Little Stars try to shine brighter and brighter so that they can give more love and be kind to all the others. They like that there is peace everywhere.


Now one day it happened that on the earth, the animals were quarreling. They spoke a lot of bad things about each other. The lion said the elephant was fat. The elephant said that the monkey was too noisy, and the monkey told the cow not to be lazy, and so on. There was no love feeling between, and only hatred. From very far, Little Star looked at them and said, ‘Father and Mother, why do those animals always quarrel? Can’t they say something nice about each other?’ Father told of all the stars that had dropped from the sky and fallen to the earth to tell the animals how to be kind and loving, but that they had not changed. Little Star said, ‘I also want

to go and teach them.’ And before her father and mother could say ‘No!’ She had dropped and started to fall from the sky. Little Star had become a falling star too and went straight to the earth! Unfortunately she fell right into the water. Little Stars don’t know how to swim. So she cried, ‘Help! Help!’ Fortunately a little fish came and tried to help her. Unfortunately he was not strong enough to push her out of the water. But fortunately enough, the fish called his friend and together they could pull and push her out on to the land. When Little Star was a little dry, she met the pig and horse. They were scolding each other You have to change! said the horse. Me change? Why? Said the pig. You are too fat! Said the horse Me fat? No I’m not fat. I’m just strong. I don’t want to change. Said the pig. But do you know who should change? It’s the cow. Me change? Said the cow. Why? You are too lazy! Said the pig. Me lazy? I’m not lazy. I’m steady. But do you know who should change? It’s the monkey. Me change? Said the monkey. Why? And so the quarrel went on with the elephant being too fat, and the mouse too naughty, the snake to scary, the zebra too foolish, the cat too mean and so on and so on. Little Star then said: Please listen. You all know how to say bad words about each other. Can’t you find anything good to say? That will make you all much happier. Maybe you even can become friends! First pig spoke, ‘Well horse, maybe you are very fast. Yes, you can run very well.’ The horse became so glad he hugged the pig and said, ‘Oh my chubby friend, I like you!’

Then the monkey told the cow how steady she was. ‘Hm,’ said the cow, ‘I like to hear

From the Story: Little Star that. Thank you.’ And the elephant looked at the little mouse, and started to smile. ‘You are really cute you know?’ At once the little mouse jumped on the elephant’s nose and hugged him with his little arms. ‘I thought so too,’ he said. The animals began to be happy. But who weren’t happy? Father and Mother Star. They wanted Little Star to come back. ‘You must come home, Little Star.’ they said. Giraffe who had passed by and come to like Little Star too, said. Climb on my shoulders, Little Star. And though the giraffe was tall, Little Star still wasn’t high enough. Then elephant told giraffe to climb on his shoulders, but still they were not tall enough. Even with lion, supporting elephant, they couldn’t push Little Star back into the sky! They fell down instead with a loud bang, and got really hurt. Elephant said, ‘I have an idea. We use a seesaw.’ Little Star sat on one side, and elephant climbed a tree, then jumped on the other side. Little Star went up really high. The animals were holding their breath. Would she make it? Could she reach the sky? She went higher, and higher and then Little Star began to fall down and with a loud bang, fell back to the earth. All the animals started to run around, calling ‘Little Star, Little Star The bear, the giraffe, the elephant, the lion and monkey, even the lazy hippo were running and jumping up and down, but they couldn’t find her. Only one person said he had seen Little Star, and that she had broken into a thousand pieces, and then disappeared. But where she was now, nobody could tell. As they sat together thinking about their good friend, who had shown them to be kind and loving, they were very quiet. They didn’t run. They didn’t jump. They were very still. And it is then that they could really feel the little stars shining in their heart. And when they opened their eyes, they became even kinder and more loving. It seemed as if they all had become Little Stars! And though many animals would forget Little Star, you still can find all over the world many, many little animals who quietly sit

and think of the beautiful Little Star in their heart and speak good and kind words. After telling this story, ask the children to close their eyes, and think of the love shining in their hearts. After opening their eyes, ask everybody to thank somebody before they can take a candle from the center.. Then sing Baba nam Kevalam or ‘There are friends, friends as far as I can see.’

Unit Three

Don’t Steal

Objectives To help children understand about stealing in the society, cut out newspaper stories and collect them. Explain the kids the things that were reported stolen. Explain that some thieves steal children too. Then explain the importance of respecting other people’s things and respectable ways of earning money by working for what you want. Also teach the kids to be careful that you don’t lose your things. Habits:     

I am honest. I don’t take what is not mine. I ask before I take. I can take turns. I can share.

Miss Dog and the Pearl Thief 1 Miss Dog is a movie star. Everybody likes to take her picture. Superbunny says, ‘Miss Dog, be careful, somebody may want to steal your necklace.’ 2 Miss Dog is very tired. She is sleeping. Fat Cat steals the necklace. He smiles ‘I like money, but I don’t like to work.’ Superbunny is watching. 3 Fat Cat is singing, ‘It is my lucky day, everything is going my way.’ He is hungry. He sees six birds sleeping in a tree. 4 He carefully picks them up and ties them to his belt. Then he feels sleepy too and takes a nap. 5. Superbunny tells Woodpecker to wake up the birds and fly to Miss Dog’s house. Woodpecker says, ‘Birds, follow me.’ 6. Superbunny is at Miss Dog’s house. She is worried. Her necklace is missing. The birds drop Fat Cat on the ground. He wakes up. ‘You are a thief. I am going to call the police.’ says Miss Dog.

7. The Police officer puts Fat Cat in his van. ‘Where are we going?’ asks Fat Cat. Superbunny smiles, ‘To jail! Bye, bye!’ 8. Fat Cat doesn’t like the jail. ‘How long do I have to stay here?’ he asks. The jailor snarls, ‘As long as it takes for you to learn to work for what you want.’

Discussion        

Why did Super bunny warn Miss Dog? Can you tell who a thief is? What do they look like? Why do thieves steal things? Can’t they learn to be good? Cat thought she was lucky. Do you think she was really lucky? People say that the bad may look so strong, but in the end the good will always win. Do you think that is true? Super bunny didn’t try to catch the thief himself. Do you think that was wise? How about you, would you try to catch the thief or call for help? What happened to the Cat in this story?

Why do people steal? (and how you can protect yourself) There are many people who steal in some part of their lives. Many children steal too. Knowing the five good habits can help you and prevent you from forgetting the right thing:     

I am honest. I don’t take what is not mine. I ask before I take. I take turns. I can share.

Examples: If you saw a nice pen, for example, and you don’t have any, you might want to take it home. Maybe you just tell yourself you borrow it, because you know you can not steal. But actually you don’t want to give it back. So it is stealing, isn’t it? When your mother finds out, you try to make a story to escape. But she knows you, and you have come to face the truth: you were selfish and stole something.

Remember, these good habits could have protected you:  I am honest.  I don’t take what is not mine.  I ask before I take.

You have to line up in class to get a present. It is not your turn, but you cut in line. Or you want to play with somebody’s toys. But your friend doesn’t want to share with you right then. What good habit can protect you?

Don’t Steal

Don’t Steal (2x) Because do you know how it makes us, makes us feel? If you take this or that

It makes us cry, It makes us sad. So, don’t steal (2x) Rap: Once I was looking for my pen Could not find it anywhere So I asked Everybody everywhere But they did not know where that pen of mine did go So I started to cry Really loud When my teacher said, ‘Let me find out.’ And yes in no time he found The thief of that pen of mine. He told him to look at the wall Really long And think about what is right and what is wrong. And even though he began to cry Everybody asked him, ‘Why, why, why did you take that pen As you already have lots and lots of them.’ So my dears, This story is full of sadness and tears That’s why I say Don’t steal…. Jail Children don’t go to jail. If they do something really bad, the government may put you in special care. But kids who steal usually grow up into adults who do the same and then, if it is really bad, they go to jail. Tell the story of ‘The thief and his mother’.

The Thief and his Mother. A little boy stole a book And instead of calling him a crook, His mother said: Hm, a book, that is not bad. Then he stole a coat and brought it home. His mother said: Now you can call it your own. Every day he did something wrong. While his mother praised him all along. But one day he stole a car. And that of course went too far. The police caught him and said: For this we are going to cut off your head. Before he was to die, He asked to see his mother To say a last ‘goodbye’. He came to her very near And then … bit off her ear. Everybody looked with surprise, And said: it is better that he dies But the young thief shook his head, ‘Because of her, I have become so bad.’ ‘If she had taught me What is wrong and what is right, I wouldn’t have to die here tonight.’

The Police man’s song

Catch the thieves We’ve got to run We’ve got to catch the thieves One by one There are Cookie thieves And book bag thieves Elephant thieves And shoe thieves But whatever their name They are thieves all the same! Now do not worry. Cause we are really smart. And those thieves, those thieves will be gone once we start Now we’ve got a job to do! Catch ….

The Diamond Thief Prepare an A4 envelope with two pieces of paper as in the illustration, one with a thief in baklava, and another of a lady.

Draw a large diamond on the whiteboard. Ask the children if it is expensive or not. (Of course) Who likes to have it? (……..) and thieves too! Ask the children to protect it. One day a thief (pull out card one from the envelope) and he said, ‘Ah, my lucky day. A diamond! And nobody around!’ (Encourage the children to call for the police) The police comes (sirens and sing the ‘catch the thief’ song.) The thief hides in the envelope. Pretend to be the police officer and ask the children what’s wrong. Encourage them to say, ‘there is a thief!’ Knock on the envelope. Pull out the card of the lady. Police officer: ‘Is this the thief?’ Children: ‘Nooooo!’ He apologizes and disappears. Repeat again: the thief comes out ….. Finally the police officer tells the children ‘Don’t call me again. You are telling lies!’ Make your own ending….. Then make the same kind of envelope as yours with the children. =================================

Stealing and bad reactions When you steal and hurt others, bad things can happen to you too. It is a law of nature, just like you throw a ball against the wall, it also comes back to you! But people who do bad things also can change and learn to do good. Jail is the place where we hope that people can learn to be good. Discuss how the law helps people to be good.

Do what is right – not what is easy

Valmiki Valmiki was a very good hunter. But inspite of that, his family was often hungry. His income was too little to provide enough food for his wife and children. So he started to steal the people who were passing through the forest. One day he saw a group of holy men. He wanted to rob them too. Their clothes looked very beautiful and he thought he could sell them. But then he realized that they were very kind and loving people. Seeing them, made him want to be kind and loving too. The saint who had almost been attacked, saw that Valmiki wanted to be really good and taught him the way to grow his own love, through meditation.

Valmiki immediately started to sit very quietly. He didn’t move, even for many days. In fact he was so quiet, that ants started to build an anthill over his body. The name ‘Valmiki’ actually means ‘anthill’. While sitting for meditation he got many good ideas and good thoughts. And that’s

how, even though he had been a robber, he became a very kind man, who later wrote famous books about loving others! What is Money for? Many thieves like to steal money. For many people money is the result of helping others. If you care and do something meaningful, you can get money. Thieves don’t see it that way. They want money quickly.     

What is money for? Who invented money? How do you get money? How do your parents get money? What do you do with it?

Some societies used shells as currency, others used leather pieces or carved stones. Some societies didn’t have money and they used barter to exchange goods. In again other places they used cattle (cows and sheep) to pay their debts. Whatever its shape, money can help you do good things. But money comes through hard work. Good Habit: I am honest. Would you like to have money? How could you get money? Ideas:  Help at home  Take care of other people’s pets  Wash cars  Recycle garbage  Grow flowers/ vegetables  Clean the garden  Sell beetles What would you like to do with the money you got? Make good work cards and give them to the children who help others. Also prepare some small presents they can buy for the points. For the period of a month use the good work points to reward children and get them to buy things.

Ability can take you to the top – doing the right thing

keeps you there. Stolen goods don’t bring luck. There is a saying that ‘Stolen goods don’t bring luck.’ Do you think that it is true? Listen to this story from Tibet. Before you tell the story, use these movements each time you say: Stolen goods don’t bring luck.’



don’t bring luck.

Stolen Goods don’t bring luck

Somewhere in the mountains, there traveled an old man. He climbed up and down the mountains and never seemed to tire. This man was a weather maker. He helped people and people often gave him many gifts. These he put in a bag, which he carried on his back. In the mountain there was a hare, who was very hungry. As there was no food to eat, he thought about stealing some food from the old man’s bag. The eagle was hungry too. He wanted to eat the rabbit, but he said, “Let’s work together, and steal the old man’s bag. There is much more for all of us to eat!”

A little later, the fox joined them. He too was hungry. “I too will help you steal the old man’s food.” He said When the old man was sleeping, the hare, the fox and the eagle, stole the bag from the old man and then and there divided the food. The fox got the old man’s boots. The eagle the old man’s drum, and the rabbit took the old man’s food. When the old man got up and looked for his bag, he shook his head and said, “My things are gone, but stolen goods, don’t bring luck” After one year, the three thieves met again. The fox was the first one to talk. “Look,” said he. “I almost died.” “What happened?” asked the rabbit. Do you remember that we stole those boots from that old man? Well, after I left all of you, I went to a farm to eat some ducks. I was walking in those boots. But then the farmer came and with those boots, I couldn’t run well. I got beaten badly and almost died! Stolen goods, don’t bring luck.” “Look at me.” Said the eagle. “Do you remember that I took the drum from that old man?” “One day I played the drum when I came to my nest. I hit the drum really loudly: bang, bang, bang. My babies got so scared that they jumped out of the nest and died. Really, stolen goods, don’t bring any luck!” “Well,” said rabbit. “You all speak the truth. When I went home to eat the old man’s food, my whole family joined me. We thought we had a wonderful meal. My cousins, my uncles, my grandparents, everybody joined in.” Before my mouth was beautiful, but when we woke up the next day, we found that all of us got a cleft lip. Really, stolen goods don’t bring luck.” Role play Act out how one feels when somebody steals, and another person who loses

something Game One of the students will sit in the middle of the room. Some common objects are placed near the student. The student is given a rolled up newspaper and then blindfolded. The other students have to steal the objects without getting touched by the newspaper of the student in the middle.

Was Robin Hood right? Robin Hood is a hero to many English children. He lived many years ago when few people were very rich and many poor people too poor to live. Though he was from a rich family himself, he decided to steal from the rich and give to the poor. He would hide in the forest and rob the business people who traveled there. He had many friends, who followed him everywhere. One such friend was a monk, called friar Tuck. Do you think Robin Hood was correct? Even if we have good wishes, can we steal other’s things to help other people. Does the goal justify the means? How can we raise money to help others? Do you know any organizations that collect money for good works? If your friends are hungry, can you take food from home and give to them without asking your parents? If you want to buy something, can you take your parent’s money? Good Habits:  

I don’t take what is not mine. I ask before I take.

Peace Circle The only way to prevent the bad to happen to us is to cultivate the good and make our minds strong by remembering the good habits. Repeat the five good habits in this unit and then take the candle, close your eyes and tell yourself to think good things only.

Unit Four

I Believe in Good

Objectives The value we want to teach here means that you see beauty in everything and feel infinitely positive about life. This realization will make you succeed! The habits connected to this Love Value are:     

There is goodness in all. I am always positive. I always encourage others. I don’t give up. There is a way out.


Piglets go to school A. Superbunny got a letter from the Principal. The Piglets have to go to school. B. At school they wore uniforms and had back packs. C. Deer, Squirrel and Porcupine were their classmates but they didn’t like the piglets. D. The piglets went home sad. Nobody liked them. They didn’t want to go to school anymore. E. Superbunny said, “Don’t give up. They don’t know what you can do.” Superbunny had a great idea. They made cookies together. F. The next day at school, the piglets shared their cookies and their classmates said, “Your cookies are good!’ “Yes,” say the piglets, “and we are good too”! G. At recess they were happy playing soccer together. Now, they liked school. H. Superbunny told the piglets, “Next time don’t give up so quickly! Believe in good!”

Ideas for movements Act out the story as a drama

Positive at all times The power of positive thinking can help us overcome many difficult times. And it is good to train our minds before problems come, so that we can be ready. Just like a soldier learns to fight before he goes to battle, so you have to make yourself strong.

Listen to this story and learn from the positive attitude of ‘Two eyes’. Before you tell this tale, prepare three masks: one with one eye, another with two eyes and a third with three eyes. Use them whenever you act either character.

One eye, Two eyes and Three eyes. Once upon a time there was a young girl who lost her mother when she was young. Her father was a businessman and often had to travel far. He married a widow with two children, so that his daughter could have a family again. The step-mother initially loved her new husband’s daughter. But as she stayed with her for more and more time, she came to realize that her own daughters were far less beautiful than her husband’s child. The main reason was that though she had two eyes, one of her daughters had only one eye, while the other had three eyes. Out of spite, the step mother made two-eyes do all the chores at home while her own children would spend the day idling around. Not only that, often Two-eyes would not get enough food to eat, wore rags for clothes and had to sleep on the stone floor. As father was out most of the time, this went on for a long time. As part of her duties, Two eyes had to take a goat grazing. She would often talk to the goat about all her troubles as she had no friend to share her pains with. One day the goat talked back and said, ‘Two-eyes, I will help you. Whenever you are hungry, say: ‘Little goat, little goat bleat. Give me something nice to eat.’ A table with rice and tofu and vegetables will appear. When you have had your fill, say, ‘Little goat, little goat I say, Take the table away.’ It happened as the goat had told, and Two-eyes became a happy child again, healthy, even a bit plump and often would sing.

This made her step mother suspicious. She thought that Two-eyes’ happiness must have something to do with the goat. So she sent One-eye to check on her. One eye fell asleep though and didn’t see what happened when Two-eyes took the goat for grazing. The next day, step mother told Three-eyes to follow Two-eyes and the goat. She too could not stand the heat and fell asleep. But one of her eyes didn’t close, and she saw how the goat would conjure a table with delicious food for Two-eyes. She told her mother upon their return and that night, the step mother killed the goat. Two eyes cried for three nights. Then she had a dream. The goat appeared and said, ‘Ask your step-mother for my horns and plant them in the garden.’ The stepmother, who could not give anything of value to Two-eyes, gave her the horns thinking they were useless. Two eyes planted them in the garden and went to sleep. The next day there was a beautiful apple tree in the front yard. And it was full of golden apples. Two-eyes, who was still very kind to others, told her step-mom, who sent her own daughters to pick the apples. They couldn’t pull any of the apples from the tree. But when Two-eyes picked an apple it yielded the apple. Every day Two-eyes would pick one apple and give it to her step mom, who in return never gave her anything back. Instead she would dress her own daughters in the best clothes, get special food and continue to abuse Two-eyes. Two-eyes suffered a lot. Father had not come back for a long time and she was in real pain. But then one day a prince passed by on a horse. When he saw the apple tree with the golden apples, he asked for one. Two eyes, afraid to be seen in broken rags and dirty from the hard work she had to do every day, hid her herself. One-eye, who was eager to show herself to the prince, offered to pick one of the apples. So did Three eyes, but they of course failed and finally they had to summon Two-eyes, who offered the apple to the prince. He was very grateful and asked if he could do her a favor. Two eyes didn’t have to think long. ‘Please, take me away.’ She said. The prince who had seen through the dirt on her face and the broken rags,

at once pulled her on his horse and took her to his palace. There he asked her to marry her and cared for her as a good husband should. With the Two-eyes, the tree with the golden apples had come to the palace too. They lived very happily in the palace. Now one day there was a knock on the palace door. Two-eyes opened and saw two beggars. They really looked badly off. They were shivering, their clothes were rags full with mud, and they were bend over from exhaustion. When one of the said, ‘Can you give us something to eat, dear lady?’ she at once knew what she had felt in her heart: they were her step-sisters. She didn’t hesitate. Two-eyes asked them to come in. She bathed them, clothed them and gave them a place to rest. The sisters cried. Their mother had died and after Twoeyes had left they hadn’t been able to live well. Two-eyes forgave them for all the pains they had brought her when she had been living with them. The two step sisters couldn’t believe their eyes. Two-eyes was really very kind and also found two husbands for the sisters, so that they could have a good family. And these sisters, though still very ugly, were shining with thankfulness. So that they didn’t look perfect was not a problem to their husbands at all! And that all by the grace of someone who really believed in good! ================================

I believe in good I really do I believe in all the good In me and the people around me too. There are stories, they are really sad Of monsters and witches And other things so bad. But I believe in good …. And one day, I know it will come to pass That these bad things will not last I believe in good I really do …

Bad things can also make us better Sometimes we can not understand why bad things happen to good people. Fate seems so cruel. Still there is a sense of benevolence in everything that happens to us, as all the pain is a step towards finding peace. Play this game and learn the story of ‘Oneeye, Two-eyes and Three-eyes’ and how Two-eyes never stopped believing in good: Draw a board game on the whiteboard. Mark some shares as problem squares. Call the last one ‘Peace’. In the squares of the board game write or draw some of the problems Two-eyes had to face.  Mother dies.  Her step mother doesn’t like her.  Her step sisters don’t like her.  She has to work very hard.  She is always hungry.  She has to sleep on the kitchen floor.  A goat helps her.  But her step mum killed it.  She got a dream and planted a tree that gave her golden apples.  Her mother took all the golden apples.  She didn’t give her anything in return.  A prince came by and saved her.  Her sisters became very poor.  They came begging to her palace.  She forgave them and cared for them.  They lived in peace. Play with a dice with one and two’s. Who is the first one to find peace? You can make a similar game for many other fairytales (Cinderella/ Hansel and Gretel, Brother and Sister, etc.)

Lord Shiva and the Potter Sometimes we can’t see the beauty of the great plan because of our own foolishness. And when we want to make changes in God’s plan, we sometimes make it worse! This story is from long before the plastic juice bottles and milk cartons. It is from a time that people had potters.

One such potter in India, would always pray to his god, Lord Shiva, before starting any new pot. And after many years of this devotion and love for God, indeed Lord Shiva himself appeared and said, ‘I am deeply touched by your love. I will grant you any wish you want.’ The potter was a simple man. He didn’t ask for wealth, power or fame. He said, ‘Lord, I make beautiful pots, but sooner or later they break. That is very painful for me. I would like to make pots that are unbreakable, pots that we can always admire and look at.’ The potter was afraid to look up to the Lord, but heard a soft, ‘As you wish.’ And then felt the Great One had disappeared. At once he tried out if the wish had come true and started a new pot. When it was ready and dry, he threw it on the ground, and yes, it was unbreakable indeed! The potter got a lot of business. Many people came to buy his pots. Other potters couldn’t sell any of their pots and lost their income. The Potter though was proud and got wealthy very fast. But then less and less people started coming to his shop too. In fact if he could sell one pot a day, he was lucky. People didn’t need pots anymore, as they were all unbreakable. He too started to regret his decision to ask for unbreakable pots. Breaking things seemed sad to him, but in the Great Plan, it was right! For many nights, he cried to Lord Shiva, ‘Please grant me one more wish. Please let my pots be unbreakable again.’ The Lord is forgiving and kind to all. And when we realize our foolishness, even when we blame him, he will help us. After three nights of deep crying for Him, the Lord came to him again, and granted him his second wish. His pots could break again! It made him even happier than the first time he could make unbreakable pots, because he now knew that in the Great Plan, everything is good!

Topics for discussion   

Discuss things children feel are not fair in life. How would they like to change these? Can they learn through discussion to see the meaning of these things?

The Man who Couldn’t Die Discuss with children the saddest thing that ever happened in their lives. Maybe they will talk about somebody dying. Dying is a very sad thing for many of us. (discuss children’s experiences) But death also happens as part of the Great Plan. Once a woodcutter was hard at work when he suddenly felt a cold rush of air pass by. When he looked up, he saw it was death. He asked, ‘Have you come to take me?’ Death said, ‘No, I have come for that lady over there.’ And as he pointed, he saw her fall dead on the floor. The woodcutter then asked, ‘When will you come for me?’ ‘After five years.’ replied Death. That night the woodcutter thought what he would do in the next five years, the last five years of his life. He stopped cutting trees and made a plan. Five years later, Death came again. The woodcutter looked up and said, ‘Ah, I knew you would come. But before you take me, can I show you what I have done in these five years?’ Death said he would like to know. The woodcutter smiled and said, ‘I wanted to make something special. So I stopped cutting trees and made a house in this beautiful tree.’ He opened the door, and asked Death to follow him. Downstairs they saw a beautiful living room. Then they went to the second floor and saw a bedroom and bathroom. It was all very pretty. Then they went down stairs, the woodcutter first and Death following him. But as soon as the woodcutter had gone through the door to go outside, he closed the door, and locked death inside. Death shouted and cried to be released. But the woodcutter wouldn’t hear of it. Instead he hid the key under a stone and went home. All over the world, animals, insects, even plants and grass couldn’t die. People didn’t die either. The woodcutter grew older and older. His body was sick, was hurting, but he couldn’t die. All over the planet, animals were crowding the forests. People were standing on top of each other, but they could not die and they didn’t know why. But the one who did know what was wrong, was the woodcutter. And when he saw that things were really getting worse by the minute, he asked one of his great, great,

great grandsons to carry him to the tree, get the key and open the door. Death came out very quickly, and swiftly helped all those old and broken bodies die, so the earth had breathing space again. Then he went to God, to ask to be invisible, so that nobody would ever lock him up again. God agreed. And that’s why we can’t see Death anymore. 

Discuss with the children that everything has meaning and is part of the Great Plan.

Make a Tree Prepare tree cut outs with a wide trunk. Cut out doors and stick on some paper. Ask the children to complete the picture with their drawing, coloring and painting.

The Heart of Greatness The people’s heart is not just a center of feeling. It is a place of greatness. By caring for it and deepening our link to the heart, we can learn to live this greatness in our lives. Listen to this story: Story: The People’s Heart When God made all the animals, He was extremely busy. He had to fix the ears, the tails and claws of all the animals and make sure that all were looking good. He also had to make the people, boys and girls. In all this hard work, He suddenly realized that He had forgotten to give the children their hearts. As there was not much time, He quickly took the heart and gave it to the boy and girl. The heart was really very beautiful and when the children held the heart in their hands, they felt soft and their faces became sweet and tender. The animals also looked longingly at the children: Could they also get a heart like this? Well, God was tired of all the hard work, so He didn’t pay attention to the animals wish. But the children felt that they should do something. And because the heart was very big, they decided to divide it and give everybody a little piece. They counted all the animals, and broke the heart in the same

number of pieces.

But then, what a shock! When they had given out the last piece of heart, they suddenly realized that they had forgotten to count themselves. There wasn’t any piece of heart left over for themselves! The children looked at each other. How could they have made such a foolish mistake? The children started to cry. How could they ever live without a heart? God noticed this and when He saw how good the children had been in sharing with everybody their big heart, He decided to solve the problem. From His own heart He broke a piece, and gave it to the children. The children were shocked. ‘How can we take care of your heart?’ they said. ‘We don’t always know how to do the right thing” God smiled and said, ‘Don’t worry. If you listen, my heart will teach you.’ And from that day onwards the children who really liked to see good in everything, took some time off in the day to close their eyes and be very quiet and listen to their heart, the heart of God.

Seeing the Beauty in All There are many stories of Yogis who saw beauty in everything. Some tell of ho they would eat with the dogs. But there is one special story that stands out. It is a story of Krishna who suddenly wanted to visit a house of one of His devotees. The poor man and woman who lived there quickly readied the place. The man was still busy when Krishna arrived. His wife served Krishna a banana and massaged His feet. He was deeply touched by the woman’s devotion. When her husband came in the room where Krishna and his wife were seated, he saw Krishna eating the banana peel. He scolded his wife for feeding the peel, instead of the banana. Krishna smiled and told him not to rebuke her as everything giving in love was equally delicious to Him.  

Can you see the beauty in everything? Draw Krishna eating the banana peel.

Always encourage others and never give up. Life can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean we can give up. Our hopes and dreams can make us very strong and succeed! That’s why we like to support others and help them be positive and full of strength. We also don’t give up ourselves. Here are some stories of people who didn’t give up and succeeded.

 

Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded. Beethoven handled the violin awkwardly and preferred playing his own compositions instead of improving his technique. His teacher called him hopeless as a composer. Colonel Sanders had the construction of a new road put him out of business in 1967. He went to over 1,000 places trying to sell his chicken recipe before he found a buyer interested in his 11 herbs and spices. Seven years later, at the age of 75, Colonel Sanders sold his fried chicken company for a finger-lickin' $15 million! Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Disney also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland.

 

Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution, gave up a medical career and was told by his father, “You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat catching.” In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, “I was considered by my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard in intellect. Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and didn’t read until he was seven. His teacher described him as “mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams.” He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich Polytechnic School. The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D. dissertation as being irrelevant and fanciful. The movie Star Wars was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood before 20th-Century Fox finally produced it. It went on to be one of the largest grossing movies in film history. Louis Pasteur was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15 out of 22 in chemistry. The father of the sculptor Rodin [The Thinker Statue] said, “I have an idiot for a son.” Described as the worst pupil in the school, Rodin failed three times to secure admittance to the school of art. His uncle called him uneducable. Dr. Seuss' first children's book, And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street, was rejected by twenty-seven publishers. The twenty-eighth publisher, Vanguard press, sold six million copies of the book.

Never give up believing in yourself!!! ==============================

Quiet Time –Visualization of Beauty Tell the tale of Grandpa Flowers, one who didn’t give up on his dream. Grandpa liked flowers. That’s why they called him ‘Grandpa Flowers’. After grandma died, he had not much to do. So he started to plant flowers. First one. Then two, three four, and more and more. After a few years there were flowers everywhere. And not just in the garden. They were on the roofs, the cars, the bicycles, the highways. Grandpa even had planted flowers on people’s hats. It had become a flower world. And Grandpa was constantly planting more and more, watering them weeding them so that his flowers would always be bright and shining. All these flowers made the people feel very nice. Flowers mean love. Flowers mean kindness. Flowers touch the heart. And when people looked around they couldn’t get

angry, because it was so sweet and pretty all around them. But when they looked around, there was also one place where there were no flowers. Do you know where? Yes, it was on the moon. And when Grandpa Flowers was sitting on the balcony and looking out at the sky, he thought about it for a long time. Then he started to sing:

Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers everywhere Growing on the moon and floating in the air. Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers in the sky That sprout and blossom while they fly. Wouldn’t it be beautiful To have flowers that can say More than words ever can convey Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers everywhere Growing on the moon and floating in the air. John, his grandson came over and smiled: ‘But how, grandpa? There is no air on the moon. Flowers can’t grow without air!’ ‘I’m going to do something about it.’ He said. John and grandfather carried stones and cement and started to build. “What are you making?” the people asked. But they could see for themselves. It was a huge chimney that was so tall that it disappeared into the clouds! When that was finished, grandfather collected all the wood they could find and hammered almost day and night. It was a noise all could hear wide and far. Again the people came and asked “What are you making?” But they could see that too for themselves. It was a boat, no a giant ship! ‘But we don’t have water around here.’ said the people. ‘Yes I know,’ said Grandpa. ‘It is a space ship!’ The people shook their

heads. They went away, murmuring and laughing ‘Ships can’t fly.’ But the next day when the people came again, they saw that the ship had disappeared

From the Story: Grandpa Flowers

along with Grandpa Flowers. That night, when all the other people had been asleep Grandpa Flowers had tied hundreds of pigeons to the ship, that was now full of bags with seeds and had flown away. And with the help of the pigeons, they had almost passed the clouds on their way to the moon. But as they went further and further away from the earth they got caught in a storm. The boat was shaking, there was lots of rain. John cried, ‘Grandfather, the chimney is broken.’ Grandfather was shocked, but then got busy trying desperately to get his boat back to the earth safely. To no avail. They turned over, spreading all the seeds all over the place, and throwing grandpa Flowers and his grandson into free fall. The faithful birds however helped them land safely, but heart broken. They had worked so hard and all in vain, so it seemed. Dejected and sad, they walked over the mountain tops to their homes. They walked through valleys, over rivers and passed by lakes. They were walking but not talking. They thought: ‘All our work has failed. Now that the chimney is broken the seeds won’t sprout, there is not enough air. They were scared to go back to their home. They were sure the people there would laugh at them. And after many days they waited for the night to go home secretly. But as they came to the village, there were many people looking at the sky. And they were shouting, ‘Look! Look at the sky!’ And really, grandfather saw first the yellow of the marigolds, then the purple of the violets, the white of the lilies, the red of the roses, shining in a beautiful circle on the moon. And then in the sky popped up dahlias, carnations, daffodils, spots of flowers between the twinkling stars. The people were dancing with joy. This was amazing. Really amazing. They snapped pictures, they made movies, they shouted and pumped their fists, and then they sang

Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers everywhere Growing on the moon and floating in the air. Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers in the sky That sprout and blossom while they fly. Wouldn’t it be beautiful To have flowers that can say More than words ever can convey Wouldn’t it be beautiful Flowers everywhere Growing on the moon and floating in the air. That night nobody went home. They all stayed and looked at the sky, the stars, the moon and the thousands of flowers that made everything look so beautiful. Really beautiful. And after that, the flowers slowly disappeared. In space, there was nobody to water the flowers or to pull the weeds. Grandpa was old. He couldn’t get up any more. But even then the flowers never disappeared from the people’s heart, and everything still remained so beautiful. Sit in a circle and do Quiet Time by softly singing the song and visualizing the flowers falling from the sky.

Unit Five Simple Life

Objectives Voluntary simplicity believes that by’ living simply without, one will be richer within’. Simple things can be beautiful. And really air, water, nature are all free (or

nearly free) and most beautiful. By forgetting this we lose the sense of thankfulness and compassion that go along with the values that give us peace. In this study, we focus on the beauty of simple life and the wonders it can do if we combine it with the spirit of compassion and service. Also learn about humility and the importance of setting aside personal ambitions for working towards collective goals. Finally start to understand the dangers of waste. Habits:  I am not greedy.  I am thankful.  I work together to help others.  I don’t waste.  I like unity.

Rosy Roach 1. Rosy Roach was a grass cutter. She earned enough for her self to eat. The rest of the money she saved in a jar. One day she found the jar was full. She gave it to Superbunny to buy a ring. Then she said, ‘But what can I do with this ring. I don’t need it. I like simple life!’ 2. Just then they saw Lady Bug at the tire shop. ‘Can you give me some tires? I need them so that I can work and feed my family. I will pay you later.’ She asked. But the Tire Man said, ‘I am sorry Lady, but no money, no tires.’ Rosy gave her ring to the tire man and said, ‘Here, take this ring. And give this good Lady her tires. The Tire Man looked at the ring and said, ‘This can buy you even forty tires!’ 3. Lady Bug got all her brothers and sisters, cousins and uncles and aunts to work with her. They mad a company called the ‘Happy-Busy-Beetles Truck Company’ They carried many different things: shoes, umbrellas, books, candies, 4. They worked hard and could feed their families. Lady Bug was thankful and said, Rosy, you gave me one ring. But I could earn much more. I want to thank you.’ And

she gave Rosy a box with 100 rings! ‘She said, ‘But what will I do with so many rings? I just like a simple life!’ Well, said Superbunny, there are many more who need help. And he called Turtle. 5. Turtle told he wanted to feed his family too. Rosy gave her the 100 rings. Turtle started to work as an airplane. He did very well and could help others too. They made their own airport and carried people all over the world. 6. To thank Rosy, The Flying Turtles gave her 1000 rings. Rosy wanted to refuse, but they said, ‘Maybe you can help others even more!’ Rosy called Superbunny and thought for a long time who could do something good with these rings. 7. Finally they called Street Kid and the Little Good Witch. Superbunny was very serious, ‘Can you, can you …..?’ They nodded their heads, and said, ‘We can! Yes, We can!’ 8. The next day they called all the Lady Bugs and Flying Turtles. They also bought much food and medicines and send them to the poor people all over the world. Airplanes and trucks went in and out. They were very busy. 9. That night, the piglets watched the news. It said that today for the first time, the world was without hungry people and that nobody was without medicines. Superbunny almost cried, ‘…and it was so easy,’ he said, ‘that even our little Rosy could do it.’

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Why did Rosy save the extra money? Why did Lady Bug need the tires? Did she use the chance to start a business very well? Why did Lady Bug succeed? Was she thankful? Who did the children help with the food and medicines? Do you know about any poor people near you? Do you think you can help with what you don’t need for your self?

Ideas for Movements with the Story Yoga poses suggested for the main characters: Rosy Roach Lady bug Turtle


crocodile pose hare pose turtle pose

Simple Life Song Make art out of waste materials . Teach the children this song:

We like simple life, Simple life I am happy with what I got What I do not need I want not. Because we like simple life, simple life…

I’m the inspector The inspector Who checks on greed. I come to see If you have anything extra, Anything you do not need. Oh, no! Forget about it, We like simple refr. Be happy with what you got What you don’t need

Want it not. Because we like Simple life, simple life! I don’t like greed. I don’t like What I do not need. Organize a flea market or a sale of extra toys with point cards (instead of money)

How to change the world with magic The story of Rosy tells how by living a simple life, you can make a big difference in the life’s of others. In real life there are many rich people who give away their money to change the world. What would you do if you had a magic porridge pot and could spend it to help make the world be a better place?

Story: Magic and Dreams Jonathan walked home from school. On the way he found a new shop. It said, ‘Magic and Dreams’ on the signboard. Jonathan entered and saw an elderly Indian man with thick, rimmed glasses, looking at him. Jonathan also saw racks full of bottles, apparently empty. He asked, ‘What is inside these bottles?’ The Shopkeeper answered, ‘Dreams’. Jonathan looked inside and saw a lot of different dreams floating around in the bottle. He loved them all and asked if there was any dream for him. The Shopkeeper laughed and said, ‘You are young. You still have plenty of dreams. These are for people who have lost their dreams. But you need something else. You need magic.’ He took Jonathan to the back of the shop and handed him a pair f shoes. ‘They are magic shoes, Jonathan. When you put them on, they can make you go anywhere in a second.’ Jonathan tried them on and at once closed his eyes and said, ‘I want to go home.’ And yes, he found him self at home as soon as he opened his eyes. So he traveled all over the world. When it was dinner time, he thought. I like to eat with somebody who has not eaten yet. So he closed his eyes, snapped his fingers and when he opened his eyes was with a boy in Africa. Together they ate dinner. He also

promised to come back. In fact Jonathan started taking all the food from the fridge, the juices from the store, the cookies, even his books and toys and gave them away, as he found that there were many people who were hungry, thirsty or in need of the things he had. Then his mother called him and asked, ‘Jonathan, I went shopping today, but where is all the food? Where are all the toys and the clothes?’

Jonathan explained how he had magic shoes. His mother laughed at him, but then he took her hand and together they flew off. When mother saw all the good work her son was doing, she organized trucks and trucks of food and clothes and books and Jonathan went snap, to Africa and …..Asia and the mountains and the desert and the rivers and the jungles …. And then ….. Rrrrrringggggggggg! It was the alarm. Jonathan had to wake up. It had been a dream. But wasn’t it a beautiful dream?

Don’t waste

Usually we say that the three r’s are: Reading wRiting aRithmatic

Simple life means we follow these three r’s of : re-use, re-duce and re-cycle. (explain) If we use less things, there will be less war and less crime and peace will have a better chance. Learn to tell this story of Mr. Carter and how he re-used and re-cycled his coat, and that way re-duced his waste.

Mr. Carter’s Coat

Mr. Carter loved to look good and so he loved clothes, but he almost never bought any. It is because the clothes he did have he used again and again. Use a large (A-2) paper and draw and fold as you tell the story of what he did with his coat: Coat – became a sweater Sweater became a vest. Vest became a cap Cap became a butterfly. Bow tie became a button. The button became a story.

Train the children to tell this tale Facts about Garbage Every year, Americans

 

Throw away 50 billion food and drink cans.

65 million plastic and metal jar and can covers.

More than 30% of our waste is packaging materials.

Some 85% of our garbage is sent to a dump, or landfill, where it can

27 billion glass bottles and jars.

take from 100 to 400 years for things like cloth and aluminum to decompose. 

Glass has been found in perfect condition after 4,000 years in the earth!

==================== Make no waste posters

Unity Rosy liked to work with others. Lady Bug’s family worked together. So did the Flying Turtles and the children as well! Do you know what the secret of their success was?

Unity! They worked together! The greatest waste of people is that we don’t do things together. If we were all united in one goal to serve the world, wouldn’t the planet be a better place? Listen to this story from the fables of Aesop: =================================

The four sticks

The four brothers liked to fight, fight, fight. This made their father cry, cry, cry. He gave them sticks to break, break, break. ‘I can’t.’ said the first. ‘I can’t.’ said the second. ‘I can’t.’ said the third. ‘I can’t.’ said the fourth. He took the sticks from them and gave Each one one, each one one. ‘I ‘I ‘I ‘I

can,’ can.’ can.’ can.’

said said said said

the the the the

first. second. third. fourth.

‘Alone you won’t last long. But together you will be strong. So, my sons, 1,2,3 and 4 Do not fight anymore.’

Build something together Give everybody a piece of clay. Explain that everybody has a piece of clay and that we are going to use it to make something together. Ask them to think of what they want to make (but they can’t tell anybody.) Then start, by calling the students one by one to add their piece of clay to the project sculpture. What does it end up like? Break up the sculpture and divide the clay again. This time let’s make a plan and really work together. Discuss what you want to make in details. Then ask the children again. Can they work united, each contributing something different?

The Magic Stick There are many stories of how luxury breaks the bonds of love and trust and turns people into beasts and monsters! Maybe you have heard the story of the three wishes (and the sausage on the farmer’s nose). How about the story of the poor fisherman’s wife who asked a magic fish for more and more, and finally disowned her own husband, only to be returned back to her poor house and become a simple and happy woman again? The following story is from Nepal The Magic Stick Once a boy was asked by his mother to cut some trees for firewood. When he went into the forest to cut a tree or two, each tree asked him not to cut him. Stop, stop don’t cut me I am an ..(apple).. tree If you care for me I will care for you So he only collected branches that had fallen on the floor. It took him a long time and his mother scolded him. This made him angry inside. The next two days the same happened. He couldn’t hurt the trees but was angry at his family. The third day however, a little man came and said, ‘You have been kind to the trees. They want you take this magic stick. The boy used the magic stick to make himself a beautiful palace. He wished for many other things. And he got really fat with all the things he ate. One day it got very hot. He wished the sun to go away. Then it became very cold. So he wished the sun to come

back, but only to shine on him. Unfortunately that is what happened and all the sun’s rays shone on the little boy. It got extremely hot and he was going to be roasted badly, but luckily his magic stick was roasted first and that undid all the magic it had done and he became a poor little boy in his mother’s home again. But this time he was wiser and thankful.

Peewee: I want to live and be myself! Simple life, means that that you don’t waste. The most beautiful part you should not waste is yourself. Other people can sit on top of you, frustrate you or stop you from being who you are, but there is a time you have to stand up for yourself and show the world who you really are! Listen to this tale of Peewee.

Peewee the Dancer Jonathan had many toys. Cars, blocks, robots, balls, you name it. He had it all. More than anything though he loved a little puppet, called ‘Pee wee’. He liked Pee wee so much that he even would sleep with him, holding him closely to his heart. It was after one such night that when Jonathan got up to go to school, Peewee got up too and said: ‘Today I’m going with you.’ Jonathan couldn’t believe his eyes. Peewee had become alive and was coming with him! He hurried up and together they went on the school bus. Jonathan kept Peewee by his side. There were many children on the bus. Jonathan started to play with them. They were very noisy. In fact they were so noisy, that the bus driver got upset and said: ‘Jonathan, You’d better get out.’ ‘But I have to go to school.’ said Jonathan. ‘That’s fine.’ said the bus driver. ‘You can walk to school.’ Jonathan was so confused that he forgot to take Peewee with him. By the time all the children had gotten off the bus, Peewee was left behind, all alone. ‘And where do you want to go?’ asked the bus driver. ‘I’d like to go to the park.’ said Peewee. In the park there were lots of trees and lots of bushes and flowers. Peewee liked it

From the Story: Peewee the Dancer

there very much. But what he didn’t know, there were also lots of dogs. And they were not all bad, but they wanted to play with Peewee. One of the bigger dogs got hold of Peewee and ran around with him, holding him between his teeth. Peewee shouted and screamed: ‘Help. Somebody help me.’ Luckily the dog’s owner Lucy, heard Peewee’s screams. She told her dog to let go off Peewee. Lucy put Peewee into her pocket and took him home. Lucy was a big girl and didn’t play with puppets anymore. When there was a jumble sale, she took all her toys, including Peewee and put them up for sale. An old man looked at Peewee, picked him and asked: ‘How much is this puppet?’ ‘Ten cents.’ She said. The old man took Peewee home. The man was a puppet master. He had many puppets and often played with them in his puppet theater. He took Peewee and tied many strings to his hands, his vest, even to his head. The old man was making Peewee into a marionette. Every night Peewee had to dance in the old man’s puppet show. Whenever the puppet master pulled a string, one of his hands would go up, or one of his legs would turn left or right. It was very painful for Peewee. He didn’t like it at all. Now, one night as Peewee was again getting pulled around this way and that way, he saw a pair of scissors. Peewee took the scissors, cut of the strings and for the first time in many weeks, he started to smile. 12. He stretched his body, checked his arms and legs and then began to sing: I want to live, and be myself I want to dance, and be myself. I want to sing, and be myself I want to show everybody who I am. The people were stupefied. Even the puppet master had walk from behind the puppet box and looked on with surprise. Little Peewee could dance and sing all by himself. When the show was over, the audience threw hundreds of flowers at the puppets. And

everybody went home, speaking about the beautiful show of the dancing little Peewee. The puppet master was tired. He couldn’t think very well anymore and wanted to sleep. He quickly put all his puppets into a box and went home. Peewee was in that box too. It was dark in there. And he couldn’t breathe. He climbed up and pushed very hard to open the cover of the box. Then he jumped out of the box and started to walk around. What he didn’t know, that there was a rat, a very big rat hiding behind the box. As soon as the rat saw little Peewee, the rat jumped on Peewee and ripped him apart into a thousand pieces. The next day many people came to the puppet theater. They wanted to see the little dancing Peewee. But the show didn’t start. They had to wait for a long time and when still there was no sign of the little dancing puppet, they started to bang on their chairs and shout. Finally the puppet master came. He showed his puppets. But the people were not happy. They didn’t want the other puppets. Not tonight, and started to shout: ‘We want Peewee. We want Peewee.’ The old man went to the back of his theater and returned with a little bag. He opened it and showed the broken body of little Peewee. ‘He was eaten by a rat, last night. I can’t fix him anymore.’ The people were upset. ‘You have cheated us. You have cheated us!’ Then they started to chant: ‘We want Peewee. We want Peewee!’ They were banging the chairs and shaking their fists and rattling their bags. It was really noisy. Then suddenly some of the people started to shout: ‘Quiet! Be quiet.’ When everybody was very quiet they heard a very soft voice, singing: I want to live, and be myself I want to dance, and be myself. I want to sing, and be myself I want to show everybody who I am. It’s Peewee.’ they said. ‘It’s Peewee. It is our little Peewee!’ ‘But how is it possible?’ they asked. ‘How is it possible?’ He sang only once, and then it became quiet. When it was clear that there would be no second song from Peewee, the people got up and put flowers on the little bag with

Peewee’s broken body. Then they went home, talking about little Peewee. 21. The next day, the old man came back to the puppet theater to clean up. He put all the flowers together in a vase and then picked up the little bag with Peewee’s body. ‘What?’ said the old man. ‘It’s empty! Peewee’s body has gone!’ The old man asked everybody: ‘Have you seen Peewee? Have you seen little Peewee?’ Nobody had seen Peewee. There was only a man, a cleaner who said he had heard a sound at night. ‘Late at night,’ he said, ‘I heard the sound of somebody walking slowly and singing. Walking and singing. He sang: I want to live, and be myself I want to dance, and be myself. I want to sing, and be myself I want to show everybody who I am. And then I heard a loud bang, as if he closed the door. And then it was quiet.’ Nobody has seen Peewee again. Some people say he is still walking around the world, walking and singing. But nobody has seen Peewee again.

Quiet time – Visualization Simplicity is at the core of our meditation. By asking yourself one single question: Is this thought/ idea/ feeling important? You can give up many of your thoughts and many of your fears and even many of your worries. Tell the children this story:

The Old Woman and a Ruby I want to tell you a story Really true. Of an old woman who found some gold And rubies too. A stranger came and asked her for some food. As she didn’t have any She asked if giving some rubies Would be any good. The stranger jumped of joy And took the rubies and also some gold Which would give him lots of money, if sold. But then the stranger looked at the old woman’s face And gave the gold and rubies back. ‘I do not want these, though valuable they may. Please teach me the peace of heart, That let’s you give such expensive things away. This is my story, This is all I want to say, ‘It is nice to get, But much nicer if you can learn to give away’ Then ask them to sit quietly and think about the beautiful heart that can make them give away anything they have.

Unit Six Keep Clean

Objectives There is a saying that ‘cleanliness is next to godliness.’ Ask children if they know what this can mean. Why is cleanliness so important? Does it mean your house needs to be spotless, or everything you do is extremely punctual and perfect? Then discuss with children about cleanliness of both body and mind and how it affects our ability to feel right. Use Symbolic science with a Glass bottle with heart inside and muddy water to show how a heart can not shine in a dirty environment. Do they know what discipline is? Which children have discipline? Who doesn’t?     

I keep clean. I keep good thoughts I do everything in time. I put things nicely. I have discipline.

Pictures to talk about

Garbage is messy,

- is dangerous to animals - and people too!

The Little Witch 1. The witches live up in a tree. Do you know why they can’t live with others together? They stink! They never take a bath. Not only that, they have bad thoughts. That’s why nobody likes to be near them! 2. One day, a terrible storm blew away their house. Little Witch was left hanging in the tree. She was scared and cried, ‘Help me! Help me!.’ Nobody wanted to help, because she stank! Only Superbunny took a ladder. 3. Superbunny helped Little Witch get down and said, ‘You can be good, you know. Why don’t you come with me. I can help you.’ Instead of thanking him, Little Witch hit Superbunny on his head. ‘I don’t want to be good.’ and ran away. 4. Just as Jolly Owl put a bandage on Super bunny’s head, there was a knock on the door. ‘Who is it?’ asked Superbunny. ‘It’s me. I want to be good.’ Said the Little Witch. ‘Well,’ said Super bunny, ‘If you want to be good, you should first learn to do good.’ ‘And by the way,’ said Piglet, ‘you stink!’ 5. Little Witch had never taken a bath, and never washed her clothes. But she did so today! She looked much better, but still terrible thoughts were coming in her head. To clean her body was easy. To clean her heart was not! Then she remembered Superbunny’s words, ‘If you want to be good, you have to do good.’ 6. She worked hard. She helped the sick and old animals. She cleaned the road and picked up the leaves and she planted flowers. And slowly the terrible thoughts were going away. Instead she sang, ‘I want to be good. I want to be good. I really, really want to be good!’ 7. Mother Witch snarled, ‘You can not be good! We are witches. We must do bad!’ Superbunny came out of the house. ‘Well maybe you want to be bad, but she wants to

be good!’ ‘Yes!’, said the Little Witch. ‘I really, really want to be good.’ 8. Mother Witch became angry and started to pull her daughters hair. ‘Come with me, she said. Superbunny pulled her other leg. ‘Stay with us’ he said and then called the Piglets. They pulled and pushed and did their best. 9. Only when Pudgy came, mother witch gave up. ‘It’s your choice!’ she said and then she flew off. The Piglets smiled: ‘It’s nice to have you with us. And by the way, you smell good.’

Questions and Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The witches were always by themselves. Do you know any kids who always only play by themselves? Do you know why nobody likes them to join others? Superbunny knew the Little Witch really didn’t want to be bad. How did he know that? Was it easy for the Little Witch to change? Do you think cleaning herself helped her be a different person? Do you feel changing clothes helps you feel differently too? What helped her leave her old ways of life? Do you feel good friends are important for you too? Do you know what tough love is? How did Superbunny use tough love with the Little Witch? Do your parents sometimes use tough love on you? Why did the Little Witch choose to stay with Superbunny and his friends? Is there any place you can feel peace too?

Movement ideas -

Tree pose Storm: running around Freeze: witch stuck, hanging. Climb ladder movement: Hit on the head: falls down. Knock on the door: I want to be good. Movement like walking and stepping. Monster thoughts are coming: act in a scary way. Mother witch: fly in Start to pull each other: Fall down and while smelling say: It’s nice to have you with us. And by the way, you smell good.’

Germs Cleaning is common sense. Explain to kids about germs (use puppets) good/ bad and how they spread (use baby powder to symbolize germs transfer from the door to the hands to the chair to somebody’s mouth) Explain we must wash hands often to prevent germs from spreading. Also keep cleaning the environment to remove germs. Discuss how animals clean their bodies and habitats to remove germs/ dirt. We need to do the same Do you have Classroom Rules for cleaning? Can you name some of them? If not write them down on a poster. If you know the rules, learn how to make soap! Song before eating:

Clean your hands. (Clap, clap, clap) Clean your feet (stamp 3x) Clean your face (Pat your cheeks 3x) And then let’s go to eat. (Make eating movement) Jonathan and the Messy People Jonathan didn’t like to clean. He only liked to play. His mother was really upset with him, but still he didn’t care. One day Jonathan met a small, hairy guy, not much taller than a chair. He said he was from the Land of the Messy People. To get to that country you just had to pass through a hole. Jonathan liked a place where you only played and didn’t have to clean. So they went. It was really a messy place. There was trash everywhere. There was a

lot of pollution too. They decided to play ball. But where was the ball? They looked through the trash for half a day, but didn’t find anything. Then they got hungry. But when they went to the kitchen they couldn’t find any food. Even in the cookie jar there was only a broken shoe. Jonathan got upset. “We can’t go on like this. We have to clean up and arrange the things so that when we play we know where to get the toys. And when we want to eat, we know where to get the food.” Jonathan and his friend started to put things nicely. The also put the trash in bags, so they could see where to walk and wouldn’t trip over the dirt. Then suddenly they heard footsteps. It was the king of the messy people. He said, “What are you doing?” “Well,” said Jonathan, “We are cleaning, so that when we want to play we know where to find things and when we eat we know what to get.” “In this country we don’t clean. You must go away.” Said the king sternly. Jonathan shook his head. “Well, that’s what I’d rather do anyway. This place is too sticky and full of germs. Bye.” He went through the hole and came back to his home. He went straight to the bathroom. And before he went to bed, he cleaned up his toy and books. Mother was surprised. Jonathan smiled, “I clean up now so I have more time to play


Health rules Cleanliness is the basis for good health. Cleanliness starts with healthy eating. In every meal you should eat different kinds of foods in different proportions: Cut out the food stuffs and stick in the correct place.

B ean




Cleaning the Earth We can not be healthy and clean if our earth is not clean. Do you know why? Pollution is a real problem.  What kinds of pollution do you know?  How does each kind of pollution affect you?  What can you do to stop it?

Earth activities: 

pick up the trash – in the park/ school yard, street.

Trees help keep the Earth clean: plant some.

Peter Long Legs Not too long ago there was a woman who didn’t have a child. She very much wanted to have a baby to love and care for, but she was barren, She had a sister, who was a witch. Her name was Maple. Maple said: “Don’t worry, my child. You are going to be a mum!” For a whole week, Aunt Maple studied and wrote all kinds of magic and collected herbs and roots and the other things that go into witch’s potions: crows legs, lizard tales, spider eggs and the other stuff. Then she went to her sister and gave her an egg: “Here is your child.” The woman was shocked. “But this is an egg!” she said. I don’t want a snake, or a bird or lizard baby. I want a child.” Aunt Maple smiled, “ Don’t worry. Just keep it warm.” Mother kept the egg carefully in her pocket whenever she walked about. And after a few weeks indeed, the egg hatched. And what came out? It was a tiny little child. The woman was happy, but then she asked Maple, “But he’s so small.” Aunt Maple sighed, “Don’t worry. He will grow. Good bye!” While saying so she went off to the moon to attend a meeting of all the witches of the universe.

From the Story: Peter Long Legs

Mother called the little boy ‘Peter’. She fed him everyday with rice and vegetables and lots of tofu. And the little boy grew very fast. In fact, he became very tall. First as tall as a table. Then as tall as the door. And after that as tall as a house. And finally he became as tall as the mountains and could touch the sky! “Oh, no!’ said Peter’s mother. “It’s too much magic!” She wanted to call her sister Maple, but she was still on the moon with all her witch friends. She would have to wait. In the mean time, Peter had fun. He sat on the mountains, because no chair was big enough to hold him. And he didn’t need toys. He played with real cars and real buses. And there were lots of them. He moved the cars from city to city. Though that was fun for Peter, it wasn’t fun for the people. The president came and said: Peter Long Legs, stop playing with the cars. These cars are not toys!” One day Peter wanted to take a bath. “I can take a bath in the sea!” he said. After his bath it had become evening. Peter wanted to sleep and looked around the earth where he could take a nap. As he was looking around, he heard a voice. Somebody was crying for help! But he couldn’t figure out who it was. Then he saw it was the Earth who was crying big tears. “What’s wrong?” asked Peter. “What’s wrong?” The Earth told Peter to sit down and listen. ‘I am the home of the animals and people. I like it that way. But look! The people are polluting the air and making the earth hot with all their cars and factories.’ said the Earth. “I can’t help it, but the ice on the poles has started to melt so fast that the polar bears have no more home. Where can they go?’ ‘And people are building houses everywhere, the forests become smaller and smaller, and the cheetahs and tigers can’t run freely anymore. They too have no more place to go.’ ‘Peter, look at the water. It is dirty. People throw their trash into the oceans and kill the fish. And because there are so many people, they need more food and more land for their farms. So they cut the trees, they cut whole forests. People need space, but so do the birds. But without trees to nest and find food, where can they go?’ ‘Peter, once I was very beautiful. But now there is trash everywhere. Mountains of diapers and bombs, broken cars and stinking and rotting trash. And the people don’t really care. They say they too want a beautiful planet, but

look Peter, they are fighting all the time. I have seen the dinosaurs fight, I have seen many wars, but never has the world been so full of bombs and guns as it is today!’ Peter became angry. ‘Stop,’ he said. ‘I can’t stand it anymore!’ Peter got up, took the Earth in his hands and started to shake the Earth. ‘Let’s give the Earth back to the animals and plants, so that they can be happy, instead of people taking everything for themselves.’ he said. Just as Peter had picked up the Earth and had begun to shake the Earth, Aunt Maple came back. She said, ‘Peter, Stop! People also can live on the earth! You should teach them. They can learn.’ She used her magic to make Peter small again. That night Peter went to his mother’s home and wrote a song. And the next day he went to all the schools in the land and taught them the song. The Earth is our home, But we don’t live here alone So we don’t cut the trees And don’t pollute the seas. We pick up the trash And do our best To protect the whales and bears And animals everywhere. The Earth is our home, But we don’t live here alone So we don’t cut the trees And don’t pollute the seas. He told them the story of the Earth and asked “Are you the Earth’s friends or enemies?” And do you know what they all said?

Clean our heart - Grumpy Bears Cleanliness also reaches our head. We have to keep our thoughts in proper order. Just like germs, we have many kinds of thoughts. Some of them are nice and happy. Others are scary and troublesome. Let’s say thoughts are like bears, one kind of bear is called grumpy bear. Grumpy Bears like to complain. They hate work and make easy things difficult. Much is never enough and Grumpy Bears sigh and cry to the extend that those around them start to feel bad. Do you know any little Bear like that? Other thoughts are like witches, or monsters…. Nobody likes to be a Grumpy Bear, just like nobody really wants to be a witch or a monster. They don’t have peace. In their heads there are a lot of scary feelings. And these monsters bring trouble. You can feed these monsters, or you can scare them away. What would you choose? If you always think the good and do the good, the more good things happen to you!

The more good I do, the more luck I have.

The Monsters are coming today

The monsters are coming today The monsters eat children every day They hide under the table They hide under the chair They hide everywhere. Now don’t be scared. I am telling you what to do When there is a monster near you, You just say ……..brrrrrrrr….. And he will quickly go away. (2x)

Monster Art Use paint blots as the basis for monster drawings. Add the song after they complete the work.

QTE - Visualization One way to remain healthy and keep away the ‘monsters’ from your mind, is by loving the good thoughts. One such good thought is to forgive others. Meditation helps you think loving thoughts, bring cleanliness to the mind and peace to the heart. Sit in a circle and meditate on

Smile, smile, smile away (2x) And be a friend (2x) Today.

Unit Seven I am Thankful

Objectives Thankfulness is the foundation for contentment. Learning to accept the results of your work is a very important life skill and also the foundation for keeping compassion alive in the heart. Training children in this value includes explaining how to accept losing or when you don’t get the toys you want and waiting for your turn. Contentment is also described as unconditional happiness. It means you have peace, whatever happens and are thankful all the time. Habits:     

I can be happy for others. I am lucky. Everything looks so good. I feel calm. I am thankful

Pictures to talk about

Thankfulness to the teacher – for the food

The Old Lion 1. Superbunny found a lion behind the bench in the park. He asked the Lion, ‘What are you doing here? Why are you not in the zoo.’ The Old Lion smiled and said, ‘They say I am too old. They don’t want me anymore. They don’t like me.’ Superbunny felt bad about it, but the Old Lion was not sad, ‘Others may not always like me, but I am always thankful. 2.


to grandparents.

Superbunny wanted to help him and got him a job. The Old Lion became a bus driver. He was happy and the children were happy too. But some parents were not so happy. They didn’t trust the Old Lion. And said he should stay away from their children. The Old Lion bowed his head, the teachers felt sorry too, but he said, ‘Don’t worry. “People may not always like me, but I am always thankful.” 3. Superbunny asked. ‘Can you cook?’ The Lion nodded and the next day he started to work in a restaurant. It was not easy for the Old Lion. But he was cheerful and everybody liked him. 4. But in the restaurant there were a lot of rats, which stole a lot of food. One day a wedding cake was half eaten. The owner thought the Old Lion had done it. ‘You are fired! Get out!’ Again the Old Lion bowed his head. His colleagues cried for him, but he said ‘Don’t worry, ‘Even they don’t like me, but I am always thankful.” 5. Superbunny felt sorry for the Old Lion. He always had bad luck it seemed, yet he was never angry. So he tried again ‘Come with me, maybe you can work as a sailor on a fishing boat.’ 6. So the next day he put on his sailor’s uniform and started his work. He did very well, and helped a lot. But the fishermen didn’t like him and sacked him again. 7. Superbunny felt very sad. He knew it wasn’t the lion’s fault. But the Old Lion didn’t feel sad at all. “I am always thankful.” he said, “I really am.” and walked away. Superbunny didn’t give up though. 8. ‘I know where you can live in peace.’ He said. ‘I am going to take you home.’ He got an old car and said, ‘Get in. I’ll take you back to the jungle! There you can see your family.’ Not far on the way, they got a puncture. A little later the car broke down. They called a mechanic, who said, ‘This car can’t be fixed anymore.’ Superbunny couldn’t take the Old Lion to the jungle either and felt sorry for the Old Lion, but he smiled, ‘Don’t worry, I am always thankful.”

9. Luckily there passed by a circus, and they needed a lion to travel with them for their shows. They seemed like a nice family of friends and animals. The Old Lion got on the truck with them and felt at home at once. They called Superbunny to come with them. But Superbunny said he had others to take care of. And he didn’t worry about Lion anymore, because whatever happened to him, he would always be thankful. =================================

Questions 

  

In this story Lion faces many difficulties. Most of the time, others don’t like him. Does it happen to you? How do you react if faced with similar problems? Do you give up easily? In this story Lion always has bad luck. People say: ‘problems come in threes’ In this story the Lion has many more problems. How about you. Do you see that if something bad happens once, it usually connects to more problems? Do you think he will settle in the circus? Do you think his fate will change? Do you know any children who always face problems in their life? How do they overcome these problems? Do you think there is a purpose in facing problems? ====================================

Movement ideas for the story Show the children the movements for the key aspects of the story.      

Lion: Lion pose Bus driver: Driver pose Rat: mouse pose Sailor: boat pose Car: wheel barrow (two people do it together) Circus: down ward dog pose

Start music and have the children move around freely. Then stop the music and call one of the poses names. Touch the children who are too slow to act out the pose, They can join you in catching the others.

Thank you song People have a saying: ‘The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’ Do you know what it means and where the saying comes from? Do you feel like this too? Thankfulness is something we have to learn. There are some enemies of thankfulness: greed, selfishness, anger, fear, hatred, … Just like the witches, they don’t like to say thank you and feel peace.

There are some words very nice to hear Thank you and please. There are some words Very sweet to the ears Thank you and please From the mountains to the seas everybody likes these Thank you and please When you get or want you must say these Thank you and please Thank you, 3x And please. Make thank you cards for the people who care about you.

Role play Arrange role plays on the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cutting in line. Picky eater. Broken toys. (you share your toys with somebody and he breaks them by accident) Poor grades (others can do things better than you) Copycats (others have things you don’t have and you become jealous)

Discuss how each of these problems show a lack of thankfulness.

Thankfulness Learn this song about thankfulness.

Thank you for the rain that falls. And thank you for the sun. Thank you for the grass and trees. And thank you for the food we eat. For the friends we have. And the friends we’ll meet.

The Unhappy Stonecutter The unhappy stonecutter is a story from Japan about a stonecutter who was never satisfied with his fate. So he desired for more and other things, till he finally found out that being a stonecutter, of all things, was the best. Once there was a stonecutter who was digging and cutting stones in a mountain. The sun was very strong. The woodcutter was tired and hot and thought it would be better to be the sun. The next day, he became the sun. He was very happy. He thought he was the strongest. But then clouds came and covered the sun. So he thought he would like to be the clouds. The next day he became a cloud and felt very strong. But as he was floating in the sky, he came across a mountain, taller and stronger than the cloud. So he wished to be the mountain. The next day he had become a mountain. He felt very strong. But every day there came a stone cutter and chipped away a small piece. The mountain got scared and said, ‘I am strong, but the stone cutter is stronger.’ I wish to be a stonecutter. The next day he became a stone cutter again, and was content and thankful and never thought about changing again.   

Are you happy with what you are? How can you find peace with your life? What would you want to change?

That’s good, that’s bad We are discussing the idea of recognizing your own happiness. Look at this glass. How would you describe it? Is it half empty or half full? Everything has a bad side and a good side. Which side do you want to chose? Draw as you tell this story:

John had a birthday Oh, that’s good. No, not really, because everybody forgot. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, you see, because we decided to give him a party. Oh, that’s good. Not really, because the party was in Japan, and John was in America. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, because a friend of ours agreed to fly him to Japan. Oh, that’s good. Not really you see, because the plane ran out of fuel very quickly after take off. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, because there were two parachutes on board. Oh, that’s good. Not really you see, John’s parachute didn’t open. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, because there was a huge haystack where John was going to fall. Oh that’s good. Not really, you see. Because there was also a very big pitchfork pointing upwards in the haystack. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, you see. Because he missed the pitchfork. Oh, that’s good. Not really. He also missed the haystack. Oh, that’s bad. Not really, you see. Because that’s the end of this story. Oh, that’s good.  

Can you always see the good side of things? Can you tell all the good things about your own life? (Count your blessings.) ================================

Thankfulness to our elders We are children of our parents, and they help us to grow. In fact we can never repay them for what they give us. How kind their love for us, you can learn from this story:

Grandpa Ape Once it so happened that a child got lost in the forest. Her parents had been traveling and the baby had fallen of the cart and rolled off the mountain into a river, only her basket saving her from death. As luck would have it, the basket didn’t turn over and peacefully ended up in the river bank. Birds came to look after her. So did the ants, the squirrels and snakes. But none knew how to care for the crying child. They called Grandfather Ape, who was wise and caring and at once took her under his care. He made a bed for her. He washed her when she was dirty and fed her with fruits. Though he himself was often tired he played with her, taught her how to live in the forest and make a home. He comforted her when she would be sad, and when she was big enough, he started to look for a husband for her. For an ape to get close to the people was not easy, but as fate would have it, one of the workmen he had been calling on felt inclined to follow him to his jungle house. The girl was scared of him and refused to see him. But Grandfather Ape convinced her that he was a good man. They fed him, and he stayed with them. He helped them in whatever way he could and she came to love him as he had already come to love her too. They were happy, but the young boy then longed for his family. Grandfather Ape whistled and a rainbow appeared in the sky. The young man then realized that Grandfather Ape was a wizard, and they climbed on the rainbow straight to his home! His family could not believe their eyes when they recognized heir son. After a few days they returned to Grandfather Ape. But when they came home they found that he was lying on the floor. When the girl touched his body, crying for the one she had love so much, she found his legs had turned into gold, his body into cooking pots and his head into a helmet and weapons. Then she realized that these were all the things they would ever need in life. The wife and young men remained ever thankful to their Grandpa Ape as he had given

them all they need to live a fulfilled life.

From the Story: Grandpa Ape

Accepting yourself For all the things you can be thankful, you yourself are the most wonderful one! Some of us come in to the world smarter than others. Others are less powerful. But we, of all have to be thankful for whatever we have or are.

Maureen the Red Once there were a farmer and a weaver’s wife who had three daughters. While the first two were pretty, the third one was a bit of a different child, with wild hair, speckles on her face and who could not walk graciously at all. While her sister were embarrassed by her, Maureen, because that was her name, never felt bad about herself. Every time the three of them went out, the elder two were ashamed to be seen with their younger sibling. And that would have been bearable as long as they family was together, but all of a sudden father fell sick and died. Mother, however much she tried could not feed the three children and asked them to find jobs in the city. The three of them set out together. But the elder two tried many different ways to get rid of their small ugly sister. But whether they tied her, threw her off the bridge into the river and ran away, she kept coming back, undefeatable and always full of good spirits. That night they had been walking for long, when they came to a large house and asked for a place to sleep. They found out that they were in a giant’s house. The giant had three daughters too and they could sleep in their bedroom. The two pretty sisters fell asleep as soon as they laid down. Maureen kept her eyes and ears open. She didn’t trust the place. And without her sisters knowing it, she changed the beds, pulled off the giant’s daughters knightcaps just in time to misguide the giant in killing his own three children. She awoke her sisters and ran away to the city where they met the king. He had three sons. They came to love the pretty sisters, but the third brother couldn’t really come to love Maureen, who looked ugly and different. They told the king about the giant, who had been stealing the king’s money. The king said, ‘If you can steal that giant’s invisibility coat, your first sister can marry my first son.’

From the Story: Maureen The Red

While the two pretty ones were a bit scared, Maureen set off for the giant’s house. She slipped into the bedroom, stole the coat and gave it to the king. He was very pleased. ‘Now, if you can get the giant’s lightning sword, the second one can marry second son.’ This time Maureen again set out, climbed on the roof and when the wife cooked the giant’s dinner added one whole bag of salt to the soup. When the ginat had drunk his soup, he felt so thirsty that he drank two barrels of beer, and still could not quench his thirst. He told his wife to get more water from the well and gave her the lightning sword to show the way. This is when Maureen stole the sword and ran away! The king was pleased. Even the third son had come to like the courage and spirit of Maureen. But the King had one more request: She had to get the giant’s giant boots. This time, Maureen again entered the bedroom, took the boots and wanted to run off. But this time the giant woke up, ran after her and caught Maureen. He put her in a sack and hang it from the ceiling. While he went outside to get a piece of wood to beat her up, the giant’s wife woke up and heard Maureen singing in the bag. She asked, ‘What makes you so happy?’ Maureen said, ‘I am going to heaven.’ The woman who was sick and tired of life with the giant said, ‘Can I go with you?’ Maureen answered, ‘Sorry, in this bag there is only place for one!’ The poor giant’s wife begged Maureen to let her go instead of her. When Maureen agreed, she took down the bag and let Maureen out. Maureen then helped the wife into the bag and tied her up. The giant had came back just at the time Maureen had disappeared with the boots. What happened to the giant’s wife, I don’t know, but Maureen got a grand reception at the palace. Without his coat, sword and boots, the giant could not scare the city anymore. And everybody had come to love the brave little Maureen, even her proud pretty sisters! A few days later there was a triple wedding. Maureen did many more wonderful things after that. Not only that, her name is still honored as she inspires all children who look different all over the world to be thankful for themselves!

The Musk deer - Meditation The male musk deer has a kind of perfume coming from its body that is extremely attractive. It usually puts a little of the perfume at the borders of its territory so that other deer know that it is his domain, while also attracting female deer to come and mate with him. The smell of the musk deer is so attractive that it even can intoxicate the deer itself, urging it to run around like a mad animal, searching for the source of its own perfume! This story about the musk deer’s foolishness is sometimes used to illustrate the foolishness of people who want more and more and always think that if they have more they will have peace, while the real source of peace and happiness is within themselves. Meditation on peace in the heart

Unit Eight I like to Help Others

Objectives Promote the habit of helping and discuss with the children if they know who deserves help and who doesn’t. Help means you undergo some pain to serve others. That is the real spirit of the Sanskrit word tapah which this unit covers. But who deserves help? What is required to be able to help? Discuss some of the points covered in the habits:     

I have discipline. I am responsible and do my duty. I can work for others. I can work together. I keep going.

Pictures to talk about

We can help sick people - each other -

our parents.

The Story of Woodpecker 1. One time Superbunny had gone out, to do his quiet time. Piglets were sitting with Woodpecker when they asked him, ‘Woodpecker, why are you always ready for Superbunny? How did you come to love him so much?’ 2. Woodpecker smiled, and said, ‘Well, it all started a long time ago, before I was born. My father and mother were Superbunny’s friends. One day the Witch came and stole their eggs. He had three in his pocket and when he took the fourth, Superbunny

shouted, ‘Stop. Don’t steal these eggs!’ 2. The witch just laughed and started to run really fast. Superbunny of course ran fast too. But the witch said, ‘If you can not fly, you won’t catch me.’ And jumped on her broom. 3. But Superbunny was very brave and grabbed the tail of the broom and said, ‘I can fly too, you see? And now, give me those eggs.’ The witch shook with anger and said, ‘I won’t!’ 4. Superbunny jumped on the witches back and pushed her hat down over her eyes and ears. ‘Give me those eggs!’ he said. ‘I won’t.’ said the witch. Superbunny pulled the hat further down and the witch let go off the broom and started to fall. 5. Superbunny started to fall too, and so did the eggs. But because the witch was heavier, she fell first, followed by Superbunny who fell on top of her. Then he heard one ‘splash’ and another ‘splash’ and a third ‘splash’. Three eggs were broken. Superbunny stretched out his hands and caught the fourth egg. 6. He kept it warm and safe. After few days, a small woodpecker came out of the egg, and that little woodpecker was me! I looked up at Superbunny and said, ‘Mum’ and he just smiled. 7. He always took care of me and taught me everything I know. I learned how to eat carrots and dig holes. He even taught me how to fly. But of all the things he taught me, the most important is that I learned how to help others. That’s why I am ready anytime.

8. The Piglets were very touched. They heard a knock on the door. It was their Superbunny. They ran to open the door and hugged him. ‘We love you.’ They said. ‘Hm,’ said Superbunny, ‘And I love you too.’

Questions to discuss 1. From this story you get an idea of Superbunny’s age. Is he much older than woodpecker? 2. The witch wanted to steal the eggs. Do you know of people who steal eggs from wild birds? What do they do with them? 3. What do you think happened with the parents of Woodpecker? 4. Why did Superbunny feel he should take care of Woodpecker? 5. What does Woodpecker love most about Superbunny? What do you like most about Superbunny? 6. Superbunny is a leader who likes to serve. Some children are natural leaders. Do you know any in your class? How do they use the power they have over others?

Ideas for Movement Let children dress up and act it out as a drama.

All great things start with a dream. Superbunny lives in a world where innocent and weak creatures have a hard time. He feels that he can help them and gives all his time for that purpose. He is living his dream where good will rule the world. Many people help because they are inspired by a dream. Some people say we should not dream. But all the great things done, started with a dream. Learn this song:

I have a dream, Oh yes I do A dream I hope You’ll cherish true. That in this world We share and give. Everyone has food And a home to live. I have a dream Oh yes I do A dream I‘ll work to make come true.

 

How to keep your dream alive? Look at the habits. Can you give examples of each habit? Do you know anybody who reflects any of the habits below?     

I have discipline. I am responsible and do my duty. I can work for others. I can work together. I keep going. 

Which of the habits do you need to keep your dream alive?

Draw your dream Draw your dream and tell your friends about it.

The Wonder Tree Greed is the opposite of the spirit of helping. But greed doesn’t need to last forever. Listen to this tale: Patricia was a poor girl whose mother suddenly got sick. To support her mother she had to work in her uncle’s grocery shop. There she met many poor people. He uncle was often mean to them and even though they were hungry and promised to pay later, Patricia’s uncle never gave them the food they wanted. Whenever Patricia had some extra coins, she would help those people so that they could buy their food. One of the people Patricia helped was an old lady, who gave her a seed and told her to plant it in her garden. The seed grew into a very tall tree, with giant apples. Patricia jumped for joy and at once quit her job. With the apples, she made apple juice, apple pie, apple sauce and all sorts of other things made with apple. Uncle still didn’t give the poor people any credit and soon the poor people came to Patricia’s home for help. She gave them apples and all things apple. This way they were not hungry anymore. But then they needed a place to sleep. As the tree was really big, they made a road and build houses in the tree. As the number of people living in the wonder tree increased, they build a school too. Now there were lots of

people living happily in the wonder tree.

From the Story: The Wonder Tree

Meanwhile uncle’s business was not doing well. Nobody was visiting him anymore. He started to think what the reason might be and decided it was the tree. He asked the police officer, the soldiers and finally the king to cut the tree. They all refused. They said, ‘Patricia is doing a good job, we don’t want to cut that tree.’ Uncle was sad and lonely. Patricia meanwhile was very happy. All the people in the tree were working together. They didn’t use money, but everybody did their best to help and serve. They were very happy. Uncle saw their smiles and was jealous, but he too wished life could be full of kindness and affection for each other. One day the old lady came back to uncle’s shop to ask for some bread. Uncle was so happy to see somebody that he gave her sugar and flour too. And he didn’t let her pay. And when she came again the next day, he gave her more to take home, again without money. After the third such visit, the wonder tree started to become smaller. The more kindness Uncle learned to live, the lower the tree became. It was just as if his love drew the people back to his shop. In fact the tree became small just like an ordinary apple tree. But the people were not hungry. Uncle let them live on his land and eat from his shop. They paid uncle whenever they could, and somebody they didn’t and uncle didn’t mind. No, sometimes he insisted that those he knew were really struggling to make both ends meet, should not pay. It made him happy! Uncle became so busy, that he asked Patricia to come and help him. She was glad to do that as she saw the uncle she knew now was a new person who liked to help. Discussion  Which of the habits did Patricia reflect in her life?  Why did the wonder tree start to grow so tall?  And why did it become smaller again?  Why did uncle change?  Did he really become a good person?

Helping the wrong person Aesop was a teacher from Egypt who lived as a slave for much of his life. He had to educate the children of a rich man, and often told them stories, now called after him as Aesop’s Fables. One such story that teaches us about helping, is the following:

The Farmer and the Snake

One winter a Farmer found a snake all alone, Stiff and frozen without a moving bone. He cared for it and picked it up. He put it in his coat and gave it a rub. The Snake quickly got alive again. He started to move and then… Bit the farmer’s hand. ‘Oh,’ cried the farmer, breathing his last breath. Of all the fools, I must be the best. That I help others, Without a proper test. Because all the good of one, Won’t change the worst in some.

Role play Act out what you would do when:       

Somebody needs to put on shoes. A 3 year old brings her blanket to school The teacher’s books fall on the floor. A water bottle falls down and spills water all over the floor. Somebody can’t draw the something the teacher asked everybody to draw. Somebody can’t find her books. The chairs are messy.

Being a Helper Being a helper is an easy job. There are many chances to be a helper. Can you name anything you can do right now? Song:

Everyday there is a chance to help someone To be a difference So make it happen Get it done, And be a helper to someone. Make a list of all duties in the class and make a schedule that shows who will do these duties.

The Golden Swan – Helping to help oneself This story is from Vietnam and also tells about somebody who wanted to help. A widow had two sons. She was poor and often could not feed her children till one day a swan came near her window and told her to take a feather from his wings and put it under a pillow so that it could turn into gold by the next day. The swan’s words turned out to be true and she had enough money to buy food, clothes and send her children to school. Her modest wealth, attracted a young and handsome man, who promised to marry her. She eagerly agreed and told him he would marry him after one day. That evening the swan came again. But instead of one feather she pulled out all the poor swan’s feathers and put them under her pillow. Then she slept on them dreaming of all the money she would get and all the beautiful clothes she would buy for herself. The next day however, the feathers were still the same. This made the mother very sad. Worse even, the swan didn’t return, nor did her boy friend. The two children became poor and hungry again, and the woman was miserable and full of regrets.

       

What does this story tell us? How did greed affect the woman? What should she have done, when she got some money? Should she always have relied on the swan’s help? Could she have found a way to set up some business and stand on her own feet? Should the swan have helped her without teaching her how to become independent? Did the free money from the swan really help her in the long run? Do you know the saying: ‘Give someone a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for a life.’?

Meditation The feeling to help comes from the heart. The love for others will inspire you to help them. Grow that beauty within and serve others.

Unit Nine Keep Learning

Objectives The main objective of this unit is to encourage curiosity and support the value of asking questions and exploring things by yourself.

Habits     

I like to learn new things. I learn from other people. I must find a way out. I listen and think before I speak. I learn, remember and can do!

Pictures to talk about

Study books






The Bad Boy Elephant 1. Superbunny was reading a book, when he heard a loud noise. It was the Big Mama Elephant. She was very upset and wanted to talk with Superbunny. 2. ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Superbunny. Big Mama Elephant took out some photos. She said, ‘Look, it’s my son. He has become a bad boy. And he won’t listen to me.’ 3. Superbunny shook his head. ‘Let me see what I can do.’ He went to the library. Owl was there and helped him find a book about ‘Real Elephants’. 4. Superbunny went to look for the Bad Boy Elephant. When he found him, he refused

to talk to him. ‘That’s okay,’ said Superbunny. ‘I have a book for you.’ The Bad Boy Elephant first didn’t move. 5. But then he started to read: ‘Elephants live together. Yes that’s true! And then he read: ‘The Big Mama Loves All.’ That’s also true!’ 6, ‘Elephants grow up.’ He read again. That’s true too. Look at me. I have really grown up!’ Superbunny smiled. Elephant read, ‘Boy elephants leave their home.’ Yes that’s true too. I left my home too!’ 7. ‘And when they leave their homes, boy elephants help other animals make paths in the jungle and find water. All the animals love the elephants.’ ‘Hmmm,’ said the Bad Boy elephant. I didn’t know that. But I like it! I want to be good too.’ 8. Superbunny, thank you. Thank you for bringing this book. It helped me a lot’ ‘Don’t mention,’ said Superbunny. I hope you’ll keep on reading good books. They can give you good ideas!

Questions 1. The Bad Boy Elephant was angry, but changed. What made him change? 2. Have you ever gotten new ideas from books? (discuss some of the books you have used with the children and what they might have learned from them) 3. What is your favorite book? Why? What did it teach you? 4. In the story, Bad Boy elephant did some things wrong. Do you think he was really so bad? Did the Bad Boy Elephant want to be bad or was he ignorant of the right way? 5. Do you think learning can help you do the right things? 6. What should you do if you don’t know what to do?

Ideas for Movements The elephants in this story make it very suitable for rhythm and noise. Act out the

elephants actions by stamping your feet, tapping your belly, and making all sorts of sounds.


If there is something You do not know Ask somebody To teach or show. Cause if you do not know how to do You can’t help others too.

The man who wanted to know everything Tell this easy version of Dr Frankenstein’s monster and how he wanted to know everything. Ask the children if it is possible to know everything?

The Monster of Dr. Frankenstein Dr. Frankenstein wanted to know everything. And he thought he really did know everything, except for how to make a life. So he collected the different body parts from the graveyard, sewed them together and made a new body. Then he connected the body to some wires on a pole and waited for lightning to strike the pole.

Two black clouds Running through the sky Lightning comes out as they pass by. And when they meet each other They shake hands and thunder How do you do (3x) As lightning struck the pole, the body became alive and started to move. As it could not speak well, he moaned ‘I’m hungry. I’m hungry.’ But the professor was scared and ran away. The ugly monster got up, and stumbled through the streets. Everybody ran away. He said, ‘I’m hungry. I’m hungry.’ But all thought that he wanted to eat them. Finally he came to a forest where he stayed in a hut. There was a hole in the wall through which he could look into his neighbor’s house. As the neighbor was a blind man, and often would ask his son and daughter what this or that was, the monster learned to speak. One day the daughter and son stayed out for a long time and the old man got scared, the monster went to comfort him. He knocked on the door and said, ‘I know you, but you don’t know me.’ The old man was happy and asked him to come in. ‘I’m ugly.’ said the monster. ‘You will be scared.’ ‘No, no.’ said the old man. ‘I think you are a good man. Please sit down.’ They had friendly chat, when the son and daughter came home. These two saw the monster took their father on their shoulders and ran away. The monster was sad, started to walk in the forest when he came near a river where he saw a child crying for help in the middle of the water. He jumped in, and put the child on the river bank. Just then his father came, saw a monster holding his child and shot him with his gun. The monster was hurt, but didn’t die. More painful was that he was good, but never got the help or love he gave others. He cried, ‘I want a friend. I want a friend.’

From the Story: The Monster of Dr. Frankenstein

Then he decided to go to Professor Frankenstein and ask him to make a friend for him just like himself. The Doctor didn’t want to see him. He said, ‘I made one mistake. I don’t want to make two mistakes!’ Anyway it was his marriage day. But the monster didn’t give him peace. The wedding went into the living room. But who knocked on the window? The monster! And he cried, ‘I want a friend. Dr. Frankenstein, I want a friend.’ They went into the kitchen but who knocked on the kitchen window? The monster! And he cried, ‘I want a friend. Dr. Frankenstein, I want a friend.’ They went into the bedroom. But who knocked on the bedroom window? The monster! And he cried, ‘I want a friend. Dr. Frankenstein, I want a friend.’ Wherever the professor went, the monster followed him. Till one day the doctor said, ‘All right. I will make you a friend.’ Again he went to the graveyard and collected legs and arms, fingers and toes, ears and eyes, and all the other parts to make a body. Then put it together. It was to be a girl monster. He put her on the table, connected the wires, and waited. Then one day… Two black clouds Were running through the sky. Lightning came out As they passed by and …. The doctor pulled out the wires just as the girl monster was to become alive. The boy monster cried, ‘Dr. Frankenstein, what are you doing?’ The professor shook his head, ‘I made one mistake, I can not make two mistakes.’ And walked away. The monster took the body of his friend to be, and took her to the sea, where he left her in the waters. Then he cried. He cried for seven days. He didn’t eat. He didn’t sleep, He didn’t talk. He only cried, with his head on his knees. He cried till all his tears were gone, and still he cried more. And then he went to look for Dr. Frankenstein. Wherever he went, boom, boom, boom, boom. Who followed him? The monster! In the mountains, boom, boom, boom, boom. In the deserts, boom, boom, boom, boom. In the plains, boom, boom, boom, boom. The monster followed the doctor wherever he went. Till one day the doctor went to the north pole. There he crossed some ice, thick enough to carry him. But when the monster crossed, he sank through the ice and fell into the deep cold waters where he died.

Discuss this story:  The professor wanted to know everything. But do you think he really knew everything?  Who was really good in this story?  How about the doctor? How was his heart?  What does this story teach us?  Can you grow your heart just as much as you can grow your brain?

Make a thinker statue

The thinker is a famous statue by the French artist Auguste Rodin. Many people have tried to imitate or copy the idea of a thinker. This is another statue inspired by the thinker.

Can you make your own version of the statue from clay?

Listen to other people’s ideas How can we make good decisions? Do you want to listen to everybody’s ideas or do it by yourself? Listen to this story:

The elephant and seven blind men.

Seven blind people were on the way when they found a very big thing on the road. They sat down to describe it: The first one touched the ears and said: it is soft like a blanket. The second one was touching the back and said: it is round it must be a balloon. The third one held the tail and said: I think it is a long piece of rope. The fourth one held one leg and said: I feel it must be a lot of wood. The fifth one held its belly and said: It is soft and must be a bag full of meat. The sixth one held a nail and said: All of you are wrong. It is like a piece of glass. The seventh, who held a tusk, said: It is sharp like a knife. It must be a soldier! As none of them could put all ideas together, they started to fight and never talked to

each other again.

The Late Bloomer Do you know any class mates who are a bit slower or do not always understand the point of the class so well? We call them Late Bloomers, they take more time then others to grow. But success can come late in life! Some examples:    

Do you know KFC? Colonel Sanders started this franchise when he was in his sixties! Mary Wesley got her first kids books success when she was in her seventies. Grandma Moses started to paint in her seventies and became a world famous artist. There are authors who started their first books in their seventies and continued into their 100th year.

The Ugly Duckling (tell the story) didn’t become a beautiful swan until after one year or so. Caterpillars also take time to turn into butterflies. Everybody has his own time to blossom (show how flowers open at different times). People also need their time to shine and find their own beauty.

Make a poster Make a butterfly with melted crayon Write: Change – A step to Greatness! Under the butterfly.

Real Learning means: Common Sense Learning is not for showing off. It is to understand oneself and how to live. This we call ‘common sense’ Listen to this story.

Four friends and a Lion Once there were four friends, who grew up together. When they were ready to go to school, three of them had the chance to study. The fourth came from a poor family and had to help his father in the farm. After many years they met up again and decided to go for a walk and talk about the good old times. On the way they saw some lion bones.

The first said, ‘I have learned how to put these bones together.’ The second said, ‘I know how to put flesh around these bones again.’ The third said that he could bring the lion back to life.

The fourth looked on as the other three started rubbing their hands and smiling, thinking of the fame they would get for their feats. Then he said, ‘Well, if that is what you want to do, let me first find a safe place to hide.’ The others laughed at him and said he didn’t know anything and started to put the lion together again. The fourth one didn’t dare to look even, but soon heard a ferocious roar and the screams of his friends. When everything had quieted down, he came down from his tree and found his friends dead in the grass. Then he went back to the village and told them this

tale. Knowledge is good, said the people, but common sense is better.

The Proud Professor and the boat man Another story about the dangers of vanity of the learned: Once there was a professor who had read many books and also had written his own. He had to go to a meeting with other professors to get a price. On the way he had to cross a river. He asked a boatman to ferry him to the other side. As they were sitting in the boat, the professor started to ask the boatman: -Have you studied math? The boat man said he hadn’t. -Well, said the professor proudly, then you have wasted half your life. And then went on to talk about the beauty of math. A little later he asked the boatman proudly: -And have you studied English? The boatman said he hadn’t. -Well said the professor again proudly, then you have wasted more than half of your life. Just then the wind started to suddenly sweep over the river. Waves were forming and the boat was shaking badly, while talking water. Rain and storm winds made it all worse. The professor was shaking. The boatman, asked: -Professor, have you learned swimming? He said he hadn’t. Well, said the boatman than you have wasted all of your life. Because we are going to sink any time! The proud professor cried like a child, but the boat sank and as the boatman hardly could save himself the professor drowned in the wild river waters!

Head, hands or Heart Everybody has some special skill. Sort the following jobs according to working with your hands and working with your head. Mechanic, doctor, nurse, painter, carpenter, mail carrier, coach, teacher, … Real learning means, you work with your heart.

Everybody has different qualities ‘The Cracked Pot’ A long time ago people had to carry water in pots from the river. One water carrier had two pots, which he carried with a stick across his neck. One pot was perfect. The other pot had a crack From the river to the house, was a long way. The perfect pot was always full. The cracked pot lost much water and was only half full. The perfect pot was very proud that it could carry so much water. The cracked pot was always ashamed. It too wanted to be full all the time. After two years, the cracked pot spoke to the water bearer, "I am ashamed of myself and I want to say sorry to you." "Why?" asked the bearer.

"What are you ashamed of?" "For these past two years, I could only help you carry a little water. Because of my crack, you have to do all of this work.” the pot said.

The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and said, "On the way to our house, I want you to look at the beautiful flowers along the path." As they went up the hill, the old cracked pot saw the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and was cheered somewhat. But at the end of the path it still felt the old shame because it was only half full, and so again the pot said sorry to the bearer. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you not see that there were flowers only on your side of the path, and not on the other pot's side? I have always known about your crack, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we've walked back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to put on my table. Without you being just the way you are, we would not have this beauty in our house."

Discussion    

Can everybody study equally well? Does study depend on talent? But can everybody try equally hard? People say: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Do you agree?

Make a poster We have the right to learn, but the responsibility to come to school prepared. What are the things you need to bring to school?

Draw the things you need to bring to school. (Don’t forget to draw yourself!)

I’m Smart!

I’m smart (3x), I know. Books, yes they are fun But it takes me time To finish even one. But, I’m smart, ….. If you gonn’a ask me questions I’ll have to check again Because I forget so often All the bookish tings, oh man. But, I’m smart, I’m smart…. If you want me too hit a nail Or cut some wood Fix a bike, Or cook some food, I can do that very well. Cause, I’m smart, I know. But my head won’t tell. It’s my hands that show!

I must find a way out. Review the habits:  I like to learn new things.  I learn from other people.  I must find a way out.  I listen and think before I speak.  I learn, remember and do! Which of these habits does the donkey in the following story discover?

Donkey and the farmer One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, hat the well needed to be covered anyway and that it just wasn't worth retrieving the donkey. So he invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he cooled down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off! Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.

Your Dream school Learning in different parts of the world is different. Indian boys will invariably stay with their mother until they are ten years old and then leave their mothers teepee to move in with their fathers, learn the way of life of the men and then become men. 

In Africa a boy will become a man when he can kill a lion.

In India, children used to live with a guru, a teacher or holy man, for a few years.

There they would learn the scriptures. After they got that foundation they would move back to their families and learn to the ways of the world and follow in their parents footsteps. 

In Europe for hundreds of years, children became apprentices, or students and learned a skill. Then they would slowly get enough experience to become a master too, and start to train their own students.

For much of human history there were no schools as we know them now. How do you want to make your dream school and what would you want to learn there? Do you want to learn like the Indians and memorize whole books? Or do you want to be like the African boys who go out to kill a lion? Or do you like the school you go to now? Draw your ideas and discuss with your classmates.

Stories of Saints There are many books that can teach us something to make us better people. The stories about saints can help us love God more. .

Brigit and the magic coat

A long time ago, the poor people were many and the rich were very few. They would have large pieces of land, while the poor had to work for them for little money. When the harvests were not good or the prices went up, the poor suffered first. Brigit loved the poor people and often would ask the landowners to help them. They would often laugh at her and said, ‘Tell them to work harder, so they can get more money!’ One time the people were again very hungry. She went to one landowner and asked, ‘The poor people have no food to eat. They are starving. What will you do for them?’ ‘Let them work harder!’ he said. After another week had passed, Brigit went again, ‘You have done nothing and now the children are dying by the tens. You must give them land so that they can grow their own food.’

The landowner didn’t laugh this time, but shook his head and turned his back. The third time Brigit came, she scolded the landowner. ‘You eat while your people are dying of hunger along the road side. You give them salaries with which they can not buy the food they grow for you. You say that they should work harder, but they don’t have their own land! Now, I demand you give them land.’ The landowner, too polite to push Brigit away, but too selfish to really want to help, looked into the earnest eyes of Brigit and said, ‘Take the coat you are wearing and whatever land you can cover with that coat, will be for your poor farmers. Brigit took her coat and called her three sisters. Each of them took one corner of the coat and started to pull the coat into four corners, step by step. The coat grew bigger and bigger. The sisters didn’t stop walking till the whole land was covered with their coat! The people by the side of the field were cheering. This was amazing! That afternoon when the landowner went to inspect his lands, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The white of the coat of Brigit had covered the whole of the

land. First he felt upset at the loss of his land. Then he realized that this was an act of

God. So he called Brigit and said, ‘Brigit, call all these farmers. Today I will feed them, and give them enough food for the whole year. And humbly he touched her feet and folded his hands to his heart, realizing how blessed he was to see such a miracle in his life. Since that time people have always prayed to Saint Brigit to bring them wealth and protection. 

Do you think if you would read a story like this every day, you would be more peaceful?

Mero’s Bride Learning can change people completely. In this story you will see what happened with a group of fishermen who studied the path of compassion. Once Kuan Yin took the shape of a fisherman’s daughter. She helped her parents by selling fish in the market. She was loved by all who saw her, and many if not all the fishermen longed to marry her. It so happened that one of those secret admirers approached her as she was passing by, and kneeled in front of her. Soon there were more than a hundred other men, kneeling beside him, asking for her hand. She told them, ‘I can’t marry all of you. Go study the Buddhist scripture and memorize it. I will chose the one who has memorized it best after one month.’ The simple fishermen, all bought books and studied hard in the libraries and at home. Never before had the village seen so many students of the spiritual books! After one month, all recited the sutras flawlessly. The fisherman’s child then said, ‘But do you know how to explain all these beautiful words?’ None of the simple fishermen had had time to think much about the meaning. They had merely learned to recite the words. So Kuan Yin told them to come back after one month and discuss their meaning. Again the fishermen went back, called on their teachers, elders and masters to explain the sutras to them. But of all, Mero learned to explain the meaning of the sutras most. SO when Kuan Yin met the fishermen again, it was he who was chosen to marry her.

She told him to meet her the next day in her parents house. When he knocked on the old people’s door, the kind parents invited Mero and said,

From the Story: Mero’s Bride

‘We have been waiting for you.’ They asked him to enter Kuan Yin’s room. There he saw the window open, two golden sandals on the floor and Kuan Yin gone. But Miro at once knew, that the one he had loved, was none other than the goddess of compassion. Mero remained devoted to her, and became a great teacher himself, sought for throughout the land by all who needed guidance and advice. And after this time, there was never a more peaceful and forgiving village in the whole land, as all the fishermen had learned the path of compassion. ==============================

Meditation Valmiki is the name of a great poet who lived many years ago. He wrote many things about Saints and God. When he finished his last book, he scolded himself and said, “I have written so many things about God, but still could not really describe even a tiny little bit of Him.” In meditation we don’t try to talk about God, but feel Him deep in the heart. Books give us good thoughts, but in meditation we try to forget all words and ideas and just feel our real self. Sit and chant: Love is everything, everything is Love.

Unit Ten Grow Love

Objectives The aim of this unit is to help children understand more about the central role of love. Discuss about conflicts they see around them, in family or in the school and see if

they can discover why it is people forget love. Is it possible to learn to love somebody you hate? Can there be peace in the classroom without love? How do we grow love? How does love for God help them in this? Love comes from within the heart. And only the clean heart can feel it. Just as a seed has oil, and by pressing we can get it, or just like butter comes from the milk after churning, in the same way we can grow love by sharing with others and keeping the heart clean. Habits:     

When I am quiet, I feel love. When I think of love, I do good things. When I close my eyes and think of peace, I feel safe. In my heart I can feel I am part of everything. Love makes me overcome my fears.

Pictures to talk about

The Big Old Snake is Mad A. B. C. D. E.

One day Superbunny told the piglets the story of the Wind and the Sun. Just then the Eagle came and said, “You have to help! The Big Old Snake is mad.” Woodpecker carried Superbunny to see the snake who was shouting, “Who stepped on my tail!” The snake was really mad! Superbunny didn’t want to fight the snake, so he sang, “Love is like a flower .…” The snake cooled down. Woodpecker carried him home. The piglets sang.

F. G.

It was sweet and peaceful. They gave the snake a hat. It said, “Everybody needs love.” The snake smiled. Piglets got hats too. “And who is stronger: the wind or the sun?" Superbunny asked but nobody answered. They were all sleeping! But do you know?

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What made the snake so angry? Do you sometimes get so angry that you ‘go mad’? What made the snake calm down? People say the whole universe is made of love. What do you hink? Do you know how to grow love?

Ideas for movements Make a long ‘snake’ from blankets. Prepare different hats. Act out the story as a drama.

Are you ever alone? Love is always with you, always surrounding you and protecting you. To help you see the love, there are teachers, we call ‘masters’ One such master teacher once said: ‘The force that guides the stars, guides you too!’ Another teacher gave his students a little stick and sent them into the forest to find a lonely place, where nobody could see them, and break it there. Most of them came back in a short time with their broken stick. But one of them didn’t return, even by night fall. The teacher told the other students to bring him back. They found him deep in the jungle, still holding his stick. When he came to the teacher, he asked him why he had not broken his stick. He said, ‘However far I went in to the jungle, I could not find a place where I was alone. I always felt God looking over me!’ But how can you see love? You have to grow it!: Song

Love grows like a flower In the sun and rain Plant it in your heart And it will grow again and again and again. ‘Cause when you let it grow inside you, It helps love grow in others too. Review the habits:     

When I am quiet, I feel love. When I think of love, I do good things. When I close my eyes and think of peace, I feel safe. In my heart I can feel I am part of everything. Love makes me overcome my fears.

The Stolen Heart

Our heart is the seat of love. Now what happens when you give it away? Listen to this story based on a tale by Godfried Boomans: Once there was a very poor fisherman. He had six children and a seventh was to be born the very day he set out to catch fish. Each child had given him much joy, and he was well known in the village: He liked to sing this song: My heart is so big That the whole world can fly in it. Ten dinosaurs and a duck Three elephants and you may add a duck, it won’t be enough to fill my heart, ‘cause it is made of love, infinite love. But each additional child also had added sadness. The food was never enough. The house was always too small. And even though this day should have been full of joy, he was quiet and didn’t sing. In fact, as he put out his net for the one hundredth time, and still had not caught a single fish, he thought of not going home again. It was right at that moment that a man with a black coat and an ashen white face rowed his boat next to the fisherman’s and said in a cold voice, ‘I know what you are thinking, and I can help you. I will give you all the riches in the world if you give me your heart.’ From the sound of his voice, the fisherman knew that this was a terrible man. He told him, ‘Go away! There is nothing I want from you.’ ‘He,’ said the evil man, ‘I know you are good, But what is the use of being good if you can not feed your own children?’

Thinking of his family and their sufferings, the fisherman could not stop shaking with pain, took out his heart and gave it to the evil man. At once he felt lifeless, joyless and even painless. Without his heart he had lost all his feelings. The evil man had become alive though and was a totally changed person, even singing in his boat. ‘You may take back your heart after ten years, if you would want it.’ He said, and disappeared. Needless to say, the fisherman came home, without any joy at seeing his children, now well dressed and living in a good house. Even as his riches increased, he still didn’t feel any love. Instead he sat in his chair, lifelessly looking out the window of the palatial home he now inhabited. As he didn’t know how to feel anymore, his family also became distant. Only his last born child remained affectionate and kind to his father. And when he was almost ten years old, he said he would help him find his heart. The young child traveled to many places, looking for his father’s heart. It was not

easy though. When it was his birthday, he was about to give up, when he heard some people talk about a man who had suddenly become happy and full of joy. The child went to that man’s home. There he heard a familiar song, the song of his father’s heart. My heart is so big That the whole world can fly in it. Ten dinosaurs and a duck Three elephants and you may add a duck, it won’t be enough to fill my heart, cause it is made of love, infinite love. At once he demanded his father’s heart back. The man first refused, but overcome with kindness, he gave it back to the child, who at once started to run to give it back to his father. The old man too, had started to run, regretting his loss. But without a heart he could not run for long and was out of breath very quickly. While the young child hurried home, helped his father put back the stolen heart and he, for the first time in many years started to smile, embraced his children, and hugged his wife. My heart is so big That the whole world can fly in it. Ten dinosaurs and a duck Three elephants and you may add a duck, it won’t be enough to fill my heart, cause it is made of love, infinite love.

Creation Stories from around the World How we can see love? The world is love. Everything in this universe is made of love. Over the period of some days, tell these stories and ask the children to illustrate them. Do they see that all things are reflections of the divine, that the world is like a mirror of God? Share this rhyme:

Where is Love? How can I see it here? Smell the grass and feel the sun and you know love is near. Is she strong? I asked. Then I saw the rivers roaring down the hills. What does love look like? And I saw my own face.

India (tell something about this country and then tell the story. If you can, explain something about the symbol.)

In the beginning there was absolutely nothing. God thought, "Let me have a self", and he created the mind. As he moved about in worship, water was generated, and so were earth, fire, air and light. Then he made a human being. At first he was afraid, but realizing that he was alone and had nothing of which to be afraid, his fear ceased. However, he had no happiness because he was alone, and he longed for another. He grew as large as two persons embracing, and he caused his self to split into two matching parts, like two halves of a split pea, and from them arose husband and wife. They married, and got the babies of the earth. The female reflected on having mated with someone of whom she was once a part, and she resolved that she should hide so that it would not happen again. She changed to a cow to disguise herself, but he changed to a bull and mated with her, and from their union cows arose. She changed to the form of a mare, but he changed to that of a stallion and mated with her, and from that union came horses. She changed to the form of a donkey, but he did likewise, and from them arose the single-hoofed

animals. She became a ewe, but he became a ram, and from their union came the sheep and goats. It continued thus, with her changing form to elude him but he finding her and mating with her, until they had created all the animals that live in pairs, from humans and horses to ants.

North American Indian

Earthmaker began to think about what he should do and in the end he began to cry, tears flowing from his eyes and falling down to where they became bright objects, seas formed from his tears. Earthmaker thought, 'Anything I wish will happen just as I wish it'. He wished for light - it happened. He wished for earth and earth was formed. Speaking for the first time, he said 'I shall make a being like myself' and he took some earth and made it just like himself. He spoke to the creature, but it gave no answer. He looked closely, saw it had no mind and made a mind for it. But when he spoke to it, still it did not answer. He made it a tongue and spoke to it, but still it did not answer. He saw it had no soul, so he made it a soul, and talked to it ... and it very nearly said something, but failed to make itself understood. So Earthmaker breathed into its mouth and spoke to it ... and it answered.


Long, long ago, when heaven and earth were still one, the entire universe was contained in an egg-shaped cloud. Deep within that egg was Pan Gu, a huge giant. Finally one day he awoke and stretched, and the egg broke to release the matter of the universe. The lighter purer things drifted upwards to make the sky and heavens, and the heavier impure things settled downwards to make the earth. In the midst of this new world, Pan Gu worried that heaven and earth might mix again; so he resolved to hold them apart, with the heavens on his head and the earth under his feet. When the giant died, the earth took on a new character. His arms and legs became the mountains. His blood became the rivers, and his sweat became the rain and dew. His voice became the thunder, and his breath became the winds. His hair became the grass, and his veins became the roads and paths. His teeth and bones became the minerals and rocks, and his flesh became the soil of the fields. Up above, his left eye became the sun, and his right eye became the moon. Thus Pan Gu made the world as it is today. Many centuries later, there was a goddess named Nü Wa who roamed this wild world that Pan Gu had left behind, and she became lonely in her solitude. Stopping by a pond to rest, she saw her reflection and realized that there was nothing like herself in the world. She resolved to make something like herself for company. From the edge of the pond she took some mud and shaped it in the form of a human being. At first her creation was lifeless, and she set it down. It took life as soon

as it touched the soil, however, and soon the human was dancing and celebrating its new life. Pleased with her creation, Nü Wa made more of them, and soon her loneliness disappeared in the crowd of little humans around her. For two days she made them, and still she wanted to make more. Finaly she pulled down a long vine and dragged it through the mud, and then she swung the vine through the air. Droplets of mud flew everywhere and, when they fell, they became more humans that were nearly as perfect as the ones she had made by hand. Soon she had spread humans over the whole world


Before there was any life on earth, God made a man and named him Moon. He sent Moon to live on the bottom of the sea, but Moon wanted to live on the land. The lifelessness of the land made Moon so unhappy that he wept. God took pity on Moon and sent him a wife named Morningstar to keep him company for two years. When Morningstar came from heaven to live with Moon, she brought fire with her. The next morning, she gave birth to the grasses and trees and other plants, and soon the world was green with life. The trees grew until they touched the sky, and then the first rain fell from the clouds that they touched. Thus life on the land flourished, and Moon and Morningstar led a bountiful life in their new paradise. At the end of her two years, Morningstar returned to the heavens to live there forever. Again Moon wept in his loneliness. God offered him another wife, but he warned Moon that this time the husband would die after two years. Thus Evening star came to live with moon. She gave birth to goats and sheep and cows on the next day. On the day after that, she gave birth to the antelopes and birds. On the third day, boys and girls were born. Moon wanted more children, but God warned him that he should stop. Moon didn’t listen, and on the next day Evening star gave birth to the lions, the leopards, the snakes, and the scorpions that plague humankind because Moon ignored the warning.

They killed Moon and threw Moon's body in the ocean. But he rose from the sea to the skies to seek his first wife Morningstar.

Love is benevolent Some people say that ‘Love is blind.’ Do you know what that means? In reality love is not blind. It is very kind. But love has its tests. And there are challenges. See what happens in this story and tell how love tested the butterflies:

We are Butterflies, you know! Draw the story, as you tell it. Once there were three chrysalis, one red, one blue and one green. Inside there were butterflies, getting ready to go out. But the blue chrysalis said, ‘I don’t want to go out. It’s too dangerous.’ ‘Hmmm,’ said the blue chrysalis, ‘There are snakes, and mice, cats and frogs, spiders and lots of boys and girls who will try to catch us. I also don’t want to go out.’ The red chrysalis echoed their feelings. The sun heard them and said, ‘Butterflies, you are beautiful. But unlike others you can not protect yourself. I will help you. As long as you are good, I will protect you. Now go and fly.’ The three butterflies decided to stick together and get out of their chrysalis. They were very happy and always sang: We are butterflies We are butterflies, You know. We are butterflies, You know! We sing and dance Love and hold hands And forever we are friends And forever we are friends. But then it started to rain. First softly, then stronger. ‘We have to go somewhere to hide,’ they said. They went to a blue flower.

‘Can we stay with you?’ they asked The blue flower said, ‘I only want the blue butterfly. I don’t want the others.’ The other butterflies said, ‘Yes, you should go. It is too cold now.’ But the Blue butterfly said, ‘I can’t do that. We are together.’ And sang, We are butterflies, you know. …. The three of them were flying around, but it was raining really hard, so they went to the red flower. ‘Can we stay with you?’ they asked The red flower said, ‘I only want the red butterfly. I don’t want the others.’ The other butterflies said, ‘Yes, you should go. It is too cold now.’ But the red butterfly said, ‘I can’t do that. We are together.’ And sang, We are butterflies, you know. …. But it was really cold now and they said, we must find another flower to stay or we will get sick. Then they saw a green flower and asked ‘Can we stay with you?’ they asked The green flower said, ‘I only want the green butterfly. I don’t want the others.’ The other butterflies said, ‘You should go. It is too cold now.’ But the green butterfly said, ‘I can’t do that. We are together.’ And sang, We are butterflies, you know. …. The rain became stronger and the three butterflies sat together in the grass, shaking with cold.Was there nobody who could help them? Now, somewhere far away, the sun had been watching from very far the suffering of the butterflies and he said, ‘I will help you.’ He started to shine very strongly, and the clouds slowly went away. The butterflies started to smile. ‘Thank you, Sun’ they said. ‘Thank you.’ Then they got up and started to fly and sing their song: We are ….

Meditation - The Painter of the Sky Tell this story at quiet time.:

Once there was a village where everybody was sad. One day there came a stranger. He was riding an ox cart filled with ladders, tables and chairs, and pots and pots of paint. It was a strange stranger because he was so different. Unlike everybody, he was happy. He smiled. And not only he, his ox smiled too The people asked him, ‘Why are you so happy?’ And he answered, ‘Well why are you not happy?’ The people looked at him with painful faces. ‘We just don’t know.’ They said. ‘Well,’ said the Stranger, ‘if you want to know how to be happy, come tomorrow with your tables and chairs and pots and pots of paint and I will show you how to be happy.’ The next day, the people from the village came with their tables and chairs, ladders and brushes and pots and pots of paint. Together with the stranger they went to a nearby hill, put up their tables, their chairs and their ladders and started to paint the sky. Within a short time, the hundreds of people had colored the clouds red, yellow, pink and purple, blue and green. It was amazing and most of all, it made the people very happy. All those sad villagers started to dance and sing, smile and joke. They were really happy. And that night they went to bed and had good dreams. The next day morning though, when they woke up and eagerly looked out of their windows, they found that the beautiful clouds had all gone. ‘What happened?’ they

asked the Stranger. ‘Where are our beautiful clouds?’ ‘Well,’ said the man, ‘Don’t you know about the wind? The clouds have been blown away!’ The people were shocked. ‘And what are we going to do now?’ ‘Well,’ said the Stranger, ‘we’ll just have to paint again!’ The sad villagers started to complain. ‘Painting the sky every day?’ they said, ‘That is too much work. We can’t do that.’ and they walked away. Others were angry. ‘You have cheated us. You made us work so hard and now all is gone. Go away.’ And they even threw stones at the man. The Painter of the Sky got on his ox cart with his ladders, tables and chairs and pots and pots of paint and went away, leaving the villagers in their sadness. He went somewhere far away, to a little mountain where he made a small house and everyday he climbed his table and his chairs and his ladders and with his pots and pots of paint, he turned the sky into beautiful colors. He couldn’t do much, and every day his pretty clouds would fly away. But whatever he did, it was enough, and made him happy. One day, one his beautiful clouds passed by a country where there lived a very good king. This king, wanted his people to be happy, but couldn’t find the right way. But when his people saw the colored cloud, they all start to smile. From that day onwards the king told his soldiers to paint the sky too. This made everybody very happy. The king was so thankful, that he wanted to pay the first Painter of the Sky. He sent his soldiers everywhere in the world. They went to many cities and many rich countries, but no one had ever heard of the Painter of the Sky. Finally they came to the sad village. There they people told them about the Stranger, and that he now lived somewhere in the mountains. That his how the soldiers found the old man, just as he was getting ready to paint the sky. ‘Are you the Painter of the Sky?’ they asked. The old man nodded and said, ‘Yes, I am.’ ‘Then come with us. Our king wants to give you a reward.’ The old man smiled. ‘Do all of you paint the sky?’ he asked. The soldiers said, ‘Yes, we do.’ ‘Then let me do another work.’ Said the old man, and climbed his table, and chair, the ladders and slowly walked off into the clouds, into the sky and disappeared.

Nobody has ever seen the Painter of the Sky again. Some people say that he still paints the sky when there is sun and rain. Others say that he comes in your heart when you are very quiet, and paints your heart with beautiful colors to make you happy. And though nobody has ever seen him, maybe if you are very quiet and close your eyes, you too can feel him very, very deeply within.

How can a raindrop live forever. How can a raindrop live And not die. Throw it in the ocean Throw it in the sea. Throw it in the ocean And forever it will be.

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