Values Are For Ever

  • June 2020
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Values are for ever

Prof. Dr. Madhavan IMM / Bangalore 0 98860 67232 Email: [email protected] Madhavan. P


Values are for ever


Madhavan. P


Values are for ever

1 Kg. Gold

Luxury Car Madhavan. P

1 Plate meal



Education 2009

Values are for ever Value increases when both needs are met Implicit


- Travel (5 persons)with right power, speed, mileage, maneuverability etc.,

Madhavan. P


Styling Colour Size Interiors, AC, Stereo To suit to status etc., 2009

Values are for ever Efficiency



Mft. Cost Business Turnover Plan




Esteem Beauty

Madhavan. P





Values are for ever Value Strategy





Rip off Strategy

Over charging Strategy

Premium Strategy


Poor Value Strategy

Medium Value Strategy

High Value Strategy

Economy Strategy

Good Value Strategy

Low Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Why Values ? Anything we do, we do for a reason. Because, we want the result that satisfies the reason. Some reasons compel you, more than others. We call them motives which we can trace back to needs and wants. The reasons that motivate most forcefully are called the “Drivers”. Drivers are the most important reasons for doing.

The reasons that motivate and drive us are the values. Therefore, values determine our performance, happiness and satisfaction. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Life is a Journey. You are the Driver, steering the Journey. The fuel that drives are the values.

Values are the motivators in our life (most of our life is spent in work) The choice of values determine our destinations. The speed is determined by the values shared with others Believe in values ! Believe in work ! and Believe in life !

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever What is Value ? Value is from a Latin word “Valere” means “Worth” Value is something for which one is willing to work, suffer, sacrifice and even die. Values are Beliefs which is the foremost thing in ones life like Honesty, punctuality, simplicity, magnanimity, sympathy, hospitality responsibility, etc., Values give Values Values give Values give

motivation identify personality quality

to a person a person to a person to a person

Values are Abstract ideals that shape our Thinking (intellect / head) Behavior (relationship / heart) & Work (action / hands) Madhavan. P


Values are for ever What is Value ? Quality in Quality in Quality in

Head is - Knowing Heart is - Feeling Hands is - Doing

Organs of a person Organs +


Faculties of a person =

Qualities of a person which improves with values in a person.

This person is called a valuable person like you. A person of value would lead a quality life and therefore, would produce quality products and thereby improve performance of self and organisation.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Sources of Values Values are something which we pick up as we move in the Journey of life. The main sources of values are from Our own Self Others Education Experience Organisation Society Nations Curricular activities (NCC, Scouts, Red Cross etc.,)

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Values in Management Mackinsey Consultants conducted a study to find out “What makes a person / firm to give consistently outstanding performance ?” The answer is “They all, believed in something. Something that is of some value to them”. The belief in values, may be from many sources, but they provide a powerful driver to do something beyond the average. These values determine the culture - of a Person or an Organization or a Nation. It is found that following culture prevailed in those excellent firms - Communication channel open in all direction - Participate in decision making - Opportunity to exercise Self control. - Performance evaluated against specific criteria rather than arbitrary basis. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Kinds of Values There can be different kinds of values 1. 2. 3. 4.

Personal values Social Values Moral Values Behavioural Values

like Ambition, Honesty, Simplicity etc., like Responsibility, Hospitality, Sympathy etc., like Faith, Non-violence, Truthful etc., like Courtesy, Sportsmanship, Service etc.,

Values can be classified as 1. Instrumental Values, which are enduring beliefs like cheerful, courageous, independent etc.., ( Continuous ) 2. Terminal values, which are beliefs that more tangible objectives are worth striving for like the prosperous life, equality etc., ( End )

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Value Differences Some examples of value / cultural differences among 6 National groups.


• • • •

Equality Openness Self - reliance Competition


• • • •

Group harmony Relationships Spirituality Seniority


• • • •

Germans • Punctuality • Precision • Preparation • Quality

Prudence Self - reliance Formality Multi - tasking


• • • •


Cooperation Relationships Group Achievement Group Consensus

• • • •

Seniority Hard work Material gains Family

- Dr. Farid Elashmawi in World Executive Digest 6/98 Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Individuals from diverse groups with different sets of values can affect combined work performance of an organization. On accomplishment values

My personal & Family life takes priority over others

Work is my first & foremost priority

Rama 0



 Krishna 3





Seetha 0 Madhavan. P






Boss should listen to us & act on the agreed suggestions

Boss alone to make decisions for me to follow

On Power values


 Radha 4






10 2009

Values are for ever On creativity values

Older people have lot of experience & must be consulted for advice

Older people have set ideas & not willing to change

Monisha 0










Achievements should be recognised & rewarded on individual basis. After all best team is one with high performance individuals.


Madhavan. P




Group success is much more important than individual success.

On Accomplishment Values



 Raj 3







10 2009

Values are for ever On Feelings

It is appropriate for individuals to express their true feelings about others.

Personal feelings should be kept to one self

Harichandra 0




 Moses 4







In the next sheet , let us see 52 typical Values . Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Rank your Values Given below is a list of 52 values, please rank them in the order of importance (1 = Most important, 2 = Important 3 = Not so important 4. Least important) Check out the most important for discussions. 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1. Accomplishment 2. Aesthetic 3. Ambitious 4. Being loved 5. Broadminded 6. Capable 7. Challenge 8. Cheerful 9. Cleanliness 10. Comfortable life 11. Concern for Environment 12. Courageous Madhavan. P

13. Creativity/Imaginative 14. Dedication 15. Equality 16. Ethical Standards 17. Exciting life 18. Forgiveness 19. Friendship 20. Gratitude 21. Growth 22. Happiness 23. Health 24. Helpful 2009

Values are for ever Rank your Values (cont..) 1 2 25. Honest 26. Hospitality 27. Independence 28. Inner Harmony 29. Intellectual 30. Justice 31. Knowledge 32. Logical 33. Love 34. Magnanimity 35. Money 36. Non-Violence 37. Obedient 38. Pleasure Madhavan. P

3 4

1 2

3 4

39. Polite 40. Power 41. Punctuality 42. Recognition 43. Religious Faith 44. Responsible 45. Security / Safety 46. Self esteem 47. Simplicity 48. Social recognition 49. Sportsmanship 50. Truthfulness 51. Wisdom 52. Quality 2009

Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 1. Accomplishment : To achieve personal objective with a sense that have done something by solving a problem or completing a job or raising to face a challenge. 2. Aesthetic : To enjoy and respect the things from which I derive pleasureArt, Nature, Work, People. 3. Ambitious : Hard working and aspiring. 4. Being loved : To experience warmth, feelings of affection, & a sense of care from other people. 5. Broadminded : Having an open mind and not subject to any pre-concealed notion or prejudices. 6. Capable : Being competent, effective and having the abilities required.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 7. Challenge : To feel good about what I do, is degree of difficulty & its complexity or demands made on my creativity : to have opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills effectively and easily. 8. Cheerful : Having light hearted, joyful and not very serious. 9. Cleanliness : Being neat, tidy and orderliness. Follower of 5 S Principle. 10. Comfortable Life : Prosperous life for joy and fun : to do things, I like to to do rather than only things I have to do. 11. Concern for Environment : A serious environmentalist. Cannot tolerate some one spoiling environment, earth, water, air etc.,

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 12. Courageous : Standing up for your beliefs. 13. Creativity : Have desire and ability to develop new idea, solutions to problem improvement in product / process, to be mutually challenged and to be the first to innovate / create. 14. Dedication : To be loyal to Self, Family, Company, Boss, Friends, Society and others ; to give directives, commitment, friendships to others. 15. Equality : Brother-hood and equal opportunity and treatment to all. 16. Ethical standards : To believe and maintain a sense of right & wrong, to be normal ; to conform to the standards of society / professional ideas. 17. Exciting Life : Want a active, stimulating life.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 18. Forgiveness : Willing to pardon others, and offer apology openly when found at fault. 19. Friendship : To have many friends to work with. Enjoy group talk and social relations. 20. Gratitude : Being grateful to others for their support and help - starting with parents, teacher, boss, friends, society, Govt. & the world. 21. Growth : To advance in life, in job, in status, in community, to improve knowledge & skills, to mature personally & progressively. 22. Happiness : To be internally content; to seek from with know how not to search one side. 23. Health : To feel energetic & free from injuries, disease ; to be free of anxiety worry, emotional blocks ; to have peace of mind. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 24. Helpful : Working for the welfare of others ; to provide assistance, support, empathy, or protection to others ; to be open responsive & generous. 25. Honest : To be sincere and truthful. 26. Hospitality : To be a host for guest. Being good & kind to serve. 27. Independence : To achieve ones goals in a manner best suited to oneself ; You have the freedom in my work time ; to control my own actions. 28. Inner Harmony : To have freedom from the inner conflicts. 29. Intellectual : To be intelligent & reflective. 30. Justice : To receive rewards & recognition for the contribution & achievements in proportion to my effect & comparable to those received by other people. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 31. Knowledge : To persue & learn about new things & ideas ; to search for truth for information ; to be known by others as an intelligent person & feel intelligent. 32. Logical : To be consistent & rational. 33. Love : To experience warmth, feelings of affection, a sense of caring, enthusiasm for, attachment to, devotion to, & interest in something or another person, especially someone to whom I can make a commitment. 34. Magnanimity : To be of service & help in the highest order. 35. Money : To have sufficient income or other assets to use as I wish; to be materially comfortable or well-off. 36. Non-Violence : Do not believe in an eye for an eye, revenge or brutal attack Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 37. Obedient : To be dutiful & respectful. 38. Pleasure : To have fun; to enjoy myself; to do things I like to do 39. Polite : Being courteous & well mannered like a diplomat. 40. Power : To lead & direct others; to influence & control others - i.e., to get them to do what I want to do. 41. Punctuality : To be time conscious & honor commitments in time. 42. Recognition : To receive attention, notice, approval, or respect from others because of something I have done; to generate a positive feelings to others for who I am & what I achieve. 43. Religious Faith : To believe in supreme being ; to relate to others on a spiritual or a personal basis w.r.t. some faith or set of beliefs. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 44. Responsible : To be held accountable to others or to organisation to which I belong for a job or a task ; to possess something & care for it. 45. Security & Safety : To possess the basic where-withal for living; to feel safe ; to have self-confidence; to have job security & continuity of income. 46. Self-esteem : To be someone of value in my own eyes & in the eyes of other people ; to be accepted as a person rather than as a nonentity or as a means to an end ; to feel useful & wanted by other people ; to be a leader ; to be appreciated by others. 47. Simplicity : To be modest & humble. 48. Social recognition : To receive respect & admiration from the society.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Brief explanations for the listed values. 49. Sportsmanship : Playing the game for the sake of game & not for winning ; not to disheartened even if the game is lost because the joy is derived in playing & not in winning or loosing. 50. Truthfulness : To be Harischandra even if it means lose of self-respect & life. 51. Wisdom : To understand & shape for myself a meaning of life, perceiving experience from a broad frame of reference. 52. Quality : To be of quality conscious in whatever I do whether it is a thought or a talk or day to day routine work or a project.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever MNC - Vision & Values Vision


Actions I continue to learn new things and make my work more interesting.

We, the employees of MNC, are motivated, informed, creative and open-minded.

I am well informed, creative, open minded & highly motivated in my work.

Our aim is to delight our customers through world-class products, services and solutions.

I want to achieve world class standards in my work to delight my immediate and ultimate customer.

I search ways & means to meet world class quality & implement them rigorously.

Continuous improvement is my way of life and I will work professionally to succeed.

Every day I improve my work & thus my life.

Every day I become better in my work & relationship so that I have satisfaction & joy in my life.

Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Examples Values I don’t like unnecessary expenditure

Actions I will search & find wasteful things/ actions to eliminate them

I am a responsible person

I will take personal responsibility to act & feel accountable for its consequences

I would like to have better relationships

I will adopt friendly & helpful approach in my dealings with people

Madhavan. P

Recognition I will report to my Boss once in a month what all wastes I have eliminated I will brief my Boss where I have taken subsequent actions on my own to realise the ultimate objects of my responsibility When I move in my workplace or outside I recognise many people by their smile & nodding of head & weaving of hands


Values are for ever Summary : 1. Let us checkout our value systems & compare with our inner self, family, friends, bosses, sub-ordinates, customers (with whom every we deal in our daily life) whether they share the same values. When we have shared values, then we are together in our goals we persue otherwise our energies & efforts will be de-focused & fretted away. 2. Let us chalkout revised, modified value system based on understanding of others values to draw our approach in work & life. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever Summary (Cont.) :

3. Let us develop concern & care for organisation & others based on values.

4. Let us live this life in total satisfaction, harmony & peace.

5. Let us leave this world a better place for our future generations to live happily. Madhavan. P


Values are for ever

Thanking you & Good Day !

Madhavan. P


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