
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 618
  • Pages: 2
Christ Church Values Values are the foundations of our church life and mission. They are our essential building block upon which the activities of the church depend. They are also the lenses through which we evaluate new ideas and the paths we tread. Undermining these values will bring about risk to some parts of the church activity, cause confusion or division, destroy zeal or motivation as the reason for our activity changes or destroy the church as a whole as the inner heart will change as the values change. We protect our values as we adhere to them


Active Relationship with Jesus

Main Points


●we are called to a relationship It matters eternally Luke with Jesus 13:25 ,27 It matters in the John 10:14; John 17:3 present John 15 “Abide in me and you will bear much fruit ●we are expected to hear his voice

John 10:27

If we do not hear his voice how can we obey his commands. John 14:15. Not the ten commandments alone John 15: 10

●Our choices matter ●This is the purpose of the cross

Bible Teaching

Church Life

●The bible is the word of God 2 Tim 3:16 The interpretation man puts on the word of God is man not God ●The bible is the basis for what we believe The Church is founded on the bible truths ●Sermons should impart the word of God to nourish our souls and help us spiritually. ●Church is essential for our

Christian life ● relationships matter as it is here that the Holy Spirit operates


Sin separates (e.g. Adam and Eve;) The cross bridges the gulf.

● We are invited to follow Jesus. On this journey we share his life, gain his wisdom and fulfil the purpose `God has for our lives (Know it alls learn nothing) ●Giving is part of discipleship

No such thing as me and God and God and me. We belong as Christians to his people

Christ Church Values


●Unless people hear the good Belong/ Believe/ Behave news they cannot have a chance to respond to the offer The Network is an evangelistic of eternal life. The Christian has structure this opportunity and responsibility. Roman 10:14; ●God trusts us to do this…Matt 28:19, IICor 5:17-6:2

Holy Spirit Power

●Christians must demonstrate

Kingdom of God for all

●Kingdom of God = the rule of

the good news in deed as well as in word. God ●This the central message of Jesus e.g. from just Matthew 3:2 , 4:17, 4:23 , 5:3 , 5:10 , 5:1920 ,6:10 6:13 6:33 , 7:21 , 8:11-12 , 9:35 10:7 11:11-12 ,12:5-26, 12:28 13:11 ,13:19 , 13:24 , 13:31 13:33 13:38 13:41 13:43-45 , 13:47 13:52 16:19 16:28 18:1 18:3-4 18:23 19:12 19:14 19:23-24 20:1 20:21 21:31 21:43 22:2, 23:13 , 24:7 24:14 , 25:1 , 25:14 ,25:34 ,26:29 ●Not yet and realised

Kingdom established in peace made possible by the cross The kingdom comes as a result of repentance Matt 3:2;\we cannot enter into the kingdom without being born again John 3

Second Coming is when the Kingdom is fully come. No more death, pain ,trouble. When the kingdom comes now we have a first fruits of that which will be ●God has no favourites. …Jesus brought this first fruits. ●Holy Spirit the executive of the Until the second coming there is kingdom a now and a not yet aspect to every manifestation of the kingdom.

Meeting needs

Reality Worship & Prayer

●God commands it Isaiah 58, Matthew 25:33-46 ●Compassion means we cannot ignore this ●Grace responds to need ●truth matters ●Value Church Of England

traditions This subordinate to relating to God and allowing the Holy spirit to work.

Jonathan Couper 28/08/09

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