Using Mullins Library-gromer

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 787
  • Pages: 5
Sarah Gromer Part A:

Using Mullins Library

Part b:

Class: SPED 4483: Teaching Literacy Instructor: David Hanson

Part C:

Theses/Dissertation One: 1. Who is author? Jacqueline Bowles 2. What is the name of the theses/dissertation? Middle School Special Education Transition 3. What is the year of the theses/dissertation? 2017 4. What institution did the author go to? (Usually on title page.) William Woods University 5. What was the purpose of the study? (You can retype it. It’s okay if it is word for word.) “There are three primary purposes of this study: (1) to view how teachers perceive their implementation transition preparation; (2) to determine how teachers view their impact on students’ post-secondary transition; and (3) to determine if teachers perceive any one transition preparation program better than another for students. It is vital to review how teachers view their preparation of transition services for middle school students who have special needs. In order for students to be provided meaningful transition services their teachers need to understand transition. Teachers were interviewed to view their perception on preparation. Their perceptions and views on middle school transition services will provide future professional development training for middle school special needs teachers.”

6. What was the conclusion of the study? (Usually on last page. You can type it word for word.) “This research study indicated that teachers need more professional development and structure in order to provide transition services to students with special needs with fidelity. Teachers know these skills are important and are willing to implement transition related programs to ensure the success of students. Several teachers expressed frustration and fear for the future of students with a disability. Teachers are eager for more tools and strategies to help improve the lives of students with a disability” 7. Why would this particular study be important in your field? (We are assuming it is important.) This study will be very important in my field. As a special education teacher preparing students for transition is one of the most vital aspects to their job. As a special education teacher transition planning typically starts around middle school. No matter what grade a special education teacher is teaching, I think it is important to instruct with the goal in mind to better prepare the students for transition. This is important because teachers need to be knowledgeable about the transition skills that are needed and how to implement them. It is important for me to be knowledgeable about this topic so that I can help transition students and better prepare them for their future after high school. 8. Pretend that you want to do a similar study to this one. What would you do different? Why? If I were to do a study similar, I would incorporate personal stories or interviews in my thesis/dissertation (with consent). I think this would be very beneficial because it would give teachers real examples of how to plan for transition. I believe that it would be helpful, because it would give them ideas for how they could help their students transition easier. Additionally, I would incorporate information on how teachers can start preparing students for transition/skills in elementary school. This would be useful because I think there are ways early on in education that we can start preparing students for transition. I would provide studies on the benefits and differences of students who had teachers who incorporated transition skills in elementary school, versus those who did not. Thesis/dissertation two: 1. Who is the professor that you have taken a class with? or a professor that you are currently taking a class with? Dr. Keith Vire 2. What year did he/she write their dissertation? 2006 3. What is the name of the dissertation? The Role of Family in Successful Employment Outcomes for Six Women with Significant Developmental Disabilities: A Qualitative Study 4. What institution did the professor go to when he/she published their dissertation? University of Arkansas

5. Skip to the end of the dissertation. What was the conclusion of the study? (You can type this word for word.) “The results of this study indicate that, for these participants, families and family support played a significant role in eventual employment outcomes. In light of the strong influence exerted by families, it is critically important that the professionals and teachers who are charged with preparing young persons with disabilities for work and career begin to involve parents and families in the process earlier and in more meaningful ways. Family support may be one of the most critical factors in successful employment outcomes for women with disabilities, and family involvement in the educational and rehabilitation process may possibly be the deciding factor in the type and intensity of family support they receive.”

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