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  • November 2019
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Teacher in the Web e-Learning Project

ISchool WebBoard e-Learning Implementation

Licensing Stuff and Copyright 

   

This is an open content compilation and distribution on the body of knowledge, implementation cases, reusable templates, and open source licensed software to jumpstart the effective and efficient service delivery of Infocommunications technology in the instruction and learning. The information, documents and software introduced in this presentation belong to the cited author(s) or company(s), and subject to the copyright and licensing terms of the original author/s. This educational presentation does not claim connection nor represens the cited products or corporation. All brand names and logos cited in this educational presentation are copyrighted to the original author or corporation. This educational presentation adheres to applicable open source/content license, and freely reusable clause provided by the source of the materials.

The Objectives    

 

Define the common language, work objectives, work packages, process and technology to implement e-learning Build a common understanding on Instructional Design to integrate digital technology resources in instruction and learning. Create the Instruction Plan template that incorporates modalities of e-learning, and content from readily available digital repositories. Initiate the process of designing of a course e-learning webboard to contain competency standards, study guide, lecture notes, links to on-line forum, e-mail group, blogs, wikipedia, and knowledge references. Introduce the use of curricular content and standard references from the World Wide Web Provide initial guidance on the use of software to create presentation, web pages, and to get into the Internet.

Day 1  Morning: ICT4E  Afternoon: Instructional Design and Planning Model   

Learning, Instruction, and Competency Instructional Design Process Task List of Instructional Designer

Program of Instruction and e-Learning Modalities  

e-Learning Defined e-Learning Modalities

Day 2  Morning: On-line Identities  Afternoon:

Open Source Services in the Internet     

Web Mail Web Log Wiki Web Host Learning Content Management System

Day 3  Morning: Building the ISchool Web Board    

Discovery and Design Define the Learner Define Course Materials Technology Support

 Afternoon:   

Lesson Plan Evaluation Search the Net Evaluate Net Content

Day 4  Morning: Building the ISchool Web Board Part II 

Create the Web Page: Write a lesson web page to contain presentation, activities, and assessment How to publish the web page, and to perform editing.

 Afternoon: 

Output Presentation and Critique

Day 5  Morning/Afternoon:  

exposure to Open Source productivity tools Training Evaluation

“For the computer to bring about a revolution in (basic education) higher education, its introduction must be accompanied by improvements in our understanding of learning and teaching.”

Herbert Simon, Nobel Laureate

Teacher’s Work Objectives

Work Packages of a Teacher

Learning & Instruction •Learning: The process that results in changes in the human behavior and in the human capabilities to function or perform.

•Instruction: Set of events that affects learners in their way to achieve learning.

Learning & Instruction  Competency integrated set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that enables one to effectively perform the activities of a given occupation or function to the standards expected in employment.

Learning & Instruction  Content  

Suitability Outcome

 Learner   

Attitude Aptitude Environment/Context

 Instruction    

Face-to-Face Self-paced/ independent Blended Activities

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning      

Knowledge: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce state. Comprehension: classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate, Application: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, write. Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate.

Instructional Tasks  Learner Knowledge Level – selection of appropriate content topic, and instructional activity  Learner Learning Attitude – Selection of appropriate activity  Assessment – selection of evaluation tool to check student progress and attainment of learning outcome/s

The Term: E-Learning  covers the wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration  includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio- and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, CD-ROM, and more Glossary of E-learning Circuit

Electronic Learning

Instructional Technology  the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning Seels & Richey (1994).

e-learning The utilization of digital technology for:  Learning Reference  Instructional Event

View e-Learning Project

e-Learning Tasks References




The iSchool WebBoard e-Learning Project

The Term: Instructional Design •

The systematic development of 1. Instructional specifications based on some learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. •

The process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. 2.


The development of instructional materials and activities; activities and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities. 4.

Instructional Design Essential Steps

Evaluate Revise Implement

Develop Assessment Metrics

Goal Setting

St a Le nda ar rd ne r


Develop Objectives

Develop Materials

Identify Instructional Strategy

ID Step 1 -Goal Setting  Identifying the overall course goal

ID Step 2 -Analysis  Analysis of what is to be learned, of the learners, of the learning environment, and, of the environment in which the learning is to eventually be applied

ID Step 3 – Objectives Development  Identifying and stating in measurable terms the objectives for each lesson

ID Step 4 - Assessment Measures  Identifying criterionreferenced assessment measures


ID Step 5 -Instructional Strategies


 Chunking learning into logical components, selecting the appropriate media, and identifying the instructional strategies that will best facilitate learning

ID Step 6 -Development of Materials  Producing the materials and Web site components for an online class; also includes obtaining commerciallyproduced materials/textbooks/ebooks/WBT/CBT as appropriate

ID Step 7 -Implement Instruction  Make the stakeholders experience the products.

ID Step 8 -Evaluate and Revise  Solicit feedbacks and further the expert review in order to appropriately revise materials

Instructional Designer  The Instructional Designer  ID Template

Program of Instruction Mindset  "Using technologies effectively in education requires shifting our focus from teaching to learning, with more and more of the learning coming under the control of the learner” ….Ramirez, R., & Bell, R. (1994). Byting back: Policies to support the use of technology in education. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory

Assumption 1  Interaction rather than isolation: Knowledge and expertise develop when students have a chance to interact with resources that include their peers, teachers, experts from various fields, and print and electronic text and databases.

Assumption 2  Individual learning styles: Learners are most successful when they can use a learning style suited to their needs.

Assumption 3  Adequate professional development: In order to implement and adapt alternative learning strategies, teachers must be helped to become models of active learning.

Assumption 4  Learning as the main consideration in decision making: Curriculum planning and scheduling should focus on using time according to learning needs, rather than on conforming learning to divisions of time.

Assumption 5  Cognitive research: Students learn best when the tasks involve meaningful contexts, activities, and problems so that they can actively construct their own knowledge and develop the ability to apply what they learn to new situations.

Assumption 6  Explicitly stated performance outcomes: Accountability can be ensured if progress on assessment measures reflects skills learned in classroom activities.

Active Learning Model (J.Brunner) Principles:  Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness).  Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student (spiral organization).  Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given).

Do Active Learning

Guide in Developing Online Content: Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction • Gain attention • Inform learner of objectives • Stimulate recall of prior learning • Present stimuli with distinctive features • Guide learning • Elicit performance • Provide feedback • Assess performance • Enhance retention and learning transfer to job

IE1.Gain attention

 Use of multi-media, graphics and animation  Web-design  Announcement (Calendar, e-mail)  Discussion of current topics (e-forum)  Referral to Web sites (Site Link)

IE2. Inform objectives

 Course orientation  Course tutorial  Post syllabus

IE3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

   

Getting started self-test e-discussion of prior topics e-book reference 0n-line tutorial sites

IE4. Present the content

       

Web-enhanced lectures, textbook activities, e-books technology-assisted content deliver Activities through Web-research simulations audio/video E-modules animation

IE5. Provide Learning Guide

   

Post syllabus course notes assignments other course materials

IE7. Elicit feedback

   

Web-enabled student surveys Discussions and Quizzes Students submit work electronically

IE8. Provide feedback

 Electronic discussions  email responses

IE9. Assess performance

 Online testing  Graded work is emailed back to the students

IE9. Enhance retention and job transfer

   

Web-research fosters critical thinking Team collaborations Resolve case studies Use of technologies common in the workplace

Program of Instruction  Well defined objectives in terms of specific measurable objectives or learning outcomes.  Clearly spelled out skills, knowledge and attitudes to be developed.  Available resources and strategies to be utilized.  Organize structuring, sequencing, presentation, and reinforcement of the content.  Matching of assessment methods to the learning objectives to ensure agreement between intended outcomes and assessment measurements.




Topic 1 Terminal Objectives Duration Materials







Topic 2 Learning Summary



Topic 3 Learning Notes

Learning Reference

Learning Activity Learning Assessment

How to be an e-learner           

The Web Site The Blogs The Forum The e-Mail The e-Book The Help File The Wikipedia The eBB On-line Assessment E-Library Infoweb

Instructional Presentation

Instructional Activity


Web Mail Blogs Instructional Reference Web Host Info Database LMS/CMS Service E-LEARNING Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

On-line Library

Quiz System

Instructional Assessment THE INTERNET

INSTRUCTION EVENT 1. Gain attention 2. Inform objectives 3. Stimulate recall 4. Present stimuli 5. Guide learning 6. Elicit performance 7. Provide feedback 8. Assess performance 9. Enhance retention

The Subject Lesson Web Page     

The Subject Title The A.G.O. The Content Outline The Resource Links The Activities     

Read and Make a Report Read and Analysis Test Simulation Gamers

End of Presentation

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