U.s. History Timeline

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- 1783 Peace Treaty ends Revolutionary War - 1783 Britain cedes all lands west to Mississippi River

- 1788 Constitution ratified - 1787 Northwest Ordinance



Native Americans

80,000 Loyalists emigrate north to Canada

- 1787 Constitutional Convention

- 1776 - 1783 Many Native Americans side with British against American colonists


- 1783 William Pitt II becomes English Prime Minister at 24

- 1789 French Revolution begins


- 1784 Ben Franklin invents bifocal eyeglasses

- 1786 First ice cream made commercially in NYC

- 1788 The Federalist published

- 1789 Wm. Blake publishes Songs of Innocence



- 1791 Vermont admitted

- 1792 Kentucky admitted

- 1796 Tennessee admitted

- 1790 Seat of government moves from NYC to Philadelphia 1789 - 1797 George Washington Federalist from Virginia - 1789 Bill of Rights adopted

- 1792 First U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers

- 1793 Fugitive Slave Act

- 1793 - 1795 French King Louis XVI and French Queen Marie Antoinette executed Directory - 1793Eli Whitney invents cotton gin; revives dying slave economy of South - 1791 Tom Paine The Rights of Man

- 1793 J.-L. David paints The Dead Marat

- 1798 Haydn composes The Creation


- 1803 Ohio admitted - 1800 - 1803 Seat of government moves from Lousiana Philadelphia to Washington, DC Purchase

- 1804 - 1806 Lewis and Clarke Expedition

1797 - 1801 John Adams Federalist from Massachusetts

1801 - 1809 Thomas Jefferson Republican from Virginia - 1808 Congress prohibits importing of African slaves

- 1798 Alien and Sedition Act

- 1800 Jefferson's election begins Virginia Dynasty

- 1804 - 1806 Lewis and Clark expedition encounters Native Americans - 1799 Napoleon becomes Consul

- 1804 Napoleon becomes Emperor

- 1805 Nelson wins at Trafalgar

- 1800 Volta invents electric battery

- 1803 Dalton devises table of elements

- 1807 Sir Humphry Davy discovers the elements potassium and sodium

- 1800 Library of Congress founded

- 1806 - 1808 Noah Webster publishes Compendious Beethoven composes Dictionary of the English Language Fifth Symphony


War of 1812 - 1812 - 1814 Lousiana Treaty of admitted Ghent Lousiana Territory reorganized as Missouri Territory 1809 - 1817 James Madison Republican from Virginia

- 1811 Native Americans defeated in Battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana Territory

- 1808 Napoleon occupys Spain

- 1811 Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility

- 1810 Separatists movements in Latin America - 1811 First steamboat to sail down Mississippi reaches New Orleans

- 1816 Indiana admitted

- 1817 Mississippi admitted

1817 - 1825 James Monroe Republican from Virginia

- 1814 Andrew Jackson crushes Creek Resistance in South

- 1812 Napoleon defeated in Russia

- 1817 - 1818 First Seminole War

- 1815 French Monarchy re-established - 1817 Construction begins on Erie Canal in New York

- 1818 Illinois admitted

- 1819 Alabama admitted

- 1818 Treaty with Britain sets 49th parallel

- 1819 Treaty with Spain sets boundaries

- 1810 - 1824 Revolutions in Latin America lead to independent nations

- 1818 John Keats Endymion

- 1820 Percy Bysshe Shelly Prometheus Unbound


- 1820 Maine admitted - 1820 Missouri Compromise 1825 - 1829 John Quincy Adams Republican from Massachusetts - 1820 Fed offers land at $1.25 an acre


1829 - 1837 Andrew Jackson Democrat from Tennessee



1837 - 1841 Martin Van Buren Democrat from New York

1841 Wm. Harrison Whig-IN 1841 - 1845 John Tyler Whig-VA

- 1830 Indian Removal Act moves eastern Indians west of Mississippi

- 1835 Second Seminole War in Florida


1845 - 1849 James Polk Democrat from Tennessee



- 1822 Florida Territory

- 1822 Stephen Austin founds colony in Texas

1849 - 1850 Zachary Taylor Whig-LA 1850 - 1853 Millard Fillmore Whig

1853 - 1857 Franklin Pierce Democrat from New Hampshire

- 1838 Cherokee "Trail of Tears"

- 1821 Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic rotation

- 1827 Audubon publishes Birds of America

- 1832 Samuel F.B. Morse designs improved electromagnetic telegraph - 1825 Thomas Cole establishes Hudson River school of landscape painting




- 1821 Missouri admitted - 1834 Indian Territory founded 1857 - 1861 James Buchanan Democrat from Pennsylvania

- 1836  Texas Revolution 1861 - 1865 Abraham Lincoln Republican from Illinois

- 1838 Iowa Territory organized 1865 Abrahan Lincoln Repub. 1865 - 1869 Andrew Johnson Democrat

- 1823 Monroe Doctrine - 1847 Mormons and the Indians

- 1850 - 1870 Plains Indians cede land in exchange for reservations

- 1854 Upper half of Indian Territory becomes part of Kansas Territory

- 1821 Mexican Independence

- 1828 - 1833 Greeks win War of Independence Santa Anna elected from Ottoman Empire President of Mexico

- 1839 Daguerre invents first form of photography

- 1847 Sir James Simpson uses chloroform for childbirth

- 1829 - 1831 Delacroix paints Victor Hugo Death of Sardanapalus Hunchback of Notre Dame

- 1837 Charles Dickens Oliver Twist


Korean War

- 1840 - 1860 Oregon Trail 1869 - 1877 Ulysses S. Grant Republican from Ohio - 1829 Jackson introduces spoils system



Mexican War - 1836 Arkansas admitted

- 1837 Michigan admitted

- 1846 Oregon boundary with Canada established at 49th parallel

- 1848 Mexican Cession

1877 - 1881 Rutherford Hayes Republican from Ohio

1881 James Garfield Repub. 1881 - 1885 Chester Arthur Repub.

- 1830 Joseph Smith founds Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) - 1864 Cheyenne and Arapaho families massacred at Sand Creek, Colorado

- 1834 Slavery abolished in British Empire

- 1864 - 1868 Navajo Long Walk - 1840Upper and lower Canada united

- 1851 Singer patents sewing machine

- 1854 Smith & Wesson invent revolver

- 1859 Charles Darwin Origin of Species

- 1840 Edgar Allen Poe: Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque

- 1844 Alexander Dumas The Three Muskateers

- 1848 Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels publish Communist Manifesto



Vietam War - 1845 Florida admitted - 1850 Utah and New Mexico Territories

- 1853 Gadsden Purchase

1885 - 1889 Grover Cleveland Democrat from New York

1889 - 1893 Benjamin Harrison Republican from Ohio

- 1842 10-hour day for children under 12 in Massachusetts

- 1846 - 1847 Mormon trek from Navoo to Salt Lake City

- 1869 - 1876 200 pitched battles between Indians and U.S. Calvary

- 1874 - 1875 Red River War

- 1848 February Revolution by French workers makes Louis Napoleon III President of 2nd Republic

-1853 - 1856 Crimean War between Turkey, France & Britain against Russia

- 1862 Foucault measures speed of light - 1850 Nathanial Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter

- 1851 Melville Moby Dick



Gulf W - 1845 Texas admitted

- 1846 Iowa admitted

- 1854Nebraska and Kansas Territories

- 1857Kansas ratifies anti-slavery constitution

1893 - 1897 Grover Cleveland Democrat from New York

1897 - 1901 William McKinley Republican from Ohio

- 1848 Gold discovered in California

- 1854 Republican Party formed for abolition of slavery

- 1876 Sioux and Cheyenne defeat Custer at Little Big Horn, Montanna

- 1877 Nez Perce leave Idaho for Canada

- 1861 Unification of Italy

-1863 French troops occupy Mexico City Maximilian of Austria proclaimed Emperor of Mexico

- 1867 Alfred Nobel patents dynamite

- 1869 Union Pacific meets Central Pacific

- 1854 Thoreau Walden

- 1855 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass




- 1848 Wisconsin admitted

- 1850 California admitted

- 1861 - 1868Western territories reorganized by Republican Congresses

- 1867 Alaska Purchased

- 1867 Midway annexed

1901 1905 - 1909 William McKinley Repub. Theodore Roosevelt 1901 - 1905 Republican from Theodore Roosevelt Repub. New York

1909 - 1913 William H. Taft Republican from Ohio

- 1857 Dred Scott decision

- 1863 Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves

- 1878 - 1879 Northern Cheyenne escape Indian Territory

- 1886 - 1887 Geronimo (Apache) Dawes Severality Act surrenders after 15 years creates allotment system

- 1867 Dominion of Canada formed

- 1870 - 1871 Franco-Prussian War unifies Germany

- 1869 Suez Canal opens - 1863 Edouard Manet paints Luncheon on the Grass

- 1871 Trade Unions legalized in Britain - 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone

- 1865 Leo Tolstoy War and Peace

- 1866Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment

W - 1858 Minnesota admitted

ar - 1859 Oregon admitted

on Terror - 1861 Kansas admitted

- 1878 U.S.-Samoa treaty makes Pago Pago a navy coaling station 1913 - 1921 Woodrow Wilson Democrat from New Jersey

1921 - 1923 Warren Harding Repub. 1923 - 1925 Calvin Coolidge Repub.

1925 - 1929 Calvin Coolidge Republican from Massachusetts

- 1865 Lincoln assassinated

- 1868 8-hour day for federal employees

- 1865 - 1877 Reconstruction in old South

- 1889 Ghost Dance

- 1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee, SD

- 1892 Cherokee Outlet in Indian Territory opened to settlement

- 1875 - 1884 - 1885 Charles Stewart Parnell begins 15 European nations partition movement for Irish independence Africa for "spheres of influence" - 1879 Thomas Edison invents incandescent light

- 1883 Maxim invents machine gun

- 1885 Louis Pasteur administers successful rabies vaccination

- 1872 Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass

- 1874 First impressionist exhibit in Paris

- 1876 Richard Wagner Ring of the Nibelung

- 1861 - 1865 CONFEDERACY

- 1863 West Virginia admitted

- 1884 Alaska Territory organized 1929 - 1933 Herbert Hoover Republican from Iowa - 1876 National League founded (baseball)

- 1864 Nevada admitted - 1890 Oklahoma Territory organized

1933 - 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democrat from New York - 1879 Women lawyers permitted to argue cases before Supreme Court

1945 Franklin Roosevelt Democ. 1945 - 1949 Harry Truman Democ. - 1883 Civil Service established

- 1901 Five Civilized Tribes granted U.S. citizenship - 1893 France adds Laos to "protectorate" of Indochina

- 1894 Dreyfus case splits France

- 1888 - 1895 Eastman's Kodak camera Wilhelm Rontgen begins amateur photography discovers x-rays - 1878 Gilbert and Sullivan H.M.S Pinafore

- 1883 Fredrich Nietzche Thus Spake Zarathustra

- 1898 - 1902 Cuba occupied by U.S. and released - 1899 Sigmund Freud Interpretation of Dreams

- 1867 Nebraska admitted

- 1876 Colorado admitted - 1898 Hawaii annexed

1949 - 1953 Harry S. Truman Democrat from Missouri - 1886 Haymarket Square labor riot in Chicago kills eleven people

1953 - 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican from Kansas - 1890 AFL founded by S Gompers

- 1907 Indian Territory becomes eastern half of Oklahoma

- 1899 Guam, Phillipines, Puerto Rico annexed 1961 - 1963 John Kennedy Democ.-MA 1963 - 1965 Lyndon Johnson Democ.-TX - 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act - 1924 Citizenship Act makes Indians citizens without impairing status as tribal members

- 1904-05 Russia and Japan at war

- 1905 mini-revolution in Russia

- 1903 Wright Bros. first airplane

- 1905- 1908 Albert Einstein proposes GE patents Special Theory of Relativity electric toaster

- 1889 First U.S. film: Fred Ott's Sneeze

- 1910 British Empire covers 1/5th of world land area

- 1895 H.G. Wells The Time Machine

- 1889 North Dakota admitted - 1900 American Samoa annexed

- 1903 U.S. behind "uprising" separating Panama from Columbia; Panama leases canal zone to U.S.

1965 - 1969 Lyndon Johnson Democrat from Texas

1969 - 1973 Richard Nixon Republican from California

- 1892 Strike at Carnegie Steel results in ten deaths

- 1896 Supreme Court rules "separate but equal" legal - 1933 Bureau of Indian Affairs reformed; sales of Indian lands halted - August 3, 1914 World War One begins: Germany invades Belgium

- 1911 - 1916Robert A Millikan Albert Einstein proposes measures electron's charge General Theory of Relativity - 1896 Anton Chekhov The Seagull

- 1904 Jack London The Sea Wolf

- 1889 South Dakota admitted

- 1889 Montana admitted

- 1889 Washington admitted

- 1917 Virgin Islands annexed

- 1920 Panama Canal completed

1973 - 1974 Richard Nixon Repub.-CA 1974 - 1977 Gerald Ford Repub.-MI

1977 - 1981 Jimmy Carter Democrat from Georgia

- 1901 Pres. McKinley shot by anarchist

- 1902 Roosevelt begins conservation of forests

1981 - 1989 Ronald Reagan Republican from California - 1904 Roosevelt asserts U.S. right to intervene in Latin America

- 1942 - 1945 Navaho Windtalkers - 1917 Russian revolutions: communist U.S.S.R. formed

- 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty

- 1919 League of Nations

- 1918 Shapley determines sun is part of Milky Way galaxy

- 1924 Schrodinger proposes wave mechanics

- 1928 Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

- 1905 Matisse begins Fauves with Woman With a Hat

- 1907 Picasso begins cubism with Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

- 1909 Ezra Pound Personae

- 1890 Idaho admitted

1989 - 1993 George Bush Republican from Texas - 1909 NAACP in NYC

- 1890 Wyoming admitted

- 1896 Utah admitted

- 1933 TVA develops resources of Tennessee River

- 1946Phillipines given independence

1993 - 2001 William J. Clinton Democrat from Arkansas - 1910 Fundamentalism begins with "Five Points"

2001 - 2009 George W. Bush Republican from Texas - 1917 Selective Service Act creates draft

- 1954 - 1962 Congress terminates more than 60 tribes as political units

- 1964 Civil Rights Act restores tribal law to reservations

- 1923 Italy becomes first fascist state

- 1927 Civil war in China

- 1915 D.W. Griffith directs Birth of a Nation

- 1917 Blacks migrate north and west

- 1931 Lawrence invents cyclotron

- 1934 Fermi creates plutonium

- 1937 Dow Chemical develops plastics

- 1913 Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring

- 1916 T. Tzara DADA

- 1922 James Joyce Ulysses

- 1907 Oklahoma admitted - 1947 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, captured from Japan, administered by U.S.

- 1950Guam Territory organized

2009 - 2013 Barack Obama Democrat from Illinois - 1920 18th Amendment prohibits alcohol

- 1920 19th Amendment gives women right to vote

- 1973 Members of AIM seize trading post at Wounded Knee, S. Dak.

- 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act makes native religious practices legal

- 1930 Worldwide depression begins

- 1927 Lindbergh crosses Atlantic non-stop

- 1934 Adolf Hitler becomes Fueher of Germany

- 1940 Radar wins Battle of Britian

- 1941 - 1945 Benchley Park computers sabotage German Enigma

- 1948 Bell Labs invent transistor

- 1922 T.S. Eliot The Waste Land

- 1923 Arnold Schonberg atonal Piano Suite

- 1925 S. Eisenstein Potemkin

- 1912 New Mexico admitted

- 1912 Arizona admitted

- 1999Panama Canal transferred to Panama

- 1929 Stock Market crashes

- 1933 Roosevelt begins "New Deal"

- 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act allows gambling on reservations

- 1990s American Indians attempt to collect trust fund revenues

- 1936-39 Spanish Civil War

- September 1, 1939 - 1944 World War Two begins: Normandy Germany invades Poland landings

- 1949 Kurchatov develops first Soviet A-bomb

- 1951 Teller tests H-bomb

- 1953 Watson & Crick DNA=double helix

- 1924 - 1940 Int'l School of surrealisn

- 1932 William Faulkner Light in August

- 1935 Hitchcock The 39 Steps

- April 6, 1917 U.S. declares war against Germany

- 1935 Social Security Act provides retirement insurance

- December 8, 1941 U.S. declares war against Japan

- December 7, 1941 Japan surprise attack on Pearl Harbor - 2004 National Museum of the American Indian established on mall in Washington DC

- 1945 United Nations formed

- 1947 British India becomes Pakistan & India

- 1948 Israel created

- 1954 U.S. Nautilus first nuclear submarine

- 1957 Soviets launch Sputnik, first artificial satellite

- 1960 Maiman makes first laser

- 1940 Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls

- 1943 Jean-Paul Sartre Being and Nothingness

- 1945 Roberto Rosselini's neorealist Open City

- 1959 Alaska admitted

- 1959 Hawaii admitted

- 1945 U.S. A-bombs Japan

- 1947 Marshall Plan

- 1948 - 1954 Communism quashed in US

- 1948 NATO formed; Cold War begins

-3924 - 1947 - 1990 British & French Empires U.S. contains spread fracture into new 3rd world nations of communism

- 1962 Cuban missile crisis

-1961First ICBM

- 1961 - 1969 Kennedy launches Apollo project; man lands on the moon

- 1970 - 1971 EPA established to Soviet Salyut 1 enforce Clean Air Act space station

- 1949 Abstract-Expressionism breaks out in NYC

- 1954 Television thrives; radio switches to music

- 1957 Jack Kerouac On the Road

- 1959 Jean-Luc Godard's New Wave Breathless

- 1955 Blacks boycott buses in Montgomery

- 1955 - 1955 Supreme Court orders AFL and school desegregation CIO merge

- 1961 Peace Corps

- 1960-65 Civil Rights movement

- 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident

- 1967 Israeli 6-day war

- 1968 - 1970 May Days U.S. invades mini-revolution Cambodia

- 1972DDT is banned

- 1973Endangered Species Act

- 1976Viking 1 & 2 land on Mars

- 1978personal computer

- 1962 Pop Art

- 1965 Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone

- 1967 The Beatles Sgt. Pepper

- 1968 Kubrick

- 1980sCD, VCR, & cable become common

- 1973 Billy Friedkin 2001 The Exorcist

- 1963 Kennedy assassinated

- 1965-70 Demonstrations against Vietnam War

- 1966-69 Hippie movement

- 1973 War Powers Act

- 1975 - 1979 South Vietnam surrenders Revolution in Iran; to North Vietnam Americans held hostage

- 1980 Solidarity in Poland

- 1979 - 1988 Soviets lose war in Afganistan

- 1987Ozone "hole" found over Antartica

- 1991Japan is world's largest automaker

- 1993- 1997Internet expands with NASA spacecraft World Wide Web lands on Mars

- 1973 Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago

- 1974 - 1977 Reiner Werner Fassbinder George Lucas Ali-- Fear Eats the Soul Star Wars

- 1978-84 Punk Rock

- 1973-74 Nixon resigns over Watergate

- 1970s Sixties energy wins smaller battles: feminism, ecology...

- 1978 Jerry Falwell founds the Moral Majority

- 1985 - 1989 Gorbachev unravels Soviet system

- 1989 - 1991U.S.S.R dissolves into republics; Cold War over

- 1990 - 1993 South Africa accepts racial equality

- 1998- 2000s International Space Station Animals begins construction cloned

- 2000s Increasing development of solar energy sources

- 1980s Hollywood remakes B-movies and comix

- 1984-? Rap music

- 1989-92 World cable markets deregulated; Hollywood gains world film market

- 1983 Reagan proposes Star Wars and increases military funding

- 1980s - 1991 "War on Drugs" jails Gulf War is first U.S. 1/5 of young black men reduction of a regional power

- 1992 NAFTA formed

- 1992 - 1999 Yugoslavia breaks up; Serbia contained

- 1993 Steven Spielberg Schindler's List

- 1990s Book retail chains abound

- 2003 Mathew Barney finishes The Cremaster Cycle

- 1996 Welfare reform

- 1997 Robust economy creates longest prosperity in U.S. history

- 1999 Budget goes into surplus

- 2001 Taliban removed

- 2003 Iraq War

- 2000s China emerges as economic giant

- 2000s Internet and cellphones revolutionize communication

- 2001 9/11 terror attack alerts America

- 2000s - 2008-2009 US nuclear superiority Global financial crisis and conventional inadequacy and recession

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