History Timeline

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 14



768-814 3 Realms

3 Realms Charlemaigne/Lorrain


3 Realms Saxon Kings

Cluny Reform Movement. A reform movement was born in east-central France. the Cluny Reformers taught that the pope in Rome was the sole ruler over all the clergy. They further denounced the transgression of ascetic piety by "secular" parish clergy, who maintained concubines in a relationship akin to marriage. the reformers were dispatched throughout france and Italy, and in the late eleventh century the papacy embraced their reforms.


Henry I "the Fowler" becomes the first nonfrankish king of Germany


Otto I "Otto the Great", Henry's son invades Italy, enlists church to help secure power. CHURCH IS UNDER THE STATE. Begins to appoint bishops, abbots, and royal princes. Pope John XII crowns him Holy Roman Emperor. Now the pope rules at the emperor's pleasure.



Alaric the Visigoth ended the Old HRE


768 412

0. 0 1


Battle of Hastings. Bayeux tapestry

Harold. LOSE

William. Gain control of England WIN

Otto I proclaims himself king of Italy

1075 1077


Henry IV gatheres bishops and declared independence from gregory. Pope excomunicates all subjects loyal to henry. Henry Backs down and stood in snow for 3 days outside Gregory's castle until the pope absolved him. PINNACLE OF PAPAL POWER

Concordand of Worms

Investiture Struggle settled with the Concordat of Worms. Emperor Henry V formally renounces his power to invels bishops with ring and staff. In exchange, Pope Calixtus II recognized the emperor's right to be present and to invest bishops with fiefs before or after their investment with ring and staff by the church. the emperor also effectively retained the right to nominate or veto a candidate.

1122 1215 1214 1257 1296

Pope Gregory VII tries to limit the power of European leaders and thereby protect the church from their influence

Investiture struggle. Gregory VII vs. Henry IV. Centered on authority to appoint and control clergy

Battle of Bovines




Magna Carta. Signed by King Louis IX abolishes serfdom & John. King would have to follow better taxes Laws. 3rd Crusade Germany breaks up. Hohenstaufens… Frederick II Barbosa, ward of Pope innocent. Clericos Laicos. Pope Boniface VIII. Papal bull forbiding taxing clergy without papal approval.


Black Plague. Black Plague. 20% decrease in Came from Population rats from the black sea 1378-1415

Great Schism

Black Plague. 75-80% decrease in Population

Black Plague. 75-80% decreas in Population

20% decrease in Population

entered from Black Sea. 75-80% decrease in population.

Great Schism

Great Schism

Great Schism

Great Schism Council at Pisa elected a 3rd pope

Joan of Arc. Executed for Heresy. Charles VII did nothing to protect. Battle at Agincourt. St. Crispins day.


Medici rule in Florence established by Cosimo de' Medici First Printed Bible War of Roses. House of Lancaster (red). House of York (white)

1494 1492


1455 1454 1434 1415 1412 1409 1378

Edward III grandson of french king phillip "the fair" claims 1337-1456 french throne. Long history of Under Henry VI, victories Hundred struggle between England and between 1429-1453. Joan of Year's War France… became a struggle for Arc National Identity. Most victories were English.



Unam Sanctum. Temporal authority to spiritual power of church



Concordat of Bologna

Concordant of Bologna

1517-1555 Protestant Reformation Luther's 95 theses posted



Defeated by the Holy League

The Holy League (Pope Julius II, Ferdinand of Aragon, Emperor Maximilian I, and Venice) defeat the French




League of Venice. Florence &naples prepare to attack Milan New Pope comes into power. Julius II



Conquest of the Aztecs by Cortes; Aztec ruler, montezuma killed; Tenochtitlán destroyed charles V becomes HRE




Luther excommunicated. Condemned by Diet of Worms. 1521-1522 Luther translated the New Testament into German

1521-1559 Hapsburgs and Valois



Edict of Worms "so as to be able to answer in good conscience to God and the emperor" Charles needed German princes and troops 25 German peasants fought for release from serfdom

1531 1529 1527

Sack of Rome


Reformation Parliament convenes Act of Supremacy declares Herny VIII as head of the Church of England Reformation Parliament passes Submission of the Clergy, submitting clergy to royal jurisdiction


Henry VIII imposes the Six Articles, condemning Protestantism and reasserting traditional doctrine. Jesuit Order founded by Ignatius Loyola 1543-1727 Scientific Revolution 1545-1563 Council of Trent istitutes reforms and responds to the Reformation First Act of Uniformity imposes Book of Common Prayer on English Churches 1553-1558 Mary Tudor restores Catholic doctrine Peace at Augsberg. Recognizes rights of Lutherans to worship as they please. 1556-1598 Philip II of Spain reigns

1558 1556


1553 1549


1543 1540

Act of Succession makes Anne Boleyn's children legitamate heirs to the English throne



1533-1584 Ivan the Terrible of Russia reigns

1558-1603 Elizabeth I of England reigns

1561 1589 1588 1562

1562-1598 French Wars of Religion Defeat of the Spanish Armada

1618-1648 Thirty Years' War


1688 1682 1643 1642




Henry IV, Navarre, founds Bourbon dynasty of France

1642-1646 Puritan Revolution in England 1643-1715 Louis XIV reigns

Glorious Revolution 1689-1755 Montesquieu-Spirit of the Laws (1748). No single set of political laws can apply to all people and all palces at the same tame. Sociology. Tempered monarchy. Division of power: executive, legislative, judicial--checks and balances

1793 1790 1789 1785 1772 1762


1750 1740


1722 1702 1701


1694-1778 Voltaire-Candide(1759) attacked war, religious prosecution and optimism about human condition Act of Settlement provides for Protestant succession to English Throne 1702-1713 War of Spanish Succession

1723-1790 Adam Smith-Wealth of Nations. Abolish mercantile system. Laissezfaire economics. Minimal government interferance.

Industrial Revolution jean Calas, huguenot, sentenced to death for alleged murder of son to prevent him from converting to catholocism. Voltaire wrote Treaties on Toleration

First Revolution


1473-1543 Copernicus--Polish astronomer. Published On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres. Said that planets were orbiting in a circular manner.

1501-1622 Francis Bacon-empirical examination. Experiment and observation derived from sensory evidence

1598-1650 Rene Descartes-analytical geometry. Separated world into 2 categories: things thought, and theings occupying space. "cogito ergo sum" I think therefore I am.

1632-1704 John Locke--essay concerning human understanding. Tabula Rasa-clean slate. All knowledge derived from sensory experiment.

1682-1725 Peter the Great of Russia reigns

Encyclopedia with input from philosophes first published

1740-1748 War of Austrian Succession

1762-1796 Catherine the Great of Russia married Peter III of Russia, who "dissapeared" First Partition of Poland Charter of Nobility-- noble rights and privileges.

Joseph II of Austria gives freedom of worship and abolishes serfdom 1793 and 1795 Last two partitions of Poland

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