Urp Exercise.

  • June 2020
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TAKE HOME EXERCISE (Individual) Name: Patricia May Labitoria

Date Submitted:

Oct 14

Contact No:


Choose 5 topics (20 pts each) from the list below and provide the necessary information as required in the matrix (see sample item on Regional Planning). You may write in either sentence form or bullet form. Once completed, send as an attached word file 93-97 to [email protected] (not thru the class yahoogroup). Deadline is on or before Oct 14, 2009 at exactly 12:00 midnight. Good luck! TOPIC






Ex: Regional Planning

Planning process that provides an integrated and coordinating framework for the physical and socioeconomic growth of local government units that comprise a region

The purpose of the regional framework plan is to guide the coordinated, orderly, and harmonious development of the region and to advise the region's local governments in the performance of their functions and duties especially to extrajurisdictional or cross-boundary issues and regional interests and concerns.

Takes into account the planning related concerns that affect inter-municipal, in interprovincial concerns such as watershed management, regional economic growth, physical access (transportation), food security, among others.

Mostly ‘framework’ planning (framework plans are recommendatory and not regulatory, implementation depends on voluntary compliance of local governments that comprise the region)

Regional Physical Framework Plan (RPFP) – of The Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao

Regional planning includes the ff: 1. Regional land use planning framework 2. Regional transportation planning 4. Environmental management framework 5. Economic development planning 6. Others (Goals, policies, and guidelines deemed important by the region

Provide a unified and coordinated physical design for the growth and development of the region.

No clear administrative, executive, legislative and regulatory powers at the regional level.

Integrated Area Development (IAD) – Bicol River Basin

Makes use of popular analytical techniques such as economic base theory, location quotient, hierarchy of urban functions, among others, for regional situational analysis

Smart growth

Smart growth is a development strategy that concentrates growth only in the center of the city. Because growth is clustered in the center, urban sprawl is prevented. The strategy advocates compact,

A smart growth development should have

1. Lots of transportation services so residents/workers can go around the city 2. A mixed land-use 3. Walkable neighbourhood 4. Open spaces which preserve landscape 5. Compact

According to a case study of cities whose development is patterned after smart growth, economy grows faster and quality of life is amplified when this model is used. This is due because it attracts business and

Smart city seems to be a perfect model for growth because it leads to better quality of life. Because of its good features, all people might want to settle there. As well as the businesses. If that

According to a website, the Fort uses smart growth as development model. Eastwood city

transit oriented and walkable land-use. It aims to strengthen and improve the economy of the area and at the same time the quality of life of the people living in the place.

Safe growth/Safe cities

Safe growth is a development scheme that focuses on resisting natural disasters, hazards (natural, health) and crimes, for all residents. Planning for safe cities includes thorough research about possible hazards that endanger lives and its causes e.g fault line near the area ,means higher probability of an earthquake. -a factory belching out smoke is a health hazard.

Sustainable cities

In maintenance, things that might cause danger like open manhole or hanging signs must be fixed as soon as possible. Are cities that are planned in a way that is sustainablemeaning it will not burden the future generation inside and outside of the city limits. Planners should incorporate within their plans that

qualified workforce. People are attracted by their houses’ or offices’ proximity to everything they might need.

happens, other cities that are less developed will not have its own share of investors and workforce.

-Safe cities, like smart growth advocates for pedestrians that will ensure the safety of people when walking and crossing the street.

Quality of life is enhanced because people do not have to worry about being safe.

Large budget is needed in maintaining the city to ensure safety and especially in conducting researches.

- Pavements, must be well

More relaxed environment because people know it is safe.

neighbourhoods/establishme nts 6. Businesses are highly encouraged One of the aims of smart growth is preventing urban sprawl.

maintained to avoid accidents e.g: a bicyclist falling because of cracked pavement. - Hospitals, clinics and first aid stations must be available in case of disasters

1. Sustainable cities promotes stewardship of the environment. They are the “green” cities who try to minimize as much as they can, their impact to the

It is focused on protecting and conserving the environment that is being degraded now. By being

People might be too relaxed to secure themselves and properties. In case of sudden danger, they might not know what to do.

• Needs a total paradigm shift. People might have a hard time complying with the rules of a “green” city (ex: segregating waste) because they are not

Makati and Marikina because they lie or lies closely at Marikina Valley fault has goals to make their cities safer so if ever the fault moves, they will be prepared.

Puerto Princesa in Palawan has goals to make their city more sustainable.

environment has a carrying capacity and that resources finite. The main goal of sustainable cities is to improve people’s quality of life w/o putting too much toll on the environment. This goal can be reached by limiting waste and preventing pollution to name a few.

Urban Revitalization

environment. 2. Sustainable cities have good Environmental Management systems that enables them to reach their goal.

Urban Revitalization is also called downtown revitalization.

• It boosts economic growth in areas that has little of it.

It means giving or breathing in new “life” to those areas (ghetto) that have been plague by urban decay meaning the place is physically unappealing, unsafe, has few economic activities and exhibits little or no planning at all.

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Transit oriented development is a smart growth strategy that focuses on areas around a transit station e.g bus stop, train/lrt stations. Development must be done 400-600m around the transit

sustainable, it protects the rights of the future generation to having a beautiful and clean environment that is still full of resources.

• It revitalizes and gives life to those places that exhibits the characteristics of a ghost town. • Increases quality of life for the people who lives there.

TOD has features that: 1. Promote transit ridership or public transportation, so means of transportation must be clean and more efficient than riding a private vehicle for people to patronize it.

Promotes walking habits that will ensure health of the people. Makes transit ride a better experience for the passenger. Because the

used to doing it. • Building structures that are ecofriendly are presently more expensive.

• Displacement of people

Metro Manila(Bayani Fernando’s Metro Gwapo)

• Destruction of many culturally important buildings and landmarks.

• Scarcity of

budget. Because there are only few business in the location or residents, no tax is being generated. The municipality might have a hard time sourcing out money for the project. 1. Because development focuses near a transit station, it is possible that the nearest establishment from the station be bothered by the noise coming from

Manhattan Garden City in cubao.

station or a 5 min. walk.

Urban Environmental Management Economic Base Theory Industrial Location Theory

2. Encourage people to walk around the site instead of driving. Because of this, the place must be physically attractive, clean and safe. 3. Discourage land uses that is not transit supportive like warehouses and game fields. Rather, it promotes uses like cafes, schools and restaurants. 4. Support a compact development pattern.

development is compact, people can get what they have to get or go wherever they have to go in lesser time around the area.

the train/lrt. 2. Growing businesses may have trouble to expand because of limited space. 3. Because development is focused only on the area near the station, other areas might be left behind.

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