Urban Ressurection 2025: Intervention At The Howrah Terminus Precinct: The Howrah Intermodal Interchange : Chapter 5 - Chapter 7

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The City of Yokohama Port & Harbour Bureau Construction Department, Osanbashi Passenger Vessel Terminal Maintenance Subdivision Architect:: (FOA) Foreign Office Architects Chronology: Project 1994 Project Winner Of Competition

Awards: Topology:

Dimentional Data:


Length Surface

Completion Date:

Realisation 2000-2002 Enric Miralles Prize for Architecture Kanagawa Architecture Prize Building For Cultural and Recreational Activities Auditoriums and Music Centres Commercial Buildings Shops Architecture Of Parkland and Water Rigged Bridges, piers and lighthouses 450 m terminal sq.m. 17.000 public spaces sq.m. 13.000 transit spaces sq.m. 18.000 total sq.m. 48.000 November, 2002 2003

The brief of the Yokohama International Port Terminal asked for the articulation of a passenger cruise terminal and a mix of civic facilities for the use of citizens in one building. The site had a pivotal role along the city's water front that, if declared a public space, would present Yokohama City with a continuous structure of open public spaces along the waterfront. 2

"Our proposal for the project start by declaring the site as an open public space and proposes to have the roof of the building as an open plaza, continuous with the surface of Yamashita Park as well as Akaranega Park. The project is then generated from a circulation diagram that aspires to eliminate the linear structure characteristic of piers, and the directionality of the circulation." F.O.A The project starts with what the architects have named as the "no-return pier", with the ambition to structure the precinct of the pier as a fluid, uninterrupted and multi-directional space, rather than a gateway to flows of fixed orientation. A series of programmatically specific interlocking circulation loops allow the architects to subvert the traditional linear and branching structure characteristic of the building. Rather than developing the building as an object or figure on the pier, the project is produced as an extension of the urban ground, constructed as a systematic transformation of the lines of the circulation diagram into a folded and bifurcated surface. These folds produce covered surfaces where the different parts of the program can be hosted. The relation between the skin and the areas established by the structural folds of the surface is one of the most important arguments of the project in that the folded ground distributes the loads through the surfaces themselves, moving them diagonally to the ground. This structure is also especially adequate in coping with the lateral forces generated by seismic movements that affect the Japanese topography. The articulation of the circulation system with the constructive system through this folded organization produced two distinct spatial qualities; the continuity of the exterior and the interior spaces and the continuity between the different levels of the building. The architects have used a very reduced palette of materials and details in order to explore further the continuity produced by the topography. Single finishes extend on the upper or lower side of the topography regardless of exterior or interior condition. All secondary system that are applied to the steel topography, mainly wooddeck flooring system, glazing system and fencing/handrail system use a single detail along the length of the building and only vary to explore the geometrical variation across spaces. The ambition was to construct continuous but differentiated spaces along the length of the pier.


a. F i r s t s t e p f r o m t h e s c h e m e a t c o m p e t i t i o n

phase Perth Of Competition

Regarding this project, I was involved in it as a staff of SDG when the design contract was in process. After that I made my own firm, so I did not touch this project. Now I shall ask how this project has been done. First of all, how was your impression for the competition scheme of FOA's? I was quite surprised by totally new idea of them which transmit the force to the foundation through the winding floor connecting upper and lower stories without counting the conventional column and girder system. After the design contract, the details of "cardboard structure" was proposed in competition document. But I felt that the original concept would not match the cardboard structure. In short, because the cardboard can transmit the force only in one direction, it might not be a structure which consists of freely winding floor transmit the force to the next element. So, I started to think about another possibility.

b. C h a n g e f r o m c a r d b o a r d s t r u c t u r e

Many of frame pattern model of Ratis grid in basic design phase 1


Burden How was your idea in basic design phase1? Watanabe The basic idea of cardboard is to transmit the force through the "plate" combined two thin steel plate as flange connected by something else. In this case, the problem is how to connect two flange plate. The space frame structure can be created by the assemblage of lattice grid framing, and there can be many variations how to assemble based on the acting force. I imagined that the surface of structure would be like the nature-creating thing like the cells of leaf of plant, since what would be realized was the continuous floor with organic figure. I mean the typology would be created accordingly that the large acting force make the frame dense and the small force does the opposite thing. This idea includes the practical way that reduce the amount of steel necessary to realize the architecture with limited budget. Burden How was the reaction of FOA's? What matters as the concept of structure in competition phase was to make the structure by folding the steel plate. At the competition phase, we called it as cardboard structure, which was based on the same idea to the realized fold plate structure. We had much interest in the scheme in basic design phase 1, whose point was different from them. Watanabe SDG researched how thick the distance between two flange plates which equals to the thickness of floor would be at every point of floor based on the drawing from FOA. This was evaluated form the relationship between force and deflection, then the shape of ceiling would be decided accordingly. I was thinking that every problem architecture-wise and structure wise as well would be solved by the process of each other's feeding back by giving the information of each others like the shape of ceiling. I mean design of surface would be decided by the idea for distance between two flange plates no matter its contents would be.


c. H o w d i d w e t h i n k o f t h e d i r e c t i o n o f f o r c e f l o w Comparison of short hand sections of competition idea (upper) and basic phase 1 (under).The ceiling amount of each facilities has risen more than the one of the competition idea by about 50%.

Figure where stress vector was displayed


I hoped the structure system which transmit the force three-dimensionally. The hierarchy of elements like girder, floor and roof should be eliminated so that the totally united structure could be realized with only the variation of thickness of two flange plate. It was quite hard work to analyze it since the amount and the vector of force varies at each place in winding floor.

d. m a t r i x d e v e l o p e d f r o m c a r d b o a r d s t r u c t u r e

Watanabe I made a table showing the possibility from the idea of cardboard structure, since FOA was still persisting the cardboard structure after finishing the basic design period 1. Through the cardboard, the force flows in one direction, when the force transmit perpendicularly to this direction, causes the bending moment. To take this bending moment, thicker flange plate or trapezoid-section web plate reinforcement is indispensable. Similar idea like setting the centroid of flange and web plate on the same plane can be examined but in case joint method would be difficult. By replacing the plate element into the linear element idea is getting to be similar to the space frame. Above mentioned is the idea aiming to the "Void". Another idea was examined to aim to the "Solid". The grid plan arrangement of web between two flange plates, honeycomb plan arrangement of web plate with the reinforcement of poly-uletan for shear force, or filling concrete in between plates like the CFT fire-resist column, such ideas were researched. In two schemes, structure-wisely, the idea of "Void" is feasible for the structure 6

dominated by "tensile" force, and the idea is for "compression". I thought that the system by "compression" would basically match the architecture of foa's. Since the main structure is giant arch with box section and the deflection of canti-lever slab can be controlled by the high rigidity of compression side.

e. s c h e m e o f m i x e d s t r u c t u r e m a t c h i n g t o t h e f o r c e vector W We were seeking the direction of "Void" only in the basic design phase 1, and in the basic design phase 2, we totally thought of two of them, "Void " and "solid at the same time", then we created the way to arrange the structure element based on the result of analysis in between two flange plates. Burden How did FOA regard the mixed structure? For this architecture, what matters most was the continuous space and the materials of finishing was limited. The space would be covered with the variation of same detail with limited finishing. Regarding the structure, similar idea should be applied as well. Watanabe The worst fault of mixed structure was that we could not show the construction method clearly. Although we unitize every flange for real construction, the structure cannot stand by itself until everything would be connected waiting for demolishment of temporary support, since the force flows through every part of structure, that was the most critical point.


Plaza floor unit division chart

f. e v a l u a t i o n f o r h o n e y c o m b i d e a Burden After the consideration on them, did the honeycomb idea proposed by FOA? Exactly, we proposed the honeycomb structure with the bended steel plate. Honeycomb structure was quite similar to the original scheme. What was most difficult in honeycomb structure was how to connect the surface flange plates. Usually, the bonding device are used to do it. Another way is electric meltbonding by special metal. But we got to know that these method could not be applied to such a large structure. We tried to invent the new fabrication way of honeycomb panel but in vain.

Proposal chart of honeycomb idea sent from FOA by facsimile


g. t o f o l d p l a t e s t r u c t u r e I guess this period was exciting for the different way to approach to the problem of each other's. How did the new idea come from which is similar to the realized one with the lower side flange plate revealed from honeycomb scheme. When we were thinking of the construction problem due to the mixed structure scheme matching to the vector of force, we got the fax from FOA, saying "how about reveal the lower side flange plate, creating the fold plate structure?". It seemed to be the idea on the observation of structure model. It intended to emphasize the fine point space with the expression of inside the flange plate. In addition to it, the program of architecture was concerning to it. Two slopes on the girders go up and down together, creating the main structure supporting the fold plates in between them. Then the structure got not to take threedimensional force flow, but the first priority was both of girder and fold plate could be regarded as "thing created by bending the steel plate". The fold plate structure is rational and can be well done. But it is depending on the once-cast concrete. Steel plate has a difficulty for buckling phenomenon. I was thinking that we would take deck plate.

h. p r o b l e m o f f o l d p l a t e c o n n e c t i o n After the structural checking, we got to know that the very thin steel plate could be used for fold plate structure. Then we got many possibility. However, welding deform the steel plate and we needed to invent the new way to connection system. And we found HILTI nail system (nail penetrate the steel plate with the explosion of gunpowder and its diameter is 4.5mm taking the 1.5t shear force). I was attracted by the story saying that the nail could connect the steel plate instead of high-tension bolt or welding. And we could develop the design with the communication with FOA. "HILTI" sounds very familiar with me, since I know this is used in construction site in Great Britain to fix the secondary element like wall panel. But they did not use for main structure, in this meaning, we got great advance.

Appearance of construction with Hilti tack


i. a d a p t a t i o n o f c o n t r o l l i n e I think the point regarding the construction by the designer was the adaptation of control line which consist of curvature to arrange and understand the complicated figure of building. When did you spoil the usual perpendicular grid system. Watanabe This problem came out when we had a meeting on the construction planning after the second phase construction started. Our opinion was that except for the winding girder the other element would be set along the grid and FOA was saying that the detail of connection would be simplified by revising the angle according to the center line of winding girder. I was thinking that final decision would be done by the advice of steel fabricator. The engineer from the main consultant said that the FOA's idea might be nicer, and later we followed the control line system. What I mind was that the final appearance of fold plates when the fold plate comes perpendicularly to the girder, whose angle varies from each other. But It looks nice after assemblage. The problem of adaptation of control line was not the regarding the appearance but the effective fabrication.

Template construction chart of garter of 92-kind wick. The template was 336 ..direction of the length hand.. shape in 1,800mm pitch, and the one of another each shape was produced and the factory was produced.

Control line outline chart

Partial roof plan. The first fold board that clings to the garter is basically control line


j. v a r i e t y o f f o l d p l a t e s u r f a c e Web side material outline chart immediately before


For the fold plate, I was thinking that the plate would be like a deck plate for the buckling. But we got the opinion from FOA saying that the plate should be flat. The surface plate is reinforced by being folded as the fold plate is. Large unevenness of girder and middle one of fold plate and the small one of surface plate looks so interesting, but in the meanings of whole system, the surface of girder should be like a deck plate. Watanabe Finally, we made the flat surface plate with buckling stopper because of the failure of fabrication to make unevenness on fire resistant steel. Study model of fold. When thought by the deck plate one, it is a model on.


k. v a r i e t y o f c o n n e c t i o n between girder and fold plate

The table flap garter side former edge joint part is detailed immediately before construction.

The connection between girder and fold plate. How was it? Some part was revised just before construction. Formerly, both of girder and the fold plate had an erection hardware to be connected. In case that the opposite side of connection might not be on the same plane, the system was universal joint, creating the slit in between girder and fold plate. Only three hinge joint connect them. But what we hoped was the united steel plate ceiling combined by fold plate and girder only by folding procedure. Regarding this problem, we revised it into the site erection with 42mm high tension bolt. By the adaptation of control line, universal joint did not stand for any more, because every fold plate come to the girder perpendicularly.

l. m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y / w o r ke r ' s s k i l l a n d architecture I guess there would be technical problems on the computer and fabrication in the process of design and the construction. I would like to listen to it. We followed the way of FOA's processing everything in computer by the change of computer data with each other. That data would be submit to general contractor and fabricator. But the hand work was needed in the factory. I was my misunderstanding the pre-cutting steel plate might not be done according to computer data. What could be done was the real scale hard copy and the hand cutting by workers. At the end of the process, the flow of the computer data got to be stopped, and so much energy has been spent to apply the situation. HILTI nail is the good example telling us that the final appearance depends on the skill of them. Through this kind of experience, computer architecture cannot be realized without coordinating the original human skills and the power of computer. I think that what is important is how we can use the skill of human into the architecture and the new architecture can be created with the computer's products on the skill of human. The power of human takes place in new field. What is interesting is the traditional concrete fold plate got to be developed into the steel fold plate, and this will be memorized in history of architecture in every meanings. 12


Site Plan

Cross Section



erection for girder

landing girder

driving steel piles


erection of girder

casting in place for foundation

assembling entrance grass curtain wall


placing the wooden deck

assembling side glass curtain wall

erection of fold







Municipality of Arnhem station area, Arnhem

Building area: transfer hall 6.000 sq.m./ underground parking 44.000 sq.m./ bus terminal 7.500 sq.m./ two office towers 22.000 sq.m. Program: masterplan, transfer hall, underground parking, bus terminal, two office towers Status/phase: construction phase/ realization 2008 It has taken a chunk out of their lives and has formed the conceptual and material basis for UN Studio. Arnhem Central, begun only weeks after Queen Beatrix opened the Erasmus Bridge , has been both a mind-altering experience and an endurance test. While we dislike the convention of describing projects in terms of 'problems' and 'solutions', the task of devising a new master plan for the small railway station, hastily erected as a temporary measure after World War II, had already tripped up several generations of architects. It was not the station itself that constituted the problem, but rather the combination of the bus station attached to it, the road system surrounding it, and the demand for extensive urban expansion that resisted standard planning. The instinctual desire to break up the various elements to achieve order was the one thing that was impossible here, as we found out several weeks after being invited to join the team already in place and at work. Once again, we found ourselves inching our way into a project from the starting position of a vaguely defined consultant. Over the course of a summer we defined the approach to Arnhem Central as an integrated public transportation area; a roofed-over, climate-controlled plaza that interconnects and provides access to trains, taxis, buses, bicycles, parking, office spaces and the town centre. With this approach came the awareness that 20

we were dealing with a new type of project with enormous public and political potential, requiring vision, ideology and communication skills, together with an understanding of the contemporary role of the architect. The deep-planning method was employed to develop a coherent set of site- and programmespecific organizational principles, expressed through three design models: the V-model, the Klein bottle and the blob-to-box. The materialization of the V-model is a structural element combining a carpark, public space and offices, whereas the Klein bottle is used as an organizational model for passenger movement throughout the project, efficiently stitching together internal and external programmed spaces. The blob-to-box model becomes the formal transition between the rectilinear offices and the transfer hall knot.


KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (KLIA) KUALA LUMPUR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (LRT) KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE (KLCC) & SUPPORT FACILITIES KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (KLIA) Malaysia's economic growth, created by and dependent upon technology, found a symbol in the Petronas Towers, designed by Cesar Pelli and finished in 1998. The subsequent award given to these twin towers as the world's tallest building brought international attention to the country's capital, Kuala Lumpur. As foreign investors are lured to the city, upgrades are necessary for increased transportation. The Malaysian government looked to Japanese architect Kis ho Kurokawa (working with local architect Akitek Jururancang) to design a new airport, joining those in fellow Asian cities Hong Kong (Norman Foster) and Kansai (Renzo Piano) with likewise strong designs. These three airports exhibit the current trend in airport design: linear terminals that allow the maximum number of planes to dock with the minimum linear area. Replacing Y-shaped plan configurations, Helmut Jahn's United Airlines Terminal at Chicago's O'Hare Airport established a structural shape extruded along two bars linked by an underground pedway. Since this design new major 22

airports have adopted the solution of a repeated structure to a linear plan, including the two aforementioned airports (with slight exceptions). Kurokawa utilizes repetitious structural bays in two symmetrical terminals, national and international, symmetrical to each other as well. Each terminal building has one basement and five floors above ground, creating a 4 million sq. ft. airport (including satellite support structures). Like all the other airports mentioned the interior focus is directly under the structure, in Kuala Lumpur the departures lounges. Conical columns support the undulating roof form with slender skylights formed at the seams. The roof extends beyond the interior shell to make one gesture towards the humid climate of Malaysia; creating shaded outdoor spaces between automobile and airport. Looking at the airport's design in relation to previous designs, Kurokawa is successful in creating a form that fits the functional requirements of air travel today. While the terminals recall recent airports in the structural repetition they also remind one of Eero Saarinen's TWA Terminal at JFK airport in New York City, with its bird-like symbolism. If this likeness is intentional only Kurokawa knows, but with Malysia's lack of a national architectural style or symbolic vocabulary the architect probably looked elsewhere for inspiration. As the country attempts to express a national identity to foreign investors, outsiders are ironically asked to do so. Pelli's use of Muslim symbolism as a plan device for the Petronas Towers is not a more valid means than Kurokawa's possible reinterpretation of a structure that looked at man's desires, his desire to conquer nature while simultaneously find inspiration in nature. The ultra modern Kuala Lumpur International Airport at Sepang represents the new transportation hub for the Asia Pacific Region to meet the growing demands of the tourism and services sector. Located 75km from the busy metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, the airport has the capacity to intially accommodate 25 million passengers per annum. It is easily accessible throughout Malaysia by modern road and rail links. KAJANG TRAFFIC DISPERSAL RING ROAD - ROCK BLASTING AT KAJANG BYPASS CLOVERLEAF INTERCHANGE This 100 acre cloverleaf interchange site forming part of the Kajang Traffic Dipersal Ring Road is situated at the foothills of the Main Range that forms part of the mountainous spine of West Malaysia. LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (LRT) SYSTEM 2 The Kuala Lumpur Light Rail Transit System 2 (LRT System 2) is the world's longest fully automated driverless LRT system. The system comprises 29 kilometres of elevated, at grade and underground lines. Five kilometres of the underground track passes through two parallel tunnels under the city, constructed using advanced tunnel boring technology. There are 24 stations within the network with 5 underground stations. 23

Based on the Advanced Rapid Transit (Skytrain) Mark II system that utilises linear induction motor-powered vehicles, LRT System 2 represents a major technological achievement. The LRT System 2 will run at a maximum speed of 80 kilometres per hour and enjoy an optimum intial capacity of 370 passengers per train. It is capable of accommodating 25,000 passengers per hour, per direction. THE EXPRESS RAIL LINK (ERL) AND COMMUTER RAIL SERVICE (CRS) The ERL is a 24-hour non-stop high speed rail service connecting the city of Kuala Lumpur to the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at Sepang, 75km south of the city centre. To complement the ERL, the CRS will stop at the stations of Bandar Tasik Selatan, Putrajaya and Salak Tinggi, major townships along route. Both the ERL and CRS will share the common standard gauge dedicated twin-track with power collection through the Overhead Catenary Line. Apart from providing high speed rail systems, the ERL also provides check-in service at a central terminal, i.e. the Kuala Lumpur City Air Terminal (KLCAT), at the Kuala Lumpur Central, the major integrated rail transport station in Kuala Lumpur. Construction commencement: January 1999 Service operations commencement: Mid 2001.

KUALA LUMPUR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT The $1.85 billion Kuala Lumpur Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project is one of the largest rail projects to be built on a fast-track schedule, and is part of Vision 2020, Malaysia's plan for a fully developed economy by the year 2020. The system links the eastern and western suburbs with the downtown business district of Kuala Lumpur. It uses fully automated driverless technology and is the world's largest transit system to use the linear induction motor system. The project includes 24 stations, of these 17 are elevated, 2 are at-grade and 5 are underground. Approximately 15 miles (24.2 kilometers) of concrete box girder viaduct structures traverse through densely populated suburban and urban areas. Two parallel tunnels run under the centre of city with a 3-mile (5kilometer) tunnel segment running directly under and parallel to, a river. Where the alignment transitions from aerial to underground, top-down construction was used in the bank of a river subject to monsoon flooding. Top-down construction was also completed for the underground Benteng Station that was immediately adjacent and below a 20-story reinforced concrete frame building. The project also included relocation of a major (275/132 kV) transmission line for the national electric utility and provision of all traction power facilities for the light rail system. 24

Bechtel provided programme management and extensive technology transfer, working as part of Pengurusan Light Rail Transit (PLRT) with the overall leadership, training, and management of a 287-person integrated project management company. Bechtel provided a project director and senior managers who were paired with Malaysian counterparts to lead and manage each of PLRT’s five functional groups: project controls, facilities engineering, systems engineering, construction management, and contracts management. Teams worked side-by-side to bring forward the most productive solutions for this fast-track project. At the completion of Phase 1, a transition plan was developed for an orderly transfer of responsibility from Bechtel to PLRT, and the team completed Phase 2. KLRT Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Project Usahasawa Transit Ringan Automatik, Sdn Bhd(PUTRA) Scope of Services: Project Management Project Duration: 1994-1999 Total Installed Cost: $1.85 billion Significant Features/Accomplishments New18-mile (30km) system with 24 stations One of the largest fast-track rail projects of any kind Successful technology transfer program for 287-person company Phase 1 completed ahead of schedule, on budget; Phase 2 completed on schedule, on budget Location: Client:

CYBERJAYA The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) is an area of 15 kilometres by 75km running south of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) to the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang, which will have excellent telecommunications and multimedia Infrastructure to induce Information Technology (IT) and multimedia companies to locate in Malaysia. Cyberjaya, the model intelligent city, is touted to be the ‘multimedia capital’ of Malaysia. Covering an area of 2,800 hectares for the Flagship Zone, Cyberjaya leads the way in providing a balanced environment in which to live, work and play. Set amidst an attractive tropical environment, Cyberjaya will be equipped with world-class telecommunication, physical infrastructure and top quality business facilities, making it a first-choice site for IT and multimedia companies all over the world. Travel to and within Cyberjaya will be a novel experience. High speed transportation networks and systems make Cyberjaya accessible from all around. Consisting of 5 major expressways and rapid commuter rail service, the transportation system is designed to minimise congestion and pollution. DAMANSARA PUCHONG HIGHWAY


The Damansara Puchong Highway or locally known as Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong (LDP) is a 40 kilometre 6 lane free-flow urban toll expressway built in congested urban areas, providing a ring road in busy city centre streets. Stretching from Sri Damansara in the north, the LDP runs through Petaling Jaya before connecting with Puchong and the new federal administrative centre of Putra Jaya in the south. The LDP functions as the western link of Kuala Lumpur's Middle Ring Road II. The LDP will have fourteen multi-level interchanges, one of which is built to add another tier to the existing interchanges; this requires the building of a cable stayed bridge over an existing bridge and an underpass beneath. The LDP will also have a state-of-the -art computerised traffic information display and monitoring system as well as ancillary facilities. KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE (KLCC) ACCESS SYSTEM The KLCC project ranks among the largest real-estate developments in the world. The most notable building here is the Petronas Twin Towers, ranked as the tallest buildings in the world in 1997, standing at 452 metres with 88 storeys. The city centre project includes about 20 other buildings, forming an integrated mixed-use development built along the perimeter of a central park. Accessibility is a major requirement in terms of the travel demand generated by this development especially considering its location at an already congested Kuala Lumpur commercial centre. Vehicular tunnels have been built at multiple tiers, and upgrading of busy intersections have been undertaken to link underground car parks directly to the city ring road and major arterial roads.

KUALA LUMPUR MIDDLE RING ROAD II The Kuala Lumpur Middle Ring Road II was originally called Outer Ring Road in the Kuala Lumpur Master Plan study which was drawn up as long ago as the early Eighties. Middle Ring Road II is designed to connect all the highways coming in and going out of the city of Kuala Lumpur and comprises two phases of construction works. Phase I of the project started in 1992 and it involves construction of sic lanes dual carriageway with 11 at-grade intersections and 7 interchanges. In phase II, all the at-grade intersections were upgraded to interchanges. The total length of the road is about 35 km comprising of 12 packages commencing from Kepong until Kuala Lumpur - Seremban Highway at Sri Petaling. Upon completion, the Middle Ring Road II will function as the main traffic dispersal scheme for traffic coming in and out of major highways encompassing Kuala Lumpur. SECOND `EAST-WEST HIGHWAY' - POS SELIM TO LOJING Traversing the mountainous terrain that divides the eastern states from the western states of Peninsular Malaysia and being the second artery to link the regions, the road is called the `Second East-West Highway'. The road is 35 km in length and passes through high terrain, starting from Pos Selim at an elevation of 496m to the highest point of 1440m at the Perak / Pahang state 26

border. Due to its rugged topography, this road presented a challenge to engineers both in design and construction. Various methods of slope stabilisation in order to minimise earthworks were adopted. Environmental mitigation measures have also been the utmost test for engineers in constructing this road. MID VALLEY CITY DEVELOPMENT - PETALING JAYA TO BANGSAR LINKAGES Mid Valley City (MVC) Linkage form the major network of new roads in the overall circulation plan for the Mid Valley Development and part of Kuala Lumpur traffic dispersal scheme which link MVC to city centre and other parts of Klang Valley. It is approximately a 1.8 km network linkage consisting of 4 bridges and 3 fly-overs where precast prestressed `U' and `M' beams are being used. The fly-over stretches across the Federal Highway which is the busiest highway in the country. PUTRAJAYA - THE NEW FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Putrajaya has been developed as the New Federal Government Administration Centre for Malaysia, replacing and complementing existing government offices which are not centralised and of old age. The Structure Plan for Putrajaya encompasses an area of 14,780 hectares and will accommodate and estimated population of 570,000, of which 250,000 reside within Putrajaya. The development is based on a Garden City concept with several `intelligent' features being incorporated. DINDING BRIDGE AND APPROACH ROAD The project comprises a total of 12 km of a new main access road that provides a direct North-South Link from Route 60 in the North and Route 5 in the South crossing over the wide Dinding River (Sungai Dinding) which is at the river mouth section. The project site is in a low-lying coastal area with tidal rivers and mangrove swamps, giving design engineers a great challenge to contain the expected settlementof the proposed road and adopt the most optimised foundation type for the bridge. There are three bridges being constructed along the stretch. The main bridge, Jambatan Sungai Dinding, will become the longest river crossing bridge in Malaysia with a span of approximately 1300 metres. This bridge will comprise of a multiple arch reinforced concrete structure with a composite deck and reinforced concrete piers. The construction of these bridges will require the use of travellers formwork and tower system. The other two bridges that cross over smaller rivers will consist of a prestressed concrete box construction. The deck structures will be constructed using an Incremental Launching Techniques. NATIONAL SPORTS COMPLEX 27

The National Sports Complex was developed for the 1998 Commonwealth Games in which Malaysia has been the proud host to member nations. The complex comprises indoor and outdoor games facilities and is served with comprehensive road network as well as the Light Rail Transit Commuter train. THE KUALA LUMPUR LINEAR CITY PROJECT For Kuala Lumpur, a visionary project of ‘Cyber Corridor’ (the 12 Km. long Linear City Project) as Malaysia’s new way of living, working and leisure activities co-existing with Mother Nature – River Klang. A case of taking on information technology as a new way of sustaining urban living-on the face of it, the linear project represents a desire of the nation’s to maintain Kuala Lumpur’s position in the Asian market for trade and commerce, banking and finance, manufacturing, tourism and transportation. Wise and timely enough, Malaysia earmarked Information Technology as a theme for her national development into the 21st Century. The Klang River sites have been identified as test-beds for the I.T.- led urban re-development in a rural part of the city. For Architects Kun Lim, Simon Blore and Original Scope Sdn. Bhn., this was more than a challenging task to visualize a national dream. Office towers as tall as seventy stories tall were proposed as hubs of business residential activities along the 12 km long Klang River re-development. Responses to climate were identified as a generator of building form; new technologies such as photovoltaic were part of façade design. For the Cyber Corridor, the designers proposed a linear tube made of an eggshell enclosure, created to facilitate harmonious interaction of sun, water and human activities. In this way, the design shared an ideology of Architect Ken Yeang’s in his bio-climatic design approach. The significant here perhaps is the deployment of information technology as a backbone for living and working in the I.T. Corridor.

ORIENT EXPRESS STATION Completed in: Status:

1998 in use Address: Avenida Berlin & Avenida Reciproca Location: Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Structural Type: Truss roof gothic structure Function / usage: Railway Station Part of: Expo 1998 Designer: Satiago Calatrava Valls Client: City of Lisbon Parque Expo '98 Steel construction: Elaborados Metalicos S.A. Construction materials used roof: steel Substructure: reinforced concrete Width: 63m Length: 313m 28

Oriente station is part of the Gare Intermodal do Oriente (Intermodal Orient Station) which at the of its opening served the World Exhibition of Lisbon – Expo '98. The universality of the theme chosen for this exhibition, "The Oceans", determined its choice for the artistic treatment of the underground railway station. Internationally renowned artists representing the five continents were invited – five Europeans, three Asians, one African, one American and one Australian. From Portugal, Joaquim Rodrigo with a ceramic tile panel named "Praia do Vau"; from Austria, Hundertwasser with a ceramic tile panel named " Submersão Atlântida"; Yayoi Kusama from Japan, also with a ceramic tile panel covering the North wall of the station; from India, Raza with a panel named "Les Océans"; from Iceland, Errö with a ceramic tile panel mixing real and imaginary episodes from History and maritime Mythology; from Argentine, António Ségui in a panel covering the South wall of the station gives us a detailed description of elements related with the sea; Zao Wou Ki from China, conveys through his ceramic tile panel the serenity of the imensity of the oceans; Abdoulaye Konaté from Mali, gives us his understanding of the sea based on his stylistic traditional roots; Sean Scully from Ireland, presents a work with abstract components; from Australia, Arthur Boyd with a ceramic tile panel representing a maritime view in soft tones and subtle strokes; and from Poland, Magdalena Abakanowicz with a large sculpture in brass named "Fish". Santiago Calatrava's dramatic, gothically-inspired Oriente Station will act as a major transport interchange for both the Expo site and future urban developments. A huge, multi-level transport interchange, Oriente Station connects the Expo site with Lisbon, Portugal, Europe, and beyond. It is a nexus for long distance and commuter trains, the metro, coaches, cars, and the nearby airport. Santiago Calatrava has resolved a hugely complicated brief with a design that is both vigorous and self-assured. The undercroft visible from the exterior is designed with overlapping, insitu concrete arches which feel almost Romanesque, and through which you pass on the way up to the train platforms. 29

On the main tracks sit seemingly countless square pyramidal steel and glass canopies on steel columns. Their proportions, lightness, and articulation of forces seem Gothic, though others might describe them more organically as trees. They are glaringly white. Structural expressiveness is explored throughout the various levels, though the actual mode of expression changes from two-legged columns, leaning columns, columns brazenly illustrating static forces, and canopies stretching their vertical supports.

Unlike some of Calatrava's recent, more object-like designs, this one is structured in an urban, axial context. Trains arrive on the uppermost level, passing over two roads which physically connect the area of Expo Urbe to the existing light industrial and working-class neighborhood to the west. It remains to be seen how effectively this will connect two disparate areas, or if the tracks and the grandeur of the architecture only affirms the Expo site's insularity. The link between the trains and the coach station passes underneath the platform, which then connects underground to the metro and the car parking lots. Nearby are buildings such as hotels. Towards the water this cross axis passes through a commercial centre before bisecting the Utopia and Portuguese pavilions. The coach station and car park are protected by two glass and steel awnings and are intersected by a gallery at level +14m that ends at the train station. There are two levels of underground parking. A longitudinal gallery on an intermediary floor links all the uses and is lined with shops, exiting the complex into the larger commercial centre under the station square. 30

The East Station is situated at a distance of 5 km from the heart of the old city of Lisbon and was designed by Calatrava. The work was completed in 1998 at the time of the World Exhibition held in the Portuguese capital, which was involved in a project aimed at requalifying and up-grading the city's structures on a grand scale. The station constitutes a node for interchanges on various levels between different means of transport: rail, buses, underground and taxis. The entrances on both the east and west sides make the building an important connecting element in the urban fabric, capable of joining together two parts of the city that were previously separated from one another by the railway, and of linking the metropolitan area with the outskirts. Requirements in terms of ease of access have been met by creating a large car park, while the presence of public and shopping areas links the various functions to one another forming an attractive element of quality.





HONG KONG 1992-1998

Kowloon Station is part of a plan instigated in 1989 by Hong Kong’s government to replace its congested airport at Kai Tak with a new £12 billion airport on the man-made island of Chek Lap Kok. The airport is linked to Hong Kong Central by a sophisticated road and high-speed rail corridor. The railway stations are envisaged as much more than transport hubs. They are intended to become platforms for compact city districts linked by rail lines that will eventually form a 193 kilometre integrated linear city sweeping north as far as the mainland city of Guangzhou. Kowloon Station is a three-dimensional architectural solution. Design provides for passenger interchange between 3 separate links, airport check-in, taxi and other local transportation, each element connected by an atrium to the development above and surrounding the station. 35

Contrasting with most airport transport systems, developed in an ad hoc fashion, direct road, rail links to Hong Kong’s city business core, had to form part of the plan for the new airport. One of the world’s largest station construction projects (1,100,000m of mixed use space), the brief required a new railway station, podium infrastructure works; a master plan for an air-rights property development above the station; and an iconic ventilation building. The scheme creates a new ‘city’ to become the hub of the surrounding new development of West Kowloon reclamation. The project includes seven independent and sequentially phased development phases of which the station and central square are complete. Kowloon Station will be the starting and finishing point of many journeys-the first experience of Hong Kong for millions of people. The station design is a celebration of the drama of travel. Vertical movement in the station is concentrated around the concourse and rail lines. The concourse containing escalators, lifts and stairs connecting the various modes of transport, is a single space filled with movement, meeting and greeting at the core of the station. Along the rail axis, 34 escalators and 71 staircases descend 14 metres, through a grand escalator hall, from ground level to the Tung Chung MTR Line platforms at the station’s lowest level. This is the most intensively used space, with 43,500 passengers arriving and departing from the platforms. The concept behind Kowloon Station and its air-rights development – a project that incorporates all urban systems in one giant web – is the supremacy in the modern world of urban connectivity. On a global level, the transport system provides a high-speed link to Chek Lap Kok airport. On a micro level, the urban plan, driven initially by route planning within the station, ensures that this quarter of the city has superb internal connections. The transport super city project has resulted in prototype solutions which can be seen elsewhere in Hong Kong. It is entirely new, both in the scale and complexity of the integration of transportation infrastructure within the city, combining new urbanism of Asia with the European traditions of place making over a large section of the city.



With about 1 million inhabitants, Bilbao (Bilbo in Basque) is the largest metropolitan area in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) (including towns like Portugalete, Sestao, Algorta, Barakaldo). The metropolitan area spreads out along both sides of the river Nervión, suggesting a 'Y' form metro system. On 11 November 1995, Line 1 opened from Casco Viejo to Plentzia, using existing suburban surface tracks formerly served by the Basque Railways (EuskoTrenbideak) between Lutxana and Plentzia. A new tunnel was built between Lutxana and Casco Viejo (Old Town) through the city centre. Metro 37

Bilbao therefore uses 1-meter-gauge. The second section, Casco Viejo - Bolueta, was taken into service in July 1997. At Bolueta, the Metro line connects directly to EuskoTren's suburban service towards Bermeo and Eibar. The first line starts on an elevated structure at Bolueta (on top of EuskoTren's station), then immediately enters the tunnel through the city centre crossing the river Nervión twice in a tunnel (between Casco Viejo and Abando and between San Mamés and Deusto) and arrives at San Inazio (a three-track station - two separate tracks with a central platform for inbound line 1 and line 2 trains). After this station Line 1 comes up to the surface and runs along the former suburban line through industrial zones (serving Erandio in a tunnel station). In Areeta (Las Arenas) the line goes underground again for 1 km and after that it runs mainly on an elevated structure through the nice residential area of Getxo (Algorta also in tunnel) to Bidezabal. After that the environment gets really rural and typically Basque with cows grazing on meadows next to the train. Eventually from Urduliz onwards, the line is single track and runs down to Plentzia by the sea through nice woodlands. Construction work for Line 2 began in 1997. This line shares tracks with Line 1 between Basauri and San Inazio. The first new 5.8 km stretch from San Inazio to Urbinaga opened on 13 April 2002. This line is almost totally underground. At Urbinaga, the only section on an elevated structure due to geographical reasons in the Galindo Valley, a transfer station to Renfe's Santurtzi and Muskiz service is being built. Trains for the Bilbao Metro were made by CAF (a company situated in the Basque Country itself, which also produces metro trains for Barcelona and Madrid), and are equipped with air conditioning, acoustic and visual station announcement. Cars are of the modern walk-through type. Although narrow gauge (1000 mm) is used, trains are still 2.8 m wide. Stations were designed by Norman Foster and are identical between Santutxu and Deusto, and on Line 2 (except Ansio and Urbinaga). Sarriko and San Inazio have a similar design, instead of a round cave they boats a large square hall. All stations are fully accessible with elevators, and escalators usually are also installed between vestibule and street level but not down to the platforms (which can be a bit annoying at Abando (Railway Station) where the lift doesn't take you directly to the railway station complex! From the street most stations are accessed through "Fosteritos", typical glass entrances named after the architect. Casco Viejo station is situated in the mountain and can be accessed almost at grade from the central Plaza Miguel de Unamuno or via an elevator from the top of the mountain Begoña. Information panels including route map, timetables, station environment and prices are very clear.


Projects Line 2 will reach Santurtzi in 2008 and Kabiezes in 2010. San Inazio - Kabiezes will be 12.6 km long and run parallel to the existing Renfe Bilbao-Santurtzi line. Whereas the Renfe line follows the river very closely (and therefore stations are sometimes too far from urban centres), the metro line will run further uphill and reduce walking distance to the stations. At the southern end both metro lines will arrive at Basauri in 2011. Line 1 from Plentzia to Basauri will then be 31.9 km long, of which 11.4 km (Basauri - San Inazio) will be shared with line 2. Total length of the network in 2011 will be 44.5 km with 41 stations. Practical Info Metro Bilbao operates from 6:00 to 23:00. Trains leaving Etxebarri serve San Inazio every 2.5 minutes, Sestao every 5 minutes, Bidezabal every 5-10 minutes, Larrabasterra every 10-20 minutes and Plentzia every 20 minutes during daytime hours. On Saturdays the Bilbao Metro operates every 30 minutes all through the night. On Fridays service is extended until 2:00. On Line1, a ride from Etxebarri to Plentzia takes 47 minutes. Fares The Bilbao metro network is divided into 3 zones (Zone A Bolueta - San Inazio, Zone B0 Bolueta - Etxebarri, Zone B1 Lutxana - Berango, Zone B2 Gurutzeta/Cruces - Portugalete, Zone C Larrabasterra - Plentzia) Prices shown are for (1), (2) or (3) zones, in 2007 (in Euro): Ocasional - Single (1) 1.25 - (2) 1.40 - (3) 1.50 Mensual - Monthly Pass - (1) 28.00 - (2) 33.50 - (3) 39.00 Super50 - 50 rides in 30 days - (1) 22.00 - (2) 26.00 - (3) 30.00 Day Pass - 3.00 (all zones) Creditrans (1 journey) - (1) 0.66 - (2) 0.79 - (3) 0.89; cashcard offering discounts when transferring from metro to bus/rail or viceversa. Available for 5, 10 or 15 euros.

Other rail transport in the Bilbao Metropolitan Area Renfe Cercanías/Aldirikoak Renfe (Spanish National Railways) operates three suburban lines from the centre of Bilbao. Until March 4, 1999 the Muskiz and Santurtzi lines terminated at La Naja which is quite close to Abando, Bilbao's Central Station, but no through service was possible. Therefore a former connecting line between Olabeaga and Abando has been rebuilt to connect the two northern lines (Muskiz and Santurtzi lines) to the southern line to Orduña thus creating also a new multifunctional transfer station at San Mamés (Metro and TermiBus), a joint station with Feve at Ametzola and two new intermediate stations at Autonomía and Zabalburu. Around Autonomía and Ametzola the old line was covered to create new avenues. As Abando is a terminus station, passengers have to change trains here to continue. Once this new line is in operation the current connection between Olabeaga to La Naja via Parke-Guggenheim along the river 39

Nervión can be dismantled to finish the new development area Abandoibarra between the Guggenheim Museum and the new Euskalduna Congress and Concert Hall. Instead a tram line from San Mamés via Abandoibarra along the river to the city centre at Arriaga Theatre and further on to Atxuri (EuskoTren Station) and new station La Peña on line C-3 to Ollargan has been built. The Renfe Cercanías service is especially busy on the Santurtzi line (trains every 10 minutes) and less on the Orduña line (30 minutes interval). EuskoTren The Basque Railways operate two lines in the Bilbao area. One uses the remaining stretch of the former Plentzia line between (San Ignacio -) Deustu and Casco Viejo (double track and partly in tunnels). At Casco Viejo a new station complex was built to allow transfer to Metro and to make trains run on to Lezama on a single track line. Service is every 30 minutes. The second line starts at Atxuri and runs via a new transfer station with Metro at Bolueta out to Lemoa (15-minutes) where the line splits into a branch to Gernika / Bermeo and another to Durango / Eibar . FEVE FEVE (Ferrocarriles de Vía Estrecha - Narrow Gauge Railways) operates and reopens some narrow gauge lines along the Spanish northern coast (Bilbao Santander - Oviedo). One branch is operated as a suburban service from Bilbao to Balmaseda with a 30-minutes headway with 4 stations in the built-up metropolitan area of Bilbao (Bilbao station which is situated close to Abando, Ametzola, Basurto and Zorrotza).Puente de Vizcaya - Bizkaia Zubia: The Hanging Bridge. Another very special means of transport in the Greater Bilbao area is the Hanging Bridge between Portugalete and Areeta (Las Arenas). It's over 100 years old and transports people and cars across the river Nervión every few minutes. Funicular de Artxanda from Plaza del Funicular, near the new pedestrian bridge Zubizuri (White Bridge), this funicular takes you up the mountain of Artxanda from where you'll have a tremendous view over Bilbao. Transport Integration Tariff and network integration between the different rail and bus companies (BilboBus and BizkaiaBus) operating in Greater Bilbao is still very deficient although the first steps towards full integration have been taken (new interchange stations operating at Bolueta, Casco Viejo, Abando, San Mamés and under construction at Urbinaga, combined tickets between EuskoTren and Metro for transfer at Bolueta). It's still impossible to find a network map showing all means of transport, neither do metro station give any hint to existing buses nearby. Different companies also use the same station names for two different stations: San Inazio (Metro) and San Ignacio (EuskoTren) are some 300 m from each other; the same is true for Deusto - Deustu; Lutxana (Metro) and Lutxana (Renfe) are even on either side of the river with no connection at all. Names on the new line 2 to Santurtzi also show the same names as used by Renfe which will be changed. All four rail companies and all bus companies use the same ticket and have a common information system then Bilbao will definitely have one of the best transport systems in Spain.


Client CEMUSA Location Bilbao, Spain Completion 1999 Size 2000 sq m 21520 sq ft Structural and Service Engineer Arup Grimshaw completed the Bilbao Bus Station in 1999. It was designed by a team made up of both architects and industrial designers and satisfies a brief that called for a 'temporary' structure to cover a 2,000 sq.m. public space in the centre of the city. The elegant and economic solution employs the components of the street furniture range developed for CEMUSA. These components will be reused to create bus shelters when the station is eventually decommissioned. Corporación Europea de Mobilario Urbano, or CEMUSA, first commissioned the Industrial Design department at Grimshaw in 1995 to develop a new range of street furniture for Madrid. The result was a system primarily intended to provide urban bus shelters but with a range of customised add-ons to give the structures flexibility. It can be adapted to suit the location of the shelter, with variable degrees of sun protection and screening and extras include advertising totems and waste disposal facilities. The core product is designed to a high specification, the intention being to extend the life of the components with minimum on-site maintenance and to allow their reuse if bus stops are re-sited. In this way, the highly flexible system guarantees minimum obsolescence. In 1997, the municipal authorities in Bilbao decided to organise the previously ad-hoc provision of bus services in the city. The long-term objective is to site the service providers, totalling more than 15 companies, in a new terminal at Abando, together with the rail and metro interchanges. Due to some uncertainty as to when this might happen, it was decided to locate the interchange temporarily at the public square in Garellano where a street market had been in operation. The awning designed to protect 1,400 sq m of this market place was initially reinstalled to offer a degree of comfort to waiting passengers but it was destroyed by a gale in November 1997. The authorities approached CEMUSA to come up with an alternative solution and CEMUSA, in turn, looked to Grimshaw on the strength of their previous collaboration to come up with some initial ideas. The street furniture 41

components proved to be an appropriate starting point. The key to the system is an extruded aluminium beam that provides the primary structural support and accommodates all services within its length. The industrial design department had also investigated the use of the same core product as an housing for lighting. The beam carries cast aluminium arms that support laminated, fritted glass panels making up the roof. These transparent panels allow the station to be flooded with natural light and help give it a generous, open feel as large expanses of sky are visible to the commuter. The beam also incorporates continuous T-slots that form the fixing points for stainless steel columns and the glazing fixing assemblies. These steel elements are formed using a traditional 'lost wax' casting technique, which gives a self-finishing and highly accurate product to minimise material wastage and reduce on-site maintenance. Each component can be removed and replaced in the event of accidental damage to reduce the likelihood of a shelter being out of action. The industrial design department worked in collaboration with architects from Grimshaw on a feasibility study to apply the same principles to the Bilbao project. CEMUSA invited Grimshaw to take their ideas to detailed design stage. The team developed a solution whereby the temporary bus station would be composed of 90 separate canopies, each of which could be reused as an urban bus stop when the 'Termibus' transferred to Abando. The canopies cover 2,000 sq m of the public square and cost a little over £430,000 to realise. They employ the structural system developed by Grimshaw for the Madrid bus stops and also utilise the prototype aluminium extrusions that house light fittings, suspended from the structural beams. Another product from the original range of street furniture was a column carrying advertising panels and these have been sited on the outside perimeter of the Bilbao terminus waiting area, forming the structure of the bus and coach canopy and providing revenue to the operator. To minimise the cost and disruption of the project, the roof canopy was designed to fit around existing accommodation and facilities in the town square. In its first year of operation, the facility catered for more than 1 million passengers. With no immediate plans to transfer the service to Abando, it seems reasonable to assume that the initial investment in high quality components has already paid off.


Project: Euralille Masterplan Location: Lille, France Completion: 1994 Client: Euralille, Lille Site: Centre of Lille Surface: 70 ha. for 1st. phase, 120 ha. for 2nd. phase Program: TGV station, 45.000 m2 offices, 31.000 m2 shops, 10ha. parc, 700 apartments, 3 hotels: 4,3,2 stars, 6.000 parking places, Exposition/Congress center (Lille Grand Palais)20.000 m2 expo,18.000 m2 congress with amphitheaters of 1500, 500 and 300 seats, rockhall 'Zenith': 5.500 seats and parking 1230 places Budget: 5.2b FF (3.6 private, 1.6 public) 43

System Lille is situated in the north of France near the Belgian border and actually right between Paris, London and Brussels. Although the city itself is not too large (210,000 inh.), the entire metropolitan area (CUDL - Communauté Urbaine de Lille) is the fourth biggest conurbation in France with about 1.2 million inhabitants. Lille is synonymous for a new generation of metro systems, a kind of small profile light railway operated automatically, the so-called VAL system (short for Véhicule automatique léger). After trials were carried out by MATRA during the early 1970's, the CUDL decided in 1974 to build 4 VAL lines in the metropolitan area. Construction started in 1978 and the first line was inaugurated on 25 April 1983 between 4 Cantons and République. One year later, on 2 May 1984 the entire Line 1 opened (13.5 km long, 8.5 km underground). It links C.H.R. B Calmette in Lille to 4 Cantons in Villeneuve d'Ascq via Gare Lille Flandres (Central Station). All stations have platform edge doors to separate the platform from the train. Line 2 opened on 3 April 1989, initially called Ligne 1bis, between St. Philibert and Gares, later renamed Gare Lille Flandres (15.5 km, 7 km underground). In 1994, there was a 1-station extension to the new TGV station Gare Lille Europe, and in 1995 the line reached Fort de Mons. On 18 Aug. 1999, Line 2 was extended to Tourcoing-Centre (12.5 km - 16 stations) and it reached C.H. Dron near the Belgian border on 27 Oct. 2000 (3.6 km). The entire Line 2 is now 32 km long with 43 stations. Trains are only 2 m wide and 26 m long (two coupled cars) and run on rubber tyres. One unit can carry 156 passengers. Possible minimum headway is 60 seconds. Platforms on Line 1 are only 26 m long (although most stations are prepared to be extended to 52 m), but on Line 2 they were built 52 m long, long enough for two units. Stations are fully accessible for the disabled. Tram The Lille-Roubaix-Tourcoing tram, also called Mongy (name of its creator), mainly runs along 3 large avenues, which opened the same year (1909), it runs separate from other road traffic. The current trains are made of 4 cars, they were designed by Pininfarina and built by Breda. The tram runs underground at Gare Lille-Flandres, Gare Lille-Europe, St Maur and Clemenceau-Hippodrome stations. The Lille Métro operates from 5:00 until midnight, with trains every 1.5 - 4 minutes, every 6 - 8 minutes early morning and evenings. On Sundays there is a train every 4-6 minutes. Practical Iformation- FARES (2006, in Euro) Single - 1.25 10 rides - 10.30 Day Pass - 3.50 Weekly Pass - 11.20 Monthly Pass - 41.00 All tickets are valid on buses, trams and métro. Special season tickets are available including TER regional trains and regional buses. 44



Gare de l'aéroport Lyon-Satolas Built:

1989 1994 Status: in use Location: Satolas, Lyon, Rhône (69), Rhône-Alpes, France Structural Type: Truss roof Function / usage: Railway station Part of: TGV Rhone-Alps Legend: Phase of works Designer: Acoustic design: Lighting:

Jean-Marie Duthilleul Santiago Calatrava Valls Léon Grosse Acouphen BEGA Gantenbrink-Leuchten KG Technical information Construction materials used

roof : building structure :

steel reinforced concrete Dimensions :

main span: 100 m width 100 m 39 m

height total length

450 m



WATERLOO INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL Client British Railways Board – European Passenger Services Ltd Architect Grimshaw Location London, United Kingdom Completion 1993 Size 60000 sq m 645835 sq ft Structural Engineers YRM Anthony Hunt Associates Cass Hayward & Partners with Tony Gee & Partners British Rail Network Civil Engineer Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners Services Engineer J Roger Preston & Partners Cost Consultant Davis Langdon & Everest The International Terminal Waterloo is a multifaceted transport interchange: a railway station which, in essence, functions like an airport. Located in central London, it is situated in a constrained urban setting accessible by road and rail, yet copes with the demands of 15 million international rail passengers per year. The brief for this project was to build a 'streamlined terminal' through which passengers could pass with the minimum fuss at maximum speed. The allocated site, adjacent to the existing national rail station, was only just wide enough to accommodate the necessary five tracks. Limited by live electric rails on one side and shallow London Underground tunnels beneath, the terminal needed to be 'streamlined' structurally, as well as in terms of its internal organisation, in order to meet its brief. Understandably, many alternative schemes were proposed before the architectural team were satisfied that they 49

had met their objectives. The International Terminal Waterloo was designed to be a monument to the new railway age heralded by the advent of cross-channel rail travel in Britain. To this end, it complements the neighbouring Waterloo Station, but retains its own distinct identity signified, primarily, by its 400m long roof. The roof is a feat of technical skill, its asymmetric form responding to the dictates of the site layout, specifically the westernmost track over which the roof must rise more steeply in order to accommodate the height of the trains. This western side is clad entirely in glass with the structure of the roof clearly expressed. Facing onto the main access road, it provides arriving passengers with an impressive view of Westminster and the River Thames and passers-by with a panorama of the 400m long Eurostar trains.

Structurally, the roof takes the form of a flattened, three-pin, bow string arch, with the centre pin moved to one side (allowing for the undulation in height from west to east). It is a necessarily complex structure designed to a long, sinuous plan that narrows from 50m at the concourse to 35m at the platform end. The cladding system is accordingly flexible, with a limited range of variably sized sheets of glass placed in an overlapping configuration that can flex and expand in response to the roof's various twists and turns. The roof is the architectural focus of the Terminal and its magnitude belies the fact that almost 90% of the project is concerned with work carried out underground. This comprises the brick vaults underneath the mainline station, (refurbished to accommodate back-up facilities such as catering suites), a basement car park spanning the Underground lines and a two storey viaduct. Sitting on the foundation of the car park 'raft', this viaduct serves to support the platforms and accommodates two floors of passenger facilities: Departures and Arrivals. The internal organisation of these two floors has been arranged with the easy orientation of passengers as a priority. Departures and Arrivals are assigned a level each, to encourage a single direction of passenger movement on each floor. For all customers, there is a clear, linear progression from their point of arrival in the terminal to their point of exit. Glazed escalators and travelators link each level with the platforms, their direction changeable dependent on whether a train is arriving or departing. Passengers leaving for Europe are 50

carried up one level to enter the train while those arriving are carried down two storeys into the double-height arrivals concourse which, in turn, opens directly on to the street. International Terminal Waterloo was completed in May 1993, within budget (£130m) and at no disruption to national rail services running from Waterloo Station. Since its completion, it has won a number of architectural awards, including the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion award for European Architecture (1994) and the RIBA President's Building of the Year Award (1994).

OPERATIONS CENTRE, WATERLOO STATION Client British Railways Board Network Southeast Location London, United Kingdom Completion 1991 Size 6800 sq m 73168 sq ft Structural Engineer Kenchington Little Services engineer J Roger Preston & Partners Cost Consultant Turner & Townsend With the extensive redevelopment at Waterloo Station, some British Rail accommodation was rationalised in favour of additional retailing space for domestic and international passengers. To counter this loss Grimshaw offered the design solution of a building within a building, situated beneath the existing canopy and spanning the platforms and tracks. The design took account of the need for a fast-track programme and a construction process that would cause minimal operational disruption. The accommodation comprises lightweight modules that sit on a slab supported by cruciform steel 'trees'. Stair towers encased in glass blocks give access to the modules and also act as light wells. The cladding is punctuated by strip windows and was specially designed for the project. Additional light is drawn through the full-height glazed screens that overlook balconies and enclose the office areas. The structural system provides a standardised modular element that deals with 51

the large and variable spans between platforms - from 18 to 20 metres - and the existing Victorian columns. The 'trees' were prefabricated in two parts for ease of transportation, and were partially fire protected off-site. The station stayed fully operational during construction.


Subtractive Transformation in Fractalism: Dubai_Opus_Zaha Hadid



Kaohsiung performing arts centre,Taiwan; Mekanoo Architects


Kaohsiung performing arts centre,Taiwan; Mekanoo Architects


Zaha Hadid Architects Cagliari Contemporary Arts Centre Cagliari, Italy






Brooklyn bridge


The Reflections…Le Louvre,Paris





Jewish Museum, Berlin Deconstructivism



Hadid 65








Graphic Signages






Stolid Earth Form : The Rock


THE PROPOSAL: THE HITTING UPON OF A PLAN “… we have to face the fact that, visually, the world is becoming an increasingly depressing place. Far seldom is the heart rejoiced or does one feel better or happier for looking at the works of modern man. It is not so much the occurrence of what might be called as ‘ACTIVE UGLINESS’ as the prevalence of the dull and the commonplace…” Gordon, J E, STRUCTURES-or why things don’t fall down Da capo press, 2003 (1981)

What state the site existed in and gave us in our daily lives is exactly a defining model of the image Mr. Gordon has talked about in his famed book, structures. Three centuries of a hand-pulled, slogged, blood sweating life is what the city has given. In return it got nothing more than wounds, severe, extreme and permanently damaging. Its severity is as semi-visible as it is deep and in corrigible. Add to it, we are very used to it. Often it is said that the state we are put to, we , as a machine to run the society, get used to it. “Historically the field of architecture has been dominated by 2 opposing extremes. On one side an avant-garde full of crazy ideas. Originating from philosophy, mysticism or a fascination of the formal potential of computer visualizations they are often so detached from reality that they fail to become something other than eccentric curiosities. On the other side there are well organized corporate consultants that build predictable and boring boxes of high standard. Architecture seems to be entrenched in two equally unfertile fronts: Either naively utopian or petrifying pragmatic. We believe that there is a third way wedged in the no mans land between the diametrical opposites. Or in the small but very fertile overlap between the two. A pragmatic utopian architecture that takes on the creation of socially, economically and environmentally perfect places as a practical objective. In our projects we test the effects of scale and the balance of programmatic mixtures on the social, economical and ecological outcome. Like a form of programmatic alchemy we create architecture by mixing conventional ingredients such as living, leisure, working, parking and shopping. Each building site is a test bed for its own pragmatic utopian experiment. At BIG we are devoted to investing in the overlap between radical and reality. Choosing between them you condemn yourself to frustrated martyrdom or apathic affirmation. By hitting the fertile overlap, we architects once again find the freedom to change the surface of our planet, to better fit the way we want to live. In all our actions we try to move the focus from the little details to the BIG picture.” -Bjarke Ingels Group – BIG - a Copenhagen based group of 85 architects, designers, builders and thinkers operating within the fields of architecture, urbanism, research and development.


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