Upsilon Andromedae

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 256
  • Pages: 1
Upsilon Andromedae When it comes back into view in the Northern Hemisphere in June, you’ll be able to spot the star Upsilon Andromedae in the night sky. It is located 44 lightyears from Earth, is larger and brighter than the sun, but is similar to it. Astronomes announced last week that they have discovered 3 Jupiter-sized planetsorbiting upsilon Andromedae. The nearest planet is only 8 milion kilometers away from the star and the planet’s orbit takes only 4.6 days. There is no change of finding life on this planet. Earth, by comparison, is 150 million kilometers from the sun and takes a year to orbit. The middle planet which is at least twice as big as Jupiter, has a 242- day orbit and is a little closer to the sun that Earth is to our sun. The third planet is at least four times the size of Jupiter. It is 400 million kilometers from Upsilon Andromedae and in an orbit that takes four years to complete. The planets themselves are probably giant balls of gas ( like Jupiter ) and it is unlikely that there is life on them. But there could be life on the moons round the outer two planets. “ The third planet is right on the edge of the habitable zone,” said a scientist from Pennsylvania States University. “ It is possible that its moons have an atmosphere which contains liquid water. For life like human life, you need liquid water and there planes are at the right distance from their sun.”

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