Updated Curriculum Vitae Of Marindro

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  • Words: 7,425
  • Pages: 19
Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO




Project Management, Marine and Fishery Development, Community Development, Aquaculture minor Shrimp Culture, Web Design








19 January 1970




Perumahan Permata Sawangan Block C No. 2, Bedahan, Kecamatan Sawangan, Kota Depok, Indonesia



Citizenship: Indonesia


: +62 815 1010 4756


: [email protected]

Blog/Website : http://marindro.blogspot.com Title: Shrimp Culture Information (This blog listed on : Google Directory, category: Science – Agriculture – Aquaculture – Crustaceans) http://marindro-ina.blogspot.com Title: Informasi Budidaya Udang (Shrimp Culture Information in Indonesian version) 6.

EDUCATION : S-1, Bachelor degree in Fisheries Resources Utilization, Bogor Agriculture University (1994).




Indonesian Aquaculture Association


Kick Off Meeting of National Management Professional Specialist Consultant (NMC) PNPM-Mandiri Rural - IBRD Loan No. 7867-ID. As Steering Committee. Jakarta – Indonesia. December 2012. Workshop on Formulate Exit Strategies: Revolving Agribusiness-oriented Farmer Community Empowerment Program through Application of the Farmer Managed Agribusiness (FMA) Methodology Principles. Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Project - Ln. IBRD No. 7427-IND; IDA Credit No. 4260-IND. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Bandung – West Java, Indonesia. January 2011.

Coaching Clinic for Agribusiness Consultants and Workshop IV On Improving Quality Of Consultant Assistance in Guarding the Observance of The Principles of The Oriented Agribusiness Methodology of Farmer Managed Agribusiness (FMA) To Build A Sustainable Rural Agribusiness Development Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Project - Ln. IBRD No. 7427-IND; IDA Credit No. 4260-IND. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Jakarta and Bogor – June 2010.

Workshop on To Be A Consultant Who Has an Intact Personality to Enhance the Ability to Develop Agribusiness in Rural Areas through the Application of Principle Methodology. Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Project - Ln. IBRD No. 7427-IND; IDA Credit No. 4260-IND. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Bandung – West Java, Indonesia. January 2010.









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Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

Consultants. Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Project - Ln. IBRD No. 7427-IND; IDA Credit No. 4260-IND. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Yogyakarta – Indonesia. June 2009.


Workshop for Consultant Team. Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Project. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Makassar, South Sulawesi – Indonesia. November 2008.

Seminar on “Establishing Proper Project Development Facility (PDF) Institutions”. Infrastructure Reform Sector Development Project (IRSDP). As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Jakarta – Indonesia. July 2008

KSA Leadership Training on “Getting and Maintaining Client”. Jakarta – Indonesia. January 2008.

Training on “Management and Updating Data Spatial”. Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project (MCRMP). As Coordinator of Event Organizer. Bogor, West Java – Indonesia. September 2007.

Kogas Leadership Training on “Financial Management”. Jakarta – Indonesia. May 2007

Training and Education on Processing of Agriculture and Fisheries Products at District of Sarolangun, Jambi and District of Rembang, Central Java. As Coordinator of Event Organizer. November 2005Kogas Leadership Training on “Project Management”. Jakarta – Indonesia. March 2007

Training and Workshop "Proposal Writing for Consulting Company", Kogas Group, Bogor, West Java – Indonesia. March 2005;

Seminar on “Development of Food Additive Utilization for Food Industry”. Indonesia Export Training Center, National Export Development Agency – Ministry of Industry and Trade. Jakarta – Indonesia. January 2001.




Speaking English: Good Bahasa Indonesia: Good

Reading Good Good

Writing Good Good


FROM 2009


TO Present



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi, Jakarta – Indonesia.



Marketing and Operations Manager


Developing, managing and excuting operational processes and tasks in support of the board of director Working within the company and other outside personnel to manage and promote the services of the company

Carry out coordination and supervision including coordinate, manage and monitor the workings of staff in the organization in line with project procurement preparation process

Coordinating for tender document preparation plan in line with Request for Proposal RFP (Loan) based on time schedule and person in charge composition;

At specific condition arranging technical proposal

Carry out coordination with other division related with preparation administration Page 2 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

documents and cost proposal 


Arranging the activity reports regularly

FROM 2002


TO 2009



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi, Jakarta – Indonesia.



Marketing and Operational Division cum Head of Electronic Data Processing (EDP)



Arranged the tender document preparation plan in line with Request for Proposal RFP (Loan) based on time schedule and person in charge composition

Participated on aanwijzing of a project tender preparation

At specific condition arranged the technical proposal

Coordinated with other division documents and cost proposal

Conducted monitoring and evaluation to company‟s software and hardware

Maintained company‟s electronic data and information





FROM January 2001


TO December 2001



PT. Tirta Raya Mina (Persero), Jakarta Branch Office Indonesia



Operational Staff



Monitored to production process of fish processing industry based on standard and procedure of operational

Monitored to market transaction of processed fish at domestic scale as well as export scale

Arranged activity report

FROM 1994


TO 2000



Various Aquaculture Companies in Indonesia



Shrimp Culture Techniciant/Supervisor


Arranged the shrimp culture process plan at one period

Arranged the shrimp culture system strategy included: (i) strategy of land preparation for fry cultivation, (ii) strategy of fry cultivation, (iii) strategy of pond water quality management, (iv) strategy of feeding program, and (v) strategy of shrimp harvesting

Conducted monitoring and evaluation to periodic change fluctuation of condition and quality of shrimp

Estimated the profit and loss to harvested shrimp estimation

Carried out the decision making in line with promblems handling

Aranged the periodically reports of shrimp culture process


Name of assignment or


Consulting Services For National Management Professional Specialist Consultant (NMC) IBRD Loan No. 7867-ID Page 3 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

project Year


1 November 2012 – 30 October 2014






World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs - Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The main objective of NMC are as follow: (1) To provide technical and management support for specialist and facilitators based at the regional, provincial, district, and sub-district levels to ensure the comprehensive, efficient, and timely implementation of the program in accordance with government expectations, (2) To support the PNPM Central Coordination Team and the Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment in the Ministry of Home Affairs, in all technical and managerial aspects of the program including program development, human resource development and training, program control, monitoring and evaluation, good governance, and organizing special events at the national level. There are four main aspects of implementation NMC tasks and functions: (1) program analysis and planning; (2) supervision of field execution; (3) database management; and (4) internal auditing regarding the usage of the PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan budget allocation and complaints handling. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carry out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranging Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carry out site visit in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carriy out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducting monitoring to project implementation progress

Participating on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Preparing the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranging the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Implementation Assistance of Lesson Study Training Program In MGMP and Target Madrasahs – Madrasah Education Development Project (MEDP). Loan No. 2294– INO (SF)



September 2012 – November 2012



10 Districts (Cilacap, Tegal, Pemalang, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Batang, Demak, Grobogan, Blora, and Rembang) of Central Java Province – Indonesia



Asian Development Bank – Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The main objectives of the project was to support the implementation of „Lesson Page 4 of 19

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Study‟ training program in MEDP Madrasahs and KKG-MGMP (cluster based) particularly in Central Java areas, by provided to them technical assistance in the form of organizational help, resource persons, educational learning materials, etc. this Madrasahs MGMP based training program was a subsequence Teacher professional development program of MEDP. The implementation Lesson Study (LS) training program was teacher-driven. Fulltime teachers of all subjects, teaching in MEDP madrasahs, was encouraged to organized and participate in the lesson study programs in their respective MGMP (district cluster) and/or in respective Madrasahs Programs. The Madrasahs Principals was required to play leading role, encourage teachers, and coordinate the lesson study activities with teachers, MGMPs and DCUs. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out site visits in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carried out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Consulting Services for Impact Assessment of Nias – Livelihoods and Economic Development Project (LEDP) Implementation. Loan No. TF096865 IBRD/IDA



31 August 2012 – 30 November 2012



Nias, North Sumatera - Indonesia



World Bank – Ministry Development, Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi




Main project features: Nias LEDP consists of three components, namely : Component 1. Livelihoods Group and Institutional Empowerment: to empower beneficiaries (livelihoods groups and district government) to improve their capacity to acquire the social, management, financial and technical skills for livelihoods activities. Most of the activities will involve training and group facilitation; Component 2. Agricultural and Other Livelihoods Improvement: to support implementation of program activities (set up under Component 1) utilizing small group block grants and technical support services; Component 3. Management, Monitoring and Evaluation: to develop management and technical capacity for implementation of livelihoods programs on Nias within Kabupaten and Kecamatans, as well as with KPDT. A consultant team will provide the necessary project and financial management, procurement, and monitoring and evaluation support. The Project is implemented in 4 districts (Kabupaten) and 1 municipality (Kota), 20 sub-districts (Kecamatan) and 92 villages (Desa) in Nias Islands Position Held


Project Officer Page 5 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out site visits in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carried out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Service Provider for Training Activities (Package 6 : Workshop and Training Management and Maintenance of Science Laboratory. Madrasah Education Development Project. Loan No: 2294-INO (SF)



November 2011 – December 2011



Bandung, West Java Province - Indonesia



Asian Development Bank – Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The objective of the training program were to develop competence and professional of MI, MTs, and MA teachers in managing and maintaining science laboratory in madrasah. More specifically, the activities of science laboratory management training in madrasah were as follows: (1) induced the teachers familiar with activities and practices regarding science laboratory in madrasah, (2) planned the activities for developing science laboratory in madrasah, (3) induced teachers able to manage laboratory activities, (4) conducted sharing tasks between technician and laboratory assistant of science laboratory in madrasah, (5) utilized the science laboratory in madrasah for teaching learning purposes, and (6) maintained the health and job safety in science laboratory in madrasah Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out site visits in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carried out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of


Provision of Event Organizing Services for Training and Page 6 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

assignment or project

Workshop in the Framework of Community Empowerment and Local Institutional Development of the Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities-3 (WISLIC 3/PAMSIMAS). IDA Credit 4204-IND



November 2011 – December 2011



Batam and Makassar - Indonesia



World Bank – Ministry of Home Affairs



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The purpose of training activities and workshops in the framework of community empowerment and local institutional development PAMSIMAS program are as follows: (1) The general objective was increased access to drinking water and sanitation services for the poor/rural and peri-urban wards, increasing the value and the behavior of a healthy lifestyle by building/providing the infrastructure and means of water supply and sanitation sustainable community-based and capable adapted by the community. This Program was a model for replicated, expanded (scaling up) in an attempt to reach the target of the MDGs, (2) The specific purpose of (a) improved the hygienic behavior in the community, (b) enhanced the public access to drinking water and sanitation facilities, (c) improved the local capacity (both local governments and the public) for focusing and disseminating implementation of drinking water and sanitation program-based society, (d) improved the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of drinking water infrastructure development and community-based sanitation Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out coordination with the Event Organizer Team in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Subject Content Upgrading and Classroom Teaching Methodology for MA Physics Teachers, Chemistry Teachers, and Biology Teachers. Madrasah Education Development Project. ADB : LOAN 2294-INO (SF)



September 2011 – October 2011



Bandung, West Java Province - Indonesia



Asian Development Bank – Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: Subject Content Upgrading and Classroom Teaching Methodology Program aimed at: (1) provided the MI, MTs and MA teachers with the knowledge and skills enabling them to effectively and confidently use a variety of current practical and Page 7 of 19

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participatory teaching strategies and related teaching and learning material/media in their classrooms, and (2) Provided the MI, MTs and MA teachers with lesson planning and evaluation related knowledge and skills which will enable them to deliver the National curriculum Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out site visits in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carried out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Non Consulting Services for: Pre Services Training II for PNPM-Mandiri RESPEK for Papua and West Papua Province. IBRD Loan No. 7666-ID



20 May 2011 – 20 August 2011



Provinces of Papua and West Papua - Indonesia



World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs - Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The goals of this training were to orient and equip candidate district facilitator (technical and nontechnical) so they were ready mentally, with required skills and knowledge prior to their being placed in PNPM Mandiri Respek sites. In specific, the pre-service training for technical and nontechnical facilitators will be done with the goals of: (1) Increased the participants‟ understanding about the background, policies, principles, procedures and rules of PNPM Mandiri Respek; (2) Increased the skills of the participants in facilitating the processes of planning, implementation, control, and maintenance of the program, (3) Grown the commitment and the attitude of caring by the participants about the poor rural villagers and their ability to be self-sufficient, (4) Pre-service training also served as a selection mechanism for deciding who is qualified to be a District Technical or Non-technical Facilitators that passes active selection in order to be placed immediately as a consultant in the field Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed: 

Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out coordination with the Event Organizer Team in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress Page 8 of 19

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Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Non Consulting Services for: PNPM-MP Pre Services Training for North Maluku Province Facilitators. IBRD Loan No. 7666ID



20 May 2011 – 20 August 2011



Province of North Maluku - Indonesia



World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs - Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The goals of this training were to orient and equip candidate sub-district facilitators so they were ready mentally, with required skills and knowledge prior to their being placed in PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan sites. In specific, the pre-service training for candidates will be done with the goals are: (1) Increased the participants‟ understanding about the background, policies, principles, procedures and rules of PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan; (2) Increased the skills of the participants in facilitating the processes of planning, implementation, control, and maintenance of the program, (3) Grown the commitment and the attitude of caring by the participants about the poor rural villagers and their ability to be self-sufficient, (4) Pre-service training also served as a selection mechanism for deciding who are qualified to be a sub-district facilitators that passes active selection in order to be placed immediately as a consultant in the field Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out coordination with the Event Organizer Team in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Non Consulting Services for: Event Organizer for PNPM-MP Local Inspectorate Training Region I. IBRD Loan No. 7867ID



11 February 2011 – 11 May 2011



Jakarta – Indonesia



World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs - Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The goal of trainer consolidation for local inspectorate training were as follows: (1) Page 9 of 19

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increased the understanding of the PNPM – Rural guidelines in the minds of trainers for local inspectorate training, (2) Increased the understanding of National BPKP‟s Audit Manual for PNPM – Rural in the minds of trainers for local inspectorate training. Expected results from “Local Inspectorate Training” in regards to PNPM – Rural were as follows: (1) An effective and systematic audit system was built in accordance with the PNPM – Rural audit mechanism based on a community empowerment approach, (2) The audit by BPKP of PNPM – Rural can be performed by the provincial and district inspectorates in accordance with the rules, (3) The plans of the provincial and district inspectorates about the PNPM – Rural community-based audit approach can be performed for PNPM – Rural fiscal year 2010 implementation Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out coordination with the Event Organizer Team in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Non Consulting Services for: Event Organizer for PNPM-MP Pre-Service Training at Papua and West Papua Province. IBRD Loan No. 7505-ID, IBRD Loan No. 7666-ID, IDA 4835-IND



1 July 2010 – 1 October 2010



Provinces of Papua and West Papua - Indonesia



World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs - Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The goals of this training were to orient and equip candidate district facilitator (technical and nontechnical) so they were ready mentally, with required skills and knowledge prior to their being placed in PNPM Mandiri Respek sites. In specific, the pre-service training for technical and nontechnical facilitators will be done with the goals of: (1) Increased the participants‟ understanding about the background, policies, principles, procedures and rules of PNPM Mandiri Respek; (2) Increased the skills of the participants in facilitating the processes of planning, implementation, control, and maintenance of the program, (3) Grown the commitment and the attitude of caring by the participants about the poor rural villagers and their ability to be self-sufficient, (4) Pre-service training also served as a selection mechanism for deciding who is qualified to be a District Technical or Non-technical Facilitators that passes active selection in order to be placed immediately as a consultant in the field Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed: 

Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, and relevant stakeholders Page 10 of 19

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Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out coordination with the Event Organizer Team in connection with consolidation project administration and implementation

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Consulting Services for Regional Management Consultant V (RMC V) – National Community Empowerment Program – Rural. IDA Credit No. 4385-ID and IBRD Loan No. 7666-ID



May 2009 – April 2011



8 (eight) Provinces in Indonesia (South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South-east Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, North Maluku, Maluku)



World Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affair - Indonesia



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi, Jakarta - Indonesia

Main project features: Indonesian Government efforts in improving public welfare attempt to balance urban and rural development. In attempt to better coordinate the national effort, the Government of Indonesia launched the National Community Empowerment Program (NCEP). The main objectives of Regional Management Consultants (RMC) were : (i) provided the technical and management support for facilitators based at the district and sub-district levels to ensure comprehensive, efficient, and prompt implementation of the program in accordance with government expectations, (ii) supported the National NCEP and Provincial Coordination Team and the Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affair, in all technical and mangerial aspects of the Program including program implementation, program control and monitoring, and organizing special events at the regional and provincial level. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Carried out coordination with the Client, Team Leader, Regional Administrators. and Relevant Stakeholders

Arranged the Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Carried out site visit in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Carried out coordination with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated on coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared the periodic meetings of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged the periodic accountability reports of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or


Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI), Technical Assistance Package II Page 11 of 19

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Project, Loan No. 7427-IND/Credit No. 4260-IND



November 2008 – January 2011



9 (nine) Provinces in Indonesia (West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara) in 37 Districts – Indonesia.



World Bank – Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia



PT. INACON LUHUR PERTIWI Joint Venture with PT. Multi Area Conindo, PT. Phibetha Kalamwijaya and PT. Multi Area Desentralisasi Pembangunan

Main project features: The overall development objective of the project is to develop a demand-driven, market oriented agricultural services system, based on partnerships between farmer groups, public agencies and private sector enterprises at all levels. The outcome of increased accountability and effectiveness of public service provision in support of diversified farmer incomes would be achieved through: (i) Emphasis on improved governance of the process for award of grants for activities by farmer groups to ensure that the process of prioritization at village, district and provincial levels is farmer-driven and agro-ecologically relevant whilst the institutional capacity of extension and research services are strengthened to ensure good governance of environmental and social safeguards and provide necessary support services to farmer organizations (organization, information access and research). Agribusiness development in partnership with the private sector and supported by the technical resources of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), public and private agricultural support services; (ii) Emphasis on making larger partnerships work in practice through: district and provincial level funds to scale up successful villagelevel farmer-managed activities (FMAs) and implement supporting district and provincial planning and technical support activities. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Coordinated with the Client and 37 District Agribusiness Extension Consultants

Coordinated with Project Director dan Board of Management (BOM) Consortium in line with project management

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodically meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodically accountability report of project implementation progress


Name of assignment or project


Consultants for Development of Regional Financial Management Information and Reporting Systems (SIPKD and Regional SIKD), Loan No. 2193 (SF) – INO



December 2007 – November 2009



171 Districts/Cities in Indonesia



Asian Development Bank - Ministry of Home Affair Indonesia



PT. Inacon Luhur Pertiwi (Lead Firm) - PT. Usadi Sistemindo Page 12 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

Intermatika Main project features : The main objective of the SIPKD and Regional SIKD component was to successfully develop, install and maintain international best practice computerized SIPKD and Regional SIKD in all participating provinces and districts, so as to assist in the provision of improved budgeting, financial management and reporting practices, with a view to improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of regional public financial management outcomes, to help raise economic development and living standards of regional populations.The main objectives or purposes of the SIPKD and Regional SIKD component are: (i) To successfully develop, install and maintain computerized SIPKD and Regional SIKD and related hardware, software and networking systems in one hundred and seventy one (171) participating provinces and districts directly under the SIPKD and Regional SIKD componenti; (ii) To enhance financial management performance locally in the one hundred and seventy one (171) target locations as well as to speed up transmission of financial data to MOF, MOHA and other levels of regional government for provincial and national consolidations and for analysis purposes; (iii) To customize / configure existing products so as to provide software and systems to meet all requirements of the revised legal and regulatory framework; and (iv) To support training and professional development of regional staff to allow migration from the existing mix of manual and basic computerized financial approaches to a comprehensive computerized SIPKD and Regional SIKD with functionality approaching international best practice. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Coordinated with Project Director dan Board of Management (BOM) Consortium in line with project management

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodically meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodically accountability report of project implementation progress


Name of assignment or project


Consultant Contract Administration of Consulting Services for District Consultants on Kalimantan, Sulawesi and North Maluku of Second Kecamatan Development Project (KDP), IBRD Loan No. 4627-IND & IDA Credit 3535-IND.



June 2005 – February 2009



Region of Sulawesi, Kalimantan Indonesia



Word Bank – Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affair - Indonesia



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi





Main project features: In general, the KDP aimed at accelerating poverty alleviation as well as building the community and government institutions capacity in rural development implementation in order to promote their self-reliance to manage their own needs, and enhancing provision of community based socioeconomic infrastructure, with the Page 13 of 19

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following specific objectives: (i) Encouraging stakeholders in facilitation of development process through participatory approach, (ii) Capacity building of the community to improve their participation in development, (iii) Strengthening rural institutions, (iv) Encouraging stakeholders in facilitation of development process through participatory approach, (v) Capacity building of the community to improve their participation in development, (vi) Strengthening rural institutions, (vii) Increasing provision of socioeconomic infrastructure for rural community, (viii) Enhancing quality of life of the poor community through education and health, (ix) Generating business chance and business development opportunity for the poor groups of community Position Held


Chief Assistant of Central Administrator

Activities Performed: Assisted Chief of Central Adminstrator, in connection with:


Coordinated with the Client, Regional Administrators and Relevant Stakeholders

Carried out site visit in connection with consolidation, monitoring and evaluation of project implementation

Coordinated with Project Management Support (PMS) in connection with consolidation project administration

Arranged activity report

Name of assignment or project


Infrastructure Reform Sector Development Project (IRSDP) - Project Development Facility (PDF) Policy Study, ADB Loan No. 2264-INO (SF) & Dutch Grant No. 0064-INO



February 2008 – October 2008



Nation-wide (Indonesia)



Asian Development Bank - National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), State Ministry for National Development Planning



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi (Lead Firm) – Phibeta Kalam Wijaya

Main project features: The overall objective of the PDF Policy Study was “to ensure (the) long-term sustainability of the PDF” in regard to its core function of assisting with funding support to public sector implementing agencies to better prepare, bid, and execute transactions for potential PPP infrastructure projects throughout Indonesia, for both national and regional infrastructure projects. Specifically, it is required to formulate and develop: (i) Appropriate cost recovery, and consequent fund reflow, mechanisms for PPP infrastructure projects in Indonesia where PDF funding is provided to public sector implementing agencies (IAs) to prepare, bid and execute transactions leading to successful PPP projects, (ii) Appropriate institutional, legal/regulatory, and policy frameworks in order for the PDF to aim to achieve financial sustainability (on the revolving fund concept indicated above) so as to continue to facilitate the future program of PPP infrastructure in Indonesia on a longer term basis. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed: 

Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Coordinated with Project Director dan Board of Management (BOM) Consortium in line with project management


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Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO


Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodic meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodic accountability report of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project: Human Resources Development: Management and Updating Data Spatial (Package of PSPL-C4), ADB LoaN NO. 1770-INO (SF)



August 2007 – September 2007



Jakarta, Indonesia



Asian Development Bank - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi (Lead Firm) – PT Ridatama Kreasindo

Main project features: Activity of Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project: Human Resources Development: Management and Updating Data Spatial was application that refers to Local Government function as target activity in order to be able to manage and updating data spatial in Spatial Information Center in Provincial asn district level. Based on data spatial updating need empirical scientific as work reference to obtain qualified result. To fullfil concept so that the substance reference shall be sistematic and objective. The activity involved many parties from different capacity but in the other hand they must have perception. This activity aims to develop human resources through training of management and updating data spatial. Project implementation must be comprehensive to reach optimal result both pf budgeting and quality Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Coordinated with Project Director dan Board of Management (BOM) Consortium in line with project management

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodic meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodic accountability report of project implementation progress


Name of assignment or project


Study of Community Development at Railway Areas in Jakarta – Bogor – Depok – Tangerang - Bekasi



May 2006 – November 2006



Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) Indonesia



Ministry of Transportation, Directorate General of Railway Page 15 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

Affairs - Indonesia Employer


PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The project aimed to preparing concept community development at railway area in Jabodetabek to increase local community participation on monitoring and maintaining train facilitations. The purposes of this study are understanding and mapping problem and exploring the potency through activity comparative and comprehensively with community development by local community organization empowerment to supervise and maintenance facilitations at surrounding railway in Jabodetabek area to increase train safety and comfortably. This study focus on local community group/ community key person, organization, and rural officer/ sub district, Area scope of this study tracked in Jabotabek area are: Duri-Tangerang track, Tanah Abang-Serpong track, Manggarai-Bogor track and Jatinegara-Bekasi track. This study expected will be give benefit and as a recommendation to the leader about monitoring and maintaining facilitations along railway through community development at surrounding railway in Jabodetabek area by concepts; (1) Increasing community participation on maintaining train facilitations; (2) Social action activity (team work submission), by dialogue training; (3) Training of Non Government group by TOT model; (4) Forming Social Security, security group with skill community pattern; (5) Professional consultation by specialist direction to group, and (6) stimulant procurement including forming and organizing group, formulating program activity, and handling social conflict Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed


Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodic meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodic accountability report of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Schooling Drop-out Human Resources Quality Improvement Project through Training and Education focused on Processing of Agriculture and Fisheries Products



August 2005 – December 2005



District of Sarolangun, Jambi and District of Rembang, Central Java - Indonesia.



Ministry of Disadvantaged Area Development



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi

Main project features: The objective of the project were to: (1) broadening the vision and improving skill of human resource in the management of natural resources; (2) increasing job opportunity, minimizing unemployment especially for schooling drop-out; (3) raising PAD through optimally of empowerment; (4) improving competitiveness through local advantage products. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed: Page 16 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO


Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodic meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodic accountability report of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Mapping, Computerized, Map Digitation, Map Delivery, Inventory and Evaluation Land Resources Project, at Muna District, South East Sulawesi



July 2004 – December 2004



Muna District, South East Sulawesi - Indonesia



Directorate of Land Use Administration Board (BPN)



PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi




Main project features: The objectives of the project were: (1) provided the data and land information to support of natural resources planning and management; (2) Developed the land database on GIS format; (3) Formulated policy and program of land management, particularly land conflict in Pesisir Muna; and (4) Prepared and formulated land use pattern in Muna. Location activity of Project Stocktaking and Evaluation of Land Resources (INEV-SDL) Coastal Area at Coastal Area Muna District, in South-East Sulawesi broadly ± 150.000 ha. Position Held


Project Officer

Activities Performed:


Coordinated with the Client and Relevant Stakeholders

Arranged Internal Working Budget (IWB) as guideline for project budget management

Conducted monitoring to project implementation progress

Participated coordination meeting with Technical Team of the Client

Prepared periodic meeting of Board of Management (BOM)

Arranged periodic accountability report of project implementation progress

Name of assignment or project


Donation of Equipment/Capital To Alternative Livelihood and Ecosystem Improvement in Buton District, South East Sulawesi



September 2003 – November 2003



Buton District, South East Sulawesi - Indonesia



Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries



PT Erni Jaya sentosa

Main project features: The objective of the project was to give donation of equipment/capital in form of fish catching and aquaculture equipment to improve alternative livelihood to reduce pressured ecosystem of small islands based on community participation of small islands. The ouput of the project were : (i) Natural friendly fish catching equipment Page 17 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO

improvement, (ii) Community economic improvement in order to improve community prosperity, (iii) Constructing and shrinking artificial coral reefs as one of ecosystem improvement component; (iv) Community awareness improvement to marine ecosystem sustainability to reduce bombardment, anaesthetizing and other activities which destroying ecosystem Position Held


Fishery Specialist

Activities Performed:


Identified utilizing fish catching equipment and problems also strategic issues related with coastal ecosystem sustainibility.

Given alternative of naturall friendly fish catching equipment improvement;

Together with Expert Team arranged recommendation in line with community economic improvement in order to improve community prosperity;

Together with Exoert Team designed construction and shringking method of artificial coral reef as one of ecosystem improvement component;

Conducted socialization in connection with community awareness to marine ecosystem sustainability to reduce bombardment, anaesthetizing and other activities which destroying ecosystem

Arranged activity report

Name of assignment or project


Master Planning for Ecosystem Rehabilitation including Mangrove, Coral Reef, and Coastal Area Rehabilitation, through Participatory Planning Approach in Togian Island, Central Sulawesi.



July 2002 – October 2002



Poso District, Central Sulawesi - Indonesia



Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries



PT Parikesit Indotama

Main project features: The objective of the project was to assist the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs in preparing a five-year development program in which including annual development program. Services provided were selection of one representative island among the islands within the complex of Togian islands. In the pilot island assessment of physical condition and participatory socioeconomic survey were done for the basis of master plan preparation. Master plan included description of development programs, schedule of implementation, and cost estimates for the development programs implementation. Position Held


Oceanography/ Fishery Specialist

Activities Performed: 

Together with Expert Team formulated strategic issues to master plan preparation;

Carried out field surveys included socio-economic survey based on community participaoty approach, oceanographic and fishery survey;

Conducted discussion forum with local stakeholders to gain input and to support local community participation;

Conclused several information from local stakeholders and prepared community empowerment program to joined become five yearly master plan;

Conducted prsentation, meeting, and discussion to socialize development program; Page 18 of 19

Curriculum Vitae - MARINDRO


Arranged reporting laporan

Name of assignment or project


Food Crops Geographic Information System and Crop Modeling Development



September 2002 – December 2002



Java Island



Directorate General of Food Crop Production Found, The Ministry of Agriculture - Indonesia



Research Institution of Bogor Agriculture University (IPB) PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi -

Main project features: The project covered 5 (five) Provinces in Java Island i.e.: Banten, West Java, Central Java, D.I. Yogyakarta, and East Java, there are including all over regencies. The project objectives are: (i) Developed agricultural data bank of food crop which receivable and prepare sufficiency data to decision making and plan, (ii) Developed crop modeling which capable to support agricultural development plan of food crop. Prepared spatial database information system could be used by executives to know condition of food crop development in Java Island in case to set up program and action plan Position Held



Activities Performed:


Carried out field survey in connection with collecting primary and secondary data

Conducted inputing data and information of survey results

Arranged survey result report Certification .

I, undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experiences; I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. ______________________________________________ Date: _______02/01/2012____


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