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'(art18 6/17/05) (committee) 'A Rational Approach to Earth Management' SIAM News July/Aug 2001 (editor) 'Applied Math/Computing Programs at DOE:Focus is on Next-generations Capabilities' SIAM News 12/01 (editor) 'Medical/Seismic Imaging Problems Top Researcher Agenda at IPRPI' SIAM News 10/04 (editor) 'Meeting the World' Energy Needs' SIAM News 6/04 (Encycl.Britannica) 'Topological Group' (Integrety Systems) 'Elliptic Curve Cryptography' 98 (No Name) 'Anatolii Vladimirovich Skorokhod' Theory of Probability and It's Applications V45 #4 (No Name) 'Double Sided Gamma' (No Name) 'Hamiltonian & Lagrangian' (No Name) 'How to Catch a Higgs [Field]' U.Chicago Alumni May 2001 (Review) 'Invitation to an Unfamiliar Sort of Experimental Science:S. Wolfram's "New Kind of Science"' SIAM New Sept. 02 (Review) Krzysttof Silkorski 'Optimal Solution of Nonlinear Equations' SIAM Review 6/02 (various) CDOs and CLOs RISK 5/02 (various) 'Monetary Policy in Theory & Practice' FRB St. Louis Review July/Aug 01 (various) 'Real Options' J. Corp. Finance Summer 01 Aase Knut 'An Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model based on Levy Processes:Relations to Stochastic Volatility and the Survival Hypothesis' Insurance:Math. & Econ. 1/2001 Aase Knut 'Equilbrium Pricing in the Presence of Cumulative Dividends Following a Diffusion' MF 7/02 Aase Knut 'Equilibrium in a Reinsurance Syndicate:Existence & Characterization' ASTIN Bulletin 93 Aase Knut 'Premium in a Dynamic Model of Reinsurance Market' Scandinavian Acturial J. 93 Aase Knut 'Stochastic Continuous-Time Model Reference Adaptive Systems with Decreasing Gain' Adv. Appl. Prob. 1982 Abadie Alberto, Joshua Angrist, Guido Imbens 'Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Effect of Subsidized Training on the Quantiles of Trainee Earnings' Econometrica Jan 02 Abadir Karim, Kaddour Hadri, Elias Tzvalis 'Rejoinder to Comment by Doornik, Nielsen, and Rothenberg ' Abadir Karim, Paolo Paruolo 'Simple Robust Testing of Regression Hypotheses: A Comment 'Econometrica 9/02 Abaffy Jozsef, Marida Bertocchi, Jitka Dupaova 'A nonparametric model for analysis of the EURO bond market'J. Econ. Dynamics & Control 2003 Abate Joseph, Gagan Choudhury, Ward Whitt 'An Introduction to Numerical Transform Inversion & Its Application to Probability Models' 99 Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'An Operational Calculus for Probability Distributions via Laplace Transforms'8/94 Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'Computing Laplace Transforms for Numerical Inversion via Continued Fractions' J. Computing 99 Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'Transient Behavior of Regulated Brownian Motion I:Starting at the Origin' Adv. Appl. Prob. 1987 Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'Transient Behavior of Regulated Brownian Motion II:Non-Zero Initial Conditions' Adv. Appl. Prob. 1987 Abbad Mohammed, Khalid Rahhali 'Semi-infinite weighted Markov decision processes with perturbation'Math. of OR 10/04 Abbring Jaap, Gerad van den Berg 'The Nonparametric Identification of Treatment Effects in Duration Models' Econometrica 9/03

Abel Andrew 'Effects of a Baby Boom on Stock Prices & Capital Accumulation in the Presence of Social Security' Econometrica 3/03 Abhyankar Abhay, Devraj Basu 'Does Conditioning Information Matter in Estimating Continuous Time Interest Rate Diffusion?' JF&QA 9/01 Abraham R., L. Serlet 'Representations of the Brownian snake with drift'S&SR 2002 Abrahamson Allen 'A "One-Line" Simulator for Maxima or Minima on Drifting Brownian Paths' 5/02 Abrahamson Allen 'All Moments of Discrete & Continuous Arithmetic Averages on Brownian Paths:A Closed Form' 3/02 Abrahamson Allen 'Efficient Path-Dependent Valuation Using Lattices:Fixed & Floating Strike Asian Options' 5/03 Abreu Dilip, Markus Brunnemeier 'Bubbles and Crashes 'Econometric 1/03 Absil P., R. Mahony, R. Sepulctre, P. Van Dooern 'A Grassmann-Rayleigh Quotient Interation for Computing Invarient Subspaces' SIAM News 3/02 Abu-Mostafa Yaser, Blake LeBaron, Andreas Weigend (eds) 'Computational Finance 1999 MIT Press Acar Emmanuel, B. Maitra 'Hedging using Forward Rate Bias' RISK 2/2001 <currency, differential forward,correlation> Acedo F., F. Benito, Antonio Falco, A. Rubia, J. Torres 'A Computational Approach to the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing in a Single-Period Market' Computational Economics 12/01 Acerbi Carlo 'Spectral measures of risk: A coherent representation of subjective risk aversion' Journal Of Banking And Finance (26)7 (2002) Acerbi Carlo, Dirk Tasche 'On the coherence of expected shortfall' Journal Of Banking And Finance (26)7 (2002) Acharya Viral 'Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?' Taxation' JofF 12/03 Acharya Viral, Alberto Bisin ‘Optimal Financial-Market Integration and Security Design’ JofB 11/05 Acharya Viral, Iftekhar Hasan, Anthony Saunders ‘Should Banks Be Diversified? Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Portfolios’ JofB 7/06 Acharya Viral, Jennifer N. Carpenter 'Corporate Bond Valuation and Hedging with Stochastic Interest Rates and Endogenous Bankruptcy ' RFS Winter 02 Acharya Viral, Sanjiv Das, Rangarajan Sundarma 'Pricing Credit Derivatives with Rating Transitions' 2002 Achdou Yves 'An Inverse Problem for Parabolic Variational Inequality Arising in Volatility Calibration with American Options' SIAM J. Control & Opt. V.43, #5 3/05 Achdou Yves, O. Pironneau 'Volatility Smile by Multilevel Least Square' Inter. J. Theor. & Applied Finance 9/02 Acheson David '1089 & All That:Journey into Mathematics' Oxford Press, Reviewed SIAM News 4/04 Adamchuk Alexander 'From Supernova to Discovery to Supersymmetry in Finance' New Vistas in Mathematical Foundations of Finance 98 Adamic Lada 'Social Network Exposed' SIAM News 4/04 Adhikari S. 'Aspects of Combinatorics & Combinatorial Number Theory' 2002 Chapman & Hall/CRC Pub. Adler R. 'An Introduction to Continuity, Extemema & Related Topics for General Gaussian Processes' Insti. Math Studies 1990 Adler Robert 'Geometry of Random Fields' Wiley 1981 Adler Robert, Roger Tribe 'Uniqueness for a Historical SDE with a Singular Interaction ' 4/98 J. Theor. Prob. 'AER American Economic Review Afful Kofi 'AN EXPLANATION OF NON-EQUILIBRIUM CURRENCY BID-ASK SPREADS'IJT&AF 8/2004 Agarwal Ravi, Maria Meehan, Donal O'Regan 'Fixed Point Theory & Applications' 2001 Cambridge Press

Agarwal Ravi, Martin Bohner, Wan-Tong Li 'Nonoscillation Theory for Functional Differential Equations' Jan. 05 CRC Press Agca Senay, Donald Chance 'Speed & Accuracy Comparison of Bivariate Normal Distribution Aprroximations for Option Pricing' J. Comp. Finance Summer 03 Agca Senay, Donald Chance 'Two extensions for fitting discrete time term structure models with normally distributed factors' App. Math. Fin. 9/04 Aggarwal Rajesh, Andrew Samwick 'Performance Incentives within Firms: The Effect of Managerial Responsibility' JofF 8/03 Aggarwal Rajesh, Andrew Samwick 'Why Do Managers Diversify Their Firms? Agency Reconsidered' JofF 2/03 Aggarwal Reena, Nagpurnanand Prabhala, Manju Puri 'Institutional Allocation in Initial Public Offerings: Empirical Evidence' JofF 6/02 Aggoun Lakhdar, Robert Elliott 'Measure Theory & Filtering' 2004 Cambridge Press Aghion Philippe 'Schumpeterian Growth Theory and the Dynamics of Income Inequality' Econometrica 5/02 Agrawal Manindra, Neeraj Kayal, Nitin Saxena 'Primes is in P' 8/02 Aguirregabibia Victor, Pedro Mira 'Swapping the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm:A Class of Estimators for Discrete Markov Decision Models' Econometrica 7/02 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Bin Gao 'Locally Complete Markets, Exchange Rates & Currency Options' R. Deriv. Research V.6,#1 2003 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Jacob Boudoukh, Matthew Richardson, Robert Whitelaw 'Partial Adjustment or Stale Prices? Implications from Stock Index & Futures Returns Autocorrelations' RFS v.15 #2 2002 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Jeff Dewynne, Philip Hua, Antony Penaud, Paul Wilmott 'The End-of-theYear Bonus:How to Optimally Reward a Trader?' Interna. J. Theor.& App. Finance 5/02 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Jennifer Conrad, Robert Dittmar 'Risk Adjustment and Trading Strategies'RFS Summer 03 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Robert Dittmar, A. Ronald Gallant 'Quadratic Term Structure Models: Theory and Evidence 'RFS Spring 2002 Ahn Dong-Hyun, Robert Dittmar, A. Ronald Gallant, Bin Gao 'Purebred or Hybrid?: Reproducing the Volatility in Term Structure Dynamics' J. Econometric Aug 2003 Ahn Hee-Joon, Kee-Hong Bae, Kalok Chan 'Limit Orders, Depth, and Volatility: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong' JofF 4/2001 Ahrens J., U. Dieter 'Computer Methods for Sampling from the Gamma, Beta, Poisson & Binomial Distributions' Computing 74 Ai Chunrong, Xiaochon Chen 'Efficient Estimation of Models with Conditional Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions' Econometrica 11/03 Aihara Shin Ichi, Arunabha Bagchi 'Estimation of Stochastic Volatility in the HullWhite Model' App. Math Finance 9/2000 Aihara Shin Ichi, Arunabha Bagchi 'Optimal Portfolio Control for Parabolic Type Infinite-dimensional Factor Model with Power Utility' Bachelier Conference 2004 Aihara Shin Ichi, Arunabha Bagchi 'STOCHASTIC HYPERBOLIC DYNAMICS FOR INFINITEDIMENSIONAL FORWARD RATES AND OPTION PRICING' Mathematical Finance vol 15, #1 1/05 Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Closed-Form Likelihood Expansions for Multivariate Diffusions' NBER 2001 Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Disentangling Volatility From Jumps' JFE 12/04 , NBER 8/03 Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Discretely Sampled Diffusions: A Closed-form Approximation Approach' Econometrica Jan 02 Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Telling from Discrete Data Whether the Underlying Continuous-Time Model Is a Diffusion' JofF 10/02 Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Why Distinguishing Jumps from Volatility is Difficult' Bachelier conference 2002 Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Jefferson Duarte 'Nonparametric Option Pricing under Shape Restrictions' J. Econometric Aug 2003

Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Jonathan Parker, Motohiro Yogo 'Luxury Goods and the Equity Premium' JofF 12/04 Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Lan Zhang, Per Mykland 'A Tale of Two Time Scales: Determining Integrated Volatility with Noisy High-Frequency Data' to be Journal of the American Statistical Association Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Lars Hansen (editor) 'Handbook of Financial Econometrics' Elsevier Press Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Michael Brandt 'Variable Selection for Portfolio Choice', Discussion Jessica Wachter JofF 8/01 Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Per Mykland 'The Effects of Random & Discrete Sampling when Estimating Continuous-Time Diffusions' Econometrica 3/03 Ait-Sahlia Farid 'Corrected Random Walk Approximations to Free Boundary Problems in Optimal Stopping: Theory and Applications' lecture Stanford 2004 Ait-Sahlia Farid 'Optimal Stopping & Weak Convergence Methods for Some Problems in Financial Economics' PhD Stanford Oper.Research 1996 Ait-Sahlia Farid, Lorens Imhof, Tze Leung Lai 'Pricing & Hedging of American Knock-In Options' J. Derivatives Spring 04 Ait-Sahlia Farid, Tze-Leung Lai 'Approximations for American Options' 1/96 Ait-Sahlia Farid, Tze-Leung Lai 'Exercise Boundaries & Efficient Approximations to American Option Prices & Hedge Parameters' J. Comp.Fin. Summer 01 Akahori Jiro 'Quasi Pricing of Caps/Floors & Swaptions' 7/00 Akesson Fredrik, John Lehoczky 'Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of Mortgage-Backed Securities' MS 2000 Akgiray Vedat, Geoffrey Booth 'The Stable-Law Model of Stock Returns' J. Buss& Econ Stats. 88 Akhavein Jalal, W. Scott Frame, Lawrence J. White ‘The Diffusion of Financial Innovations: An Examination of the Adoption of Small Business Credit Scoring by Large Banking Organizations’ JofB 3/05 Akian Marianne, Agnes Sulem, Michael Taksar 'Dynamic Optimization of Long-Term Growth Rates for a Portfolio with Transaction Costs & Logarithmic Utility' MF 4/2001 Akrivis Georgios, Michel Crouzeix, Vidar Thomee 'Numerical Methods for Ultra-Parabolic Equations' Calcol 96 Akulenko Leonid, Segei Nesterov 'High Precision Methods in Eigenvalue Problems & Their Applicaitons' 2004 CRC Press Alaton Peter, Boualem Djehiche, David Stillberger 'On Modelling & Pricing Weather Derivatives' App. Math. Finance 3/02 Albanese Claudio 'Credit Exposures, Diversification Risk & Coherent VaR' 97 Albanese Claudio, Alexey Kuznetsov 'Affine Lattice Models' IJT&AF 3/05 , 2003? Albanese Claudio, Alexey Kuznetsov 'Discretization Schemes for Subordinated Processes' <9/03 <stochastics><no-arbitrage> Albanese Claudio, Alexey Kuznetsov 'Underlying Volatility Models' Risk 3/04 Albanese Claudio, Alexey Kuznetsov 'Unifying the Three Volatility Models' 6/03 <state dependent, stochastic, jumps> Albanese Claudio, Alexey Kuznetsov, Pierre Hauviller 'A Classification Scheme for Integrable Diffusions' 8/02 <stochastics> Albanese Claudio, Giuseppe Campolieti 'Extensions of the Black-Scholes Formula' 4/2001 Albanese Claudio, Giuseppe Campolieti 'Integrability by Quadratures of Pricing Equations' Jan 01 <squared Bessel, CEV> Albanese Claudio, Giuseppe Campolieti 'New Families of Integrable Diffusions' 4/2001 Albanese Claudio, Giuseppe Campolieti, Oliver Chen, Andrei Zavidonov 'Credit Barrier Models' RISK 6/03 , wp 1/03

Albanese Claudio, Giuseppe Campolieti, Peter Carr, Alexander Lipton 'Black-Scholes Goes Hypergeometric'RISK 12/01 , wp 8/01 Albanese Claudio, Ken Jackson, Petter Wiberg 'A New Fourier Transform Algorithm for Value-at-Risk'QF 6/04 Albanese Claudio, Luis Seco 'Harmonic Analysis in Value at Risk Calculations'U. Toronto Albanese Claudio, Oliver Chen 'Credit barrier models in a discrete framework' Mathematics of finance : Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Mathematics of Finance 2003 Albanese Claudio, Oliver Chen 'Implied Migration Rates from Credit Barrier Models' 6/03 Albanese Claudio, Oliver Chen 'Pricing equity default swaps' RISK 6/05 Albanese Claudio, Sebastian Jaimungal, Dmitri Rubisov 'A Jump Model with Binomial Volatility' 3/2001 Albanese Claudio, Sebastian Jaimungal, Dmitri Rubisov 'A Two-State Jump Model' QF 4/03 Albanese Claudio, Sebastian Jaimungal, Dmitri Rubisov 'Model of Lines for Option Pricing with Jumps' 1/2001 <Euro,Amer.,Bermuda,variance-gamma> Albanese Claudio, Stephan Lawi 'Generating Functions for Stochastic Integrals' <stochastics> 1/04 Albanese Claudio, Stephan Lawi 'Laplace Transforms for Integrals of Markov Processes' 2/05 <markov> Albeverio Sergio, Eugene Lytvynov, Andrea Mahnig 'A model of the term structure of interest rates based on Lévy fields' SP&A 2004 Albeverio Sergio, Victoria Steblovskaya 'A Model Of Financial Market With Several Interacting Assets.Complete Market Case' to be Finance and Stochastics 2002 <multi-dimensional, B-S> Albeverio Sergio, Xuelei Zhao 'A Decomposition Theorem for Lévy Processes on Local Fields ' 1/01 J. Theor. Prob. Albrecher Hansjorg 'The Valuation of Asian Options for Market Models of Exponential Levy Type' 2004 in Proc. 2nd Actuarial & Financial Math. Days Albrecher Hansjorg, Jan Dhaene, Marc Goovaerts, Wim Schoutens 'Static Hedging of Asian Options under Levy Models:Comonotonicity Approach. UCS Report 2004 Albrecher Hansjorg, Jan Dhaene, Wim Schoutens 'STATIC HEDGING OF ASIAN OPTIONS UNDER LÉVY MODELS' J. of Derivatives Spring 05 Albrecher Hansjorg, Martin Predota 'Bounds & Approximations for Discrete Asian Options in a Variance-Gamma Model' Grazer Math. Ber. 2002 Albrecher Hansjorg, Martin Predota 'On Asian Option Pricing for NIG Levy Processes' J. Comput. Appl Math 2004 Albrecher Hansjorg, Wim Schoutens 'Static Hedging of Asian Options under Stochastic Volatility Models Using Fast Fourier Transforms.' in A. Kyprianou, et al 'Exotic Option Pricing & Advanced Levy Models' Wiley 2004 Albrecker Hansjoerg, Reinhold Kainhofer 'Risk Theory with a Nonlinear Dividend Barrier' Computing V. 68, 2002 <survival, parabolic dividend barrier> Aldrich Simon, William Greenberg, Brook Payner 'A Capital Markets View of Mortgage Servicing Rights' J. Fixed Income 6/2001 Aldroubi Akram, Katlheinz Grochenig 'Nonuniform Sampling & Reconstruction in ShiftInvariant Spaces' SIAM Review 12/01 Aleksander Janicki, Aleksander Weron 'Simulations & Chaotic Behavior of Alpha-Stable Stochastic Processes' Dekker 94 Aleksander Janicki, Ivilina Popova, Peter Ritchken, W. Woyczynski 'Option Pricing Bounds in an Alpha-Stable Security Market' Comm. in Stats-Stochastic Models' Alessandrini Giovanni, Antonino Morassi, Edi Rosset 'Detecting an Inclusion in an Elastic Body by Boundary Measurements' SIAM Review 9/04

Alexander Carol (Ed) Mastering Risk' Prentice Hall 2001 Alexander Carol 'Common Correlation Stuctures for Calibrating the LIBOR Model' 6/02 U. Reading Alexander Carol 'How to Generate Covariance Matrices' <positive semidefinite>Wilmott Publications 8/01 Alexander Carol 'Normal mixture diffusion with uncertain volatility: Modelling short and long-term smile effects' Journal of Banking and Finance 12/04 Alexander Carol 'Volatility & Correlations:Measurement, Models & Applications' Risk Mangement & Analysis V.1 1999 Alexander Carol, Andrew Scourse 'Bivariate normal mixture spread option valuation' QF 12/04 , 12/03 Alexander Carol, Emese Lazar 'Normal Mixture GARCH(1,1): Applications to Exchange Rate Modelling'SSRN 2004 Alexander Carol, Emese Lazar 'The Continuous Limit of Normal Mixture GARCH' SSRN 7/04 Alexander Carol, George Brintalos 'Pricing Options with a Term Structure for Kurtosis: An Extension of the Finite Normal Mixture Local Volatility Model' ISMA 2003 Alexander Carol, George Brintalos, Leonardo Nogueira 'Short-term & Long-term Smile Effects:The Binomial Normal Mixture Diffusion Model' 3/03 Alexander Carol, Leonardo Nogueira 'Hedging with Stochastic Local Volatility' SSRN 7/04 Alexander Carol, S. Narayanan 'Option Pricing with Normal Mixture Returns: Modelling Excess Kurtosis & Uncertainity in Volatility' ISMA Center 2001 Alexander David 'Heterogenous Beliefs, Trading Risk, and the Equity Premium' Bachelier Conference 2004 Alexander Gordon, Alexandre Baptista 'A Comparison of VaR & CVaR Constraints on Portfolio Selection with the Mean-Variance Model' MS 9/04 Alford Jonathan, Nick Webber 'Very High Order Lattice Methods for One Factor Models 1/2001 Ali Paul Usman 'New Applications for Credit Derivatives' 2001 Aliev Fazil 'New Characterization of Discrete Distribution Through Weak Records' SIAM Theor.Prob&App. v44 Alili Larbi, Andreas Kyprianou 'Some Remarks on the First Passage of Levy Processes, the American put & Pasting Principles' to be Annals of App. Prob. , wp 2002 Alili Larbi, Pierre Patie, Jesper Lund Pedersen 'Hitting Time of a Fixed Level by an OU Process' EHT Zurich 2003 Alizadeh Sassan, Michael Brandt, Francis Diebold 'Range-Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models' JofF 6/02 Allaart Pieter 'Optimal stopping rules for correlated random walks with a discount'Journal of Applied Probability 6/2004 Allayannis George, Gregory Brown, Leora Klapper 'Capital Structure and Financial Risk: Evidence from Foreign Debt Use in East Asia' Taxation' JofF 12/03 Allayannis George, J. Weston 'The Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives and Firm Market Value' RFS 1/2001 Allegretto Walter, Yanping Lin, Hongtao Yang 'A Finite Element Method for Pricing American Put Options on Zero-Coupon Bonds' U. Alberta 5/2001 Allegretto Walter, Yanping Lin, Hongtao Yang 'Finite Element Error Estimates for a Nonlocal Problem in American Option Valuation' SIAM J. Num. Anal. 2001 Allen Franklin 'Do Financial Institutions Matter?' JofF 8/01 Allen Franklin, Douglas Gale 'Financial Intermediaries and Markets' Econometrica 7/04 Allgower Eugene, Kurt Georg 'Introduction to Numerical Continuation Methods' SIAM Press 2003 Almazan Andres, Javier Suarez 'Entrenchment and Severance Pay in Optimal Governance Structures' JofF 4/03

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