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  • Words: 585
  • Pages: 2
Jesus Barabbas: This literary work, such as it is, is Dedicated to God Almighty and His EverLiving Son, -at Whose His Holy Feet this unworthy author imbibed the Sweet Elixir of His Holy Naam or Word. Be it Known to All and Sundry that the information and opinions expressed herein are original and my own... seemingly iconoclastic and controversial to acquiescent 'Christians' and Jewish orthodoxy but honest and true (to the best of my ability) and, not for the faint of heart. I write this material as a direct result of the 'Church's' deafening silence -engendered by the so-called 'Holy Gospels' or 'The Holy Word of God', particularly as it pertains to Jesus Barabbas specifically and, Judas the Galilean and Saul of Tarsus -aka the Apostle and eventual Saint Paul in general. Although Jesus Barabbas and Jesus Christ are otherwise inexorably intertwined, I make no reference to or comment upon "Jesus Christ" of 'Paul's' epiphany and subsequent literary work. Indeed, this literary 'work' is diametrically opposed to 'Paul' (and his cohorts Mark and Luke), -the actual creators and founders of 'Christianity'. That said, let us look at what we have concerning the man named "Jesus (but who was called) Barabbas"... first written in the original Greek Gospel according or attributed to Mathew (see 27:17), -His 'name' (Jesus) was removed or omitted from the Latin translation of the same text (around 390 A.D.) and most of the subsequent translations thereafter. Moreover, 'Barabbas' is not a proper name or surname per se' (any more so than is "Christ"), -it is, rather, an Aramaic appellation, the meaning of which is: Bar = Son + Abba = Father (as in 'the Father of us all' or 'God'). Hence, we have "Jesus (the) Son of God"... like it or not. Not wishing to 'throw the baby out with the bath-water' (so to speak), as one may or may not be tempted to do as it pertains to the contradictions, incongruities and just plain incomprehensible non-sense of so-called 'Holy Gospels' or 'Holy Word of God' of the 'Christians', nevertheless, I maintain that there is a germ of 'truth' deeply hidden in the Holy Scriptures of the world's 'religions' and is not limited to any one 'religion' or single 'Book'. 'Holy Scripture', divinely inspired writings, are 'testimonies' of eye-witnesses to the glory of some living Godman -who has always come into the world for the specific purpose of initiating wayward souls onto the path leading 'homeward', -hopefully, He Wills to continue at His Father's commandment. We, by ourselves, can never even hope to achieve 'salvation' or discover the path that leads to our 'eternal home'. As in all things, we are at the mercy, kindness, love and dependency of various 'teachers' (be they mother, father, sister or brother) throughout our lives, -anyone who assumes otherwise is a fool. Like a Lighted 'Candle', He lights another (we cannot light ourselves), then the 'Candle' is consumed and is no more, - the Light itself remains and is the same as before. In like manner, He Himself has been 'lighted' by His 'Teacher', 'Guru', 'Saint' or 'Master' (of the time) -call Him whatever you will... all is the same. We, blind and dumb, assume and hope in the 'words' of 'Books' (divinely inspired, lofty, noble or otherwise) and utterly fail to sit at His Holy Feet, -'believing' instead that He came earlier and. will come again sometime later, -but is not here now.

I beg to differ. To be continued... Roland, -a reluctant iconoclast http://www.jesusbarabbas.info

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