Unlock The Power Of Device Id To Combat Online Fraud And Abuse

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iovation ReputationManager

Unlock the Power of Device ID

to combat online fraud and abuse Online businesses today face a daunting battle in combatting online fraud and abuse. Existing identity-based and credit risk scoring systems are being challenged by fraudsters and fraud rings. They capitalize on cheap identities they use to repeatedly target a business or industry.

“iovation has been nothing short of a miracle. They’ve created what is in my opinion the very best third-party anti-fraud system out there.”

Using device identification to establish device reputations and expose repeat offenders and fraud rings changes everything. Now our clients can answer the following questions for any online interaction.

– John Kothanek, Director Risk & Fraud, Obopay

• Have I or my peers seen this PC before? • Does it have a history of fraud or abuse that I care about?


against a device. The service does not

Fact-based Fraud Management

ReputationManager is a Software-as-

impact the customer experience and

iovation combines device parameters

a-Service (SaaS) solution that reduces

does not require any personally

and sophisticated pattern matching

operational costs, fraud losses and

identifiable information (PII).

techniques to accurately identify a

online abuse while supporting

user’s device. This is done without

scalability and growth of the online

The service is built on iovation’s

impacting the user’s online

business. Using device identification

Device Reputation Authority™ (DRA)

experience—in many cases, without

technology to create reputations for

database, the world’s only shared

any software downloads. Once a

tens of millions of Internet-enabled

device reputation network that

customer’s device is uniquely

devices, the service determines within

manages the reputations of more than

identified, the system develops and

milliseconds whether an online

100 million computers and mobile

maintains a fact-based reputation for

transaction is coming from a computer

devices worldwide.

the device based on its historical

that has a history of fraud or abuse.

usage—appropriate or fraudulent—for

Subscribing customers use this

Reputation Management Offers:

real-time forensic analysis.

information to gain better insight into

• Fact-based Fraud Management

Subsequently, fraudulent or abusive

the computers accessing their network

• Discovery of Hidden Associations

activity is uncovered with minimal false

so they can take immediate action

• IP Geolocation Data

positives to mitigate the risk of

iovationiovation ReputationManager Reputation Manager™ ™

alienating good users or causing

console’s forensic capabilities allow

operational inefficiencies. Customers

investigation and reporting of fraud. If

can, in real-time, query the reputation

fraud is associated with one of the

of a device with pre-configured

devices or accounts, all associated

business rules that are most relevant

devices and accounts can be flagged

to the transaction being screened. For

at once to prevent repeat offenders

example, when processing a financial

from hiding behind multiple identities.

transaction, a subscriber can query for evidence of prior fraud or identity theft

IP Geolocation Data

while ignoring other types of evidence,

Checking an online user’s location is

such as chat abuse or spam.

useful in detecting and preventing fraud when a disproportionate number

Hidden Associations

of transactions from that location are

Fraud and abuse is reported against

fraudulent. Location data can also be

accounts or transactions through

used for compliance programs with

ReputationManager’s administration

regulatory restrictions regarding online

console. A device’s reputation is, in

customers’ locations. The geolocation

turn, affected by accounts accessed

data provided by ReputationManager

from it or by transactions completed

includes country, state/region, city,

using it. Associations among devices

and ISP codes. For forensic analysis

and accounts are formed whenever a

this data is displayed through the

device accesses an account. These

system’s console. Additionally,

hidden associations are identified in

subscribers can query the system in

real-time, and the administrative

real-time for IP geolocation data.

Forre s t er Ca se S t udy

Proven ROI iovation helped a Fortune 100 company: • Identify over 43,000 fraudulent credit applications in 1st year • Experience a breakeven payback within 6 months • Save $8 million with a 321% ROI

For every dollar spent on iovation, customer saved more than $7.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that the same device created 100 new accounts within the last hour?

With the New Account Velocity report, fraud managers can run reports specifying a minimum number of account creations.

iovation ReputationManager

Reputation Sharing With Reputation Sharing configured, a Web site that is protected by iovation ReputationManager can benefit from device reputation intelligence contributed to the iovation DRA network by other subscribers to proactively defend against online fraud. If a device is used to access a Web site for the first time, the site benefits from the system’s knowledge of any prior fraudulent activity from that device submitted by other subscribing sites. Subscribers can choose to submit evidence to the reputation database with complete anonymity.

The Power of Sharing Using pre-defined evidence categories and types, subscribers can configure trust rules for real-time fraud and abuse prevention, such as choosing to deny a purchase from a device associated with chargeback and/or shipping address fraud submitted by other trusted subscribers. Subscribers also have the option to not trust evidence from others in the network in their real-time decisioning but simply to use this shared information for monitoring purposes.

Exposes extended relationships with other networks. Our clients benefit from the 100 million devices in our database. Eight percent of devices are seen at multiple customer sites across various industries. Even if this is the first time a device touches your site—if it has a history of fraud and abuse at another site within our global network—you’ll know about it.

• Expands a single network into a centralized, global fraud database. • Subscribers benefit from peers’ resources, tools, and expertise.

iovation ReputationManager

Reputation Management Key Features & Attributes



Highly Accurate Device Identification

Combines device parameters and pattern matching techniques to uniquely identify devices, without requiring software downloads

Highly accurate and user-transparent device identification without impacting user experience

Device and Account Associations

Uncovers direct and indirect device-to-account associations

A proven method for detecting new and existing account fraud and fraud rings

Fact-Based Fraud Management

Uses the reputation of the customer’s device to detect and prevent online fraud

Enables fraud control without false positives to avoid impacting good customers

Real-time Reputation Queries

Return the reputation of a device based on pre-defined business rules and evidence types relevant to the transaction

Offers ease of integration and support for transaction specific risk assessment

IP Geo-location data

Provides country, state/region, city, and ISP codes associated with the IP address of the user’s device

Enables geographic risk assessment and compliance to regulatory requirements

Comprehensive Fraud Management Reports

Reporting and analysis tool for fraud analysts and customer service representatives

Fraud managers can efficiently perform forensic analysis, monitor and prevent fraud

Audit Logs

Audit log of device access attempts and user logins

Ensures system access policies are being followed to meet internal and external compliance & audit needs

Business Rules

Customize the fraud categories you care about and whose evidence you will act on

This provides a highly flexible system that allows you to tune your response to unique fraud management evidence

Key Features & Attributes



Shared Device Reputation

Allows subscribing companies to share device reputation/evidence information to proactively combat online fraud

Offers a highly proactive fraud management capability guarding against known fraud

Reputation Trust Rules

Configurable rules for sharing and taking action based on evidence submitted by other subscribers

Enables you to act on your own information or also act on your peers’ information—We give you the flexibility

Audit Logs

Provides an audit log of customer access attempts and devices

Ensures meeting internal and external compliance needs

Reputation Sharing

For more information and a demonstration on how iovation ReputationManager can help you combat online fraud and abuse within your business, please email [email protected], call +1 (503) 224-6010 or visit www.iovation.com.

Legal Notice: ©2008 All rights reserved. All product or service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of iovation or their respective owners.


111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 Portland, Oregon 97204 +1 503.224.6010 www.iovation.com Sales inquiries: [email protected]

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