University Project Details

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI GUIDELINES FOR FINAL PROJECT (100 MARKS) FOR SEMESTER V Objective: To give the student an opportunity to do in-depth research on any area of their choice in order to gain extensive exposure to that field of study. Why engage in research? • • • • •

An individualized method of learning In-depth treatment of a topic of personal interest with input from a faculty/industry expert Helpful if applying for distinguished international fellowships Important if going on to graduate studies in an analytical discipline Research skills are useful for decision-making in the private and public sectors.

Introduction: The BMS 100 mark project is a comprehensive dissertation on any topic which must fall into the following broad categories: 1) General Management 2) Economics 3) Finance 4) Marketing 5) Others It is highly recommended that the project be a LIVE project in conjunction with industry and it include some component of primary research in order to gain a competitive edge over other projects. The project is also an excellent testimony of the three year’s academic expertise the student has acquired and can be used to demonstrate that for job interviews and applications for post graduate studies. Thus it advised that the student choose a topic related to the field they aspire to work in and are passionate about. No student shall attempt the same topic from the same college and thus please check the project register before submitting your topic. Project Guides: It is mandatory to have a project guide for the projects who can be an internal/external faculty or a resource person from industry. It is essential that that the person possess a Master’s degree or any other professional qualification ( CA/CS) and the required expertise in that field. Assessment: This project is included in the mark sheet of semester V and a grade is allocated to it. It is normally assessed in the sixth semester. Deadline for project title: 13th April, 2006. To be registered in the project register in the BMS office. Deadline for project completion: The project needs to be submitted the first day the college reopens in the second term.


● All projects must be typed on A-4 sheets, font size one and half spacing on executive bond paper. ● 2 Rexin bound copies must be submitted. ● Each project guide must have NOT more than 15 students under him/her. All projects must contain the following minimum requirements. PREPATORY PARTS: ► Cover to be labeled with the report title, the writer’s name (optional) and the submission date (optional). ► The project report shall be from the functional areas of management or from the modules of BMS syllabi. ► Title Page: The Title Page should include 4 blocks of information Title of the report. Name address of the person, organization that authorizes the report (if any). Name, address of the College and the student who prepared the report. Date on which the report was submitted. ► Project Certificate in the Proforma given on page 3 to be added after the title page of the project ►Table of contents. ► List of Illustrations and Visual Aids. ► Synopsis or Executive Summary. TEXT OF THE REPORT ● The project report shall have appropriate Chapter Scheme and be presented in total indicative pages of 50-60 ● Introduction: ● Body: It consists of the major sections or chapters (with various levels of headings) that present, analyse and interpret the findings gathered as part of your investigation. These chapters contain the “proof” the detailed information necessary to support your conclusions and recommendations. ● Tools of Data Collection (if used) should be specified. ● Conclusions: The writer’s analysis of what the findings mean. These are the answers to the questions that led to the report. ● Recommendation: Opinions, based on reasons and logic about the course of action that should be taken.

SUPPLEMENTARY PARTS ● Acknowledgements and Bibliography: You have ethical and legal obligations to give the other people credit for their work. Acknowledging your source also enhance the creditability of your Report. By citing reference of Books and Websites in the text, you demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched the topic. ● Annexure ● Sample questionnaire (if used). PROJECT CERTIFICATE PROFORMA D E C LARAT I O N I _____________________________________________ of ______________________ College of TYBMS (Sem 5) hereby declare that I have completed this project on _________________________________________ in the Academic Year ____________. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Student

C E RT I F I CAT E I _______________________________ hereby certify that _______________________ of __________________________________ College of TYBMS (Sem 5) has completed project on _____________________________________________________________ in the academic year ______________________. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Project Co-ordinator

Signature of the Principal of the College/Institution

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